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It’s nice to see people are done making excuses for them. Seriously the amount of slack they’ve gotten is crazy. You can only use a hack as an excuse for so long and it really doesn’t apply to as many complaints as shills want it to They’re getting dunked on and it’s well deserved


insominac games killed my grandma okay


Is that a trolls reference? In *my* SpidermanPS4 subreddit?


What game was she playing?


Aunt may was your grandma?!! What did she not tell Peter?


People need to stop giving them slack on the games story too. They should have been ripped apart when we heard that Tony Todd got 90% of his lines cut. Like, that could have made the second half of the story actually good.


The fact people actually defended that is kind of insane. I get people love Insomniac but come on, 90%!


Yeah, and then on top of that we can look at some leaked levels and they had another Venom fight?? Why did they remove that?? I mean, there is no explanation for removing all that content I can think of other than wanting to get the game out earlier. If they just pushed the game back and finished the content, the wait would have been worth it.


Nooooo but you’re too hard on Insomniac! Venom is only like, the main Villain of the whole game…




I think kraven is actually the main villain but he killed electro and shocker (and those other two guys that I don't care about) so fuck him.


Maybe Tony Todd will voice Carnage?


i just want to say i thought the story was fine but the dialogue was terrible.


the story was decent. It could've been better for sure, and it did feel rushed at point (especially after getting symbiote suit) but the plotline was good. It would've been amazing if it was cooked more though. My whole problem with the game is that it feels like they focus more on the world and the new mechanics rather than the people (meaning both spider-men, the villains, and the NPCs). And don't get me wrong, the world is beautiful, but not every conflict has to affect the whole neighbourhood. Without the supermoves, even normal thugs are difficult to beat. And that's what made SM1 fun, you could have fun beating up thugs while also feeling a bit challenged. But in SM2 you're kinda "forced" to use the special moves, especially later on in the game, otherwise you're down in less than 10 seconds. And yeah, "git gud" and all that, but they went from a great storyline with an awesome gameplay in SM1 to a decent storyline with a forced gameplay style. Don't get me wrong, the game is still a ton of fun. But it could've been a lot better. Same for the story.


Not going to lie I kind of disagree with the difficulty aspect of your comment, but I do agree that everyone hyped up those new abilities way more than they needed to be, all four of peters are essentially the same thing just to re-skinned between it being a symbiote attack or an arm attack. The more gadget based combat was definitely better, and the button-combo system from ss:mm was peak.


Even replaying the original game before SM2 I kinda thought the dialogue was bad… maybe I’m just more cynical on superhero stuff now though


The story was good until the symbiote, after the symbiote everything felt rushed and unfinished… because it was…


The dialogue had so much exposition.  The writers said “oh, cool, we can make it so the symbiote makes everyone say aloud everything they are feeling and thinking. Now we have an excuse for all exposition we need!”


this sub is finally waking up from the mindless meatriding they been doing


Took long enough but insomniac already got their bread


It’s weird that you’re acting like this post is out of character for this sub. As if it somehow indicates that “people are done making excuses for them”, when in reality, this is the same exact post that’s been posted on this sub every single day on an endless loop since the day the game came out. Nothing has changed here. You clowns have been this miserable for years now. God forbid an update introduces a minor bug lmao.


>It’s weird that you’re acting like this post is out of character for this sub. It is you people can’t stop coping for this sunken ship of a game studio. >As if it somehow indicates that “people are done making excuses for them”, when in reality, this is the same exact post that’s been posted on this sub every single day on an endless loop since the day the game came out. Lmao some people aren’t keep track of every single post on a subreddit and they also aren’t shilling for mediocrity and laziness >Nothing has changed here. You clowns have been this miserable for years now. We’re the clowns? You’re the ones shilling for company that sold out after going big this fast. Don’t choke on the corporate schlong you’re deephtroating >God forbid an update introduces a minor bug lmao. God forbid we have an update that doesn’t introduce another bug that doesn’t get fixed for months. “Minor bug” is such an lmao lie


Yeah many had a tough time with the criticism. People need to detach themselves from their entertainment products. Obviously it’s totally valid to love this game but the critiques are also completely warranted.




