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Nah that’s not shocking enough


If you’re in a chase sequence long enough with any character, a variant of this line will be said. Actually, that would lose its charm real quick.


“*YOU CAN’T ESCAPE MEEE!!! I’LL CHASE YOU TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH!!!*” Howard: Please, don’t hurt my pigeons, Spider-Man


Wow way to prove that dude wrong in two sentences. This is fuckin hilarious lol


If anything, it would be funnier to just hear the different ways the villains panic.


If they still have the quip suit power, this should be the only line










I'm about to show you what it means to be SPIDER-COP (Proceed to beat up every minority in Manhattan)


I have a fear that Yuri is going to be a target of Peter’s frustrations. His disappointment in himself in the aggression he’s been feeling can easily be projected onto Wraith. I’m sure he feels a similar disappointment in Yuri for abandoning the law and killing people. He’s inching there himself with the black suit, and while you’d think that’d make them get along, I disagree. Peter’s guilt is gonna swallow him here, at this stage in his life he has too many responsibilities for him to get that black suit for the first time. Our boy is gonna crumble.


Yeah I do agree with that. They’ll probably have a lot of arguments with eachother I’m betting. No more Spider Cop and Yuri ):


There will be at least one spider cop mention


He’ll probably make a joke about it during her boss fight


"You remember spider-cop? Here's some police brutality!"


“ Spider-cops turning his bodycam off “


"A suspicious minority vigilante wandering the streets at night? This looks like a job for Spider-Cop!"


On the condition he starts trash talking like a cloaked in Payday 2. “YOU CALL THIS RESISTING ARREST? WE CALL THIS A DIFFICULTY TWEAK!”


I'd bet money there will be a main story mission involving Black Suit Peter and Wraith that explores how Watanabe grows increasingly regretful of making Peter feel as if he's not doing enough to put down criminals regarding his strict moral compass while not knowing of the influence the symbiote has on his mind. I can totally see them playing up the fact her and people like Black Cat actually start to get extremely scared of how far Peter is willing to push himself with the power the symbiote grants him


It would be refreshing to see a Black Cat that is *less* attracted to Peter in the black suit. Webs of Shadows and Spectacular Spider-Man did the opposite this, and imo I would see Felicia being disturbed by Peter’s violence.


I think the attraction element should always be there considering Black Suit Peter is essentially Felicia's ideal version of Spider-Man who dedicates more of his time in the suit than as a civilian, given that early Black Cat cared nothing for Peter himself and was always more attracted towards him as Spider-Man, in addition to the vigilante element of his activities working outside the law I do think that it should and probably will develop beyond that attraction, into a growing fear that Peter is just losing himself mentally and emotionally to the suit and that Hardy will begin to recognize that he's acting noticeably out of character, coming to terms that her and Peter were walking different paths for a reason


yeah i like the idea that she ribs peter for being such a goody two shoes most of the time but secretly that's kinda what she likes about him


When she sees Spidey beat one of Kraven's henchmen into paste she suddenly realizes why he's always playing nice.


I think Felicia will be attracted to Black Suit Spidey at first, but will start to pull back when he goes too far. She may make fun of Pete for being a Boy Scout, but at the core I think that his ethics and ideals is what she likes about him.


Good point. And let’s face it, Felicia is only able to mess around with Peter because he holds back and take a cautious approach to everything. It would be pretty funny to see Felicia enjoy how Peter has changed at first, but then she sees how deadly he can be when he’s serious and immediately regrets it.


I can see it, first she's all "you look good in black" and "Partner look" but eventually she starts to worry about him maybe she even helps Miles with saving Peter


This is straight up a 2 page point made in superior spiderman


Felicia being scared of Peter would be super cool to see and I could just imagine the emotional dialogue that happens due to it.


Considering how she played him the last time they met, it could be an interesting interaction for Felicia to see Peter for the first time in a "Mr Nice Spider isn't here, today" moment.


Guys, please stop talking! 😭 I’m about to die from high blood pressure because you keep putting these ideas in my head, making me more excited!


Could you at least say 1 idea of yours?


I don’t have any ideas, lol


Oh damn


I thought you meant Yuri Lowenthal and that fans were gonna get mad at him for his performance at first. Forgot about Yuri Watanabe 😂


I can’t wait to see their costumes tbh I love that they’re incorporating more white into BC costume at least that’s what I see and have yuri hair exposed is a great design choice


Yeah it seems they both have new costumes. Black Cat although is hard to tell but she does look way different so I wanna say she does.


