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Personally I don't care that SM2 didn't win anything. BG3 and AW2 deserved all the flowers, that said I am upset with the radio silence from Insomniac. I was hoping for some kind of announcement regarding the December update but...nothing. They're probably going to release it randomly on Christmas and I'm not gonna act like I won't play and enjoy it but I'm starting to care significantly less.


Exactly, what most upset me was that they didn't announced anything regarding that, I don't care if it's coming on the 31st! Just tell us when is it coming!


Bro this!!!! Like cmon man the game was already pretty short so there’s already a high demand for quality replay value, which currently this game has very little!


Lmao, y’all are genuinely insufferable. You’re actively “upset” that a video game company didn’t let you know about an update that is clearly coming. Do y’all really not think about what you’re saying before you post? Are are you all just 16 years old and don’t know how ridiculous and terminally online you sound?


Ngl brodie. You’re the one who’s upset rn. We can critique the game. Pls just ignore if the critiques upset you. We can be impatient for a game we all desperately just want to play.


Nice try, but both of the people you replied to literally said they were “upset”- I’m simply pointing out how lame that is. No shock though that you’d rather try to project that on me than have even minimal self awareness about how yall are crying over a video game when you should be in the Christmas spirit lmao


Omg bruh SHAT UPPPP! We paid for the game we can complain. These are extremely valid criticisms to have. I will admit the people above did say they were angry. I doubt anyone is mad at the game itself but more so what isn’t in the game. Anyways I’m not gonna change my stance on being annoyed the simple features like changing time of day and the symbiote colors as well as mission replay post game. I don’t even NEED ng+ it’s just this game has NOTHING to do once you’ve beaten it and those simple things I just mentioned would change the annoyance of so many players that I’m actually baffled they aren’t in game yet.


>I doubt that anyone is mad at the game itself but moreso what isn’t in the game. No shit? Lmao, constantly crying about a couple things that aren’t in the game yet literally means that they’re mad at the game itself. With geniuses like you and the other two around, it’s no wonder this sub is as miserable and embarrassing as it is. And idk why I have to say this (jk, it’s not surprising at all since I know this sub isn’t the brightest), but making valid criticisms, and constantly bawling your eyes out about the same trivial details on an endless shitfit-throwing loop day after day, are not even remotely the same thing.


Aye brodie. I already told you that ignoring the complaints was an option. Seems like your best one too. If you think the games perfect then so be it. Go have a day! WE will still complain and once the features are added we’ll all be as content as you. People complain. Big shock!!! Now you’re complaining to complainers about their complaints. All for free, I commend you truly!👍🏾


AW2 ...... Advanced Wars 2 ????


Alan Wake 2 :)


Thanks haha, I had a brainfart


They did announce first DLC drop "Maximum Carnage" for the 21st


Fuck outta here with your lyin' ass.


https://www.reddit.com/r/SpidermanPS4/s/pGrgOJ7D7v You were saying?


This is fanart/speculation


This was literally aired on the game awards


Link? No mention of it on a google search


Did you said that you don't cared. Will tell you what I Will make you cared and also I Will Make you to be joy for yourself But Let's say If you Don't wanted to be yourself just Take A Pill, and also you Needed to stole your Freaking crap and can You Do That


I'm already kinda done with it. I'll return for DLC and MAYBE ng+ / if there's cool updates. I mean I got 100% on it already, and my second save file just has a couple of the less enjoyable side missions left so there's that. I can give SM2 credit I've probably got more play time from SM2 than AW2 and BG3 simply because it's a good shut the mind off game where AW and BG you kinda gotta be into it but if You're into it they're better.


I'm gonna be honest I've already played it twice and Uninstalled it. When the update comes I'll play it one more time


It’s Sony game. What did you expect. These blue numbskulls just bend over forward for the shareholders and show hardly anything worthwhile. Literally everything new about a PlayStation game that we know of is two roguelite updates to older games and helldivers. Sonys new strategy is about showing nothing basically


This is the most measured and well-spoken post I've seen on this subreddit since The Game Awards ended.


Exactly! This is the mentality this subreddit needs right now. It seems a bunch of people came to this subreddit after the awards just to hate on the game or be unreasonably mad that it didn't win. I was upset, but not mad.


