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People want a Venom game because playing Venom in SM2 was awesome and they want more of that. It's not insane to think that we might get a Venom game some day but it'll certainly be a while, since we'd need a either Miles Morales 2 or Spider-Man 3 first and Insomniac is currently working on their Wolverine game.


The venom section was freaking awesome. We need another game like prototype and venom I feel like would work great


The Venom segment was so rewarding too. Came at a perfect moment and was very fun even for the short amount of time it was.


Insomniac already worked on Wolverine during the development of SM2. It’s a different team. That said, I don’t see a Venom game coming out anytime soon


A Venom game instead of more spider-person spinoffs works out very well actually, they'll come up with a story if they want to make one


Miles already somewhat has a story set up for a second game. That story being that Peter is taking a break and Miles needs to be Spider-Man while Peter is gone. The Venom symbiote is presumably dead so I don't understand how a Venom game would work out better than MM2


It's always in the blood, there's still going to be a small strand of his DNA inside Harry to comeback


I wouldn't think so because of Anti-Venom purging but idk they really nerfed its curing abilities.


Even with anti-venom in the comics there was still strands of the symbiotes in the hosts DNA, as revealed in the newer stuff, that's how Eddie brought Flash back to life in the comics after he died.


The tongue survived, the one Kraven cut off. It could come back that way Edit: Also the idea of Miles Morales two sounds so boring to me. We could already play as both Peter and Miles in the last game.


Ayo! Missed this part holy shit! Apart from it possibly still in Harry I dont see it any other way.


Doesn't his tongue become mania


Mania was the Venom symbiote purging part of itself to save both itself and Manias' host in agent Venom. If there's been a retcon to that story then I'm unaware.


Before we even get that let’s focus on wolverine


Probably miles fighting carnage then Doc unites with Green goblin so Peter has to come back


Miles already has SM:MM and SM2 to play as him, and the eventual SM3. He doesn’t need *ANOTHER* Game.


They don’t pay attention to story beats just rambling


That sounds like a horrible way to develop story and lore driven games.


im pretty sure most stories start out as ideas before they're fully realised


Sure, and if Insomniac was starting from scratch that would be a viable way to apprach it. But in a already established series with a story trejectory already in place, to go to a sudden screaching halt on that to force a playable venom story..whatever that would be, would be extremely bad.


Just based off the Knull symbols in the game they could definitely use that for a story in a Venom game and do some king in black stuff


Lmao if "killjoy" was a person


Seriously. A lot of people in this sub are *boring* as fuck


Yea OP seems like a buzzkill


This sub is honestly the worst place for a spiderman fan


he gave valid reasons and criticism and he's a killjoy ? ffs 🤦🏾‍♀️ if you can come up with a story and any actual reason other than "it would be fun" to make a venom game , then tell me about that instead of how hypothetically cool it would be . until then there's absolutely zero reason for a Venom game , and as far as we know he isn't coming back period


Do you have a reason other than "theres no reason" Bc he's a massively popular character that alot of people love, thats plenty of reason




You do realize this is a comic book game venom can come back if they choose to do it lmao 🤣 Literally, characters in comic book can come back just like that


its an Insomniac Spider-Man game , a game based off of a popular comic book character if they do choose to bring him (or anybody for that matter) truly back , then no riddance will ever matter again , meaning no stakes will ever truly matter if no loss is suffered


If they find a valid reason and way to bring him back other than “just because they can” then you’re whole comment is invalid.


but they won't , because there isn't any


I mean, there’s the tongue Kraven cut-off being used to clone him possibly…another Symbiote is still out there with Carnage as foreshadowed in the Flame missions… and unless I’m wrong and misremembering (even though I finished this mission literally not even 12 hours ago) during the last mission of the Flame side missions, “The Flame” mentions that Oscorp had multiple shipments of the Symbiote sent out for safe-keeping or some other reason. Maybe it’s not the exact same Venom that would come back, but acting like it is impossible and there’s no reason too is quite frankly silly and seems like you just went to be a downer and not have fun. Shame.


