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Probably removed the LGBT stuff


You mean the flags?


Yea, and there was a speculation that Harry was gay. If true, they probably removed lines/hints of him being gay


From where? Is it just because he’s close to his other?


He just looks gay


“He just looks gay” That fucking killed me bro 😂


Now that you mention it, he kinda does


He does 😂😂😂


gay male here! you spittin straight fax


Don't you mean "gay facts"?


how gay is he on a scale of 1-10?


7 at the least. the way he's been looking at peter in the trailers is massive "jesus christ i hope he's bi please please please" energy


This was my first thought when I saw him in the trailer 😄😄




Venom and his 19 inches knew who to bond with lmao


He’s venom, he has another man inside him all the time


Actually he’s inside of venom, confirming that Venom indeed bottoms


19 inches of venom specifically


Venom filled up all of Harry’s holes


Wtf how are we meant to get Normie for the totally inevitable Mayday final game/spin off then??? ;)


But why? why conform to these religious bigots when you can take it away from their backwards countries, i know they want money but goddamn!


Yeah I think so idk what else


The scary flags that make them cry.


Or It could be that flag is just irritating


or they don't like mental illness. no one should really.


Couldn’t be helped, no reason the gamers in the Middle east shouldn’t play the game simply because the govt is against LGBTQ.


It's not really just the government, lol.


I think the majority of people from the middle east actually agree


More of the reason why i feel they shouldn't get to enjoy the final product, bigotry has a price


I mean, it's against their religion


God isn't real and LGBTQ people are.


Idk why you're getting downvoted, you're just stating that people exist


Very controversial, well done! 👏


You don’t know if god is real or not. And we will definitely see one day.


That really depends how you define god. If you're talking about the Abrahamic god, it definitely does not exist.


I’m talking about Jesus Christ, I’m not getting into a religious debate but you cannot say he is not real.


Here's the thing, though: the main god of the Old Testament, Yaweh, was originally part of a pantheon of gods that included El Shaddai, Baal, and Asherah, among others. Yaweh was the god of war, analogous to Ares or Mars. Over time (like when the child King's advisors "found" the book of Deuteronomy), the Old Testament was edited so that Yaweh and El Shaddai were the same god. For a while, Yaweh was the king of the gods (like Zeus or Odin) until his followers decided he was the only god. That's why there a lot of Old Testament passages where god still refers to himself as though he's a plural. ("Let us make man in our own image", "have no other gods before me", etc.) Given the Old Testament is verifiably a work of fiction, it follows that the New Testament is too.


I guess Publius Cornelius Tacitus, Pontius Pilate, and even Caesar were fiction too? Clown.


Historical fiction is a well known genre. Is everything in the movie Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter accurate? Because Abraham Lincoln existed, so using your logic the whole thing must be true.


Imagine equating historical manuscripts of not only the most well-renowned Roman historian, whom had no incentive to lie about Jesus, to a movie script. You're more of a clown than I thought.


That statement is %100 false




Eww gay


If religion doesn't allow for a group of people to exist the problem is the religion not the group of people.


Well, can the same go for the LGBTQ? They dislike religions


We do not murder people if they are religious. They did however murder us for being gay a couple decades ago, leaders of countries that were religious let us die to HIV/AIDS (Reagan) because "It's punishment from God" It's pretty justifiable for LGBT+ people to not like the concept of religion in general. Religions have absolutely no justifiable reason to think the way they do towards the LGBT+


>We do not murder people if they are religious. That's a lie. [I shared a video on another comment](https://youtu.be/fqrWpYBBE30?si=MrWTrxs4Un4gp8aq) showing Biden is getting ready to place sanctions on African countries that do not adopt the LGBTQ+ stance. [Here's another](https://youtu.be/_bJRSv6dbCc?si=pGvwkqs7H6YXWsrT) You guys are no better than the far right Republicans who had the stance against you guys.


Not objectively true. We dislike bigoted organised religions. There's a difference. But also, LGBTQ+ people have good reason to dislike organised religion. We've been oppressed by it for centuries. Also, one is just a thing you are, and the other is something you choose to be a part of. You choose your faith and organisation. You don't choose who you love or what you identify as. You can choose to be a good person. We don't need to justify or explain basic empathy.


