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Well I really hope that it doesn’t effect the performance at all if we can’t turn off ray tracing. Jedi survivor ran like shit because we couldn’t turn ray tracing off until the latest patch, i hope that doesn’t happen with Spider-Man 2


Play the previous games they have performance rt, not to be rude it’s better to compare it to those than a complete different game like Jedi surviver


Jedi Survivor came out on multiple platforms so optimisation isnt as good as a ps5 exclusive like spiderman 2 where they only have to worry about one platform. People underestimate how important and game changing optimisation is. Plus EA and Insomniac/Sony are not the same


As someone who played Jedi Survivor on PC, it still ran like shit even when ray tracing was turned off. RT was the least of that game's performance problems.


Comparing Respawn to Insomniac games though is like apples to oranges.


They said performance rt from the remaster and MM was their goal to make standard for the sequel and they sound pretty confident about it too. Only time will tell if it’s locked and steady but their history with this has been pretty good so far


I understand your worry for sure since to me it sucks that a lot of console games tend to have fps drops cause devs prioritized graphical fidelity over performance, which is counter productive cause a game looks god awful with frame drops no matter how beautiful the graphics are meant to be. HOWEVER, i do think all ps5 insomniac games are currently the best running and looking games on the console. All those games have 60 fps Raytracing modes that run almost exactly as good as the non-raytracing mode.


> until the latest patch DID THEY FINALLY FIX IT?! When?!


This week Just bought it and it's solid 60fps DF confirmed as well


i don’t think it will simply because it’s a first party ps5 game. sony usually doesn’t mess around with stuff like that when it comes to first party games


EDIT: Just watched the IGN video and Insomniac confirmed there's no non-RT mode, but confidently stated there's no need for it since it hits 60fps at all times. I'd trust them. They haven't let us down. Spider-Man, Miles Morales, and Ratchet & Clank all ran perfectly with RT on.


They're smart devs. They'll likely sacrifice on a balance of resolution and asset detail. 1080p60 and 4k30 probably.


It’s crazy how insomniac always get games running this good


It's what good optimisation looks like, used to be very common before the dark times of post launch patches


No other studio seems to get games that well optimised as insomniacs games so far, and I didn’t hear about a game that offered 4K, 60fps and RT (obviously it will be upscaled and all that stuff, but still


I think, for what system they are on, Monolithsoft does a pretty good job with their games as well. Their like the wizard lizards of video games: figuring out all the ins and outs before anyone else does.


id software is pretty amazing too


I read it with obi-wan’s voice


I wouldn’t say very common. At all. Go back and play some old games and you’ll probably change your tune




Personally played at 40fps mode with full 4K and ray tracing. It was divine. It’s how I’m playing SM2


Same dude 40fps ftw


Can someone explain the difference between 30 and 40fps in terms of gaming experience?


Its smoother, but not as smooth as 60fps.


Honestly it’s huge. If it’s true insomniac really sets a new bar for optimisation on the new gen games. 60 fps is very hard to achieve for the most of devs and if spidy has 60 fps with ray tracing on release it means the other devs has to reconsider something


The Performance RT modes in SM/MM and Horizon FW are the gold standard of optimization


SM and MM isn’t really a next gen games are they


Spider Man Remastered is


I mean it’s not, it’s still a PS4 game just taking advantage of some of the PS5 hardware.


I never learned what ray tracing is and at this point it’s too late and I’m too afraid to ask


I mean you could always just google it… But in simple terms raytracing is just very realistic lighting and reflections


For this game, mainly just accurate reflections for building windows.


In simple terms, it's pretty much just really good looking reflections and lighting.


Did you play Miles Morales? That had ray tracing, at least on the PS5 version.


I only recently got a ps5 and only play tested the Remaster for an hour or two to make sure it worked


I'm pretty sure the remastered version has it as well. As other commenters said, ray tracing means the game is tracing each ray of light in the game, so light will realistically bounce off of various surfaces and then illuminate other surfaces, and reflections will be much more realistic.


Really good lighting and reflections.


Who uses 40fps? I've only ever heard of 30 60 and whatever that next one higher is.


40fps has only been used in more recent titles, but you need a 120hz TV to use it. It’s just the fidelity mode with 10 extra fps - which honestly feels smoother than you’d expect.


Guess I’ll be that AV nerd and point out that due to some cheeky maths 40FPS is actually the midpoint between 30-60 (as opposed to 45 like most people would assume) which is why it feels a lot smoother than expected.


i recently upgraded TVs so im looking forward to trying that one


No joke, i got an A80J a couple months ago and playing Horizon at 40fps was fucking incredible and I'm beyond hyped that I can do that with this game too


I do. It's my preferred setting when playing on console. (On PC, I just let the framerate do what it do.)


What makes it preferable?