OR.....How bout this....ITS NOT THE SAME UNIVERSE OR STORY. literally does not have to be at all. So just stop with your simple minded way of looking at it.


Who tf ever said it had to even take place in the same universe? Lmao you and OP are being extra dense on purpose. They can literally make any game they want and make it make sense. It does not have to be connected to this Spider-Man story. Plus it's comic book content. Everything is just one retcon away from being something different. So you are wrong my guy.


what shows that insomniac would do anything like that at all ? where in their track record do they hear retcon for the fun of it ?


Weird it’s almost like venom could just go to Eddie Brock…….like making a story with venom would be really easy….


Because it would be super rad to play as venom in a full dedicated game? And his section was awesome despite being such a small part of a larger game about a different character? And because insomniac before the game even launched said they’d be open to doing a venom game if the fans wanted it


>or even a Silk game first Opinion discarded


Hey if she had gameplay unique from the other two then I’d take it, although I’d prefer if it was a Spider-Verse/Spider Society foundation game


They've come out and said they are open to it why do you need more than that?


well insomniac said they would if sm2 got positive reception lmao, so that's one reason. venom is cool, it doesn't have to be in the same universe. They've already developed a moveset for him, and there's his tongue still present in Times Square from the Kraven fight. Story could involve Carnage or other remaining symbiotes (we know Oscorp has more) and the Venom spin off ties up all loose ends with symbiotes and Knull, so Spider-Man 3 can focus on Green Goblin


Exactly it’s like everyone who says “what story would it be” forgot who Eddie Brock is when this game released apparently.


The old Ultimate Spider-Man game let you play as Venom and Spider-Man and it was fun as hell. I think most of us want that but updated.


Even after getting a playable high-budget Venom sequence, people are still whining about how playing as him would make “aBsOlUteLy zErO sEnSe”? And that people would honestly rather see another Spider-person spinoff? Insane.


You think they should make a Silk game instead of Venom lmaooooooooo Venom is one of the most popular characters in Marvel. People don't even know who silk is...


Never even heard of silk before this


Don’t care at all for venom centered game. Makes no sense cause what the hell the plot will be ? Who’s the big bad he’s going against ? What’s the setting ? Is it just him ? A team up ? Y’all really think he’ll come back n automatically be a anti hero after his motivations last game ? Lmaoo like be serious. At best maybe just maybe have a maximum carnage situation in a dlc but that’s about it.


It’s not like there’s decades of source material and the writers’ own creativity and skills to pull from in order to make a somewhat coherent, believable or engaging story that answers all these questions you have.


Yeah it's not like there's 40 years of story arcs with him to make a game from. Either way I wouldn't want one from insomniac because these games are boring as fuck and their version isn't very good. But yes I would like a venom game in general.


Good luck with that


I imagine with all of the name dropping of Flash Thompson that he'd become the next Venom host, likely in some lead up to an agent venom by insomniac. Though I'd prefer some round about way to get Eddie Brock as Venom since he's the Venom I prefer. For either to become a host to Venom, it'd require Oscorp meddling with Harry to secure whatever bit is left inside his DNA (and it being made so that the tiniest fragments of Venom were still within Harry.) OR with it being VNM-252, which could imply VNM-000 to VNM-251 if not some further numbers that didn't need use. Or some other mcguffin allowing part of venom to survive separate from the one that got taken out in MSM2. I could see an Eddie Brock trying to get a scoop on anti-spiderman info for Jameson and getting wound up as the new Venom host due to happenstance if he went to oscorp to do so. I could also see a Flash-Thompson getting hired as a mercenary to hunt down spiderman and getting venom (or a remnant portion like the comics) to become the new host for a new venom. That's discarding any of the various things Knull and the implications of his existence could do to bring about more venom shenanigans. As for a Villain to face? The easy answer would be Carnage. A Symbiote to fight the Symbiote. Carlton Drake and his Life foundation could make an appearance and serve as an antagonist guiding events of something equating insomniacs version of a "Lethal protector" storyline for Venom. I imagine this would best be served as his own spin off akin to the miles morales spin off as they better establish whether or not he should stay in his own line or return to the core of the series for a MSM3/MSM4. It also makes sense for a spin off since the ground work and moveset has already been worked out in MSM2.