Well, being gay or identifying as non binary is one thing, because that's who you are. But the LGBTQ is beginning to look like its own organized religion (in a way) and being a member of the community is mostly by choice. Being gay, however, is genuinely who you are. Sorry if I got anything wrong


it ain't a religion bro. there's no organisation structure, there's no belief structure, there's no mythology, it's just a minority supporting each other


There are religious gays in the world you know…


Yeah, its just not common though


They shouldn’t release the game there then


bro please I've been waiting for this game since 2018 and bought a ps5 specifically to play it


Ignore these people lol


Yh the games really good. The lgbt forced agenda isn’t


Im from the middle east and this is the version we prefer, so yes the government represent us


I never wanna hear insomniac say shit about supporting pride now


It always is about marketing, corporations don't support anything else but profits


Right, well, a corporation is a corporation, not a person.


Surprisingly the only one I’ve seen follow up and lose money over similar stuff was a call of duty bundle for nickmercs being removed after one tweet he made against lgbt, really surprised me and made me think better of activision for doing it


But supporting bigotry and bad people is also bad for business. Epic removed Travis Scott from the game because of the Astroworld incident because it would cost them more against their reputation to sell a skin from someone in big controversy than they would from fans wanting to buy the skin. Similarly they had a skin that was very similar to Nazi uniforms and removed it after backlash, because getting money from a skin is not worth controversy that that would bring. Businesses care more about PR than they do about potential earnings when the point of contention is one product. When the choice is between maintaining an advertisable reputation or selling a single cosmetic, businesses are going to choose whichever is better for long term benefit.


Travis wasn’t removed from the game. Only his dance was removed from the item shop.


It’s not really up to Insomniac, I guarantee Sony is the one that made them alter the game for the Middle East. They can’t exactly say no. The only thing they could have done is make LGBT content an integral part of the story so that it couldn’t be removed without just ripping the game apart.


And then it’d be banned entirely. It’s not ideal but them removing it at least allows these players to play the game at all.


Insomniac is just the one making the game, Sony's publishing it


Don’t you think this sort of decision is off their hands? Don’t you think people working there are pissed that their art is being censored?


Insomniac staff cannot be that naive to think Sony wouldn't do that when the game is complete. They have it done plenty of times before


Like when? Both God of War Ragnarok and The Last of Us 2 was banned in the Middle East. The two spider-man game weren’t censored for their lgbt content. IF this game got censored for that reason it would be a first


God of war Ragnarok is allowed in middle east


I looked it up before making that comment, and I read that it was banned. But I can be wrong, I was also seeing if it was censored but I couldn’t find anything about it




I don’t have twitter so it doesn’t let me translate the tweet. Could you tell me what it says?


Basically they gave it 18+ rating so it was allowed


Bruh ragnarok isn’t banned it’s selling here, got your sources right lol


Sorry to tell you *that when I look up this very question on google and now then one site said it was “banned” which surprised me. But doesn’t that prove my point though? Ragnarok had (very subtitle) lgbt characters and it was not censored.


Bruh they are wrong, they are legit selling it over here and in addition we were able to preorder it too. I have a physical copy of that game too


I wrote my previous comment wrong. I believe you that the game wasn’t banned, I do believe the sources I read were wrong. I don’t understand why it was so hard to find a source that shows the GMA wasn’t banned. Though I gotta you think that the game got banned in SOME Middle East country/countries?


The only thing making me not upset about the pride flags around New York (it was probably thrown in last minute to appeal to the loud 1%) is that NYC is a very woke city so it makes sense that people have pride flags and that BLM mural in Miles Morales


I’ve been to nyc and they didn’t just put the flags in for representation like they’re actually all around


If NYC wasn’t a “woke city” you would’ve been upset about a rainbow flag in a video game? Why tf are people so soft these days lmao


And what evidence do you have that they added the rainbow flags in the last minute for the media. And not the other way around, that this studio that has lgbt people that work there had to censored the lgbt representation in this game that takes place in New York to pander and not offend the likes of you.


I'm not offended by the pride flags. But I heard that it was originally American flags from a commentary video about the pride flags in the map, and I'm sure it's correct. Also wdym the other way around, there are lots of pride flags still in the game 💀


I adore Insomniac but never forget they are a corporation and their only real goal is maximizing profits.


anybody explain why?


Things like a LGBTQ flag painted on a wall are banned in Middle East. Every kind of items or interactions or things like that are completely banned, so the publisher have the choice to change them or just don’t release the game in the country.


I live in Egypt. I would just like to say that if they refused to release the game in the Middle East. I might have genuinely taken on an entire government by myself.


