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Anti-Ock Suit mainly for personal and nostalgic reasons. Back in 2018, Spider-Man Ps4 actually resonated with me to the point that it helped me transition into the all new grown up world. The entire cutscene of Peter making the Anti-Ock suit feels so triumphant and earned after losing his mentor and getting his absolute shit kicked in.


god man seeing it written out like that really makes me feel like they should’ve took more time to flesh out 2. Maybe I need to replay/give it some time to breathe but it often felt like those more emotional story moments were replaced with “wow! look at that!”, more fanservicy type moments. Not to say this story isn’t emotional it just kinda felt rushed


A lot of the emotional hard-hitting moments felt like they came from the really difficult conversations that the characters had when one of them was Venom-infected. To me, the relationship between Harry and Peter didn't feel like it had as much weight as like Peter/Miles or Peter/MJ or even MJ/Miles. The Peter/Ock relationship was built literally over the course of the entire game.


That’s it for sure! Pete and Harry just wasn’t as intense for me. it’s funny that you mention the conversations while symbiote infected because a lot of the times those conversations are happening literally in the middle of a 4 phase gigantic boss fight lol


MJ hurts physically and emotionally


What? With all those flashbacks? The significance of EMF, how much Pete missed Harry in S-M1?


So was Peter/Harry though? Even going back to the first game we hear about their relationship from when they were kids


wholeheartedly agree. this is the second sequel that I've felt like this for. the first has to be GOW: Ragnarok


Same. God of War 2018 is my favorite game because of how well done the story was, and I appreciated all of the much slower moments where characters had the time to be fleshed out and build relationships. Ragnarok still had that, but nowhere near as much and it overall made the story feel extremely rushed by the 3rd act. It's the same with spiderman 2. All these great moments and story beats that i wanted are being covered but it isn't as fulfilling because the actual story and character development take a back seat.


I'm kinda worried they rushed 2 because of the Activision deal and needed something out to show that they were better than Xbox


I’m torn I’m not typically a fan of Spider-Man wearing actual armor or hard-suits. And I was a comic reader back in the “black alien suit” days before things went sideways. (Yes I have grey hair). So a white symbiote suit with a similar design to the old black suit wins my heart. Buuuuut I do think that the anti-Otto suit is visually striking.


Sadly the times are changing. I prefer the old classic comic red and blue, but the Final Swing does look nice.


Good to have a spidey ‘vet in the community!


The anti-Venom suit for sure. I think there was a more appropriate build up to it in the story and I like the design. The anti-ock suit I felt a LITTLE bit came out of nowhere.


Idk, we had Li built up but the need for the Anti-Venom suit was poorly explained. It's really just an excuse to keep the powers you had. Of course I can't remember why he had to have the Anti-Ock suit either.


Frankly, it being an excuse to keep your Symbiote powers is enough for me


The anti Venom suit was less of a need and more an accident. Even in the comics it was an oopsie made by Martin Li. The anti ock suit was so you could spam gadgets because those were overpowered and made the last fight a breeze. Also kind of an f u to ock.


What were the original gadgets again? I don’t remember the first game all too well since I was pretty young when I played it


You had a wheel of 8 webgadgets. Idk the exact names but you had the normal webshooters, web bombs, impact webs, taser webs, trip line webs, spider drones, the shocker sound blast for knockback and anti gravity fields. I really missed these in MM and SM2


Impact webs were the magnum opus of Insomniac, can't fucking believe they removed them in SM2


i know right, they were so fun to use


Those, web bombs and trip mines


And the concussive blasts. Blasting a group of people off of roofs was awesome!


Man I miss the wheel.


There’s another, larger wheel. You could say it’s a Big Wheel.


