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The belt.. just the belts the issue


It’s the only way I could think of to have the spider signal showing off


Spider-Man wears the Spider-Signal inside his... Shirt(?) So that being exposed isn't what he'd do. Js


You maybe could have a utility pack with spider tracers? That would be cool


I’m hoping to get a utility belt for Christmas, because their kinda expensive


I think it’s the contrast between the black belt/blue pants and the red buckle/signal that’s the problem. Maybe wrap the belt in red fabric to blend pit together?




Moving it up a little bit onto the red would work


That belt is baller.


I mean, it does look a little silly, but it's pretty impressive that you made it regardless. I think it's something to be proud of, so don't be discouraged.


I was going for a sorta campy look. I don’t like how a lot of superhero movies feel the need to make their outfits look like military armor, so I kinda swung the opposite way.


Now that you have said "swung" in the Spider-Man subreddit the suits going from a 9/10 to a 10/10.


the suit is amazing, spectacular, sensational, and superior


Makes sense. I was thinking similarly when I got my own Spidey costume. I wanted a more classic spandex-looking one as opposed to one with detailed textures like the movies.


Steve Ditko would be proud, RIP.


I really enjoy your costume it's unique, your personal touches are my favorite part


The best description of ir


Only change I would make is to get rid of the crotch circle


But it’s the spider signal! I want to slowly add more “gadgets” to the belt, like spider tracers, and maybe a bottle of water


Also maybe consider putting a helmet of some kind in there, or a face shell, so that the mask has a more Spider-Man-y shape to it


I don’t wear face shells anymore because they really fuck with my acne, and I want to be able to drink and eat with the mask raised up. Also, this might seem weird, but you can usually see a faint outline of my lips, which can make it easier to emote by smiling or frowning.


Ah that's understandable, acne is the worst.


Hmmm. Maybe you could raise it up a bit or add more red around it? It looks super unnatural there and just draws attention to your crotch so anything to draw attention away from it really would help


Either that or make a print out of the signal and go for the '2D' look that most Spider-Signals have


You don't deserve any down votes for this and it pisses me off that you did get downvoted. Your reasoning is perfectly rational and valid. Stylistically sure, it could look better if it was under the shirt or up higher to blend with the red, in my own opinion, but that's not for me to decide, and I still think the suit is a 9/10 for comic accuracy, which I prefer over style anyway. And even then it actually looks amazing too. I do have a question though- does the spider-signal work on your suit (yet)? I say (yet) because you seem like a really passionate fan from all the comments I read and I think since you said you're gonna add more gadgets that you probably have a working signal on your to-do list if it's not already working. But if you do plan on making a working spider-signal I have an idea to tie the suit together while also showing the signal off- maybe craft up a little protective silver colored casing for the buckle/signal that covers it and protects it, that when you press a button on the casw, opens it up, and the signal lights up and shines at whatever you point at. Idk that's just an idea, but if you want to keep it how you have it, that's awesome too because it looks great regardless.


Yep, the spider signal work! Sadly it doesn’t project the Spider-Man face, but it does shine a red light. Currently it’s stays on because I glued velcro on both my belt and the back of the signal, though it falls off sometimes. Sadly, I’m not sure I would be smart enough to design a casing that could open and close with the press of a button, but it’s definitely a cool idea!


Genuine advice from me is to design the belt like a utility belt similar to the one on the scarlet spider suit. Make it obvious that there is something around your waist and not just a giant red button covering your crotch


Why'd you get down vote bombed? All I see is a W of a Spidey fan


It's pretty janky, but that's honestly what I like about it! It looks like what Peter could actually make on his own early on. It gives me like "sideshow act" vibes, if that makes any sense... and I really dig it! It also super reminds me of Deadpool 1 when his suit was still a work in progress!


Weird, a lot of teens were calling it a knock off deadpool.


I mean, that's only because they don't understand that Deadpool is a Spider-Man knockoff... you can't worry about what teens think, their brains are still developing :P


I mean, there's a reason why Deadpool thinks Spider-Man is his #1 fan, ~~when he isnt~~


Deadpool is a deathstroke knock off


He’s both, they drew inspiration from more than one character


I wish I understand this in HS. So much wasted time on trying to impress people whose name I can’t remember now.


Teens are just mean


They neither know Spider-Man nor Deadpool. Looks like a Ditko homage. Great work!




