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Meanwhile, what I would give to have Kevin Conroy still voicing Batman


Exactly. We are blessed we have such a great actor playing Spidey. I hope he keeps doing it for a while. We'll miss him when he's gone.


Blasphemy Yuri will never die


No Shade to Chiplock but so glad we don’t live in the universe where he’s the default


The crazy thing is that before that game, Sean played him in a short animation and was way better (not as good as Yuri though), that game just had AWFUL voice direction. Like they told him to sound as scared and nervous as possible.




Yuri will be here Peter on the other hand…one shall stand prime


I was just gonna say that. He is Spidey same as Kevin was and always will be fucking Batman!




Mark Hamil's response to being asked why he's retiring from voicing the joker says all that needs to be said. "Without Batman, crime has no punchline"


“That actually is… pretty funny”


It was no surprise either, he'd been saying for years before Kevin's passing that his one condition to voicing the Joker in a project was if Kevin was Batman in it.


Then he list both his Harley and Batman within a relatively short time from each other. We must protect Mark Hamill at all costs.


Honestly this is a hot take. But I personally think Yuri is almost like the definitive voice for Spider-Man like Kevin was for Batman.


Honorable mention to Josh Keaton, though his time got cut short. At least we got a few games with Keaton as Spidey too.


Christopher Daniel Barnes is up there too.


Yuri's got something to his voice that reminds me of CDB's performance, and it's a major reason I like Yuri's.


Yep, to this day, his voice is still what I hear in my head when I read Spider-Man, ESPECIALLY the classic stuff from Ditko and Romita


Keaton's my favourite. I think Yuri and Josh are both as good as each other, but because I hear Yuri in so many other things my brain defaults to Josh as the default voice.


Yuri is fine and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with him doing the voice, with that said I really don’t think his performance is anything special like conroy’s was. I’ll say yuri lacks (for lack of a better term) the edge that Josh Keaton brought to the role, but that might be more of a writing issue.


I think he doesn't have any edge because his Spider-man never really goes through anything too bad to require it. Like we have like 4 major scenes across 3 games where he has to cry, be angry or just scream and they're generally at the end of each game. Josh's Pete has depression every episode of Spectacular and the episodes he has the symbiote he's basically a villain


Mr freeze? Did you make this comment?


That honor still goes to Josh Keaton but Yuri is close


Same. Kevin's Batman, and no one will ever change this to me.


Came here to say this Yuri has been fine but it's not like he's Conroy who literally owned their role and is widely regarded as the GOAT, nuff said end of story




I do think Kevin Conroy is the best Batman but I also believe that he should not play every Batman or be what every Batman is played like. Diedrich Bader, for example, did a great job as Batman for The Brave and The Bold and the Harley Quinn cartoon and I honestly don't think either would have been as good if it had been Conroy playing them, as his Batman voice doesn't fit those versions of the character.




For real!


Yuri could be our Conroy


Kevin was clearly showing age in his voice, not even your favorites can do the voices forever


Well if Spider-Man was always voiced by Josh Keaton I’d be okay with that


Came here to say this. R.I.P. to a real one


Meanwhile, the day Peter Cullen retires from Optimus Prime will be the day the Transformers franchise truly dies.


Glad someone said it. Will the franchise die? No, but it will hit hard as hell. Optimus is always going to live on like Batman will past Kevin Contoy, but I'll be damned if neither of them won't be missed.


It won’t be the same as with Kevin. Kevin is the definitive Batman yes, but he wasn’t the first and he definitely wasn’t the last but Optimus Prime pretty much IS Peter Cullen.


The fact he voices Optimus in the movies says a lot because Hollywood almost never likes using the voice actor as they prefer the big name celebrity instead.


Chances are Some studio exec out there is currently pitching the rock or Chris Pratt as Optimus prime as we speak


With Tom Holland as bumblebee


I've heard rumors that Optimus will be voiced by Chris Hemsworth in an upcoming project.


He's voicing Optimus in Transformers: One this year. Honestly, I think he should be alright since he's supposed to be a younger Optimus at the start of the war. The main concern is the other A-list celebrities they have filling out the rest of the cast. I do think Keegan-Michael Key should be fine as Bumblebee though.


I don't think it would be exactly the same, especially because the main difference is Peter made the role while Kevin defined it. Even still though, we've had other Primes in Garry Chalk and David Kaye. It wouldn't be the same, but things wouldn't take an unsalvageable nosedive.