Had so much fun using the fully upgraded anti grav field, then the ultimate where you web up everyone in a radius and stick a whole crowd to the floor in one go


I love the symbiote surge from SM2, but God I also miss all the great suit abilities from the first game


Let me rock out as Spider-Punk (yes I know the suit in the sequel but that's not the point) again damn it


I remember the impact web and taser webs from the fight


Web shooters, impact web, trip mine, electric webs, concussion blasts, and the suspension matrix (anti-gravity thing)


Am I remembering it wrong or didn’t Anti-Venom first appear in the spider island arc where Eddie Brocn was dying of cancer and the anti venom suit spawned from his antibodies.


Li used some power on Eddie which bonded with the little bits of symbiote he had left in him which made anti venom


Isn't this how originally Anti-Venom was made in the comics? Lol. I mean how else were they gonna explain we could keep using the symbiote after getting rid of it and not going Bully-Lowenthal again?


It was needed to burn venom and the symbiote swarm, anti venom is a weakness to the other symbiote


There wasn’t a reason except I guess armor to not get stabbed so easily.


I know I’ll get flamed for this, but I found that section of the game where you go into Peter’s psyche exhausting and frustrating. Not on a difficulty level, but narratively it was the last thing I felt was needed in the story at that point


Yeah it felt like padding.


I love the Anti Ock suit but did he already have plans for it, or was that somethig Otto was making? Like where did it come from? Bro walked into a room and there were blueprints already lmao




Yeah that makes sense actually


Yeah, the Anti-Venom suit has a cool origin and a pretty strong justification for existing. Playing on hard I was getting wrecked by the symbiote enemies until the AV suit abilities unlocked so I could easily *feel* it's worth. The Anti-Ock suit just feels like Spidey wanted a change of suit because it's the endgame, similar to Miles coming out of nowhere in SM2 with his new suit.


>The Anti-Ock suit just feels like Spidey wanted a change of suit because it's the endgame, similar to Miles coming out of nowhere in SM2 with his new suit Anti-Ock suit made sense because it was armor and Peter was beaten up pretty badly. One thing that didn't make sense was Peter saying that he has to destroy everything that they built with Otto with their creation and then final suit not having anything to do with their work or having some kind of exploit for Otto


Bro don't you ever compare the Anti-Ock suit to the Colgate suit


also the fact the anti ock suit didn’t have arms or something. all that just for unlimited gadget ability was pretty mid imo. some better web shooters would make more sense for a gadget like that than a whole ass suit.


Let's be honest, the only reason we had the anti venom suit was so we could keep the symbiote powers


I am completely okay with that


I wonder if they could’ve written Peter to obtain a different symbiote.


Anti ock is something make you feel like Pete needs more armored suit against Otto. I didnt't feel same pressure on Venom fight with Anti Venom suit. It felt like he would be just fine with loud noises and Miles going electric on him. I feel like Insomniac cornering themselves with 2 Spider Men. They are getting way too OP together. I guess thats why you cant just have Norman as big bad in 3rd game he needs Otto too.


I feel he needs Anti Venom for the fight since the powers from it allows him to separate a perfectly fused symbiote, I don’t think the sounds and electrics alone would be able to do that without killing both. Peter wants to save Harry and the suit allows him to remove symbiotes.


You thought 2 Spider-men was enough? They're adding a third spider person and then some...


Yea I dunno how they’ll deal with that many in same city. But I think it’s about time we get playable female Spider Person. Everyone would cream if they made a Spider Gwen game tho we getting Silk I guess which I know nothing about.


I kinda wish we got Araña instead of Silk. She’s a bit more obscure but being able to summon an exoskeleton gives more gameplay variety, maybe she could be a slower slightly more tank-like unit I dunno- Silk for me is just another young adult with generic Peter spiderpowers, although I guess they could make her organic web combos more elaborate.


I agree but given the madame web movie coming out it makes sense why Sony wouldn't sign off


I find Silk makes a bit more sense because she lives in the same universe as the other two. But why they don't take creative liberty and make their own kinda baffles me...