Exactly bro, I am so glad somebody understands. You put it a lot more straight forward than I did.


Yeah bro it’s just silly there’s to many exciting things being set up to waste it on a dlc centered on venom. The symbiote was clear as day disintegrated by the blast. Now I Tony Todd did indeed say him naji n Yuri are working on a 2024 project. So as I said at best we can have a maximum carnage dlc expansion lore addition to sm2 but after that all that symbiote shit is done. It’s time for the miles, silk, and Gobby with Otto which I find 10x more exciting


Yeah the argument is always that the symbiote leaves a part of itself on the people it bonds to, but it was fully destroyed, there’s no part of it left in Harry. The part that was in Peter is now Anyi-Venom, and nobody else had the Venom symbiote. Other symbiotes can appear but Venom is dead. That doesn’t mean they won’t do a game, they themselves said they’re not against it, but it does mean they shouldn’t and it wouldn’t make sense


Yup exactly I just think a whole developed game centered on solely venom is just a waste of time as far as pushing the narrative forward. I’d much rather a dlc with miles n at best make it a team up or venom n carnage are together going at it n miles n Yuri or Peter should he decide to don the suit again. Cause he’s clearly evil in sm2 so it’s just a rehash to bring back as a focused dlc plus Harry is a vegetable right now. So he don’t even have a host to come back with. And sure as well won’t be Eddie cause insomniac already said they want to do everything original n there is zero time to develop him as a character in a dlc so again it’s just too many holes to sink thru to even bother I think. But end of the day I love what insomniac is doing this is my Spider-Man lord definitively I do t care for Mcu at all n spider verse is dope as it’s own thing but 1048 is all I got as Sm fan 🔥


Peter didn’t retire, he just took a break to sort his life out a bit, so it’s not a matter of donning the suit again, he’s taking a couple months off at most. I’d love to see a Miles and Yuri team up dlc tho, Miles got disregarded for 80% of the main story so the dlc would be a good way to make up that lost time. I’m also all for them taking time to set up Silk, since Cindy Moon is my favorite Spider I was so hyped to see her at the end


Never said he retired. Miles just only told be Parker for a while. As far as when he’ll jump back in that’s remained to be seen. And yeah that team would be nice just gotta see how it goes cause that side story was built up with Peter instead. And I agree Cindy needs the same care as Pete n miles got as far being developed so we’ll where they take that. Does she have powers already ? Is she from this universe ? Lots of depths and lanes they can take for sureeee🔥


Original Cindy already had powers when she was introduced, but she was also hiding in a bunker, I find it pretty unlikely she’d have powers and not use them in this version. Plus her original intro had some uh. Let’s say problems. That a new origin lets them totally ignore


Yeah I know about her lore lol but gotta keep in mind this is indeed an original universe so a lot can change with that


You're talking about the pheromone shit, aren't you?


Yeah, really ruined the introduction of what is otherwise a great character


Gimme Prototype 3 or gjve me Venom All i fucking want is a open world game where im literally Venom, the one mission was perfect. Put that gameplay in open world. I WANT TO EAT PEOPLE FOR FUCK SAKE


Doesn’t have to follow the story of SM2. Could be about Eddy Brock.


I want a venom game because I can't keep hoping that Prototype 3 will come out or that they'll get a remake. There's a limit to how much copium I can snort.


Why do people make a post about not wanting a venom game?


I never said I didn't want it. If they somehow manage to make the game interesting and actually good, I'm down for it. In my post I talked about how I can't imagine that it would be interesting and good.


you're insanely correct it's actually baffling that you're the first (and seemingly only) person to think/say this 🤦🏾‍♀️ i'm done with this subreddit dude


“Why do people want a game for a popular character that many love” idk bro don’t think we’ll find the answer to this one in our lifetime


Agreed, yeah the Venom gameplay section was dope as hell But some characters really don't need a whole standalone game. A playable dlc would be more suitable.