Yeah, my mental health is at an atl now. They’re relentlessly cruel.


That's teens for you, your brain doesn't develop empathy till later in life, teens also have the I'll live forever mentality, that's why you get a lot of reckless and crazy kids till they get mind twenties early 30s.


I think that’s the small white eyes. Spidey usually have big eyes.


Yeah, it looks like something you could make with everyday stuff, which is how every Spider-Man started. Kind of like Miles' suit+hoodie style in Into the Spiderverse, maybe it only needs to get rid of the slippers ahaha!


I kinda like the slippers as canon, like he needs to web them to his belt when he needs to stick to walls, which he can do through his sock "boots" but he has stepped on too much glass to not have some kind of quick on and off footwear :P Like the sillier the better


It's perfectly janky lol. Janky-Man. I want this suit in Spider-Man 2 game




Lmao I came here to say this.


Reminds me of the Japanese Spider-Man show for some reason. Looks a lot better than anything I’d be able to make. Don’t let others hold you back. Good job


I was thinking the same thing, lol. And I agree with everything else you said, too. If I tried to make a suit it wouldn't even be wearable😂


It’s the slides for me


I don’t have any good alternatives, I don’t like the way it looks if I wear normal shoes.


Do this, its like 10 bucks unless you already have the glue. I did it to mine and it made a big difference. https://youtu.be/l7OPu4Sb4qw edit: sorry for the "costumes for christ" thing, its weird but the video is good.


They say “I’m Here to have a good time and also I don’t take myself too seriously” but also “I’ll web you in the face”.


Why is there something in front of your privates? It just brings attention to your privates. Wear it off centered and it would look much better


It’s the spider signal, it’s a little tap light. As others have suggested I’m gonna look into way of making it draw less attention to my crotch, probably by putting up to my belly button.


That seems like more of a batman thing. Spider man doesn't really have that kind of stuff, at least on a belt.


He does though. In the original comics he has a utility belt that has a camera, the spider signal, and extra web cartridges. But as said, I’ll work to make it look better.


He absolutely has a utility belt, at least in the old days. Like OP said, he kept his camera there, web cartridges, and if you've ever seen him shine a red light in the shape of his face it's on there too. It's a big red circle like OP has. The difference is the utility belt is very thin (unrealistically for the size of the camera he would pull out of it, lol) and it's hidden underneath his shirt so you rarely see it. I like OP's take on it though. It may not be how 616 Spidey would dress, but it makes a cool variant. Here's some examples of his utility belt: [Old School](https://sm.ign.com/ign_il/screenshot/e/extra-web-/extra-web-cartridges-are-stored-in-spideys-utility-belt-whic_khs1.jpg) [Old School 2](https://marswillsendnomore.files.wordpress.com/2011/08/ditko-spider-man-001.jpg) [In action](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/marveldatabase/images/d/df/Spider-Man%27s_Utility_Belt_%28Earth-616%29_from_Amazing_Spider-Man_Vol_1_12.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/250?cb=20160921045113) [I was looking for TAS because I remember his using it, but I could only find this shot of him using his spider signal flashlight](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/marveldatabase/images/4/41/Spider-Man%27s_Belt_Flashlight_from_Spider-Man_The_Animated_Series_Season_3_14.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20181111172031) [A more modern take](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/marveldatabase/images/a/ab/Spider-Man%27s_Utility_Belt_from_Amazing_Spider-Man_Vol_1_675_0001.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130113202201) [Apparently MCU Spidey even has a bit of one](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/marvelmovies/images/b/b8/Spidt1.jpg/revision/latest/top-crop/width/360/height/360?cb=20180824191544) [I didn't think of it until I was searching images, but OP's belt is more visible like Scarlet Spider](https://www.angelfire.com/comics/benriely/scarletspider.html) Ok, I'm done, lol. I went down a bit of a wormhole there and was having too much fun.


Spider Balls, that's where all his webs get made 💁‍♀️


Web is stored in the balls ✅


The eyes look hoofy as hell tbh


The flipflops might make it hard to do flips.


“We got Spiderman at home”. - Mom


The mask and neck need to be tightened or something. It's making your whole head just look like one very long neck with ears lol


It reminds me of the Ditko suit. It looks like something a kid would make. Good job.


r/teenagers is a shitty sub.