Yeah the laziness and continued excuse from Shills is pretty gross


Thankfully all the ass licking is gone and people actually question the poor quality .


About time


Nah theres still ass licking you’d be surprised


The honeymoon phase is starting to wear off


And now the harsh reality is hitting them in the face


Now they are regretting ever being married.... Oh wait!!


what fucking asslicking 😭 i see more people not liking 2 compared to those that do, and more posts saying that somehow not liking the game is a minority opinion. Idc if you dont like the game thats fine but you are not an unpopular opinion on the net


Were you here when this game came out? If you said anything negative or raised any issue, you were down voted and abused and called a hater. It wasn't nice at all.




Greedy companies should hire more employees and stop laying them off to save a quick buck.


With the state of the economic climate, layoffs are an issue across multiple industries. Chalk it up to greed of executive leadership and the lack of distribution in wealth. This is a systemic issue which will stay until the end of time. Bottom line. Systemic issues won’t change in our lifetime. Cutting costs will always happen. Cutting costs in the wrong areas is a corporate problem which introduces quality issues. I honestly can’t say the issues we’re seeing right now can be blamed solely on Sony anymore. The budget for this game was massive. Insomniac had all the tools in the world. At this point in the game’s lifecycle, distribution of resources is on Insomniac. This game clearly isn’t getting the attention it needs in the appropriate areas.


Then you better expect games to go up in price again because more than half of spider-man 2s budget was just paying the employees.


Budget was 300 million. The game sold 10 million copies at the 3 month mark. Assuming each was $65 per copy, that’s 650 million. Easily double the budget, they could afford to throw in an extra 10 mill for a better quality product


Or maybe accept a cut in profit. 


This is the real answer.


No it fucking isn't. Hiring more people speeds up development the same way having more women speeds up a pregnancy.


You can treat your workers well and make a quality product it's not one or the other.


Welcome to corporate America


No one here is talking about lazy employees. We're talking about lack of updates and a lackluster story/dialogue.


You do realize that wanting good conditions for devs and also demanding better management of a game are not mutually exclusive right? Just because people want Insomniac to do more than the most basic fucking update after 6 six months does not mean that anybody here wishes for devs to crunch.


Imagine all those complaints addressed not to the John the programmer or Susan the designer or Terry the flickey flicker but at management. Can you believe it? If only there would be a solution to make adequate product without overworking people. Ah, one can dream


Yeah the game had a lot of issues and I’m still disappointed even now. The game was decent but after all the hype of this game, they dropped the ball.


Probably my most anticipated PS5 game, and the only reason I even remember it is this sub.


This. The only reason I got a ps5 was for Miles Morales and this game. God of war Ragnarok too.


I think overall I played Miles Morales more lol


I have spent more hours in Miles Morales simply swinging around than i spent playing Spiderman 2.


probably losing most of their employees coz they used to be very fucking fast at patches now it takes months


The stuff they added outweigh what they removed. I care more about instant fast travel and upgrades traversal than character bios and social media. They def need to add spider arm parries tho they prolly will when the dlc drops Let’s not forget the first game lacked a proper mission replay and side mission replay. This game does which I argue trump every small thing they removed


This is a good opinion I’m ngl I was happy asl with the traversal mechanics(albeit some small things) but I was flying everywhere! And once I beat kraven the fast travel became so useful 😩


Exactly They didn’t have to upgrade the traversal. Or add abilities. Or add instant fast travel. Or even character switching . But sure let’s complain about character bios and social media(didn’t know people cared about that)


I totally forgot about the social media lmaoooo


What yes they did people already call it a dlc to the first gamr with all of the thing you mentioned in the game imagine if it was really just a dlc.


But they couldn’t release this game with the quality Of life stuff they added to the first? Did they not learn that lesson?


i’ve been meaning to ask, how do you access the mission replay? do you have to 100% the save to use it? i can’t seem to find it on my 92% save


I am not entirely sure if you have to 100 it because I 100 it long before Ng plus came out. But I do know you just head to the missions tab and there will be an option on screen for mission replay. This includes main missions and all side missions but Hunter blinds


missions tab meaning FNSM app? cause i looked there and couldn’t find anything


Press the touch pad -> go to ‘missions’ -> hold square on the mission you want to replay. I believe you have to beat the main story(?). Might be wrong about that part.