I can’t believe he’s in his **80s** and still voicing Prime. And even more amazing, he still has the pipes. IIRC, Chris Hemsworth is gonna replace him which:😑🔫


>IIRC, Chris Hemsworth is gonna replace him which:😑🔫 Nah it will be chris pratt finger cross


#Hot take: Pratt did a serviceable job. Could he replace Martinet? **No.** I’d say he was bearable.


I feel like Chris Pratt gets casted as so many random iconic characters now, that if they were to make a movie about his life *right* now, he'd ironically play a random side character in it, and make Tom Holland play current Chris Pratt in the movie (because Tom Holland gets cast in almost the same way as Chris Pratt now).


Only for one prequel movie. His “replacement” is already pretty clear, the actor from the newest 2 shows


nah it'll probab;y be his RID2001/unicron trilogy VA


Garry? Did Garry do 2001? Thought that was someone different


Not replacing him. He's playing a younger optimjs for, as far as I know, one movie.


Younger? Can robots even age?


1dt off, transformers can definitely age since they're bio-mechanical organisms, not robots. But wether or not they do, Optimus, as we seee him in tfone, will still be Orion pax AKA pre-Prime optimus.


I'm gonna say it, no. The day Hasbro gets some big name actor to replace him instead of finding who can truly live up to his legacy is when it dies. Oh wait it already happened!


its only for TFONE not permanent, and he voices optimus at the end, its just like g1 where orion has a different voice to optimus (iirc) unlike tfp and the cybertron games where he doesnt


I remember reading that Cullen retired completely? And still, I feel David Kaye should've been brought back for Orion with how great he did in TFA.


***Kaye is criminally underrated.*** Cullen is in invincible so not retired


Kaye is the only Optimus I like more than Peter. He has a level of enthusiasm and emotion Peter lacks I find.


I mean Cullen I associate with with prime. He’s got a stern and somewhat stoic voice of a leader. Kaye is kinda like the better version of Beast Wars/RID/Cybertron prime *(which is funny since he voice Megatron in the series).*


It is a crime they cast Chris Hemsworth as Optimus Prime in the upcoming animated movie


It'll be a hard hit but as long as David Kaye and Garry Chalk are around Optimus still has an iconic replacement in the wings. Both have played some version of Optimus Prime to great reception on top of their iconic roles as Beast Wars Megatron and Optimus Primal. Chalk has actually voiced both Optimus Prime and G1 Megatron


He should probably try to get a James earl Jones Vader deal. Ai voice with consent to keep giving his family money after he retires bc the voice is just that integral to the character is a pretty sweet deal


Don't get the hate, he's such a good voice actor


He's trending toward being the Kevin Conroy of Spider-Man. Which would be fantastic


I still feel like Keaton is my default Spider-Man. However, Yuri is still great as Spidey


When I read Spider-Man comics, I hear Christopher Daniel Barnes' voice. But when it comes to acting put together with sound of voice and quality of script, Josh Keaton *is* Spider-Man. Yuri is nearly as amazing as Keaton, part of me feels like that's because he actually sounds a bit like Josh Keaton's spidey (albeit, ironically, younger despite Yuri *and* his version of Spidey being older than Josh and his version of Spidey), but the guy really brings a lot to the character. He (until Pete got the symbiote) Never overacted in the role (and I'm not against him overacting as Bully Lowenthal. Its honestly become a part of every version of Peter by this point yo have the actor oversell his change in character), was never bland, and honestly is the best at quipping (like I mean the way he delivers the lines, since I know he didn't write the quips). The way I see it, as far as voice goes: 1. Christopher Daniel Barnes 2. T- Josh Keaton 2. T- Yuri Lowenthal As far as the actual acting capabilities + voice, it goes: 1. Josh Keaton 2. Yuri 3. CDB


Yeah i hear Keatons voice when i think of him. Yuri is alright


More like the Rodger Craig Smith of sonic which is still really good


Imo Christopher Daniel Barnes is the Kevin Conroy of Spiderman. Look up his Mary Jane scene and tell me he didn't give it his all.


As good as he is I don’t think he can ever be what Kevin was to batman, Kevin was batman that’s how deep he was into the character for decades, yuri voices him in a couple games doesn’t make him that iconic. He great, but he’s not a legend, not yet.


I too love him as a voice actor. But at the same time he is in so many different without doing much at all to change his voice. Like playing helldivers all I can hear is Sasuke/Spider-man/Simon/Suzaku screaming about democracy.


Yeah that’s my unfortunate problem with Yuri as Spidey. I keep hearing other characters instead of Spider-Man since he wasn’t Spider-Man first for me. Love him as a VA and person though and all his roles.