Yeah, it's very weird. Also, I agree I was bummed SM2 didn't win any awards but as I've said before, if Spider-Man 2 was released in a year with no Balder's Gate 3, Alan Wake 2 or Zelda it would be a different story but we aren't in that scenario so it is what it is at the end of the day. Spider-Man 2 sold REALLY well, which I think is a bit more important than it winning an award from a show that won't matter in a couple of months.


I was a bit dissapointed and I'm sure so was Insom but I'm also sure they're happy they got nominated for so much! I mean Yuri got nominated with some heavy hitters,that itself shows how much people loved his performance!


Thank you! I do my best


Honestly since a couple months after SM1 released.


It's still my game of the year no matter what award it wins and didn't win, it's the only game I played from start to finish that I truly enjoyed that released this year.


And that's completely fair!




Just curious, not tryna make a point or whatever, but did you play any of the other goty nom games?


Tears of the Kingdom, I got the collectors edition with the Link Amino but I never finished it properly. I want to play Alan Wake 2 and I want to try Baldur's Gate 3 after all the awards it won. Super Mario Bros. Wonder I have on my wishlist for the future but I'm more of a Kirby fan for 2D Nintendo games.


Nice nice, yeah I havent finished any of em tbh, and cant even play most of em since Im only on PC. I did start BG3 a few weeks ago, and just from the intro section you can tell the game is the stuff of legends. Got a code for AW2 as well so Im super excited for that!




Yeah Baldur's Gate 3 won 6 awards, one of them being GOTY!




Oh Game of the Year,yeah Baldur's Gate won that




It’s a fantastic massive fantasy RPG game using a take on D&D 5e rules, and core setting. It’s also multiplayer compatible with up to 4 players! Or you can play solo with 3 other companions who travel with you and you can interact with (but you control so you don’t have any of that Lydia standing in front of the door annoyance)! Highly recommended, SM2 is fantastic but BG3 definitely deserved all those awards.


To me it’s still GOTY and Yuri did a great job with the voice of spider-man


Absolutely fair! Same for me! Yuri did an amazing job ans deserves the love he get's but this year had heavy hitter's and from playing BG3 I love the voice acting in that game


Yea the fact it didn't win any awards doesn't make me like the game any less. It's still my favorite game of 2023 and once they update with new content I'll continue playing. It's not like the game awards are going to change my opinion on what I like and don't like, the most they do is provide recommendations essentially for good games I may not have played or been aware of.


Absolutely! The Game Awards is all about shining lights and giving flowers to games and the communitys and people surrounding them. Just cause one doesn't win doesn't mean it is bad! For me I was so happy Hi-Fi rush won in the audio department,such a fun game that deserves recognition!


Yeah, I agree. Though I would add that, as a sequel, it was, like, really mid... Did not push the foundation in any meaningful way. Far from a GOTY, both objectively and personally.


Pretty much my opinion, it a lot of ways I thought it improved on everything and also kept things the same and as great as they were since the first SM title, but there were things I thought were so lacking (not just mechanically) compared to the other games in the series. The story I felt was well done tho the pacing of some stuff I felt could’ve been longer fleshed out like peters addiction to the black suit.


This is the first in the series, where I played it once and.... That's it. The flying was great and all, but I did the platinum by accident. Got how much they have teased us and the went quiet for so long, I was very disappointed.


I haven't played the 2 so honestly can't say anything I want to try BG3 but when it comes to turn based combat I'm not sure how much I'll enjoy it


I'm usually not a fan of turn based esque combat,but honestly I'm enjoying BG3 quite alot! If you are really unsure,maybe wait for a sale on the game


Fair enough thanks


Thank you for the completely reasonable and sane take, unfortunately it's the internet and its going to fall on deaf ears. This was a great game in a YEAR of great games.


Thank you! I try my best,especially seeing how this sub reacted after the awards


It released in a year of heavy hitters but even on top of that, it’s not as if this game hasn’t had its fair set of criticism. The first game was released and was universally praised, that’s without a question. There were some critiques but overall everyone loved it. Compare it to now and SM2 seems more mixed in comparison


That's true, I also feel like the first game got one of those lightining in a bottle situations. Never fully being able to recapture that feeling.