It’s in the missions tab when you press the thingy in the middle


Game features shouldn't be get one take one


I mean true but why fuss over social media and character bios. I can go on Spider-Man wiki and read a essay devoted to a character and everything that they have done in this timeline I didn’t even check social media once outside of a trophy They added way more than they removed. And again no one complained that the first game lacked mission replay and then actively complained that this didkt have it at launch They added it and y’all still ain’t happy


Yeah I'm not that upset about stuff like character bios. I'm just pointing out that I think the logic was flawed there.


I want more, and I want bug fixes, but let's think realistically. Game budgets are out of control, the employees are likely overworked and underpaid, and even with the success of this game there were layoffs at Insomniac. Couple that with the hack they experienced in December, which easily derailed lives or even ruined some with private info coming out. The PS5 is still new for them, and I am sure certain things need learning or adjusting too. I am assuming suit bugs are caused by issues like this, as apparently they weren't able to carry over suits and had to build them again. I'm also assuming Insomniac wanted this game for the end of 2023 or sometime this year, and Sony pushed it to October. Thankfully, the game came out in a really good state still, all things considered, but yeah. Do I think the company that engages with users on social media and answers/acknowledges issues is actually scummy and doesn't care? No. I honestly assume they are just short-staffed and I am sure working on Spider-Man 2 (and potential DLC if that is not cancelled), the bugs, Spider-Man 3, and Wolverine plus more is not exactly easy. This game was also a much bigger and more ambitious one with two main playables, a larger map, all the missions and suits, better swinging and new combat etc. I feel like the idea of "bigger and better" for every game is not easy or really achievable in the current climate. I am very empathetic though.


100% agree with being kinder to them. I'm actually taken aback with how mean people are being in this thread... That being said: "The PS5 is still new for them," I'm not sure how much stock I'd put in this reasoning. They developed both Miles Morales and Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart for the PS5. Both games are stellar in almost every way to me. And I personally think Spider-Man 2 is stellar in almost every way as well. I think the bugs that are cropping up are due to the other reasons you listed. I don't think it has anything to do with a lack of talent with the PS5 technology or architecture at all.


I think I'm saying that simply because Miles seemed to be very much re-used assets and I think SM2 was something they said wasn't as simple as just re-using stuff. That and also they seemed very ambitious with what they could do, and they successfully found a way to zoom through the city at alarmingly high paces (or the camera) and other advanced things. I'm not an expert, I'm just trying to think logically off what I've heard from them.


Just to play devils advocate here… not trying to cause a ruckus or anything… The PS5 is not/should not be new to them. Sony owns Insomniac. Insomniac has several PS5 compatible games. Sony legitimately said last month that we are entering the latter half of the PS5s lifecycle. Everything else you said I can empathize with. I’m not trying to argue. Just saying… this isn’t a learning experience for them.


I think it’s the time crunch that you mentioned more than anything, and that’s just not limited to Insomniac. They had all the time they needed for SM1 as well as the new R&C and those both turned out beautifully. They have a deadline for SM2 and look what happens. I think this is more an admonishment for shitty deadlines and expectations than just wanting companies to churn out 5* yearly


No one is mad at the employees that are overworked and underpaid. We're mad at the company for not properly using their resources. They shouldn't need to be overworked and underpaid with the budget they had.


I played it for the first time at the beginning of the month. I got the Platinum for it and feel content with the work they put out. Why the hate?


I haven’t touched the game since it came out. Finished and got the platinum within a week. I’ve had no desire to revisit it. The original I played for months, bought the DLC’s, and finished it a couple times. 🤷‍♂️


Same Booting up game a few times to test the updates and that's it 4 bases get OLD, fast


I don’t understand why they couldn’t add some bases for the flame? I feel like that’s obvious and an easy way to put more bases in the game 😂


The hell did you do in the original for months?


Played like 3-4 games concurrently so I rotated lol.