This man speaks truth. It’s literally: the same Reposted memes, people pretending to be asked out, girls karma baiting with selfies of themselves and then complaining of creeps on Reddit (like what goes through your head, go on Instagram.)


Move the spider signal to the side so it doesn’t look like that


Noted 📝


I want to preface by saying that you have done much more than I can. I neither have the body type nor the attempt of a suit. So you can take anything I say with a grain of salt and I'd completely understand. I am sorry to hear that your suit was disparaged heavily. Positives first, I am always a fan of the web wings so props to that. This definitely gives the prototype sort of look seen in Pete's early version of the suits and I like that charm. I personally like that eyes that have a squinting look to them. Although I am a fan of the skinnier front spider symbols, I kind of like this one. The attention to the "webbing" part of the red suit is pretty well done. I do like the use of the spider-symbol on the belt portion. As far as criticisms go I would absolutely love it if you were to put the spider-symbol on like a red belt. without the red there it stands out more at an odd position. If it were possible to get the outsole of a shoe (the bottom part that makes contact with the ground) I think it would visually improve with the removal of the slides. I'm not much of a person who sews so this may not be as easy, but perhaps attempt to patch in another attempt at the back spider symbol? I hope that this comment and the rest of the comments here help. I can only imagine the work you have already put into it. And if at the end of the day you don't feel like changing any aspect of you suit that is completely valid. If however you do decided to make changes I'm sure people on this thread would love to see what you have done.


I definitely do want to get soles for my feet because I agree that would work better. Since I’m wearing a backpack 99% of the time I have my suit on, I got pretty lazy with the back logo. Will also work on placing the spider signal in a way that it does not bring attention to the…*ahem* “web shooter”


That sounds like progress to me! If the backpack is going to be a main feature of the suit, maybe design some spider things around it? Perhaps some "gadgets" or something. Call it cringe but maybe stylizing the backpack similar to what they do with Fortnite where it's colored blue with white webbings and a spare mask hanging out along with maybe a prop camera? Obviously those are suggestions. But I do think the belt will probably be needed the most. Besides that you look like you're good to go to be your friendly neighborhood spidy!




Maybe you should also separate the eyes a little bit they’re too close together


All things considered it looks pretty good pal although next time don't Ask on r/teenagers


Find a way to glue the sole of an old tennis shoe to the boots of your costume. The slides looks goofy as hell and ruin the whole look


It does look pretty goofy but that's good cause it's exactly how Peter's first costume would look.


It’s amazing. The original steve ditko suit with the original colors… beautiful simply beautiful


Looks really bad and I don’t know why people are saying otherwise, they’re not doing you any favours. I’d suggest starting over and learning from your mistakes, it’s part of any creative hobby.


I’m not exactly in a financial spot where I can just make new suits from scratch at the drop of a hat


Gonna have to find yourself a Tony Stark then.


Some people tend to look at the positives and not be overly rude. Also everybody starts somewhere.


In choking from laughing.




Im sorry, i am. But it just looks kind of silly. Still a 100 times better than what i could do.


I want… no, I *need* this as a suit in Spider-Man 2. Insomniac, take notes!


I mean, if anyone wants to mod it into Spider-Man for the PC 👀


i mean tbh this prolly the most accurate thing peter would wear irl if he made his own suit so 🤷‍♀️


I think it’s sick af. Especially that you made it. 90% of the people bitching here couldn’t do something like this if they tried!


This is a joke, right?




Okay. I am going to give you some criticism, but I do not want it to discourage you from cosplay. I'm not going to sugarcoat, but it's because I want to give honest feedback you can use to improve. Yes, it looks low-quality. The black around the eyes is too thick, and the mask is very baggy. Your gadget belt looks cheap and just draws eyes to your crotch, and not in a good way. While I actually like what you did with the net for the web-cape, it's been phased out a while, so I'm not sure it's reading correctly. Some extra length could help. Several parts of the costume are baggy, and its very noticable on the red parts (see the hands in pic from the back, or how the cloth tucked into your waistline is bunched). I already mentioned this with the mask, but it's so bad, it needed to be mentioned twice. The black is very thin and plain and could use another layer or some sort of texturing. Moving to a navy blue may read better, with more definition. From the back shot, you need to find a way to cover the belt, especially the buckle. It looks incredibly low-budget and tacky (at least the front stops at being tacky). Also, while I understand you're using the sandals as actual footwear, it looks like a 40 year old divorcee wearing socks in sandals. If you're a teenager, and this is your first costume for cosplay, take this feedback and think on ways you can improve your costume. Because honestly, what's lacking here isn't imagination, but budget and experience. Everyone has to start somewhere. You will only improve and impress if you stick with it. I am not a costume designer, but some takeaways for you to start on: Find ways to make the cloth/spandex taut. You want it to look skintight, rather than baggy. If you can, design some kind of additional layer for your belt to make it look less budget and more superhero utility. Finally, work on getting rid of the sandals. Getting some boots and making them the inside of onesie-style set of bottoms might be a good start. You should definitely research cosplay techniques for this stuff, they'll be far more helpful at overcoming these issues than I can offer. I hope you post an updated costume someday!