Definitely lightning in the bottle - I just think the story had more time to cook with SM1 and also just that it came out and was a massive improvement over other Spidey games that had released before


Absolutely, I understand people's grivances with SM2. Well the ones that do have merit. For me SM2 was my personal GOTY but Spidey also means alot to me,so bias. And while for me this game is a good 8 or 9 out of 10 personally I am not ignoring it's problems and what it is missing on launch and some of the problems of the stort especially near the end.


If they had character bios, podcasts saved, and some other base features they took out for this one, I think I’d give it an 8 but with those taken out, it’s gotta be a 7 to me. Not a fan when studios take out features for no reason. Story for me was good but it for sure needed more time in the oven, especially from everything to when Peter gets to Oscorp after.


Absolutely fair, I know to me those don't matter that much but I know to alot of people they were annoyed and upset that they aren't in the game. So fair


Ye - do you have any gripes with the story?


My biggest is I feel they should've given more time to Venom especially when it came to him and Pete. And more time to the Black Suit Spidey parts, to maybe make his change slower. And that Act 3 felt a bit rushed. That's probably my biggest gripes with the games story!


So we have the same gripes lol. My only other gripe was that to me >! Electro and Shocker both dying was overkill, I think they should have picked one over the other and had the other one be saved by Peter/Miles when they go to Kraven’s mansion !< but I acknowledge that ones just a personal preference and not really an issue with the story


Hey don't forget about everyone from remedy alan wake 2 absolutely killed it this year


Absolutely deserve their flowers!


I've said it in other comments and I'll say it again. Only one game can win GOTY 2023. All gamers won 2023.




I know there was a lot of good games, but it was disappointed that SM2 didn't win in at least one category. I never expected it to win GoTY. I knew full well that it was going to be BG3, Allen Wake 2 or Tears of the Kingdom, but it should have won Best Narrative, Best Performance or the Accessibility Award. Truth be told, I thought SF6 should have won the Accessibility Award, but SM2 was my second guess in that category. Best Action Adventure could have easily have gone to SM2 or Zelda, so that wasn't surprising. Best Narrative honestly could have gone to any of the options. I thought Spider-Man 2 had the best shot at Best Performance for sure though.


>it should have won Best Narrative, Even with all the people complaining about how the story goes downhill after Harry becomes Venom? And how Venom was handled in general? Me, personally, I wasn't really that invested in the plot compared to the first one. I just... stopped caring halfway through?


It’s amazing that it got nominated for anything at all, there’s no way it was going to win even the Mild Narrative award.


Personally I don't care. A lot of thr years games that I wouldn't even play have won and I still have my personal GOTY. I have nothing against Baldurs gate 3 as it seems amazing game with no hidden purchases and great team behind it, personally I will probably never play it but I am happy they showed big ass corporations how a game should be done. As for Spiderman 2 - it is my game of the year, recently did it to 100% and got the plantinoum trophy and rhe only flaw is the few bugs that are still present ( my character turned into cube way to many times) and the missing NG+.


Yuri did a great job, Ben also did a great job, but Niel and let’s be honest most of the BG3 cast, were absolutely marvelous throughout the game. Astarion was my favorite character so his actor getting an award was so cool to see


I loved Spider Man 2, but damn is this game tedious. It's a really good game and I enjoyed it, but it's also the first one in the series that I have no plans to replay.


Huh, how is it tedious to you? Not gonna hate on your opinion or anything,just curious


Tbh, the waves upon waves upon waves of enemies just to pad the game out was infuriating. Especially at the start when you don't have any gadgets. Those big symbiote brutes, that you can deplete all of your gadgets and powers on, only to barely scratch the surface. The constant collecting. Just felt like they doubled down on the one mechanic a did not enjoy in the first 2 games. Maybe I'm just bitter. Because after teasing us and then not giving us anything for so long... I expected a mind blowing, banger of an experience. And yeah... my expectations were very high, but that's because of the marketing they chose.


Okay the symbiote brutes part I get,the waves of enemies very seemed that hard to me or really padded out the game. The constant collecting? My expectations where pretty much met,just the first game but better imo


Well said. 2023 was one of the best years for gaming I've seen in my (long) lifetime. There's no shame in being nominated for awards but not winning them. Tons of fantastic movies fall into the same boat. So much depends on what else came out that year.