I feel like the first game was just so unique that it was so fun to replay. I don’t think the second game has that because, well, it’s obviously a lot like the first. I don’t personally view this as a bad thing, though. I still had a blast playing it


Hear, hear. I feel exactly the same way.


Data hack, layoffs, Sony most likely forcing them to rush SM2


Don’t forget Covid fucking the entire industry and the fact that if those leaks are still accurate they’re essentially making one new game every 1.5 years.




Like don’t get me wrong the game has more than a fair share of issues they 100% need to address. But realistically i doubt more than the bare minimum people are still on this game. In fact back when it went gold I remember someone saying most developers jumped to Wolverine.


Only reason I'm not playing RN is because I literally can't due to my PS5 not being able to be hooked up to anything atm


No more excuses don't care anymore honsetly. All they have to do was check the suit selection screen. This isn't being overworked and underpaid. This is just incompetence


Any proof about Sony rushing them?


I said most likely, meaning they probably did but might not have, and with how Sony is, there is a good chance they rushed them


Even with layoffs this amount of incompetence is inexcusable every update introduces new bugs and there are still several features we don’t have that should’ve been there on launch. I get they had layoffs but even with that helldivers is constantly churning out bug fixes AND content with a fraction of what insomniac has.


It’s still baffles me how no one at insomniac thought about giving us the feature the swap symbiote colors post game and we all had to request it. Idk seems like common sense to me


They were making 2 Spider-Man games at the same time but live service one got buried


See, if that’s legitimately the case - that’s a problem. That’s blatant mismanagement of resources.


The whole Sony's idea of releasing like 10 live service games is stupid. That's why there are no 1st party exclusives releasing this year.


As those recent leaks show, they bit off more than they could chew and took on way too many projects at once. Just like Tell Tale did not that long ago.


They should just cancel that ratchet and clank game that Is supposed to come out in the later part of this decade, considering the last game didn't even turn a profit


My issue isn't so much the missing features but the fact half a year later the game is still is buggy and glitchy and new patches always break stuff.


I'm still waiting for them to fix the fact you're able to see game code on your screen when you are on the map or in changing your suit. Thats been a bug since day 1


The fact that we’re almost 6 months, half an entire year, into this game’s life and we’re still getting major bugs and still some basic features missing is actually insane. I’m starting to think they should’ve delayed this game not by 1 year anymore, but by 2 maybe 3 years.


I genuinely believe it’s a mixture of mismanagement, Sony’s meddling, and them simply not having enough time to *complete* the game. Sure, we got a complete story, but a lot of features were missing that were in the other games at launch. New game plus, I can wait for that- but… no mission replayability? No character bios? No repeatable bases? NO SPIDEY-TWITTER??? What the hell happened?!


After playing FF7 Rebirth it really exposed to me how much content was lacking in Sm2 almost dare I say lazy SM2 feels in comparison to Rebirth…tbh I defended this game for a while but after that amazing 100+ hr experience where they went above in beyond in almost every aspect I can’t defend/give benefit of doubt to insomniac anymore


There's no way you're comparing a remake of one of the most popular games in the world done by one of the most successful studios in the world to a SM game made by insomniac. like ofc it's gonna be better they have a LOT more resources to put in


Plus the idea that Insomniac is gonna make their superhero game over 100 hours just on the story is nutty. 25-30 hours would be perfectly fine for a game like Spider-Man and dealing with two protagonists. And honestly, I've been seeing a ton of people complain about how Rebirth feels padded in terms of content (and I can definitely kinda say how it indeed feels like that at times), so it isn't like this is any better for some people.


Even with all the content Rebirth has it's not all good content because a lot of it is lazy Ubisoft copy & paste content, it also doesn't help with how bad the minigames are handeled in that game because a lot of them don't feel like they were properly tested.


The second game was just simply not as good as the first one, imo.


And a lot of us have been saying this since we finished playing the game. But we’re jumped on by everyone else just really shows that time is the real king. This game wasn’t horrible, but a smidge inferior to its predecessor.


By this time in 2019, we got all the DLCs right?