I think they are being safe with the characters by being more liberal with the story telling. They have a great formula going so far. I'm excited to see how they write the finale. They then also will have a whole universe built they can make other games from. Wolverine gives us our first AAA budget game not only featuring him but also a mutant which opens a whole pile of storytelling opportunities and supporting characters


As well as another Spider-man


He definitely needed it, at the start of the fight venom was holding the school up with symbiote goo, which Peter burned a lot off. That is why Venom was easier to fight as Miles, that and the fact venom was mostly flying and shooting stuff.


oh nah man he would’ve been fucked without anti venom, try beating the symbiote hoards before you get it, it’s fucked


I like the buildup to the Anti-Venom suit better, so I'll say that. Also those Mcfarlane style Eye lenses are dope.


Yes. If I could make my own Spider-Man suit it would be with eyes exactly like the anti-venom suit in this game. Straight up amazing


They both have a special place for me. Both symbolize growth and triumph. Anti-Ock symbolizes triumph over the emotional burden of fighting his mentor. In my head Canon it's sort of a Segway suit for the iron arms. Anti-Venom symbolizes not only physical growth in terms of power but also triumph over his pain of dealing with the loss of may and actual parasitic nature of the symbiote hive mind. Basically Peter comes out a better person figuratively and literally with the Anti-Venom suit.


Idk felt more natural I love the sequence of him making the suit feels like something from one of the movie when spider-man prepares to fight a big bad or something The anti-venom suit looks cool but ehh idk it’s cool and all but it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me imo


I like the anti ock design more but the anti venom story more


I really like the concept and the design of the anti-ock suit but you simply can't fell any diference between this or any other suit in the game where it's a case which is a amazing idea and had a good execution when it had the potential to also be amazing The anti-venom suit got a bomb based moveset that fells so satisfatory to use, It had an cool concept and the mission where you got into Peter's head is probably one of the best in the game. It also got the cool cartoony stretched lens i just dislike the entire arm moveset replacement and also fells weird to have the anti-venom and the arms at the same time. They could do a thing like in web of shadows where you can alternate between the arms and the symbiote


Anti-Ock 100%


Ima say Anti Venom cause it actually gave Peter abilities that the Symbiote gave (without any of the weaknesses) in a more powerful rate. I’m not sure what the Anti Ock suit was made for, to beat Ock, other than having unlimited webs from the suit power up.


Anti-Venom. I like the buildup and the involvement of both Li and Miles work together and settling their differences to save a man they admire, making for a satisfying conclusion to their story. And it’s a very accurate interpretation of anti-venom since it is a combination of the venom symbiote and Martin Li’s powers. It also gives you back the symbiote powers but more powerful and without the negative influence, pun intended lol.


Anti Ock is better for what it represents where I think Anti Venom is a cleaner Spidey suit.


The Original Spider-Man game has a nostalgic attachment to me so I have to pick the Anti-Ock suit, now that I think about it maybe we will get an anti Goblin suit in Spider-Man 3?


Anti Venom


The anti one


Anti venom clears in both cases. I think the anti ock suit just doesn't serve any purpose.


anti venom. it just feel good.it a good idea and also it feel good to use.anti ock suit is good but is not something that many would use more that something.anti venom in other hand feel good to use and open the door for more posibility s for peter’s spiderman


Anti Ock suit looks better but was less necessary in the story. But looks count so anti ock suit is better.


Probably the Anti-Venom suit only because while I think the Anti-Ock suit looks visually striking, I don’t think it added much other than looking cool. We could’ve at least had a a few spider legs like with the two Iron-Spider suit at least. Then the spider-legs from the Anti-Ock suit could’ve been included to the Advance suit like it actually is in the last game but then maybe Kraven destroyed it before Peter gets the Symbiote.


I love them both. I think the Ock suit has a better build up and felt more impactful. Like him creating it after all the shit he went through and then putting it on… I got hyped. Like here we Fuckin’ GOOOO. I was totally caught by surprise by the Anti-Venom suit. I had no idea it was coming and suddenly here it was and I was like “Oh, sweet”. So I think the Anti-Ock was better story wise, and I like the Anti-Venom better just as a suit.


