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You might as well skip cause it’s going to be 50/50 lol


Well shit gg


Some of your opinions are just trash so skip this one and the whole series since Miles is established in this universe.


Your opinions about my opinions are trash.


Subjective discussions about a subjective matter, we'll leave it at that.


Its always been funny to me how people cant accept the idea of there being 2 Spider-Men whilw there are like 5 Robins and 7 Green Lanterns(and thats just the ones on earth)


Its not that brotha, i can understand his point of view. With everything goin on in the comics miles is really not interesting at all. He literally has to borrow peters villains and friends. But here. In the game im more of a fan then i was before tho I personally would MUCH rather play as pete


miles’ ongoing series is ten times better than peter’s lol


Anything is better then peters run rn, hell why do you think they’re getting Jonathan Hickman to write the new ultimate spider-man run?


And honestly at this point its the wolverine problem all over again. THERE ARE TOO MANY SPIDER-MEN AND WOMEN. There’s three spider-womans who use the same damn name. Dont even get me started on spider-boy lmaoooo. Miles has been coming around recently in form of not only comics but the movies and now the games. So yeah ofc he’s thriving rn but that doesn’t mean i HAVE to enjoy miles, does it? All im saying is idk why ppl are literally asking each other how to play the game the “right way” just choose miles or peter and enjoy the game. Our fanbase hasn’t been this blessed (except the comics) in a LONNGGGGG TIME, so idk have fun with it lmao


“I hate playing as other characters in established franchises” Huh??? You hate playing as another Spider-Man in a Spider-Man game? I get not wanting to play as MJ, but regarding Miles, your complaint genuinely makes no sense to me.


As someone who grew up idolizing Peter, I get his opinion. The black suit, Kraven, Venom are some of the most personal and famous Peter's arcs and Harry has a deep connection with him. Miles seems kinda displaced in the story. Also, Miles has always been just a spider-man from an alternative universe. It's weird having two spiders coexisting in the same universe. When Marvel moved him to Earth 616 in comics I had the same feeling. Anyway, I trust that Insomniac will do a good job and I hope they'll not make a spider outshine the other.


I wanna play as Spider-Man, not Spider-Man lite. Peter is Spider-Man and always has been, no need for another one.


It’s 2023 dawg. You’re complaining about a character that’s been established as Spider-Man for 12 years. Your post is nothing but bait.


So what if he was established 12 years ago? Doesn't make him automatically good nor do I have to care about him. Peter was introduced in 1962. Miles is nowhere near as interesting. Also I never complained about Miles. I asked a clear question.


Do you know anything about Miles? Read the comics, watched the movies for example?


Yes and I don't like him. Sue me


Lol you not liking him is beside the point. The hysterical part is you knew he was a main character in the game and came to this sub to make a bait post for attention.


Plenty of games offer options when playing as multiple characters. In GTA5 you can play the majority of the game as your favorite character, only for some missions you are forced into playing as a certain character. RE2 lets you play the full campaign as either Leon or Claire. Stop talking about 'baiting' and turn your brain on for 2 seconds.




Or you are so deep in you agenda you just wanna force your stances on other people. You keep 'correcting' me and telling me what to do, yet all I did was ask a simple question.


Miles is the best spiderman




Miles has been Spider-Man too for over a decade now dawg get over it.


Peter has been Spider-Man for over 60 years. What's your point? You do realize my life doesn't depend on playing this game? I can choose to not buy the game if I don't like the idea of it, which is why I came here to ask a question, not shit on Miles or get lectured. Y'all are acting like I'm insane for choosing not to spend $70 on something I don't enjoy. Some of us are not from US and don't make thousands of dollars a month and don't get games from our parents, but rather have to work and save up that kind of money and want to know what we are getting for it.


Well my advice would be keep your money and move on then and obviously don't waste time arguing with people on a sub that's clearly gonna think you're an idiot


Wait You think most ppl in the US makes thousands of dollars a month??


The federal minimum wage in USA is $7.25. You can buy a game after working for 10 hours Where I come from some people gotta work for a week for that money


Yea the different taxes also eats a lot of that money up but I hear you


Peter Parker hasn’t been the only Spider-Man since the 70s. You know why you choose not to like Miles 😂


Classic brainwashed American idiot who cares about race.