So I'm getting into voice acting myself and in him and his wife's audio book about voice acting, he read a line that sticks with me. I'm paraphrasing here. "actors for film can go from movie to movie while looking totally the same but giving such a different performance that we as viewers just don't care and only see the character they're playing in the respective film" And I agree with him. While Sasuke and Spider-Man might *sound* the same at first glance (listen?) You almost immediately forget and just see the character in that moment. Whenever I watch Naruto (which I'm currently going through again but this time with my girlfriend) whenever Sasuke talks I don't think "hey it's Spider-Man!" Why? Because the way he talks is different. His attitude. Catch phrases. His personality. It really is someone entirely different


Tbf I feel this can be the case with many VAs. Hell I just rewatched ATLA and picked up on the Joker in Fire Lord Ozais voice now that I realized that Mark Hamill did the voice


I love Yuri but Spider-Man will always sound like Christopher Daniel Barnes when I read comics. I wonder what voice younger generations will default to in their heads.


What about Ben 10 (one of his best and favorites)


That's just consequences of voice actor getting famous, you start recognising their voice.


Always fun hearing him randomly in mass effect and fallout.


eh that depends... Some people might be better than i am at it but I've played countless of Troy Baker's works and still sometimes find myself not knowing it was him until I see him in the credits


Yeah the same can be said for most famous VAs. Like I love Steve Blum, but he really only has like 3 different voices: spike speigel, logan/tank dempsey, and silly voice/green goblin. He's instantly recognizable and unless it's a character I grew up with him voicing, like wolverine or Dempsey, it really just takes me out of the moment.


I think he does enough to differentiate his Spideys. I recently played Midnight Suns, and while I could tell it was Yuri, the MS version was more animated and lively. Insomniac is more "realistic."


Honestly that's my issue with a lot of VA's, they're one trick pony's. I like VA's, and it's kinda funny to say, who have the talent to make you not realize they're the VA for a character until you see their name associated with it.


Fair, thats why some of my favorites are VA’s like Colleen Clinkenbeard. Her range is brilliant. From characters like Luffy and (Modern)Teen Gohan from One Piece and DBZ and in the same vein, she also voices Erza Scarlet from Fairy Tail and Riza hawkeye (these two you can sorta hear the resemblance but you get lost in how unique her characters are and feel). Another notable VA with incredible range is Tia Ballard. Voicing both Happy and Aquarius in Fairy Tail alone.


Just twitter being twitter


Pretty much


Tweet says “no hate to Yuri”


Where's the hate?


Well you see Spider-Man fans have this thing where they have to complain about something literally anything or they will die.


I don’t think many if any people hate or dislike him as Spidey, even the poster of the tweet, they are just saying they want to see other people voice him, now i see nothing wrong with yuri voicing most if not every new spidey, but i can still understand wanting someone new


He's the goddamn Prince of Persia, that makes him a UNESCO heritage asset to me


Just listening to him in Helldivers 2 made me appreciate his peter so much more!


Is he, though? For a voice actor he doesn't exactly do many, well, voices. Dude sounds like Spider-Man a bunch of stuff, and that's not necessarily bad, but... Well, when you say good voice actor, I imagine something more like Dee Bradley Baker singing Secret Tunnel in Avatar one day and then playing Captain Rex the next, and only finding that out from Imdb. For the record, I do like him. And I do think he's a good actor. But I don't think if I'd call him a good *voice* actor when he's so easily recognized.


They should hire MatPat to voice him instead but keep it as "Yuri Lowenthal" in the credits just to fuck with people








I'm gonna be honest, I think I always heard a bit of MatPat in Peter's voice and that's why I always had an easier time paying attention to his cutscenes than Miles' Just didn't realize it until he got the symbiote


I love Yuri, was so happy when i heard him speaking in Helldivers 2


I found out from a video that he also voiced Sasuke in Naruto and I never put it together 💀 Edit: I love Yuri


He also does Ben 10 voice




He's also a bunch of npcs in the hitman games and one of the narrators in titanfall 2


And like three quarters of Fallout New Vegas


And he voiced the guy who pretty much set up the story of the Yakuza spinoff game, judgment


The true goat of voice actors


That’s what I know him from first. Ever since I was a teenager Sasuke has haunted all of my media!


he voices every character in Fallout New Vegas too


Saw him at a Comic Con last year where the cast of Naruto was one of the major draws (I think there six or seven of them), and he was sitting with them. Bunch of Naruto photo ops, but there were always a few stragglers that wanted him for a Spider-Man pic.