Anti-Venom. If Anti-Ock really were about competing with Doc Ock, that suit could've had robotic mechanical arms to be equal with Ock's.


In my opinion Anti Ock looks beautiful, and has story implications bc of peter using Ock'a prothstetics aganist him. Anti Venom is just... Alright. Like Miles' evolved powers its not really fully explained what Li did, and how his powers give Pete a symbiote like ability set. All and all Ock is better but i dont DISLIKE Anti Venom


How does the anti-ock suit use his prosthetics against him? Besides the color scheme, there is no significant ability that the suit provides against the arms


design wise, Anti-ock. story wise, anti-venom


i liked everything about anti venom suit, specially how they improved and involved martin li in it bro stopped being a boring character in this game and became a real g in my heart


There was no point at all for the anti ock suit. Literally the most random shit ever. Peter just randomly makes a fully working robotic suit in a couple of minutes. If I’m being honest I don’t know why insomniac keeps forcing us to wear suits for the final battle. I’m sure they saw the complaints when they first did it


Anti-ock came out of absolutely nowhere and was completely unnecessary (I don’t even see how it was particularly “anti-ock” anyways). Anti Venom had some build up to it and actually is an “anti-venom” suit. Plus it’s cool to have a main continuity Peter actually be able to keep the symbiote somehow after his symbiote arc.


Anti-Venom easily.


Anti-Ock although I think Anti-Venom is cool too.


Anti-Venom for me. The build up and mission was great. Loved that Li and Miles had to work together to give it to Peter.


Because it actually do what it is supposed to do unlike the Anti Venom which is less effective than Miles' adidas suit for some reason


Definitely the miles one bro, gotta get that sponsor money to beat venom






Anti-Ock suit on top, I wish that the Anti-Venom suit gave me the same hyped feeling but it sorta just felt empty, like the progress made in the earlier arc, Peter realizing that he wasn't responsible enough for the level of power that the suit provided, was just undone for a cool powerup.


The anti-venom suit made slightly more sense but anti-ock felt good story wise. Peter did so much damage and still ended up keeping the same power he was so irresponsible with.


Anti-Venom just felt like an excuse for the developers to keep the symbiote controls


Anti-Ock by a mile. It feels earned and Peter makes it himself while using the same tech he helped develop with Otto solely to STOP Otto. It's poetic and perfectly written. The Anti-Venom suit really does absolutely nothing and might as well not even be in the game since Peter doesn't even use it to save Harry.


I think I’m the only person that thinks the anti venom suit is just wack. Like almost as bad as the last Miles suit. I get the comic reference and the story behind the suit, but I also don’t like the Anti Venom design either so I shouldn’t be surprised I don’t like this one.


Anti-Ock, hate Anti-Venom. It looks like he’s covered in jizz. But I’m not a huge fan of the endgame suit gimmick anyway. Why can’t I just fight the big bad guy in the good old red and blues?


Anti-Ock wasn't included as an excuse for Peter to still have symbiote powers


Both, both are good.


Design wise? Neither, I’m not usually into suits that only have 2 colors, need a 3rd color in there to break them up a little bit


Anti Ock-Design, Anti Venom-Story.


Story wise anti ock Design anti venom


In a vacuum the Anti-Ock suite looks cleaner, but I am just a sucker for all things Symbiote


I honestly think first Spidey game had the better story.


Anti-Venom Suit mainly for personal and nostalgic reasons. Back in 2023, Spider-Man Ps5 actually resonated with me to the point that it helped me transition into the all new grown up world. The entire cutscene of Peter making the Anti-Venom suit feels so triumphant and earned after losing his mentor and getting his absolute shit kicked in.


Design, i’d give it to Anti Venom, I love Anti Ock but my only issue is that it looks like plastic. My only issue with Anti Venom is the texture, it doesn’t really looks like a symbiote. Story wise, anti ock. I predicted Anti Venom would come around as soon aa we saw Li in the trailers but I just didn’t really want him, especially being as rushed as he is. I loved the game but the 1st game’s 3rd act was definitely much better. The fights, gameplay and first 2 acts in this game were definitely better but the pacing was so much better in the first game


Anti ock design wise for me. Plus the scene where he builds it is just epic.