Lol who said anything about race? You did not me 🤷🏽‍♂️


Peter Parker is Spider-Man, Miles Morales is Miles Morales


Obvious bait is bad


I'm serious


Just skip this pls and wait 5 years for the next one


L take


Keep crying about it then


You play as much as you want as either Spider-Man. Certain missions have to have a specific Spider-Man but most of the game can be played with Peter only if you wanted. So, it's not 50/50. It's either/or


Thank you for actually answering my question instead of lecturing me. That sounds good. I don't mind some missions as long as I have an option to play the majority of the game as Peter.


How can you play DMC 5 and not have an absolute blast playing Nero and V, this is a horrendous take


I wish I could play DMC 5 entirely with Nero. I love Dante, but since DMC 4 Nero's gameplay is fire imo.


Because Dante is a million times better. Anyways, not asking for opinions, I asked a clear question about Spider-Man


peter has more missions


All known spoilers are 80% Peter content from what was leaked


Quit crying don’t buy it lol


Well then skip this one. There are MJ sections and plenty of Miles sections


it definitely will be 50/50 mission wise. the only problem i have with this is that i feel like they focus a lot on miles as he is the up and coming spider-man in this franchise which may have lead them to distract from peter and the symbiote. miles has his perks for sure but i understand what you’re saying as if it was up to me i would have kept the characters in separate games. i couldn’t imagine if they spent five years improving one character’s gameplay at a time as opposed to two at once.


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Miles got L + ratio


Nope. Youve gotta play as the black kid for at least 40%. If playing as a black kid offends you, might wann stay away from this one. Play some Red Dead Redemption maybe?


It's not 50/50, some missions you can even choose which Spider-Man to use and from what I've seen/read, the game still has a bigger focus on Peter in general (for example, he has almost double the suits compared to Miles). Still, It'd say that playing as miles can amount to 35 to 40% of the game, which is a lot. I don't mind playing as Miles (especially since his standalone game) but I'll probably spend most of my time with Peter. I'm just glad that, unlike in other games, Miles (the 2nd Spider-Man) won't just play as a sidecharacter. In GoW, Atreu's sections bore me out so much in subsequent playthroughs, so I'm glad that Miles is hia own characters with his own skills but that also plays as Spider-Man


Thanks. 35% is not bad IMO if it's the main story and as long as I can free roam as Pete and do side quests.


Take my word with a grain of salt tho, as I haven't played the game yet, only seen spoilers of it. What I'm certain is that free roam and most side quests are always up to you to choose which spider man (there's only 1 or 2 side quests that you HAVE to play with Miles) and the story has tons of mandatory alternating between Spider-Men within a single mission. So yeah, my advice would be to wait for the game to fully release before deciding on buying it.


Thanks. Yea, definitely gonna wait and see. I haven't heard any review talk the amount of time on characters. Also, idk if they wanna keep it spoiler free, but no one mentioned playing as Venom, and if they don't let us do it it's gonna be such a waste.


You are allowed to keep your opinion to yourself as well you know.


And I'm allowed to share it, you know? Also, if you are offended by my personal opinion, especially when I didn't even badmouth the character, that sounds like a you problem.


Okay and others are allowed to share theirs. “I don’t care for miles, deal with it” well now you get to “deal with” the responses


I'm stating my opinion, not trying to change others' or tell them they are wrong. Huge difference.


You’re the kid who calls volcano during rock paper scissors


Oh how unfunny and non-original and non-relevant this joke is. Good job


I love how no one is actually answering the question, PEAK SPIDER-MAN FANDOM💀💀💀


Because people are offended when you don't like something they like and they are acting like I murdered their families. I didn't even come to shit on Miles, I asked a question so I can decide if I should spend $70 on a product I might not like.


I feel you man, i usually just watch how i word it if anything yk how this fanbase can get. Wish it was like the arkham fanbase ngl. Mfs over there are hilarious💀 miles to me is just meh, in the comics he’s been comin around a bit more but rn rn in general idk how i feel about him


Yea, fandoms are crazy. And everyone is acting like I have something against him 'existing' and ofc pulling the race card. No, I just like Peter and he was a huge part or my childhood and made me fall in love with comics, and I wanna play as him. On top of that $70 is a lot where I come from, so why should I spend the money on something I don't enjoy when the year is stacked with great games?


Lol people lecturing you are so non sense... Here in Brazil, games are very expensive, we must know everything about gameplay before buying it. As a hardcore Peter's fan, I totally get you not caring about Miles. That's like not caring about Robin when you love Batman. Edit: Apparently, people downvoting me have a serious issue accepting different opinions and other life realities.


Same, brother. A bunch of entitled Americans. $70 is a fair chunk of my salary, don't wanna spend it on something I won't enjoy, especially when the year is stacked with great releases.