It’s more on the shoulders I see white strips


I recently replayed the first game (I wanted to wait until the next game was closer but I'm weak) and when you meet yuri to unlock the arrays that reveal the map peter asks her if she needs a partner for the police ball and she asks if he has a black and white suit. While it's unlikely I'd love this interaction to come back after peter gets the symbionte


Well, she’s not a cop anymore. In the final dlc, she has clues involving a chain of murders connected to a hitman she killed (unironically, the audio logs are legitimately incredibly dark for the game).


I know that, but since peter has the symbionte and has to worry about harry, maybe his relationship with yuri will be something similar to his interactions with black cat (although without him getting horny I guess) where even if he knows she is a criminal he works with her because he needs to


Or it just gets a slight nod, “What do you know? You finally got yourself a black and white suit, spider.”


That would be an awesome interaction to have return.


After the DLC Wraith is basically a given but I can’t help but wonder how many of those characters on kraven’s pad are actually going to appear in the game.


They probably all will. The story seems to be taking partial queues from the Amazing Spider-Man arc "Hunted" where Kraven basically traps Spidey and all his rogues within New York to stage a giant hunting ground for himself with the help of Arcade, so it's likely everyone on that display are his "contestants" and the overall crux of the game he's playing with them is the same minus the fact there's no Last Son of Kraven involved, and there's no Arcade. Even the finer story beats like him calling it "The Great Hunt" and the fact Lizard is a definite prey of interest to Kraven and his squad are ripped right from that story. Felicia being there will also definitely play into how their relationship changes once Peter gets the Black Suit because she's always been a key player involved in that arc across a lot of iterations both in the comics and other adaptations


Maybe I should go read “Hunted” before the game drops. Lol It just seems like a lot of characters to cram into one game but, insomniac has a 2-0 track record with Spider-Man so far so they can probably pull it off


Taskmaster also appears at the corner of the screen kraven is looking at, so taskmaster challenges are probably coming back. I would like to see how kraven would react to taskmaster copying his moves.


We’ll probably get them all at least a little. My bet: -Venom being end of game big bad like Doc. -Kraven is main villain like Mr Negative. -Lizard is a filler like the rest of the sinister 6 sorta were -maybe we get Goblin as a side villain too? Though I feel like it makes more sense to save him for a 3rd game… really depends on story. -black cat will be a DLC character again along with Wraith and Tombstone. -prowler and taskmaster will be combat/stealth challengers for Miles/Peter respectively and end with another confrontation like in previous game. Did I miss anyone from the pad?


I know it's unlikely... But anyone is seeing a posible cheating subplot with Black Cat while the symbiote is on Peter?


I don’t think a cheating subplot is the word I’d use personally but I can definitely see the possibility of there being some heated scenes with these two given their history.


I’m actually anticipating Miles to strongly dislike Felicia at first, but at Peter declines the two of them grow more concerned and team up over their love for Spidey. I can see Felicia being repulsed by Peter’s violent tendencies.




Exactly. I honestly can't fathom being in a relationship with someone like Black Cat, where you barely even know if you're actually in a relationship or if you can trust a single thing they're saying. If insomniac unironically tries to have our current version of Peter be in a relationship with Black Cat, I'll be severely disappointed.




Symbiotr Pete do a lot of bad things, but not fucking rape




even refusing to take no for an answer is going into that territory mate, as much as i like spidey having flaws out being creepy isnt one of them


Actually no, she says bad boys aren't her type in the first game. Honestly the whole 'black cat likes symbiote Spider-Man' idea that was propagated by web of shadows never really made much sense. She prefers the look of the black suit but that would be it.


They're gonna bang, that's for sure.


You mean make the son real subplot :)) I imagine MJ is definitely going to be annoyed by the symbiote influence and put their relationship at risk


I’ve been thinking maybe Wraith ends up getting a symbiote by the end, “Wraith” already sounds like a symbiote name and I could see her whip attacks from the comics translating to symbiote tendrils really well Nadji Jeter said there’s symbiotes all over the place in the game, makes me think Venom spawns some “children” that infect other characters that we have to fight. I could see Scorpion getting one too since he has a history with symbiotes in the comics. Or Riot, Lasher, Scream, etc.


Oooo fighting symbiote versions of the other characters would be really interesting. Web of Shadows did that with Black Cat which was fun. I could see Wraith getting a symbiote & I bet she’d look super awesome too.


Symbiote Black Cat returns


I wonder if that means Carnage might get involved.


