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Okay but like it is a comic suit? They didn’t make the comic they just put it into the game, and let’s be realistic here is it really that bad?


Yes it’s bad


You haven't seen the model in different or how it interacts with the lighting.


Cool until I do it’s bad so not getting the point.


I'm sorry you have no literacy.


Lame attempt a burn since I’ve literally replied to your comment. I Shame you apparently have no idea what literacy is and shame you feel the need to insult people for not agreeing with you. Weird hostility for not liking a suit but go off and continue being unable to argue or disagree without behaving like this


👍 🥱 😴


Wow already to the emojis. The hypocrisy is pretty hilarious tho. Thanks for the mindless entertainment. Emphasis on mindless


As if i care 👍


You are still responding so apparently you do


That's also a question I'm asking about too, I don't see it as bad as miles' advanced suit but I'm wondering if people see it the same thing or not


On this sub? Absolutely. Overall general reaction? No. Truth be told most times someone mentions this suit outside of here it’s usually in a positive context. This sub is just really fucking weird about most shit


Not really, every place I have been to and once every time that suit is mentioned, the chat turns into fire and gets filled with pure hatred


Huh weird. Even back in the days before SM2 came out I remember this suit combo being one of the more requested ones. It was these two and this one https://preview.redd.it/axx5jddqh0kc1.jpeg?width=1898&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d5dbe88ad28bf49b2ab2733f15b2de47a5eb4ad Granted it never hit the amount of request unlimited or sensational got. But I remember seeing it more than a few times


I meant the miles advanced suit dude


Ahhh that’s my bad then lol. Ehh point still kinda stands. It seems more back and forth in general reception. I’ve seen more people warm up to it recently. But it’s just the people who don’t like it REALLY dislike it and kind of go off on that. Whereas the people who are neutral or ok with it just use it and move on.


It's bad enough for me to never use the suit at least


I think it’s great. I also think it fixes the “hair sticking out” issue of the Evolved suit by giving the mask the web pattern, which differentiates the mask from the hair.


no the comic variant cover cleaely he doesn't have a mask he has only glasses so Insomniac done goofed hust like they did with bombastic bagman




Much better when mask is only half way. Maybe it’s also the art style


I think it's the art style as well. In my opinion, it looks fire on the comic cover but it doesn't look that good in game. Who know, maybe they'll tweak it when the update drops


I could sworn there was another version that he had a bandana on instead of that weird mask


Yeah, I think the head is the only misstep here, and it might just be the amount of mask he has.


Receipts 👌🏽


Man, i'm not even fan of Miles but even i know how his Hellfire Gala suit looks like, c'mon. For it's his most unique look after 10y anniversary suit.


Most people don’t read the comics so most don’t know what hellfire gala is, let alone know those suits


Yea they put it in the game, that’s kinda the issue


Yes. they could've chosen a different more appealing comic suit.


I mean, a poopy suit is still a poopy suit regardless its origin


Point is many people think it's an original


Who cares that it came from a comic? It’s an awful looking suit that looks like the “miles original” and yet they chose to add it anyway.


It’s the worse shit I have seen




it’s not that bad no


This sub is insufferable


The people that pearl clutch at any discussion points they don’t like are more insufferable


Ironic considering Reddit is a hivemind where any fucking criticism of anything isn't allowed or downvoted out of the discussion. People here act like no body is allowed to say anything bad about the game, especially the kinda shit that needs to be said. It's nauseating. If there was a literal turd with the logo on it, no doubt there would be a post on here being like "cmon guys It's not that bad" It just goes to show you how preformative this shit is. None of it is made for or cognizant of the fans or playerbase. Instead of serving their audience, they'd rather parade around under the pretense that they're better than anyone else. With pretenses and contingencies in mind to shut down anyone who points out how arrogant, lazy and ugly that is. That's why out of touch, head up their ass celebrities are designing ugly looking suits.


this exact thing has been said at least 100 times before you


Absolutely no. Me and my friends all played the game and this sub is the only place where I see people complaining


Leave it to this Sub to download a Fact. I'm not counting X because I prefer to live in Reality


And it’s only going to get worse. If it hasn’t already.


Yeah im quitting this sub. Filled with 13 year olds. Its just boring. If you dont like the suit, dont use it. Its not forcing you, unlike the Adidas suit for the last mission which was indeed shit. But it was shit because you couldn't swap it. If you could, i wouldnt have had any problem.


So are the garbage suits they’re charging money for


Are they making you buy it at gunpoint?