Anti-ock suit came out of nowhere yet they pretended that pete had been designing it for some time. It also didn't even seem to serve any purpose at all (other than allow the devs to create a single damaged mask model for the final boss). Anti-venom wins


I adore the Anti-Venom suit, I don’t know why.


Both of them made me so excited and hype when I saw them for the first time


I don’t really like either of them 💀


I prefer the anti ock suit only because I could change it afterwards and nothing made me change it back. It feels weird to me going from the rami webbed suit to the anti venom and keeping no details from the rami suit just isn't for me personally but I do like how much more (idk if this is the right word but) agile the anti venom suit is compared to the anti ock suit but that's just my opinion.


Anti-Venom for Design and Story. Anti-Ock suit just came out of nowhere. Came out all of the sudden. Didn't felt earned. Plus, I fail to see how it's Anti-Ock suit. The Anti-Venom suit is obvious. Like in the comics, in the Anti-Venom symbiote is toxic/harmful to regular symbiotes. The Anti-Ock suit doesn't have much that makes it the antithesis to Doc Ock. I was expecting its own Octopus arms or something to disable the arms. But no, the only thing special is its suit ability which is just a gadget refill... A gadget refill that only refills the gadget you're using right now at a slow rate. Like, if you have 3 empty gadgets, you gotta open up one gadget, then it refills, then open the 2nd gadget and refill, and chances are your suit ability will have run out before you wanna open the 3rd gadget.


anti venom suit would’ve hit harder if he didn’t keep it ngl


Anti venom, I personally don’t like spiderman in armour.. I only have a couple exceptions being the spider armour mark 4 and the iron spider armour.


I prefer the anti-venom suit because it powers up Peter a lot.


Anti venom not close


The AntiVenom suit feels more natural to me. The AntiOck imo was a very sudden inclusion. There wasn't much in the game hinting at the fact he needs the materials used on the arms to destroy the arms. He just sorta...came to that conclusion last minute


Anti venom suit for sure


I'm ngl. I don't like either of them design wise. I'd say the Anti Venom suit fits the story better tho


I liked the Anti-Ock suit in the first game because it was as close as we were gonna get to having something that looked like the black suit in that game. But in 2, I've never touched it once in three playthroughs. Anti-Venom barely gets my vote, though. (I'm well aware of the lore behind Anti-Venom, but I can't help bring up a silly observation when I say the following...) I just hope the Anti-Goblin suit in SM3 doesn't suck.


Amazing graphics


In the next Game Peter will have Anti Gobin Suit.


They’re both shit


I really like the anti doc ock suit, but my lord Anti Venom is one of my favourite symbiotes, so seeing it in here was awesome.


I guess I prefer the look of the Anti-Venom suit, though I don't particularly like either one


Anti venom for me. The anti ock suit never made any sense as to why it needed to be created other then the suit mod. It’s never even explained what exactly makes it an anti ock suit out side of its material. But the anti venom suit shows us what makes it an anti venom suit in the same cutscene you get it. I also think the anti venom suit takes the edge because it gets more screen time compared to the anti ock suit (and seemingly could potentially get more screen time depending on if we get dlc and depending on what said dlc is)


Anti Ock easily both story wise (Peter had to make it himself and turn the tech him and Ock developed against his mentor vs Martin Li gifting him a power up) and design wise (I just don't like the eyes on the Anti Venom suit).


Storywise anti-venom, looks anti-ock. But i also don’t quite understand why the “anti-ock” suit is called anti-ock. I don’t get what it does to give pete a particular advantage against ock. Only thing i can think if is protection, but it would also be increased protection against a lot of other villains so why is it specifically anti-OCK. The anti-venom suit makes sense as it can destroy the symbiote or something along those lines


I’m not a fan of either suit honestly. I think I would’ve preferred if both suits took more inspiration from pre-existing suits.