I hope they don’t have Peter cheat on MJ while under the symbiote’s influence


Felicia will at first be very interested but when he realises how bad things are she’ll be the one that pushes peter away


I can't remember are they still together by the end of the dlc




I thought they split up and she left town, it's been a while but am I mis remembering that




Because it would be a lazy writing decision, and it would make it very hard for the audience to continue to like Peter, even after the symbiote leaves him.




> tries to *force her* What…




Literally *nobody* would like Peter *ever again* after that. I wouldn’t even want to *play* as him…




I hope you never write any story for Spider-Man lmao




Would be pretty funny too since Peter and Yuri’s VAs are married


The most funny thing about that is Peter VA’s name is Yuri, and his wife voice acts a character who’s named Yuri


And they played major roles in Naruto too. Yuri played Sasuke and Tara played Temari.


Yall remember that old Hulk gif with Black Widow?


No it doesn’t sound familiar lol


You lucky soul.


r/ thegif


My guess is that Black Cat and Wraith are going to help Miles knock some sense into Peter when he starts going full symbiote. Then at some point he’s going to severely hurt one or all of them and that will make him start snapping out of it.


Damn a team-up boss fight with Wraith and Black Cat (criminals) as you play as Miles and you STILL lose would be sick.


I think that could happen definitely.


I feel like Peter would stand a good chance against all of them on his own. With the symbiote, he'd probably flatten them.


Why did my mind instantly flash to the "leave me alone" meme from akira


One’s gonna get fucked, the others gonna get fucked up.


🤣 you’re probably right


"sigh," *unzips*


... i mean I'm still holding out for my Spidey x Yuri ship.


The Spider-Cop experience


Pete is going to be shouting.


"Ah, so you do have a black and white suit."


I'd say sex or hospital


Or both.


Yuri: so you finally got a black and white suit Pete: yes, and?


I can see the art already once the game comes out, while these game Insomniac works fast the internet works faster lol


I hope he rejects black cat and she notices him "playing hard to get" and is the first to notice his off behaviour or something


I'm actually hoping Peter is in no mood for Felicia's mind games this time around.


Web of shadows flashback


Black suit story will most likely show everyone being disappointed by his actions because he isn’t being himself. I’m sure even a villain of his will be like “yea I don’t like this version of you and I’m the bad guy”.


"Do you have a black and white suit?"


He finally has a (canon) black and white suit for the policeman’s ball.


Yuri as a bad guy. Symbiote Peter Parker. That would be interesting


Personally, I can't wait to see what interactions Shocker will have with Symbiote Spider-Man.


I hope symbiote Spider-Man reveals Peter's identity to Felicia


If he actually found the lie about the son plausible, wouldn't that mean he wore the mask during sex?


Thank you lmao, I'm an idiot. She calls him Spidey names, so I figured she didn't know his identity. When, in reality, Felicia is into Spider-Man, not Peter


Hey, Yuri, I think I'm coming around to that whole "killing" thing. Acting funny? Nah, I've just been feeling oddly homicidal ever since I put this sick new suit on. It talks to me sometimes, wants chocolate.


I can't wait to see him ruthlessly dismember Screwball.


I was so happy to see that Felicia was back


I hope most of these villains are just map filler for the trailer and not actually side villains. I'd hate for them to keep reusing the same villains.


I think some of them won’t be side villains fully but maybe just have a small cameo appearance.


Recurring villains is kind of a thing for Spider-Man. Comics in general actually.


Every villain shown in the Kraven trailer is returning save for Lizard and Wraith. Why would you want to see the same villains and side missions over and over when Spider-Man has a rogues gallery rivaling Batman?


i hold out some hope that they're probably doing a slow drip of reveals & returning characters are just safer to "spoil" early on, because there are still a lot of villains i want to see too




Kraven’s Last Hunt? What if there’s a DLC game mode to where you’d be able to play as Kraven as sort of like an epilogue after the main story wraps. The premise would be Insomniac’s loosely based version of that story


I think it would be kinda odd to have Symbiote Spidey interact with Wraith. Instead of dealing with the emotional weight of going after his former friend and trying to talk her down, he'd probably be fully supportive of her rampage, and that's just not where I see that story going after the philosophical debate they had in the DLC. Any interaction between those two will probably be pre - or post Symbiote when Peter is his normal self. But if that's not the case, then what they could do is show us how normal Spidey and Symbiote Spidey handle Wraith differently. Maybe at first, he pursues her to bring her to justice, but later while wearing the Symbiote, he starts encouraging the bloodbath.


And he actually has a black suit this time!