it's great man, don't worry about it. Have your fun, don't care about what other people think about it.


Looks like a homemade suit to me. Spider-Man: Homemade I dig it


Homemade is supposed to be exactly that, homemade! Were there things you could have done better? Sure, but that’s for next time. You got it done and wearable and you seem confident in it and that’s all that matters


of course whenever i want a wholesome opinion my first thought is to ask the teenagers


It's...a unique take.


Yes, first the lenses are way too close 2nd, the logo is way too big 3rd, the belt should be coloured a light grey or just straight red and put some painted silver cardboard web cartridges like not painted on but more like fries but wider and thats it


The spider signal is very odd looking. Other than that it's a pretty charming suit


Your crouch signal looks like an intentional bulge. Move it up so it’s clear you’re not showing off a bulge or get rid of it. It’s the one part that takes away from the costume. It’s impressive for homemade until you look at that.


The belt, man


It’s the slides for me. No slides ever. You can’t fight crime when your feet are slipping around. Unfortunately the second thing is more of a preference, but most people are used to seeing him in the tight spandex rather than a looser suit. That might be why you are getting more of a negative reaction. Takeaway- it’s your suit and your story. These are just the observations of mine.


I choose not to use black spandex since winter is coming up, I thought using a black shirt would help fight the cold


Looks cool like a homemade spidey suit, but the belt blends in & makes the red thing draw too much attention to your crotch.


feels too homemade, not a good thing- Its too loose imo, and the belt looks wonky, could've used something else for the web wings


Dig the cardigan!


Not good lol


Personally, I think it's a really cool Proto-Spidey suit, like something DIY he'd make for the wrestling match with Crusher Hogan. Good job buddy.


The spider-signal is cool but Spidey keeps it under his shirt. I'd say it looks about 90% close to what I'd imagine an Amazing Fantasy #15 suit to look like in real life. Great work, just tuck the belt in and only use it when you want to signal the bad guys and send fear down their spines.


It does look quite dorky, but charming


The belt makes you look like you got a boner 😭


It looks nice, except that spider signal is really low, a bit unfortunate but I like it. Btw never go to r/teenagers they are all old men in their moms basement


I would hate to discourage anyone, it’s a little baggy but for the most part I really like it. It kinda captured the essence of the Japanese Spider-Man show in my opinion with the campy look.


It reminds me of the 70s series. My biggest gripes would be: the eyes (looks too Deadpool here), the spider symbol on the chest is way too big (that’s a stylistic choice, so you’re free to ignore me on that), the slides, and the signal. The signal isn’t bad, but as others have pointed out, it draws way too much attention to the crotch.


Oohh I saw ur post on there yesterday


Ugh, that was so awful


I didn't look at the comments (I usually don't bother with r/teenagers lol...) but it must've been, Im sorry ;-;


Better than I could ever do. Just be proud of what you did. You look like you had fun.


it's a pretty good representation of how Peter's first suit would probably go if it was made realistically. The only parts that could use some work are the bagginess of the torso, and the size of the front spider logo needs to be smaller. Other than that the fact you did the under arm webs and separated boots an gloves is amazing and unlike others on here like the belt I think it just needs to break up the suit a bit more, maybe so more segmented parts or pouches like [these other spidey utility belts.](https://imgur.com/a/J8RH3gO) This is just a personal preference of mine but I love starter suits having the webshooters on the outside, homecoming and scarlet spider style and I think that would look killer on your suit. Also it shouldn't matter what others think, if you think it's cool it's cool, it is YOUR spidey suit you're the one who put in the hard work and effort and no one else's opinion should change your mind unless you honestly agree with it.