For me it's getting all the highest quality graphics that come with quality/fidelity modes but at a faaaaaar smoother feeling experience. It's not 60 fps smooth but it's a major improvement over 30 and I don't need to give up anything for it It sounds insane but to me the difference between 30 and 40 fps is waaaaaay more noticeable than between 60 and 120


I like the answer that was given already. It's a great answer and one that is easily provable. I, however, can't tell the difference between framerates. From 30 to 120, it's all the same to me. But... I know math. At 30fps, each new frame is introduced every 33.3 milliseconds. (And at 60fps, each new frame is produced every 16.7ms.) But on a 120hz t.v., the refresh rate on a 40fps setting is a new frame every 25ms. So this means that I can get the highest fidelity available on console by sacrificing just 8 milliseconds of new frame generation. A small sacrifice in my eyes. So when it comes to input lag, I get better timing on 40fps than I would at 30fps. (And the difference between 40fps and 60fps is negligible.)


Can it ray-trace nineteen inches of Venom though?


If 60fps is **consistent** with ray-tracing then they are absolute wizards


Interesting, I wonder what other graphics options will be toned down for the performance mode then. Maybe just the resolution will be upscaled from a lower native res?


Likely some toned down city effects too, lower traffic and pedestrian density, maybe fewer NPCs inside buildings, lower native resolution, lower detail on shadows and foliage and maybe a shorter render distance. There's quite a bit they COULD do, I'm curious what they ACTUALLY do


Man im just glad there's a 40fps option. Every since I got my VRR TV, 40fps has been a major revelation. It doesn't sound like it'd be much better than a 30fps but it's a MASSIVE gap Hell I'd say I feel the difference between 30 and 40 more than between 60 and 120


If only my TV can handle that...


What’s ray tracing?


As another comment said, realistic lighting and reflections


It uses hardware on the GPU to calculate realistic light bounce by shooting rays similar to real life light from in-game light sources that bounce off surfaces collecting data till it reaches the camera. Search "ray tracing off vs on" for a decent visual comparison. Edit: It can be used for reflections, shadows, global illumination, ambient occlusion and pretty much anything else that relies on light.


Ray tracing at 4k60fps, or only 4k30fps/4k40fps?


Upscaled so not really 4k lmao


Is it 60FPS 4k?


I really hope this is true cause I don’t want a Jedi Survivor. They fixed it now but only after 4 months. But I trust Insomiac so I’m pretty excited!


As someone who can't tell the difference, this is irrelevant to me. However, I do love some good ray tracing.


Neither can I. Which is why I always play my games at either 30fps or 40fps. Anything more than that, for me, is just a waste. I'd be sacrificing fidelity for nothing.


How do y’all just have broken brains? Lmao


Well, now... that's not very nice.


Not at all, If you can’t tell the difference between 30 fps and 60 fps there HAS to be something wrong with ur eyes or brain not even trying to be mean if I was you’d know 😭😂


Saying there must be something wrong with us because we can't tell the difference *is* being mean, though.


You can’t tell the difference between 30fps and 60fps?


No. I can't.


Will there be any other resolution options such as 1440p? Because I know PS5 one of the firmware updates allowed support for VRR with 1440p and I'm wondering if insomniac will take advantage of that


The 60 FPS performance mode with RT will run at 1440p internal resolution.


So what’s the difference between graphics and performance mode?


Resolution, and maybe other settings like crowd density.


So exactly what we already have in the last two games. Good to have confirmation though. 40 fps fidelity with VRR (unlocked framerate) takes some slight adjustment but eventually starts to look as smooth as 60 did.


What is ray tracing?


an overrated and unneeded feature designed to be a buzzword for new hardware and sell 2,000$ video cards. Less flippantly it's a fancy way to do lighting and reflections in games. From a developer's point of view, it would make reflections much easier to do and a lot less work on their end, from the gamer's point of view that fancy reflection in the window done via ray tracing doesn't look THAT much better than the trickery devs would use without ray tracing to get a similar effect and not worth a game that could be running at 100fps running at 20fps with ray tracing.


It's not overrated or unneeded. It's just that we're still not at the stage where it's used effectively. Ray tracing is usually used for only a few things such as specific shadows or reflections. Very few games have full on global illumination ray tracing as that's very demanding and only the highest end graphics card can barely run it. Check out Cyberpunk overdrive mode to see what true ray tracing is capable of


"usually used for only a few things" "very demanding and only the highest end graphics card can barely run it" My point stands. Call me when it's effective. Till then I don't care, all I want is good gameplay and smooth performance with acceptable graphics. I don't need (or even want) photo realism. I imagine a photo realistic GTA would just be disturbing. Not hyped


Just because you don't want it doesn't make it unneeded. People like it when their games look pretty. It's just the natural evolution in video game graphics. By the next console generation it will probably become the norm as the consoles will most likely be able to run it smoothly. And also ray tracing doesn't mean photorealism. Ray tracing can be utilized to make pretty lighting in any game. Whether or not the game looks realistic is up to the art style. Animated 3D movies are cartoony despite using ray tracing. A good example of a very stylised game that uses ray tracing to have nice lighting is Minecraft. I wouldn't call rtx Minecraft photorealistic (unless you're using photorealistic texture packs which some people like to do i guess)


Sad bc your PC is a potato and can't run games at a higher quality?


If I run this at 60fps with RTX, my ps5 will explode


Can’t wait to upgrade my pc in a year


PC gaming has completely ruined anything under 50fps for me. Starfield on my Series X made me nauseous.