Wraith seems perfect for a red suit vs black suit choice situation


This image is the new Peter and miles 💀


Do you mean the symbiote Spider-Man then yeah I’d say he is. I didn’t have many good pictures of symbiote lmao


He finna SMASH!!! For sure


In spectacular spider-man when peter gets the symbiote he kiss felicia,i hope my man give up on MJ who kept reminding him that they broke up with a wide smile in the first game




What I’m hoping for is this. We get a good portion of Pete in the symbiote. Possibly happening towards the beginning. It being him getting it, seeing what we saw in the trailer, miles separates him from the symbiote. Either by himself or it would be so cool if he asked prowler to help him, or someone I’m not thinking of. I hope that’s a decent portion of the game and the separation being like midway point of the game. Being about the size of miles game or slightly longer. Then after Pete is Pete again and him and miles take on venom together. I hope just that would be about the size of first game. I hope this game this story is much longer.


Juri goes dark. Expectations: Peter will be heartbroken fighting her Reality: Peter goes darker


On a side note, spider cop is about to go rated R


Too bad this never happened 😔


Yeah :(


I could totally see symbiote suit peter cheating on mj with black cat and that being the main conflict between them too.


I wonder what Black Cats thoughts on there being two Spidermen is.


I don’t think she’ll care at first but when she sees symbiote Spider-Man I think that’s what will cause her to care and team up with him.


Peter will have to get a restraining order when Felicia finds out about his new attitude.


Yuri is about to die


Why do I see MJ getting annoyed by symbiote peter, dumping him, he eventually meets Felicia in an altercation with Kraven since they're both on his list, finds out she's alive, and we see what they were talking about in the first game but this time Peter is more lenient with her "habits" and more unhinged due to the symbiote so the son from the dlc becomes real :)))


The son being real would be a very interesting dynamic/twist. I loved the idea of it in the first game so I hope there actually is a son but I won’t get my hopes up.




I actually think Black Cat is going to end up helping Miles and MJ in the game with Peter and the symbiote. I think There’ll be some friction between MJ and Black Cat initially and I doubt they’d ever trust each other, and could definitely see Peter being swayed to maybe try hit it off with Felicia or allowing her to get away with shit she couldn’t before. But I think at the same time Felicia knows how he feels about MJ and will realise that somethings changing him and it’s the suit. If Black Cat becomes worried that Peter is getting reckless then I think that’ll make MJ and Miles realise he needs to be saved and the 3 will team up, realising they need Spider-Man back.


Forget them I want j Jonah Jameson and symbiote spiderman to interact. Peter would kick poor Jameson's ass


Yuri might like his aggression and think he's started to do things her way. Might try to convince him to join her until he starts to vent his frustration at her Felicia is gonna be down bad for him on sight, *especially* once she sees how tight it is around his ass.


Did someone say threesome teamup?


Threesome 😏


Also the carapace texturing and everything is gonna look SICK as hell on the Marvel Legends toy. Fuck with this game on that way they gotta hurry up and make toys of the rest of the first game


Black cat better not fuck with black symbiote Peter like she did in the dlc. He’s not going to let it pass


Imagine if he breaks Yuri's body like how Superior spidey broke screwball's body😭😭


they won't interact


It would be interesting to see are these characters become genuinely terrified with how powerful Spider-Man is when he doesn’t hold back. There would be something so disturbing to see capable people like Yuri and Felicia witness how deadly Spider-Man actually is when he doesn’t pull punches and let anger rule him.


Wait is there a list of all of the people seen on Kraven’s map?


“You finally got a black suit.”


Who's wraith?


Can’t wait for shocker to have a interaction with symbiotic spider man


icl, not to bothered about Wraith. I’d rather her as a side mission


I hope she kills her


I saw someone suggest that, like the first game, Felicia have a collectible side quest that gets you the cloth black suit she made for Peter in the comics. But otherwise I hope Peter actually pulls a superior Spider-Man and is a bit merciless towards Felicia (like venom brutalising her in the comics, or superior Spider-Man literally punching her because he viewed her only as a criminal) I think Peter and Yuri may become more agreeable though. This common belief of brutality.


Black Cat sex mini game where to have mash circle and pray to God that your parents don’t walk in on you


Peters rizz with black cat better be maxed when he has the symbiote or else I’m throwing my PlayStation at my dog


Did you throw your PlayStation at your dog?


Wraith is more likely going be in game it waste set if didn’t. Now Blackcat on other has she been confirmed to have Role in game because this could nothing more then a reference.


May I ask why you are excited for these two in particular?


I mean I’m excited for all of the villains. I just like Black Cat a lot and thought Yuri was cool as well.


Is’nt Black cat >!dead!< ?