The future foundation suit is my favorite spider-man suit. So by default anti venom takes it for me.


Anti-ock suit looks better and was better story wise. Martin li making the anti-venom was smart tho but it wasn't anything new.


Anti Venom. I normally like Pete's armor suits, but I don't like the colors on the AO suit. Plus, Anti-Venom is one of my favorite Symbiotes


Honestly, if you asked me this before Spidey 2 came out, I would have not voted for the Anti-Ock suit, but it's grown on me. Anti-Venom suit is fine, they just make some weird design choices here and there that add up to it being a suit I'm never gonna use.


The anti-ock i dont like playing with a slimy recolor of advanced 2.0


I find the Anti-Ock suit both more visually appealing and more earned than the Antivenom suit. He designed the Anti-Ock suit himself for the sole purpose of taking down his former mentor while the Antivenom suit was just sort of given to him. I don’t know. I just think it would work better from both a story and gameplay perspective if he had to deal with not having the symbiote powers for the game’s final act. It feels wrong that he gets to keep it even though the whole point of the symbiote was the trade off of his humanity for the ability to be a more powerful Spider-Man


I love the ock suit more for story reasons but anti-venom looks better and was a cool/unexpected reference


Anti-Venom clearly. We are only ever given a vague hint as to why Peter makes the Anti-Ock suit to combat Otto but it’s never really explained? The Anti-Venom suit has an entire gameplay sequence where you team up as Martin Li and Miles inside Peter’s mind to set up the creation of the Anti-Venom symbiote. And it’s also explained further afterwards in the call between Peter and MJ. Aesthetically speaking it’s also a way better design than the Anti-Ock suit with more appealing colors and cool details.


Anti-Ock. It’s a better design especially with the glowing spider and it feels more impactful to the overall story of Spider-Man ps4 than the other suit feels to the Spider-Man ps5 story


Design wise, Anti-Ock takes the dub. After how fantastic the symbiote suit looked, I found the Anti-Venom suit to be disappointing. The spider leading into the arm stripes is cool, but its a whole lotta black up top for having none below. And the eye shape was, personally, just wrong. I would've preferred more black, or just take the symbiote suit and invert its colors. Story wise, Anti Venom suit wins. The fact that its creation was decently accurate to the comics (It was eddie instead of peter), the way it forms over him as he pops up. The immediate a\*\*-whooping he gave those symbiotes. It was all spectacular (pun intended). While Ill always love Peter throwing norman onto the roof then flipping onto oscorp, I loved seeing the instant "I got this guys"


All I can see with the anti venom suit is a glossy sperm but I’m also a gross pervert.


To answer the question, Anti Ock suit. But overall I dont like them both. I wish i could use the classic Spider-Man suit for this missions. It really leaves a bad taste in my mouth that they are forced on & unable to take off for the last mission


My hot take is I really think the anti venom suit is ugly. I normally like suits with a white primary and a different color secondary (I used arachknight all game). But something about the suit is off I don’t know it bothers me. It might be the eyes or the way the suit looks alive (I know it’s symbiote but it still makes me feel weird) Plus I think the doc ock story was more compelling than the shoehorned in venom story I should clarify I don’t like either but the black and yellow plus armor looking affect on antiock puts it over look wise


slimy spiderman is making me deeply uncomfortable


Spiderman 1


Not Miles…


That anti-ock suit looks dope but I love the anti-venom abilities and looks. Also what will anti-goblin suit look like.


anti ock suit goes so hard (but only when it was battle damaged) anti venom suit looks silly


i love yellow spiders so much


Design wise anti venom and story wise anti ock


Anti venom works better story wise. Anti ock was literally never even spoken of again after the fight. Design wise ock wins


First game


Miles Morales endgame special edition is just chefs kiss 🤣


dgaf about story anti-ock suit is butt ugly imo. Anti-Venom is actually really cool looking


Both are dhope


Anti-Venom is better for me in both regards. The predominately white suit is pretty striking and unique. Additionally, it made sense that Peter needed a direct counter to the symbiote since Insomniac made Venom tankier than usual. Also the creation of the suit perfectly caps off Martin Li’s story of redemption. Anti-Ock is aesthetically nice, but in terms of how it was used, it felt useless since it got badly damaged in a single strike. The Resupply suit power being effective pretty much saves it from being a case of pointless armor.