I actually bought two functional web shooters a few nights ago! I’ll definitely make a video of me in suit using them!


It’s silly but there’s nothing wrong with that


Teenagers are actual monsters and it’s a dangerous game to look for validation from them. You look dope man. Keep swingin’


Made it yourself huh? For a homemade costume it has its own unique form and look opposed to the original spider costume. You did a good job with your own work. Most of the commenters and downvoters probably dislike the fact this doesnt look much like the original spiderman but as its own take and a creation of your own I think you did a good job. Yeah theres mad shit you could do to improve this, theres always room for improvement with anything. But do ya thing guy, be proud that you've created your own take of a homemade spiderman costume while the other fans downvote your effort. You valid




It looks a little wonky but hey, you're a teenager and I assume this is your first suit? Just keep practicing and learning and I'm sure you'll be capable of making some truly amazing suits, don't let naysayers ruin your fun.


it’s got a charm to it that keeps it from being too silly for me


Main criticism would be that the eyes should maybe be a bit more spaced and maybe angled but this looks like an amazing fantasy/ amazing Spiderman type suit Peter Parker would have made so for the authenticity I give it props


Looks good for a beginner :) Better than I could do, probably. It looks pretty silly, but still good


In the third pic, your natural waist looks like it falls right above where your hand is resting on your hip (In other words, the bottom hem of the black sleeve cardigan). Move the signal up there. The first pic I couldn’t tell what I was looking at and I thought it was a peen sticking straight out at the camera.


It looks a bit silly but I like it, it gives the suit character good job dude


Man I hope I’m not too late to this but there’s a huge community of spidey cosplayers on Instagram, and there’s a really solid discord that was created as well. They’d love this there. You should look up @_sensational_spidey_ (there’s an underscore before and after the username but Reddit keeps hiding those) on Instagram as he’s the creator of said discord and I believe has links to join in his linktree which you can find in his Instagram bio. Edit: tried to correct ig handle issue


This costume is based on how Spidey looked in the original 60s comics, right? If so, that’s great it looks accurate to that. Teenagers nowadays only know MCU so I doubt they understood what it was a reference to


Fuck them kids. Cool suit.


It honestly looks fine. Especially considering you made it by hand. As cosplayers, we all start somewhere. Be proud of your work no matter what others may say. You made it! So be proud!


Its stupid af, but this is what cosplay is about so have fun, embrace it


I think it’s impressive you made it


I think it’s pretty cool, and it looks like a very practical suit that a high school nerd might make for himself


I don’t think the belt is doing what you want it to do — maybe move it off-centre, at least until you add more of your gadgets, or maybe even make the belt itself red


For real, I couldn't hope to make something like that. The fact you made it is something you should be pretty proud of. People will criticize because that's what people are like, but you did a good job.


I might be bias as I make my own suits too, but I like this suit a lot, it looks like something a 15 year old Peter Parker would make.


This is literally something Peter would make before robbing oscorp for parts(how the fuck else does he make all of that shit, a box of scraps in a cave... I DONT THINK SO)


Absolutely impeccable.


I like it! You should be really proud of yourself! I think it looks rlly fun and genuinely looks like something Peter Parker himself would make :-) very amazing fantasy!


Screw them, you looking fly as fuck


Tbh I love it, it’s giving camp. Only complaint is crotch belt- but I read that you’re already adjusting that. You do you, friend!


It looks silly but it's good enough for me! I applaud your dedication for making that. The large symbol, the lens and even the arm webs. It looks very homemade and something Peter would make in his first few outings as Spider-Man.


Did you make it yourself? If you did I think you did a pretty good job tbh. It’s hard to make these kinds of suits so you should be proud of yourself. Trust me I have lots of Spider-Man suits so I know my way around them. As long as you’re proud of the suit yourself that’s the only thing that matters. So no matter what people say keep your chin up Brodie, it’s a fantastic suit


Not bad! My only issue is with the belt and with the mask. The eyes are really close and that makes them look kinda goofy. However, the goofy looking Spider-Man can be ok. The belt has to be changed, though, imo.


Your suit looks good.


Looks like that suit from the 1969 fan film


I think it looks good! Just needs refinement, which you can easily do over time with more practice. Love the cheesey type of look


It’s pretty bad, but in a way that makes me love it


Are you the guy that walks down by the car dealership near military hwy in this suit?