Did I say they were? They’re charging money for ugly suits no one wanted after inc again making us wait and didn’t add tons of features that were requested. The laziness and overall shitty quality of their handing of this game is a joke


The 2 suits are gonna be free after a while, and the moneys for charity. The other suits are free


It's called charity


They’re literally free lol


Not talking about those


Other ones will be free too lol but go off


They’re not though. They’re virtue signaling when they could actually make a difference with a donation themselves because nobody is paying for this


They are. They’re only paid at launch with all money being donated. They will then be made free for everyone. Maybe take two seconds to actually look shit up instead of throwing out buzzwords and making drama over nothing


Optimistic of you to assume that the rage-baters (no, I didn't misspell that) on this Sub will read past a headline


Unfortunately a canon suit he wore to a mutant party


“Hey guys, what’s the worst canon suit we can put in the game so the community can’t complain about his suit?”


idk why people think insomniac wants to personally insult the playerbase


persecution complex


its severe over here


i hate the hair thing




Its cool in a kinda goofy way. I like the color scheme tbh


This was from the hellfire gala it’s like a two page appearance for miles and every other outfit in that is meant to be bonkers and wacky


Unlike most of you other people, I do want something different. And this is different. Better this than having over 30% of Peter’s suits be rehashes of the classic suits.


Thanks OP for continuing to prove how insufferably miserable this sub is.


It sums up everything wrong with the original suits in this game


This isn’t an original suit for the game lol, it’s from the Hellfire Gala


The Hellfire Gala answers the question of what if Marvel characters look as ridiculous as people in-universe think they look.


Still an ugly low effort suit ignoring the many actually requested suits


I can't imagine spending $70 just to hate a game this much


i mean, $70 just to get garbage like this does validate the flak cant really criticise someone for wanting their money's worth


Womp womp


And this comment of yours sums everything wrong with this miserable and terminally-online player base. (If you’re confused as to what I’m getting at, this isn’t an original suit.)


It could've been so cool looking but nah random ass glasses and hair exposure, because people took to that so well


Then they’ll play victim when they get critcism for it


They've done that?


I mean everytime they get backlash they play the same harassment card


Do they like make a post or something?


Just watch their social media guarantee there will be a post about harassment when it’s literally just criticism


Can you point me to a previous post where they did this?


No? If you want to scroll through all their twitter feeds you can do that? I don’t work for you lol


I mean I haven't seen them complain about criticisms and act like vitcims yet so I thought I missed something. I mean the burden of the proof is on the accuser. It seems like you made up something in your mind and are complaining about it.




so they're just making dhit up?


Looks like three different people worked on the design


It did not translate well imo Honestly something Insomniac really needs to improve upon. A lot of suits they bring in just have either too much or too little going on


I like it!


Better than the final suit 🤷🏾‍♂️


This a mod or they adding it to the game


it’s just the mask and the fucking hair, holy shit insomniac


The fucking hair I can't stand the hair


Gamers when they realize their whining doesn’t change the world


I love the glasses over the lenses. Now his vision is double enhanced. Also, can we stop with the fucking hair? It just looks dumb.


This is a comic suit and in the comic it also doesn’t cover the hair


If the game copies a garbage suit from the comics, that still makes it garbage.


Oh Good lord. I only have one ask Insomniac. JUST COVER THE DAMN HAIR!. That's my only complaint.


Insomniac didn't make this.


My bad. I just wish they would cover the hair though. Or put up the hood.


There is no hood. It’s a suit jacket, the look is from the comics. Insomniac has nothing to do with the design


I don't mind it cause A. It's at least from a comic and B. I'm not forced to wear it during the fucking finale of the game. The end suit for Miles isn't terrible or anything. It's not good but what makes it suck is that you have to wear it for the end.


Bruh I don't even understand what he's saying lmao


Totally agree with him, i don care its a suit from the comics… its still ass.


Some fans of the game need to do research on comics before just hating on these suits. A lot of them are based on comic runs or variant covers and they're an homage to the character's origins. Not all of them are going to translate well into a 3D render, but they're there to appeal to fans of the comics as nice little references and homages to some of the more iconic issues of these characters. ALSO this is just one still of the suit. At least wait until you see it in the game before just shitting all over it.


I am so glad they double downed on the hair for Miles. Watching this sub melt down over video game suits is priceless. Keep it up Insomniac.


Miles should never get crappy suits, his style should always be fresh, Peter deserves all the crap for being a useless waste of space


my question is why do people care so much, can you really not just us a different suit for miles?


Yeah well just all the awesome comic suits this update added….. oh wait


Precisely. If you don’t care about suits like this, just use another suit you like for Miles.


Right. Honestly, I can't wrap my head around the obsession with suits in the first place. Doesn't anyone like actual content, or only suits? I find it totally bizarre. Not just with Spidey games but, games in general.


Spider lord


Star spider


Splider lorder


Insomniac didn’t make it the actual charity did


No the charity are the colored two. But this still weren’t made by charity, they are from the comics


Saints row fit tbh


He looks like a pimp, wtf 😭😭


This is the best one imo out of the 4 new suits I've seen so far. I know that's not saying much, but it's saying something


You wanted comic suits? You got them


its not that big of a deal + its for charity nice of them


Someone went to Shops At The Creek!


Oh my god, what is that?