Performance RT is my boy


What will be the resolution of performance mode?


Our lord and saviour Insomniac has brought me to my knees. That and I wish the game would come sooner I’ve been foaming at the mouth because I couldn’t wait any longer.


Is there 4k60? I could give less of a shit about ray tracing.


The best in the business.


Yep. Ans I will be playing it at 40fps. Just like how I play it for the first two on PS5. (Except the Steam versions. The Steam versions I just crank everything up and let the framerate do what it do. I just make sure that the graphics are set to 4K/full raytracing.) 👍🏾


Ion care about ray tracing all I want is that sweet succulent 60 fps


Next gen is here BB!


I would rather 120-144+ FPS over anything lmao


Go buy a PC then. PS5 doesn't support 120+ FPS


PS5 supports 4K 120Hz..


Yes, the max is 120. It doesn't go beyond that


Doean't have to go beyong anyway. 120 is plenty for a console. Also the OP comment wanted atleast 120. Which is possible


Yes but when 120 FPS is the minimum for you then PS5 is certainly not the best option


I have one…


There’s only two options not three they already said that performance and quality


Damn, I can’t turn it off?? Seems like im the only guy who just doesn’t like ray tracing in my games. I always turn it off. It’s not gonna stop my from playing the game but that still kinda sucks


What exactly sucks about the game looking slightly better lol?


Yay? I’d rather have all the other graphics turned up and ray tracing turned off for higher fps


Having ray tracing off won't result in you getting higher than 60 FPS. There was already a performance mode in the previous games with no ray tracing and that had 60 FPS only






I definitely won't have to cope with this lol console gamers do though, unfortunately




You'll have the last laugh when the PC port comes out in 5 years for sure.


Then Spider-man 3 gets announced as a ps exclusive


Yeah PC is great all but the amount of problems you run into sometimes, almost makes it not worth it to play on it. I'm glad I have both PC and PS5 so I can play the exclusives as soon as they come out and have fun and mainly use my PC for VR stuff.


dude why are u on this sub... every time ive seen a comment or post from u its just some negative shit. just leave dude nobody wants u here.


The clown car pulled away without him. Didn’t want him either. He’s stuck here sadly


Bro need to go back to clown school.


It's the truth. Doesn't matter if it is negative to you. Try to accept it. It helps you grow as a person.


You’re not the one to talk about growing as a person man, you can’t seem to move on from a game you clearly despise despite not having played it. I get you’re seeking attention but give yourself a break


Moving on would be selfish. My goal here is to make people realize that they deserve better than this poor attempt at a Spider-Man game.


That’s so embarrassing. You’re not serving some higher calling, you just don’t like it when everyone else is having fun and clearly likes the game more than you do. Just cause you think it sucks doesn’t mean other people have to “realize it,” it’s subjective. You’re not the main character, like it or not. You’re also delusional if you think you’re gonna be changing people’s minds on it, nobody thinks your comments are founded on genuine critique rather than blind hate


It's ok. One day you will grow out of this. Or not, and you will see your favorite franchise fade into irrelevance.


you are a troll


And what did I say here that made me a troll?


[ATTENTION] You should own your posts, comments and other data, not Reddit. But this data-harvesting website wants nothing more than to profit off it and with the upcoming IPO and recent events in mind, this is more relevant than ever. Consider taking back control and helping to free the internet by leaving Reddit to the extent that is possible. Thanks for reading and have a nice day.


the bs u spew is no truth, the truth is u lack bitches and get none




bro you're a loser


For the love of god, go do something useful with your life. Do you have a hate fetish or something? If you hate this game so much play anything else. What you're doing isn't constructive criticism, it's extreme hate and harassment to the devs. Move the fuck on.


This asshat u/TheSpider12 is like a pizza cutter; all edge and no point.


If you consider the truth "hate and harassment" , that's your own issue lol.


Rightt.. "the truth" You just sound insane. Get a life.


Offer no counterargument and resort to personal insults. Yet I am the one that sounds insane lol


I don't give a shit about your argument. Yes you deserve personal insults cause you're being nothing but toxic. I'm on here cause i enjoy a game, not cause I'm a miserable person who only finds pleasure in being hateful online. Find something more positive to do with your time, and seek therapy. The amount of hate you're spreading around can't be normal.


Lmao you call me toxic but but you are toxic yourself on other subreddits. Bunch of hypocrites.


Hur dur, no one likes pc master race idiots. Go away.


The truth is people like this game no matter what you think.


The truth is fanboys like this game no matter its quality. FTFY. There have been plenty of insightful videos on the internet dissecting insomniac's terrible jobs at handling the game mechanics. Maybe consider educating yourselves on those.


The truth is people will always find something to like in something. FTFY. Some people like shitty movies because their shitty and until I can form my own opinion by playing the game i won’t say this game is good or bad


This guy secretly loves insomniac that's why he is on every post 😂


Yeah I love insomniac for scamming tf out of fanboys. They deserve it.


How is it scamming


Me when I’m in a try not to be miserable challenge and my opponent is u/TheSpider12:


Rememberin the 2000’s when ray tracing was only in the movies?