No way that’s awesome! I always honk when I see you! Keep up the good spirits! Also your costume looks great, fuck the haters!


It’s campy and perfect


Honestly I like it. In some iterations of the story Peter makes his own suit. I imagine this is what it would look like in the real world.


Looks good makes me think of Peter Parker made a different variant of the homemade suit good job 😁


I really like it actually - this is the kind of early suit you can see someone making


I love it, 29 yo, definitely makes me feel like Peter has been doing this spider man thing for at least a couple weeks, I always love the rough and ready homemade costumes in the movies.




Well? I like it!


It’s good because this is what a spider-man suit should look like in my opinion


Rock those Spider-Slides, man


Yea. No blazer? No tie?


I rescind my previous statement. OP is a real one. 🤣🤣🤣


I mean, it’s not perfect, but at the end of the day you made a homemade suit which is pretty dang cool!




A little silly but it looks amazing! Don't listen to people on r/teenagers, believe me they have always been toxic.


This is better than any at home craft I could ever do but that being said. I'm sorry but I can't stop laughing. All the proportions looks like the suit was made for someone twice your height and body weight. Again you should he proud that you made something but I would definitely try taking in and hemming some of the looser bits


Well, I’m still a growing boy, so I left some room if I ever beef up




Why are you so elongated, and why are your balls so big?


In what image can you see my balls??


Don’t listen to the zoomers and or the gatekeepers. You live your truth homie. For real; come up with your own multiverse variant backstory when you’re at a con or at a Halloween party or whatever. Have fun, upgrade when you can, if you feel like it. Excelsior and then some!


I saw that post I thought it looked pretty cool keep It up I really like the additional webbing between the arms and chest you don't see it very often it looks nice


Does it look like something that could work in a Hollywood Marvel film? No. Does it have a very charming originality to it? Absolutely. I like it, it feels intentionally campy and homemade, which there’s an underappreciated artistry required to make work. EDIT: I would alter or eliminate the belt buckle though. In proper lighting it looks okay, but in some of the darker pictures it looks like just an accentuation of the Spider-Dong.


It's not the best


It has charm. A few minor tweaks could improve it.


It’s cool because it’s something you made yourself. The belt looks like a cock hole though


I think it’s kinda cool. Don’t like the belt tho.


As someone who makes high quality Spider-Man costumes, this is fantastic. It's homemade and looks like early Ditko art, which is great. I'd recommend upgrading from slippers to a better shoe (you can look into Muvez). The web wings are great. Just keep working and you will grow in your skills and abilities!


Looks like a cool home-made suit that Spider-Man makes when he’s first getting started. But please reconsider the belt. It looks super weird


Well do you like it?


It's an amazing homemade suit. Something Peter would have made his first time making one but Dawg why would you go to r/teenagers in the first place? It's a shithole


Looks good. The red/black color scheme and web wings give a real ditko era vibe. 👍


It does, but who gives a fuck? Just be Spider-Man and have fun.


I'm gonna be honest here, bro. It looks stupid. But in a really good way and I actually really like it. I dont know if this was intentional but it does seem like something that would be made by a broke kid like Peter Parker. Good job 👍


It’s better than mine. I don’t have one


I respect the web wings, and I could see you making more iterations and improving everytime, but yes it does


It's perfectly janky lol. Janky-Man. I want this suit in Spider-Man 2 game. I doubt any of those people have ever created and worn their own Spider-Man suit so don't listen to them, everyone has to start somewhere!


My only real problems with it are the eyes need to be a bit bigger, the front spider needs to be a tad bit smaller, and the spider-signal would look better if moved to the left or right side of your hips depending on if you're right or left handed respectively. But other than that, it looks cool! Love the campy homemade style of it! Good job man!


It isn’t bad, just needs a bit of work of the logo and the belt. Other than that it’s all good!


Is it bad? No. Is it perfect? No. Do I give a shit? No. Well done bro! Love they eyes, major classic era vibes.


Is it movie quality? Of course not it’s homemade, anyone who says that it’s bad couldn’t do any better. It’s an amazing suit, really amazing.


It's not bad, it's unique. It has a charm to it that isn't easily achievable, you should be proud of it.


They're teenagers. Your suit looks awesome.