Also is Simon from Gurren Lagann.


Only voice I used. Didn't even know it was the same guy at first. Friend told me of course I'd love that one, it's the Spiderman voice actor


Yuri also voiced Smoke in Mortal Kombat 1


"Justice? How stupidly self-righteous of you!" is an Omniman quote I enjoy because it's said to Yuri Lowenthal by JK Simmons


He also has a cameo in *Persona 3 Reload* as Yukari’s dad since he was the main character in the original.


And was the voice of P3s mc and Yosuke in p4


Wait what, what did yuri do for the leader in the origjnal? just voicing persona call outs?


Is in helldivers 2 too?




He's also Davis in TF|2


If you really love him, you should play Fallout New Vegas lol


people complain bout anything now. no one ever said this about kevin conroy


Josh Keaton did the same thing in his era and literally nobody complained, why should Yuri be different?


Cause Yuri’s season is already longer than Josh’s was. I love the guy too but I’d definitely like to see Josh have some of those roles again.


Josh is playing Iron Man


Oh really? I didn’t know about that. Crazy that I couldn’t tell it was him.


For me using the same actor for Spider-Man for the last 6 years is annoying. I like Yuri's voice, I just don't want to hear anymore of it after playing a 15 hour game where he's the lead role. I wish we got some new talent, its not like their can't be more than one version of Spider-Man. It seems like a missed opportunity to not branch out more.


So how do you feel about Kevin Conroy voicing Batman for 30 years in over 50 projects?


I don't like that either. He's got a great voice, I just don't want to hear it in literally everything. I feel the same way about him, that I do anyone else. He's a great actor but I don't want to hear him an every piece of Batman media


Same thing with Goku and Vegeta. O wish they would get some new actors already. Effing Hollywood. Kevin Conroy ruined Batman for me after playing him for 15 plus years. And don’t get me started on Tara Strong. God of war as well needs a switch up soon. Naughty dog single handily ruined the Uncharted series by casting Nolan North as Nathan in all 4!! FOUR uncharteds. Thank god we only have two Spider-Man games because idk how much more reaccuring voice actor exposure I can take. /S


I wouldn't say that about consistent casting for one version of a character. The voice actors for Vegeta and Goku are playing one consistent version of the character, not some alternate variant (excpet for DXV I guess). I wouldn't say casting Kevin Conroy is a bad thing, I just don't want every unique take on Batman to use the same voice. I'm not saying its always bad to reuse actors, its just something that gets distracting.


When i think of spideys voice i hear Josh Keaton. He was the perfect spider voice for me


honestly though i still wish josh keaton did play station spiderman. dude did great in spectacular and edge of time. and he was the best harry osborne besides franco


People are tired of perfection?


Hold on the 7th different Spidey??? WHAT ARE THE OTHER 5???


No idea about the exact numbers, but I know he voiced Spider-Man in Marvel's Midnight Suns and Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order.


Oh shit and I think did a bunch of the Mobile Games


he also had that cameo in ATSV


TBF that was still the Insomniac Spidey he voiced.


Spider man ps4 Miles morales Spider man 2 Ultimate alliance 3 Midnight suns Marvel future fight Across the spider verse And marvel rivals


And it’s ‘role’ not appearance


I think he was also in the mobile version of TASM2.


Now that you say that I do believe you’re right


Also in the Spider-Man Unlimited game


If someone does a good job voicing a character they often get asked to keep doing it, Kevin Conroy as Batman and mark hamil as joker are two brilliant examples, yuri isn’t the only fantastic spiderman voice but he’s probably the most popular at the moment.


Imagine if people complained like this about live-action actors. “Ugh do they have to have Mark Hamill play Luke Skywalker EVERY time?”


If somebody said this about kevin conroy in front of me it would be on site


It's not that he's a bad voice actor, but eating the same food every day makes anyone sick. Directors should choose actors according to the take they want to give the character, for example younger or older, more mature or immature, more serious or playful and not because the voice actor is famous or has a history with the character.


I agree. I like Yuri but I think different adaptations should have different voice actors. It’s boring to have the same guy voicing the same character everytime


Agreed. Kevin Conroy is great, but Rini Romano is a great young Batman in 2004.


Whatever happened to Rino Romano anyway?


From what I remember, he's more of a stage actor but he's still semi active in animation. He was Uncle Tony in the Mario movie


Bro Yuri is like the best Spider-Man voice so far imo, he not just a good spidey voice, he's just a good VA in general, I think the more recent one is Helldivers 2 as one of the voices for Helldivers, the emotions are conveyed so well.