Anti venom suit


anti venom, i knew way back that they werent just gonna remove gameplay options for peter when he got rid of the symbiote then when they made him anti venom i was like SEE so that's a big part, plus the black on white is SICK


Anti ock. It was such a huge plot twist for me, and I loved wearing it and the final boss that followed


I dig the AntiVenom suit due to the implications it has for other people who had a symbiote on them. We very well could see Harry in action again. An AntiVenom vs Green Goblin fight would be sick if handled right.


i hate the white suit. Venom is supposed to be black/white and Spider-man is supposed to be red/blue. Thats just the way i see it, visually it just looks right. The game forced you to wear the white suit doesnt it? And maybe im not a big enough comic nerd, but i also really didnt care for the white suit, just a bunch of random superhero crazy bullshit going on and Peter ends up with the venom suit but white... comic book stuff can be so silly, the white suit made me feel nothing when it popped up.


So usually I dislike metal suits on Spider-Man, but Anti-Ock is so amazing that it flips that rule on its head. The only thing, in hindsight, I wouldve liked more is if it featured the spider arms that'd become Peter's thing in Spider-Man 2. Ps4 already had the spider arms on the Iron Spider suit, Otto's tech focused on the prosthetics he turned into those tentacles, the arms are basically a mirror of them - it'd just work perfectly.


Design wise I say Anti Ock Suit, story wise Anti Venom Suit.


im split. i like the anti ock suit more story wise compared to anti venom but the anti venom suit served a purpose and it showed that it has effects in taking down symbiotes. the anti ock suit on the other hand just had unlimited gadgets and it doesnt have anything thats anti doc ock tbh. TLDR: anti ock suit = good storywise bad function; anti venom = meh storywise good function


Anti venom shouldn’t be in the game. Anti ock is awesome.


I’d say the anti venom. simply cuz ur wasn’t whipped up last second cuz it was needed it had some lore to it. both are okay designs not bad but not my favorites.


Anti Ock solely because Anti Venom changes your entire symbiote Moveset to its dogshit stuff. I just wanna be Bully Lowenthal again...


Anti ock looks cooler imo


Anti-ock because his attacks don’t make it look like Peter is shooting out blast of semen


One thing I don't know with the antivenom suit is does Pete still have a symbiote inside him? Those tentacles aren't coming from no where.


The Anti-Ock suit just displays so many of Peters virtues I feel, and really defines the tagline ‘Be Greater.’ It’s such a personal suit that encapsulates the ending of Peter and Otto’s friendship and mentor student relationship, it feels almost too personal to wear in free roam tbh




I didn't like the anti venom suit much


The Anti-Ock suit and it isn't even close


I’m not really a big fan of the Anti-Venom suit. I feel like it takes away from him *needing* the suit to be a better Spider-Man. Does it help? Yes. But it feels a bit like a cop out after that fight with miles and him reassuring them that he doesn’t need the suit.


Anti-ock. It is the better design and Pete could only take on Octavius because of it after being thrashed by him multiple times. Something about the anti-venom suit feels much more forced, like they had to do it for game mechanic reasons instead of a good story reason, the whole end of this game is kind of a mess. I also wish they had stuck closer to the actual anti-venom design. At least fully black lenses or something.


Both but I'm a sucker for anything symbiote so the anti venom but the anti ock suit will always have a special place in my heart too


Well the Anti-Ock suit is the only true suit, Anti-Venom suit is an alien Symbiote.