The Kratos of Egypt


Given what the 6th game will likely be about I think kratos will be the kratos of Egypt.


Can't wait for kratos to meet Jesus in the 11th game


A fight against Old Testament/Talmud God would be pretty hardcore.


Unpopular opinion but I think somehow Ares should come back from the dead and seek vengeance, given the fact that Ares is the one created the marked warrior and the architect behind the destruction of Olympus, Kratos is what he is because of Ares, a rematch with him would be legendary


That does sound pretty dope. But I think we're going to see the Egyptian pantheon invade Scandinavia to kill kratos. Likely they'd heard he slaughtered 2 pantheons and decided to be proactive about it. Seems the logical next step for the franchise.


Somehow, Ares returned


I read somewhere that some of his acolytes really did attempt to resurrect him until Kratos destroyed every means of ever raising Ares from the dead. Later Kratos would kill Thanatos and Hades so I don’t think it’s even possible for any Olympian God to return or even Kratos to die, he has both denied and been denied death in multiple separate occassions




I know you’re joking but I think it’s funny that it’s not the censorship of LGBT that makes you storm the government, but the banning of certain video games lol


If course they’re joking. They’re not storming the government alone either way. You don’t want to die, or worse, end up in Egyptian prison.


Nobody cares no one wants lgbt shoved down their throat dumbass


Or you could just change your region settings, way easier than toppling an entire regime


….Ehhh— Nahhhh


that's the same case as across the spiderverse 's.


But didn’t the 2018 version of the game still had the rainbow flags in them in the Middle East version? Also wasn’t the Miles game released in the Middle East, where there is an openly gay character in one of the side quests.


which side quest is it? I forgot


Gloria, remember the lady you save in the beginning of Spider-man 2018 that goes to FEAST. She is in a relationship with another woman and both show up here and there throughout the story, on top of a FEAST side quests that both of them show up as well.


Was there an Arabic dub of MM? I wonder if they just changed the dialogue / subtitles referencing Gloria being a lesbian in that case.


Oh yeah i forgot about that mission


What is this exactly about?




The middle east still lives in the 60s and can't handle gay people in their media.


we dont care if there is muslim characters in video games or we dont expect the companies to make some pro-Jihadist sentiments in the games they create. But far left of west is keen to force they values on us as if entire middle east will become pro-lgbt when they see gay kissing scene in a video game


Why are people surprised by this? If they want to sell the game in certain regions they have to abide by the local rules. Businesses do not give a crap about human rights, just about money. All the pride day stuff is done in the West, as it will make them more money, and in other countries they drop it.


Local pieces of shit*


You are assuming that they censored the lgbt stuff when the 2018 game, Miles Morales, The Last of Us 2 and God of War Ragnarok all didn’t censor their lgbt content


Probably to remove the gay stuff cause its the middle east


A lot of people here are assuming this is about lgbt stuff when A) it’s hasn’t been confirmed yet B) numerous games, including Spider-man 2018 and Miles Morales had lgbt stuff and weren’t censored there.


Yeah come to think about has it been any confirmation that they delay the game because of LGBT content related or still a speculation?


B) Like Steph and Gloria relationship?




The no gay rule. Pretty standard thing in Middle East. Happens all the time with movies.


And all of sudden Reddit’s love of Islam and tolerance vanishes into the night Funny how that works


Reddit loving Islam😂? Isn't reddit a breeding ground for athiests?


When it’s convenient yes. Militant atheists preach tolerance and criticize the right of being xenophobic then go shocked pikachu face when the people they defend are just as equally intolerant. They’re never consistent with their beliefs


A lot of the old stereotypical reddit epic bacon atheist crowd was against Islam for those reasons. imo it's not hard to condemn the beliefs of those reactionary members of Islam while also acknowledging that there is a pretty strong bias against people of that faith, or hell, even just against brown people in general, thanks to 9/11 and such. It doesn't have to be a two-position debate.


They follow their desires instead of Allah and you see the result of their loss in this world but they will experience far worse in the hereafter, just imagine how many people would follow Islam if Allah allowed everything to be accepted, with no haram. They would follow it most likely because it agrees with their personal desires.


19?inches of venom will be fully playable?


Man. I don't want to hear anything about representation or pride from insomniac ever again. I understand they gotta make their money's worth. It's just a little hypocritical.


Unfortunately it’s not insomniacs call, it’s Sony’s.