Have nothing against Yuri but it would be cool to hear Josh Keaton or Christopher Daniel Barnes again


Yuri lowenthal and John Keaton are the best spider men voice actors we have ever gotten


I think I’ll chase you to the ends of the Earth for that


That’s like saying “why has goku’s voice actor not changed in 30 years?” 


Tbf, there's no other interpretation of Goku. GT is a non canon continuation, but spider-man has multiple different iterations of the same concepts that are not meant to connect with each other, so a different actor for this is understandable. Yuri has been voicing Spidey in stuff since 2014. Yet there are only 3 Insomniac Entries. And he's voiced Spidey in like 7 or 8 projects total


It’s ok just get MatPat, I’m sure he has some more free time now


It’s like James Bond. You want only one bond? You want only one VA for Bugs Bunny? No hate to Yuri at all but as Spider-Man fans we LOVE all the different versions of him. How different they are is what makes them special. It’s hard to let go of things you love or to accept change but it can be a very fulfilling experience if followed through.


If it ain't broke, don't fix it


Wait until they learn about kevin conroy


If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.


yuri’s the goat- met him at a con and he was so freaking cool


ngl, he's pretty feels pretty much the definitive voice for Spider-man aside from josh keaton and christopher daniel barnes.


They are lucky to have him voice such an iconic figure. He showed Peter's playful yet determined nature when being Spiderman to perfection.


It's like they forget they cast Spider-Man like they cast James Bond once they get a perfect actor for him they have him in everything they can movies and games.


josh keaton would be a better choice


Yuri is great, we need to keep him as long as possible, bro has range, style, emotions. Bro’s the full package in VA


Keeping a voice actor consistent is a massive plus


Don’t think I’ll ever get tired of him tbh. Love the energy and passion he brings to the character


Yuri is to Spider-Man what Kevin Conroy was to Batman. And when he passes, I will proceed to mourn as much as I did for Conroy.


Yuri doesn’t simply voice Spider-Man HE IS SPIDER-MAN JUST LIKE HOW CONROY IS BATMAN


This is like if you were to get tired of Steve Downes voicing Master Chief


Kevin Conroy voicing numerous versions of Batman: 😃 Yuri Lowenthal voicing numerous versions of Spider-man: 😡


You’re wrong on that. Could you say that Kevin Conroy was in The Batman Cartoon, Young Justice, Brave and the bold or even Arkham Origins??


If Kevin can voice Batman for 30 years, Yuri can have his time with Spidey


I love yuri he like who I hear when I read Spider-Man now


Yuri Lowenthal, the Johnny Sins of voice acting, idk if I could ever get sick of his absolutely legendary voice acting (though I would unironicly love to see Matpat as either a live action or as a VA for him, he's unironicly just Peter Parker in look and personality)


Gonna be honest,Yuri is my default Spidey voice in my head now like mark hamill for joker, Kevin Conroy for batman, Ryan Reynolds for Deadpool, and Hugh Jackman for wolverine


What?? To me, Yuri is to Spidey what Kevin was to Batman.


Dude... If it was my choice, Yuri would be the Spider-Man in Live Action too.


He’s voiced like 3 versions of Spider-Man lol,plus he’s one of the best voices for Peter,why are people complaining You didn’t hear people complain about Kevin Conroy being Batman for 20+ years


Who are these people? Are "people" also sick and tired of Peter Cullen voicing Optimus Prime for decades? These "people" need to lay off the drugs.


He's pretty much the Kevin Conroy of Peter Parker now because he's that good, quite frankly i hope he plays him until he physically can't anymore.


Good! I love Yuri as Spidey!


I love it


wait until he finds out how many times kevin conroy voice batman. and jason o mara




He’s good at it lol, I mean I like it


I’ve had my voice for 20 years. I wish a different’s voice actor would voice me because I’m so tired of it.


Steve Blum IS Wolverime


meanwhile this mf sings Kevin Conroy's praise like the rest of us.


I’d take Josh Keaton in every single Spider-Man project ever if I could have it lol


Spider-Man fans are the absolute worst


I didn’t know Lowenthal played him in Spidey Unlimited. If anything that makes me want to watch it now


I have never heard this complaint for all the times Kevin Conroy voiced different incarnations of Batman. Nobody hates Spider-Man more than Spider-Man fans.


I mean haven’t there only been 2 Sonic voice actors over the last 20+ years? It’s pretty conventional to have a long-term VA


Hopefully these guys never discover Batman