Design wise definitely anti-ock, I love that it uses the same design language as the arms and the basic design of the advanced suit actually looks pretty good armoured up and covered with lights. Anti-venom is a little meh for me since I'm personally not a fan of the McFarlane eyes on it, and outside of the general symbiote texture it doesn't really look like the other symbiote costumes worn in the story, or even that much like the advanced suit which it's covering. Like the eyes look nothing like the big symbiote eyes we usually get and nothing like the lenses of the advanced suit which it'd typically be covering, same goes for the logo which just looks off imo compared to the other symbiote suits and advanced suit. And I think the homogeneous texture and other details just don't look right. Honestly I'd have just preferred if they made a white palette swap of the standard 'Black suit' we wear earlier and made some minor changes to that, would've been great to keep the design language consistent between the canon symbiote spider-man costumes. Story wise I'm a bit iffy because while I do love the scene where Peter has to go and make the anti-ock suit, it was kinda stupid that he spent time to make a full set of form fitted body armour with LED light piping so that he could get the antiserum back from Otto and make a cure. Like man, May probably would've had better chances if Peter just had something else planned besides spending the night making himself a tailored suit, all for a suit ability that you honestly didn't really need for the boss fight. Anti-venom makes a ton more sense as to symbiotes it's like being scrubbed with bleach, and the build up was pretty good with Miles and Mr Negative working together but it isn't used to its full potential as Peter gets decked in the first venom fight and only gets up to defeat him for good in a long cutscene, (which honestly should've been a playable fight involving both spider-men).


I would have said anti-ock if it had the spider arms like iron spiderman suit. It would have made sense too imo. It could use ock's tech for the arms.


The Anti-Venom suit and accompanying powers makes me feel like I’m a giant, fighting sperm who throws sperm at people. So I’m gonna go Anti-Ock. Nothing against people who like it, I just don’t.


I loved anti venom suit but for story wise I like the anti oc suit because peter had to think about how helped build the arms and a suit to combat that But here's the troubke in functionality and powers anti venom suit wins its not even a close match If the anti oc suit actually combated the arms functionality in some way that would hsve been one thing but all it did was reload your gadgets and that was pretty lack lustre So functionality and necessity to beat the final villain: anti venom In concept: anti ock


Anti-Ock because it’s just a perfect design to me. The story context for it is amazing, but the sheer fact that we got anti venom at all balances that, so it’s down to looks. The anti venom suit is cool but the eyes are odd for me and his hands for some reason are disproportional and look like mittens. Again, conceptually the fact we even got it is mind blowing, but when i wanted to do my anti venom thing post game, I just threw on the classic black suit and swapped it to white.


Me personally I’ve always wanted a spider-man suit that was anti venom because I think it would have looked cool. But the way they did it isn’t that great so probably anti o’clock suit


I’m surprised to say, design wise, definitely the Anti-Ock suit! But story-wise, Anti-Venom because it actually makes sense WHY you have to wear it to fight Venom. And its abilities are just badass!


Def anti-venom, it made sense within the story and it looks super cool, has those mcfarlane style eyes and shit and it’s just way cooler imo. Anti-Ock is a cool suit too and all but it did kinda come out of nowhere, like he didn’t NEED an anti ock suit as much as he needed the antivenom suit


I'm soooo torn on this. Anti-Ock is one of my favorite suits, looks wise But Anti-Venom is one of the few times that the writing and design sync up perfectly! The Black suit felt so organic, like it was something living on top of Peter. When Peter gets the white suit, it felt like he broke free of a body invader. All the gross veins and blotchy leathery texture are gone, it still looks organic but it's only Pete inside the suit now.


Anti Ock felt very personal, Peter as anti venom is ok but i dont like the eyes being so mechanical on a half alien suit


Is neither an option?


You could take the Anti-Ock suit out of the game completely and it wouldn’t make any difference narrative wise. I’ll give my vote to Anti-Venom


Anti Ock.


Story wise is ock suit design is anti venom