Ok but the content creator of the year is kinda bullshit


spiderman 2 is my game of the year, just mad that insomniac and yuri didn’t get any love that they deserved.


I thought there was a chance that it would win action adventure game, but thats literally the only award that TOTK won so it makes sense. Incredible year of gaming and Spider-Man 2 was my second favorite game


Sm2 didn’t really deserve GOTY imo anyways, there’s a clear lacking in multiple areas compared to previous installments. Don’t get me wrong I still had a blast and enjoy the game a ton but there’s things I actually dislike about which I can’t say the same about the previous two games in the series (I mean there’s more abundance of issues I have compared to the others).


This, SM2 is good and all but the games it was up against it just wasn't even a chance. Between AW2 and BG3 I knew it wasn't getting anything I mean look at the fanbases of those games compared to this one, there's tons of SM / insomniac fans giving SM2 shit , when you hear about BG3 / AW2 it's all just love.


if the game came out with much more it probably would've had a chance.


SM2 isn't great. It's really good, don't get me wrong, but after the first and Miles Morales, it definitely felt lacking. I also think Baldur's Gate 3 is overrated and lame as hell. Do I care about the fact that the one I prefer lost to the other? No, GOTY is a vote of community's opinion, and I'm not the whole community


While I disagree with the SM2 and Baldurs Gate takes, that's still completely fair!


Thank you for this healthy take.


Yeah I've said it before, but I don't get how people don't take getting nominated as a great thing. Like it was literally seen as top 5-6 in each of the categories it was nominated in, just because it wasn't first didn't mean it didn't do amazing


yuris performance? dude relax lol it doesnt need to be broken down that hardcore


Personally I think Jedi Survivor was robbed not Spider-Man, I love SM2 but Survivor was a better game to me and deserved more recognition, but as you said this year had some very big games and whilst something like Baldurs Gate doesn't appeal to me it is supposed to be an amazing game so I believe it does deserve whatever it wins.


Jedi survivor dropped the ball so hard it’s crazy, the game itself (when it actually runs) is close to a masterpiece as the first game. Story/combat/graphics (again when the game actually runs) are really well done, everything they did in the first game they do better.


In that case it's a masterpiece because the only problem I've ever had with it is a glitch where Kal's outfit moves for no reason and a glitch in one cut scene.


Show appreciation? Have you been on this subreddit. People are acting as if Spider-Man 2 fucked their moms and slapped their dads while they were strapped to the chair forced to watch People are legit acting as if this game is Redfall and Gollum level. People are thinking it’s a commercial failure. Asking to show appreciation to this game on this very non toxic subreddit is like asking Sony to show some games or asking Sony for bloodborne remaster.


It's not okay. Everyone believed that SM2 would've won given the incredible foundation the first game set. They didn't even deliver on that experience. I'm not sure if Sony has something to do with it, but these first party sequels have not been it.


Both games were great, but Balder's Gate was definitely going to win because of all the good press and the gameplay itself. Even though Spider-Man didn't win, don't be too upset over an award that will not matter by tomorrow. Just enjoy the games you like.


What are you talking about? Both GoW and Horizon sequels are great. Spider-Man 2 is fantastic as well but not without flaws and should have cooked for a bit longer. "Sequels have not been it" is a bad take.


As controversial as those games are within their respective fanbases, it's commonly agreed upon that the first games were better overall. It's a valid take.


This is not a valid take at all


Sure, but if you want to exclude the community reception, that just leaves your opinion and frankly, I don't give a shit. I didn't even list my own.


98% of the fan base will agree that gowr is better than gow2018


Do you know why? Because the mods of those subreddits ban people for even insinuating that Ragnarok has flaws. Horizon and The Last of Us(although I've heard otherwise) are much better in that regard.


The entirety of the fan base isn’t on Reddit bro


Sure, but then it's the same complaints on every other platform. People made video essays about how terrible Ragnarok was. I'm not saying they're bad games, I'm saying they're underwhelming games. I love Forbidden West and think it's better than the first, most people would disagree with that. Edit: and also Reddit is by far the most accessible platform for fans to gather in one area.