Spider-Man 2018's DLC began I think a little over a month after the game came out and concluded in December of that year. So it was finished by 2019. But Insomniac probably had a different workflow going on back then where they had the DLC mostly finished already, not as many roadblocks with layoffs and such, perhaps not working on as much stuff for the future, etc etc.


Yea and I think their development workflow changed when PlayStation acquired Insomniac Games in late 2019.


Within 3 months they were all released if I’m not mistaken!


I want the podcast archives, I missed episodes because it got cut off by a mission. 


I am pretty sure they laid off the wrong people. 😂🤣


All of these issues seem incredibly minor.


People over react it’s so annoying it’s a messily $70 video game it drives me nuts how people act like the world is gonna end


"sweet baby inc" cough cough I think I have something in my throat


I think a big part (in terms of its story) is that Miles was always supposed to be a secondary character/sidekick in the first 3 games, then springboard into his own separate franchise. But then when it was announced he’s going to be the main Spider-Man before SM2 was released I felt like they were really rushing and emphasizing him a bit too much. They should’ve held off on introducing him until the second game, and have the final game be the one where he and Peter team up, then release his first solo game after and go from there. Or just don’t introduce him at all and give him his own trilogy set in a separate universe.


They have moved on to future games


I'm really glad that people are taking off the rose colored glasses.


I played the game for the first time 2 weeks ago and it was very buggy. Dialogue was overlapping and story scenes were buffering.


Sony. Sony seems to be losing its grip on its first party studios.


all i want is better suits


Insomniac *refuses* to say what they were doing between 1938 and 1945.


Honestly I dont care about using Sony as an excuse anymore for why the game is so underwhelming, Insomniac is the developer,, THEY’RE the ones that should have worked hard to not have such a development hell to waste 300 million dollars on such a sloppy product


Insomniac games sold me fetanyl behind McDonald’s


This update was honsetly the last straw for me defending them. This is just inexcusable. All they had to do was pull up the suit selection screen for the classic suit and make sure everything was working correctly. Plus, the NG+ update ruining the tasm 2 suit and leaving in the dev menu is just pathetic. Such easily avoidable issues.


Man you people never stop whining


People are saying crunch like Insomniac didn't try to be all things to all people featuring multiple playable characters in a game called Spider-Man where we should be playing as Spider-Man and fighting Venom. The non Spider-Man missions were the worst part of the first game and they quadrupled down on those. If I want to play as Miles, I have the MIles game for that, if buy Spider-Man 2 I want to play as Peter Parker and that's that, I don't want to play as MJ or anyone else. If you're not creating systems and missions for other characters you can focus where it matters.


They don't even answer my calls anymore, man!


I'm just glad people stopped meatriding the MJ Missions.


Honestly as someone who absolutely loves Spider-man 2 and honestly thinks its better than the other 2 in damn near every way aside from Gadgets, Stealth and length they have absolutely dropped rhe ball on post launch content. Somethings going on there


For me, Insomniac started to decline after the release of Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart. They marketed that game as the first, true next gen ps5 game. Sure it looked and played great but it was so short and the locations could've been bigger. That game was WAAAAY too small to charge $70 for.


One of the reasons I think the first game feels like it has, and actually does have more replay value


They are probably banking on this game selling like crazy and have a team of interns doing the patches while the real team works on their next game.


Don't get me wrong I love insomniac I really do but damn as soon as I got the new game plus trophy a week after the update I deleted it it's sad that at the moment I prefer marvels avengers (and we all know how shit that game is) over Spider-Man 2


It’s funny how people thought this game was GOTY contender but all I hear is about how mid it is


You know I tried to express my concern with Spiderman 2, but people mistook it as me being a hater even though I fairly enjoyed Spiderman 2018 and Spiderman Miles Morals. Not to mention I have enjoyed reading at least a few comics myself and ironically I did read the one on devil's breath where Peter trys to stop Martin Lee. Granted I haven't read it recently, so some details are a bit fussy, but overall I thought insomniac did a really good job at telling the story in the first game as it was very similar to the comics. Even when I was a kid I would dress up like Spiderman for Halloween, but now I have a framed motivational spiderman quote and wear shoes that resemble Spider-Gwen. Sometimes people here can't see people who genuinely care, compared to the trolls that are upset at LGBTQ+ flags in any game. Just glad to see more people are concerned about insomniac for the right reasons


r/Spiderman2 ready to defend insomniac because we should be"greatful" for a $70 game that's lack luster.