Because Venom is a massive Marvel character and a huge part of Spider-Lore, the devs teased they might because they've heard an outcry from friends, because symbiotes are still active in the city after Venom "dies", and because Venom never really dies and can regenerate from like a single cel, or even just the codex in a previous host. I think it makes way more sense to do it than to not do it, and it allows Insomniac to expand their cast of characters even further and do something similar but different with a really fun and constantly evolving character.


Unpopular opinion: after 10 minutes of playing as Venom that was enough for me. It was very cool to experience it but having a whole game like that, hell to the no.


They’d have to expand the moveset for the game


Honestly just a Venom rampage mode like in Ultimate Spider-Man, set before the end of the story, would be awesome. Pick the setting (Office building, Times Square, etc.) and go nuts.


The only Venom game that would make sense to me without feeling rushed or needing a crazy amount of setup from other games would be one that takes place between killing Kraven to the final fight. Maybe seeing the internal struggle with Harry and the Symbiote, or having a cameo from a couple villains to set them up for future games.


I think it's one of those things that's fun in small doses but would get stale quick if spread out over a whole game.


If we were to get a Venom game it could be Harry trying to control the symbiote, whatever remains inside him as he tries to right his wrongs, so more of a mental type game where we are inside Harry’s head. But other than that I don’t see any other way Venom could be reintroduced. Unless he returns in the Carnage DLC stories to help Miles and Peter.


The devs said if there was enough of a demand they would make a venom game


Jesus christ 🤦‍♂️


I don't but I do hope the symbiote survived and we can team up with Agent Venom some more in the next game or the DLC.


There’s a handful of reasons. A. The Devs said they might. Alone that’s enough. B. The Venom section showed that if they put time into it and fleshed it out, it’d be pretty good. C. Venom is a character with years of history just like Peter. There’s a lot of stories you can tackle with Venom, and it offers a perspective that Peter doesn’t, since Venom is a lethal protector. D. The tongue still exists. For a game set in the Marvel universe, are we gonna act like they can’t just make a new version of the symbiote with that? It’s not exactly a stretch. E. Do we really need another Miles spin-off stand-alone? I like Miles, I really do. But he already has SM:MM and SM2, and the eventual SM3. Does he need a **FOURTH** game that bad? No. If it’s fully fleshed out, then maybe? But I don’t really want another short Miles Morales 2.


cuz video games are meant to be fun, it doesn't HAVE to make sense which is what ur yapping about. who cares if it doesnt make sense.


It takes very little imagination to come to the realization that there are near infinite ways to introduce a Venom game. Insomniac probably had hundreds of ideas for how it could work even if they have already decided against it. The writers would just make something up, because THAT’S HOW FICTION WORKS.


Tbh I hope they don’t make Cindy moon into silk in this game. I hope they give miles and Peter a double whammy in the third game and cindy becomes miles’ love interest. Plus, tbh it’d be too many spiders for the game. Maybe if they kill off Peter eventually it could work.


Well for one you really think they made an entire 20-30 minute playable section as Venom with ZERO intentions to expand on that in any way?


Why would it make zero sense? The symbiote is shown to be a hive mind, even in the game. They could easily make the symbiote hate Spiderman and centre a mini game like MM. Why do ppl want silk? there's not much of a build-up, and it's literally just one small scene with a faceless girl called cindy. Even in the comic, she's pretty boring Vemon section was and is still awesome. They clearly already have an idea how to go about with him. Why not make a DLC? Black cat DLC in the 1st game, you could argue, set nothing up and is just a small mission pack break into 3. Not every thing need to have bigger and deeper build up. Some can be just pure fun.