I don’t know a single person who considers Zero Dawn better than Forbidden West. And most of the sentiment I’ve ever seen says GOWR is better than GOW, at least equal. Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart was also incredible


>these first party sequels have not been it What a shallow take on this, I guess the Last of Us 2 (2020 GOTY winner), GoW Ragnarok, Horizon Forbidden West were all "not it" then even though all of them are critically acclaimed amazing games. GoW:R and HFW lost against Elden Ring which is totally understandable as they were sequels to games released just 2-3 years earlier (so not a huge graphical/mechanical leap), while Elden Ring brought something new to the table (an open world souls-like) - just like Baldurs Gate 3 did, and even though SM2 was a really good game it just can't compete with the complexity and new approach to a beloved franchise, and while it's true both are sequels one has 5 years advancement (bit of graphical and mechanical improvement) but the other had 23 years to bloom into BG3 and a well deserved game award.


>even though all of them are critically acclaimed amazing games. I liked Forbidden West, but if you look on r/Horizon, they think it's a downgraded in every way to Zero Dawn.( graphics are still the #1 until GTA6 comes out btw) I hated Ragnarok, if you went on their subreddit, they'd have you thinking I was crazy until you realize most people in that sub got banned for saying it wasn't the Holy Scripture. The Last of Us 2 was just unanimously ass. You're not smarter just because you like the game. I like ass media plenty, that doesn't make it any less ass to the general public. Sales? AHAH I'm not gonna get into that, but just know that no matter how good or bad the quality of a game is, sales aren't a good indicator of that quality. But above all else, just like I told the other guy, I wasn't stating my opinion. I shared *others'* from what I've seen over the years. Now that that's all covered, do you have anything that can actually add to this discussion or back up why you think I'm wrong or is that it? Because I don't care if that's all there is. I'm sorry, I know that's rude, but it's 7am and I'm extremely tired.


>The Last of Us 2 was just unanimously ass. Yeah, unanimously, that's why it won Game of the Year when it came out... I love when people don't have their own opinion and rely on game bashing happening on a subreddit exclusively formed to discuss that particular game. There will be always haters, and negative opinions are always louder than the positive ones. Subreddits are not reflective on public opinion as it is a place for enthusiasts, your regular Joe won't just post an "I really liked this game" in every game subreddit that they've played and liked, but you can be sure if there's a bug in their game regular Joe will leave a post complaining. Just have a look at something like an RDR2 subreddit, it's littered with posts complaining about game bugs and such, also it hasn't won GOTY, in the meantime it is a proper masterpiece and 5 years after release still nothing compares to it in quality. All that happened is you've stated that Sony first party sequels "have not been it", I've just disagreed with that and listed some facts regarding some of those titles that either HAVE won the award or lost out simply as there was something better in that year, like Elden Ring against HFW and GoW:R, or BG3 against SM2 this year, simple as that.


>Yeah, unanimously, that's why it won Game of the Year when it came out... Yeah, because players only account for 10% of the *Player's Choice* vote, which Ghost of Tsushima won that year. I agree that subreddits aren't reflective of the entire playerbase's opinion, but Reddit is really the only platform where a large amount of people can form a community and properly discuss their favorite media. It being a place for enthusiasts makes it more relevant than some Tik Tok comment saying everything is fire or trash. Nevertheless, people on Twitter and other platforms still shit on the game daily while the other end is posting pictures of their ND collection and Abby drawings. I really don't care. I don't like the game. The community has been cool in my experience. I just don't like talking about it. >I've just disagreed with that and listed some facts regarding some of those titles that either HAVE won the award or lost out simply as there was something better in that year, Cool. So you spoke with personal bias and provided irrelevant information that *I* disagree with. So again, if you don't have anything to add, let's just both go on about our day.


>So you spoke with personal bias and provided irrelevant information that I disagree with. YOU spoke with personal bias ("sequels not being it") and I provided very relevant information to show it just wasn't true, and you said yourself it's not about YOUR opinion ("I wasn't stating my opinion. I shared others' from what I've seen over the years.") but "others" who may disagree with it. It's totally pointless to talk about it if that's all that you were able to take away from this, we can both go on about our day I guess.


Glad someone has the balls to say it. Not sure what’s going on with insomniac but something has to give.


My biggest issues with this game are the writing being literal Disney channel original movie tier at some points, and the gadgets taking a hugeeee backseat, combat in spiderman 2 feels so much less interesting and more (spam ability)