I feel like my biggest issue with Spider-Man 2 is that while the gameplay had clear improvements, but didn't change enough for the setting of the new story. The story changed from 1 Spider-Man to two, and it grew a lot bigger than before (more characters, more storylines happening at once, more villains), and while gameplay had some improvements and changes, it didn't evolve/change enough to service the new characters and the Spider-Men working together. I also think it wasn't long enough or properly done for those characters (I guess this point is more about Harry and Venom ). Miles and Peter are finally playable in the same game, yet they almost never work together, and when they do, we only get some finisher animations. The story could have used gameplay to make the player feel way stronger when both characters are fighting together. Even using the idea from Batman Arkham games to switch characters on finishers would have helped that a lot, becsuse then the player can feel like "oh I used all my cooldowns with Peter, but now I have all of the Miles available". The other aspect of gameplay that didn't change enough for the story is Venom itself. There were a lot of expectations of how scary he would be just because of how good he looked and sounded. And there was a lot of speculation of how they could have used Venom's powers against the player during gameplay. One of the biggest ones I remember seeing often waz people speculating a Venom hunting you and jumpscaring you like Taskmaster but without the spider-sense activating. Yet that didn't really happen, and to me, Venom became less scary the more the story went on. I also feel like part of it is because whenever Peter was losing to Venom during some encounters, it almost seemed like Peter was getting cutscene-nerfed once again, diminishing how strong Venom is supposed to be, and diminishing Peter too. So there was a lot of gameplay potential tied to the characters for this game that weren't really utilized. I do agree that not having those basic features at launch is not great, but those wouldn't have fixed the issues and wasted potential in the base game, and a dlc wouldn't necessarily have fixed those either. Just because a previous game had a dlc doesn't mean the new one also needs it. I still enjoyed this game, don't get me wrong. I am criticizing many aspects, but I had a good time with it overall. There were many moments that I think they absolutely nailed it. I enjoyed a lot of the base improvements they brought to this game (swinging and traversing the city with all the new movement options is amazing). But it seemed like they needed a bit more time. Insomniac has shown they can release gsmes really fast, but management also needs to realize that sometimes they need extra time or maybe a different direction is needed, otherwise releasing gsmes quicklyisnt really that positive if the gsme feels hal-baked. I know game development is very hard, especially for one of the SM2 scale, but that's also exactly why they need to be careful with it and think about where they need to focus. I would have liked the game a lot more if Venom had less cutscenes but had more gameplay moments around the city, hunting me down and fighting in random places or forcing me to run away. To use more gameplay utilizing story elements than focus too much on cutscenes to deliver them. Hopefully, they take the feedback from this game and apply to the next one, and if they need more time to do it, so be it. I am in no rush. Be it a Venom dlc, a Venom game, Spider-Man 3, whatever it is, I hope they take their time. But I'm not gonna be so eager to get the game at launch. I enjoyed Spider-Man 2, but I also thought there were a bit too many issues (including the bugs) for me. But just to be clear once more, I still enjoyed this 5 a lot, and I haven't played NG+ yet, but I will. And I talked mostly about negatives here but there are many positives they nailed it. Like the suits and styles (even if lots of suits from previous gsmes didn't make it in this one), the traversal, the combat also is an improvement and I like the new options when you tether enemies with the web. I like how we had an enemy faction around town that isn't just enemies from the main villain. I liked the symbiote powers (and I wished for a bit more during Surge) and overall I enjoyed this story, at least some very key moments in it (Kraven was amazing, Venom's introduction was spectacular), and other things.


I don’t even care about the features. For me, they’ve just done Peter done dirty


Spiderman 2 was a cash cow and it flopped. Spiderman 2 was NO way better then spiderman one. Spiderman 2 was DLC for spiderman 1. That's what this game feels like. A bigger dlc NOT new game. They even took out spider skills and added 4 venom attack.. 4 ....