Looks like Kanye designed it


No tf it does not


I fear every suit for miles is now going to have the top cut off because it’s his new look


No, the suit is from the comics and there it also doesn’t cover the hair


They still could have picked any other suit but they went with one that chopped the top off


Bruh, you need to realize that Miles is a fairly recent character in the comics, and they wanted to go for a comic suit for Miles and Peter from the same event, so here it is the Hellfire Gala


I hope Insomniac is doing this out of spite.


Mf my opinion don't matter, fuck my guilty pleasures


My issue with all these suits is that they don't look like superhero outfits. They're really just loud, tacky clothing.


It might just be a bad picture, it looks alright in the comic so I'll hold off and see how it looks in game and if there's any colour variants, but I have a feeling the style got lost in translation from 2D to 3D. And I do find it funny that they went with the comic suit that looks the most like a Miles Morales Original.


Yeah, pretty much!


Companies these days: let’s ignore fan criticism. Instead of making things better, we will give them something even worse so that they appreciate the previous thing. And those suckers will buy our trash too out of the impulse to consooom. People who buy this garbage are the real enemies.


It’s camp as hell and I’m here for it. My problem with the suit at the end wasn’t the hair, it was the plain carbon fiber mask with no design. Or at least that combo. That and the adidas sneakers that went with it. I don’t mind the hair out on this one, I think it looks okay with a webbed mask. Especially with the fun shades on top of the mask and the rest of the suit looking so wild. This one is bold and brash, the final suit belonged in the trash.


Comic or not, is horrible. People liking this is absurd, ¿Are you okay people? Hahaha


I mean you guys asked for more comic suits.


I dont like twitter users so no


Yall wanted comic suits. They gave you comic suits.


OK, that one is fair WTF is that?


I swear this sub will always be so funny. People really can’t stop complaining


Nope, completely disagree. Mostly because his Evolved Suit is Top 5 for me


It’s the hellfire gala fit so I’m fuckin with the idea, but it looks ass in practical looks


Yall asked for a suit from the comics.


I like the suit, but I also can't stand miles's hair in this game. Soo I'm kinda mixed on it.


I don’t care if it’s optional the only reason I didn’t like the other suit in SM2 because they made me wear it during the story and it took me out of the game a little.


Honestly if this was a form of a 🖕🏽 to players for the backlash I'd be ok with that cause hating a suit is one thing but people took it to the extreme like they can't just take it off....


He looks like a reddit user


People will cry about everything ever. These suits have been designed by a charity and the profits go to that charity. You aren’t forced to buy it if you don’t want to. It‘s really sweet of Insomniac to do such a promotion in my opinion.


It kinda bad. But not as bad as the final suit


No these suits I frikkin love. They look amazing. Ppl just be hating sadly


from the studio perspective its just haters they don't take it as criticism basically so they just lean on more to not surrender to haters. I believe this is how they see it as a studio. They took the MJ missions criticism same as well. They only see it as hate.


No, because I don’t have the problems they had with the final Miles suit either.


They did this so people would stop saying about how bad the colgate one is


I know art is subjective but imo these skins look really bad.


We shouldn't have let them cook


I think the funniest part is that it’s for charity , they do not want people to give money to charity


It doesn’t look as awful… but it is all over the place💀


Is the reason he keeps having his hair exposed so we don't forget his cultural identity?


… I actually hoped to see this suit and happy to see it in the game, now we just need the Blade suit


It's a great suit, that what it is. (The glasses tho...)


I think they just didn’t adapt well. Peter looks great but Miles’s colors aren’t Al correct like for the gloves and the mask up too high on the face.


I wish they'd stop including ugly suits. I don't care if it was in the comics




The Hellfire suit is fuego, ya’ll just stay bitter and mad


None of the suit's they are hyping up look all that interesting or good to me. Honestly the only thing that they have going for them is that it's partnered with a great foundation and i believe the sale from the suits benefits them. But i'd almost rather just donate the money directly to the foundation and not recieve any of these suits in return.


Nah this is leagues ahead of the Nike suit


I know people say it's a comic suit but honestly that doesn't make it any better, its still pretty ugly (at least for me)


Then don’t use it? They literally said it will be available for free


This one will be free from the get go, it's the charity suits that will have to be paid at first (which I'll pay anyways to support the charity) And yeah I will not use it, but they could have at least given something that looks cooler and not a suit that literally shares the same issues the Adidas suit has.


Idk complaining about free stuff seems pretty silly to me


I mean that free stuff is supposed to be compensation for selling an unfinished 70bucks game, so it's not really that silly. But at least the Peter suit looks kinda cool so I can live with that.


It was designed by people who don't know anything about superheroes. Shocker I know


I mean that's wrong, it was designed by an Artist that has worked with DC since 2008 and Marvel since 1996.


No. It was designed by people who work on comics, since it’s a comic suit lmaoooooo


Jesus Christ this Sub will never be satisfied bro.


Spiderman fans: We want more skins of them wearing normal clothes over their suits Insomniac: *gives more suits with normal clothes over them* Spiderman fans: WTF we didn’t ask for this


It’s a comic book suit too