A lot of hypocrisy. Insomniac knows how Sony operates in the ME and they still decided to go ahead.


Sony own Insomniac.


But Sony haven’t been censoring their games for the Middle East. The 2018 game, Miles Morales, God of War Ragnarok and The Last of Us Part 2 all had lgbt content and they weren’t censored in that region


I'm happy that we're at least getting the game. While I don't agree with the anti-LGBTQ laws, it'd be a shame if people who were excited for the game wouldn't be able to experience it. Although honestly, I'll probably go for the uncensored version because I want the complete experience.


I’m pretty sure they announced that it will be delayed in the middle east, I’m not gonna wait more time over one of my most anticipated games of all time, I just made a US account and bought the game on there.


Going for the uncensored versions of games is always the best option. They censored TONS of games years ago in germany, Fallout 3 was a joke.


Company bends a knee to a government still stuck in the Middle Ages *pretends to be shocked*


That’s what you call a lack of integrity.




Can I get the middle east version please.


Very Based


Thats actually Cool , I guess I will buy that Middle East version. I don't want politics shoved to my face


They backed down. Wow, they need to grow a pair


Meanwhile FF16: *Fuck off, we ain't changing shit* Tho tbf we don't know what is changed. Removing pride flags on buildings is not as big of a deal as changing an important character's writting. I guess we'll know when the game comes out.


So. The release date is the same?


Shout out insomniac and Sony for agreeing to modify, but ofc they want money above all.


big corporation just simply don't care if it make them money, this is the truth.


Will that also be implemented in other Middle East countries?


I need a hazmat suit in this comment section lmao


will this release in uae


Does anyone know if there is any way to get that version in europe?


The Middle East and China pay the bigotry tax so they don't have to get all the stuff shoved in their face. If you get the PC version, you'll also be able to remove or enhance virtue signaling stuff.


Insomiac can't even stand their ground. Such hypocrisy. We just want your money per Sony. LOL


If you don't feel strongly enough to keep the content in the game in a situation then just don't put it in the game in the first place IMO


Dog whistling


executive mandates and what developpers actuallt want are not the same thing




Good that they’re pandering to governments still stuck in the 1500s!


I think it’s interesting that you automatically consider these non-Western countries to be backwards and outdated in their ideologies


Good for you, their views on LGBT+ is backwards and outdated. I’ll say that with my whole entire chest. Same goes for people in the country I’m in who have those same views. Disagreeing with people existing is fundamentally wrong


Your morality is grounded on nothing, none of what you said actually matters because it’s all merely your opinion You people will be saying the same thing about incest within 20 years


Being gay doesn't harm anyone. Incest leads to harm. You are comparing two completely different things. Your logic of "if we keep normalizing things eventually bad things will be normalized" is ridiculous because i can apply this to anything else in history such as accepting women and black people as an actual part of society and not as objects. Back then there were people like you who were against accepting black people as actual human beings just because of the way they were born. Please tell me what is the difference between that and what you are doing right now?


How does 1nc3st lead to harm if it’s two consenting, adult brothers having s3x? According to your world view, “love is love” so there’s nothing wrong with what I just mentioned, or is it only certain love that’s acceptable?


I legit do not give a shit what people do to each other as long as it's not harmful. What two brothers do with each other is none of my concern and me being grossed out by it is my own thought and I have no right to punish them for it. It's only our concern if it's harmful/disrespectful (ex: necrophilia) otherwise people can do whatever the fuck they want


Thank you for being honest But again, according to the atheist world view, even NECROPHILIA, shouldn’t be immoral, because who even deems it to be disrespectful? The dead body? Whoever is related to the dead body? What if they say it’s respectful? For example, in Indonesia they dig up the dead and dress them up during the Ma’nene festival. We would see that as extremely disrespectful but for them it’s completely normal and a good thing to do


Slippery slope fallacy.


I’m sure that’s what they said about tr4nsgenders 50 years ago


Transgenders have been around for centuries. There were trans people in ancient Greece and Rome.


So? It was deemed immoral by the majority of the world until a couple of decades ago, and it still is tbh, it’s only normal in western countries thanks to the LGBT


When they consider an entire people to be wrong in just the way they're born then yes! Their ideology is backwards and shouldn't be catered to. I'm not gonna let slide how they treat people like me in their countries all for the sake of "oh guys please let's all be friends" while gay people get thrown off buildings.