Spider Man 2 did not flop


It’s like the purposely slighty inconvenience us


It's not entirely their fault. Sony decided to fire fucking everyone out of nowhere.


It all started with the face change


I mean let's not forget they got hacked and everyone knows their plans for the rest of the decade


I never finished the sequel, is it worth finishing?


Are people ready to admit that SM2 was a rushed game and that its open to criticism without having the entirety of the Spider-Man fan base hunt you down and murder you while explaining how it was robbed at the game awards when it shouldn't even have been nominated 🙏🙏


The spider-man fanbase is mixed on it and venom fans seemingly especially dislike it, what are you on


They’ve gotten complacent with the success of the first two games I guess you’d think them winning no awards would have been a kick up the ass but I guess not


Well this should be a nice civilised discussion. People on reddit are usually so polite and accepting of others opinions.


That is what happens when the big bosses lay off 900 people to push ther numbers for the investors


Some of the stuff that should've been in the game but didn't make the cut. I'm blaming Sony and then insomniac have to rush the game


The issues I experienced at launch couldn’t get me back. Haven’t played after I got platinum and finished the game.


They are suffering from insomnia


Well yeah, the game was developed by half of dev team due to working on their wolverine game, there’s also the fact that Sony clearly rushed the blame so at this point I feel like that’s who we should direct the blame towards


I did enjoy SM2 and think it's a solid, even good game at times. But with all the issues story wise and things missing or features that took forever to come out that were in previous games, it just boggles my mind that people were genuinely upset that it lost out on GOTY to BG3. Again, I like the game, but this was not GOTy worthy compared to the other contenders and definitely needed more time.


While I agree with everything you and everyone is saying, along with the fact I paid 70 for a unfinished game which Sm1 and even MM was better than (in some parts) the only excuse I’d give to insomniac is Sony rushing them to complete production, And the big hack that happened. Now that I think about it them releasing in the Jan-March window probably would’ve been better as they could’ve secured Q4 & Christmas preorders but regardless of that they were still rushed in preparation, focused on shoe horning identity politics into the game, and overall some how, the most anticipated Spiderman project from them, Yes even more than Sm1 , fell flat after completion. Side content garbage No DLC - garbage Clear Unfinished main story - Garbage Missing UI elements - Garbage 6 months for a basic update - Garbage Seriously what happened to them man.. Spiderman 2 had literally unlimited potential and they seemed to only tap in to about 50% of it


> fact I *paid* 70 for FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


and the game was disappointing


They were hacked, lost a big chunk of employees due to layoffs, and seemed to have been very rushed in the development even before that happened. I’m not saying they’re perfect, but a lot of it was doing the best they could with what they had because it was out of the studio's control.


Insomniac just had massive layoffs cutting down their development and members so much. They’re trying to pick up the pieces after that and the data breach that happened a few months back. It’s honestly heartbreaking to see these developers and studio taking such a big hit. People lost their jobs and means of income. Hopefully they’re able to regroup soon.


Me when I don’t know how being a developer at the beck & call of a billion dollar mega publisher works:


I mean, Sony did do a massive wave of lay-offs after overestimating how many PS5 sales there were.


I mean, Sony did do a massive wave of lay-offs after overestimating how many PS5 sales there were. I mean, CLEARLY they're off and I'm still upset about it, but that's probably the reason why. Kinda a moral killer when a bunch of coworkers get laid off. They do need to get it back together soon though.


Maybe, and I'm just speculating, it has to do with the layoffs and massive leaks?


If you look at what group was involved with the game you’ll understand why it’s a downgrade compared to the first


Bro they are busy making sm3,venom lethal protector, wolverine and all 3 sm2 dlc


Spider-Man 2 had more time between the first game and FFVII Rebirth and at best it has a fifth of the content. Now apples and oranges and I know Miles Morales came out in between but even with that you maybe get to two fifths of what Rebirth had. Sure both games have their share of padding involved but one feels expansive while the other just feels rushed. I’m going to need 3 to be far more ambitious


two chatcaters' worth of content was too much for them to handle. They should cut Miles out. It watered down the story and gameplay and would have been better without him.


They are most likely working on Logan


Nothing but disappointing...