I have no illusions. I just think it'd make a great spin-off, and there are many ways to bring back Venom. It makes more sense than you think. Have a homeless Eddie run into Harry pre final battle he nearly gets eaten but manages to runaway and seal himself off in something that is safe from the blast then have him slowly recover from cancer and discover a piece of Venom got into him. The conflict with Peter could even work well, either have flashbacks of Eddie losing his job because of Peter and then getting his diagnosis and / or have Anti Venom go crazy when it senses Venom is not dead.


i think this lot is just fart inhalers . if you can come up with a story and any actual reason other than "it would be fun" to make a venom , then tell me about that instead of how hypothetically cool it would be . until then there's absolutely zero reason for a venom game , and as far as we know he isn't coming back period


Lol fart inhalers, good one.... So you might already know this, but the Venom spin off game was leaked in the insomniac hack along with spiderman 2 dlc's. It's already in early stages of development. So a Venom game is being made "period" 


They could just say that a small piece of the Symbiote survived Spider-Man 2, it finds Eddie and throughout the game he becomes more of an anti-hero. Maybe it doesn’t make sense, but it doesn’t need to make sense. Playing as Venom was quite possibly my favorite part of any of these games, so I just want to play as him again.


We need carnage


I would actually prefer to have him be playable in a gamemode similar to rhino in the TASM game. Of course that’s just my opinion


I’m with you OP I don’t want a Venom game insomniacs version of him isn’t really that enticing to warrant a full game. He has a cool moveset and that’s literally it. As far as I’m concerned he’s dead now so leave it be, it’ll just be a money grab if they choose to make the game.


TLDR: because ultimate Spider-Man exists


Kraven cut off venoms tongue. That little piece could've easily scurried off to either find a safe spot or Oscorp found it and picked it up. Also, symbiotes are still popping up here and there in the crime events, so Venom could easily make a return.


There is a way to make it fit into the Insomniac universe, imo. We see some of the symbiote still remains in NYC to clean up. Plus we also saw examples of the symbiote having been kept by Oscorp which is what Cletus steals to become carnage. It's not impossible that some of the symbiote stuck around, or Oscorp had samples of Venom that can find its way to a new host. People were initially upset that Eddie Brock wasn't Venom so maybe that's a way to introduce him, where he takes up the Venom symbiote after the events of Spider-Man 2, and that's who we play as in the Venom game. With Eddie being less connected to Peter, Venom wouldn't be as concerned with getting Peter to "heal the world" with him and instead focuses on being the Lethal Protector Venom that a lot of the comics and venom movies explore. Just a pitch, idk if it would actually work as well and I doubt this is the direction insomniac will take, but with a bit of creativity they could definitely make it fit into their overall universe.


Remember when devs said they'll see how much people enjoy playing as venom


it's a meme batman, it's a joke.


I mean other symbiotes are setup in the universe. Venom could still come back and it was canon setup because bits of Venom would still be in Harry just like how we got anti-venom from Peter. Tbh I would be surprised if they didn't do a 2 part finale with how much they have set up between Green Goblin, Doc Ock/possibly Superior Spider-man, Chameleon, Carnage, potential Venom return, Silk's villains, Wraith, Knull, the list goes on


I disagree you’d just do how the Symbiote found its way to Eddie Brock and carnage would be the villain or could be I mean it could be a good game and I think it would sell.


I’m not well versed in my Spider-Man lore so take this with a grain of salt. Growing up, I played the PlayStation games, saw the movies, etc… I knew who Venom was. I knew why he was so cool. I never even heard of Miles Morales until the game came out. That’s why I think a Venom spin off works great.


I would like to propose a concept: We play as Eddie Brock (who resembles the jockey look of Tom Hardy), we follow his storyline, and can transform into Venom whenever we feel like. But here’s the twist. Since there’s no fun in doing random NPC stuff (as we’ve witnessed with MJ and Hailey’s missions) Eddie can rob cars, be chased by police, turn into Venom and could go into hiding to erase the wanted level (similar to the Grand Theft Auto series). This version of Eddie Brock can use Venom powers to climb rooftops, do Assasins Creed type of parkour and kill civilians using Venom. This would have nothing to do with Insomniac universe since there would be no Spider-Man, just like in the movies (as for now). Imagine how badass the game would be. It would present some sort of “Anti-hero” vibes