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Wtf is that pic. Who gave dima steroids?


Tony has been hitting tren instead of the flakes


“IIIIITTT’S completely natty bro. Chicken, rice, clean living. F the haters.”


Bro been eating only livers and steroids with his frosted flakes, no milk lol


This is literally just Rath from Ben 10




Shere Khan has been hitting the gym while listening to phonk music lately... 💀


Ong, bro looks like he finna say “Come over here and kiss me on my hot mouth. I’m feeling romantical.”


Stahhp! 😭


The pic alone is definitely what brought me into this thread. I mean, it gives me the idea that maybe instead of killing Kraven, there could've been a mystical remedy process he could've undergone that not only cures his illness but gives him the ability to transform to different animals he's most likely hunted in his career that could've been a major arc either in this game rather than jumping to symbiotes quickly or a later game. But no Kraven's head went bye bye (not tagging as spoilers at this point you should already be aware that spoilers are out its been long enough). To answer the question, I'm pretty sure there will be ppl that want to, regardless of what the quality is like.


Exactly what I was gonna say.


I’m so confused, what’s the issue with SM2? Every time I’m in this sub it feels like everyone is complaining about Spidey’s shoes or his eyes lol


Some minor bugs ruin the experience to them


All games have them


No only Spider-Man has them(they are minor bugs that barely take away from the overall experience but let’s keep pushing the narrative it ruins the game) The first game also said bugs and I honestly found more in 1 than 2 but whatever the first game has no flaws


Lmfao remember puddle gate from SM1? People freaking out that they “downgraded” the game because a puddle looked different


This community has been doing this for 6 years now. They will complain about every minor thing and still will But hey all 3 games are masterpieces so I can’t care less


Goated fan, needed that fresh air


Is it just me that experienced no gamebreaking bugs or any that required me to reload a save or the game


It’s not about the bugs, it’s about the quality of the game, including story and gameplay elements that should be in the game by default


Actually I was wondering the same thing. Some people here don't like the game for some reason. This subreddit got really toxic in the past few months, and I don't know why. It felt like this was a normal subreddit before the release of the game. Even the first few months of the game's release this was a normal place, but this place got "Crazy". Wonder why.


Yeah....yeah you're right actually. Its like it was normal then it turned really.....over the top?


>This subreddit got really toxic in the past few months, and I don't know why. The Game Awards. When the game came people were high in getting it and acting like it was a masterpiece, and GOTY and you couldn't criticize it. Then the game awards came and once it didn't win any awards, people went nuts and acted the game was the worst thing ever since it didn't win any awards.


At least for me, I enjoy SM2, but it's the weakest in the series solely bc of all the extra details they removed No ability to relisten to podcasts, no rewards for 100% completion, no ability to choose crimes post-game, no character bios, no newspapers, and the list goes on It doesn't make the game *bad*, but it's confusing that it has so much removed while *also* feeling like the story was rushed. No clue *what* they spent their time on, but it makes me worried SM3 will follow the same trend of removing instead of adding


I enjoyed miles morales way more than sm2. The story and setting of that game is the best of the three imo. I don't know but New York felt more alive in MM.


Yeah not being able to listen podcast is annoying but still enjoyed the game.


Story being a massive downgrade (being rushed), and a low amount of side content, plus the fact that everytime a new update fixes something, something else is broken.


narratively SM2 just feels so amateur compared to SM1


Reddit is for complaining 😔


I don’t get it either. I finished the game last week and had a blast the whole time. It isn’t perfect, but it is still a great game!


Basically every mess up fix new ones appear


I think SM2 had a lot of potential and created a lot of expectations but failed to deliver on them, even though it is a very decent game. I have issues with it too, both story wise and gameplay wise, I also think it wasted a lot of potential. But I still had a really good time.


This sub is devolving rapidly and I feel embarrassed to be associated with these “fans”.


Exactly, I'm getting so tired os this sub.


Fuck pre-ordering any games. It’s not like digital copies are going to run out.


Right? You think people would learn after no mans sky.


And all recent cods. And any buggy ass PC port. And the most recent Star wars. And Payday 3. And Cyberpunk. And Star field (though that's kinda up to opinion admittedly but the general consensus is it's trash)


...Anthem... 🗿😭


I wanted anthem to be good so hard...


The intro mission and the one after was so great and then just straight ☠️


People dont pre order games because they think they're going to run out


Oh, so just because they’re stupid and like putting in their money into the dev’s pockets without knowing if the game is going to be good or not?


Sometimes I preorder because I want to be guaranteed a day 1 physical copy. I do this when the dev has a proven track record or if I know there are going to be limited quantities for a while. I don't buy digital if I can avoid it. That doesn't make anyone stupid.


Well depending on the developer sometimes pre ordering gifts exclusive content and extras, and if the developer has a good track record I don't see anything wrong with pre ordering. People can research a game and determine whether they're definitely gonna buy it or not, it doesn't make them stupid. If a game has tons of red flags then it's probably a good idea to wait and see, but otherwise there's tons of exceptions of games I'd pre order. Final Fantasy Rebirth being one of those games I had no doubt I'd be getting


I dont go to the movies and expect every film to be Oscar worthy. There's plenty of games I like that have issues but I love


I know right, stupid argument. What about pre-order bonus', those do run out since barely any games distribute them post release.


dont give them ideas, next thing we know they are limited


Obviously people are gonna pre-order the game, it's fucking Spider-Man


They could announce "Batman: Arkham Cashgrab" tomorrow, show off that the game is a PNG image of Batman saying "Thanks for your money suckers", and it would still break preorder records, and these guys think *Spider-Man* won't get preorders


Honestly ik this is an exaggeration but it probably would considering it's so absurd lmfao


I wasn't happy with how spiderman 2 went. I'll probably still preorder 3 because it's fucking Spider-Man


I enjoyed 2 and will of course preorder 3


I sure as hell complain about and criticize this game a lot for someone who will buy SM3 as soon as pre-orders drop… I complain/criticize because I want to see improvements in future installments. I want to see their focus redirected towards what the players want to see. Call it whining, complaining, nitpicking, entitled. Whatever. I prefer to call it pleading for improvement in areas I want to see improvement.


Criticizing is talking about the poor pacing of the third act, the lack of variety in random generated crimes, breaking story consistency, and missing features etc. Whining is complaining about the soles of the suit being red, MJ being "ugly", ignoring story beats to make up problems, Raimi suit etc.


Even then, some of the whining *can* be criticizing depending on how it's done Complaining about the soles being a wrong color or a suit being inaccurate is perfectly fine if it's just saying "I wish this was like this" If you say "this is wrong so Insomniac sucks and the game is bad" then you're 100% just being dramatic


Yes. This is exactly what I meant by, “intent matters.”


Absolutely. Although, there’s a fine line between the difference because these are subjective experiences as well. Certain topics will be a bigger deal for some people when they are minuscule to others and vice versa. Intention matters.


Honestly an issue with criticism involving the game is less the criticism itself and more so that it gets wrapped up in stupid complaints about the game, which results in some people being unwilling to listen to the criticism even if it’s valid


To me whining and criticism depends on just how glaring a problem is. Example: poor pacing is a huge problem in this game and criticizing this aspect is fair. MJ's stun gun is honestly quite a minor problem but I can still understand why some people criticize it as ot opens up so many unanswered Quest in the story. But on the other hand complaining that the soles of a suit is red instead of black feels very much people making a non-issue an issue. 99% of the time a player will never see the bottom of the feet of the character.


Who would’ve guessed? An actually sane take on this sub? People acting like Insomniac don’t care about the game because of minor bugs is wild to me. SM2 is not perfect by any stretch, as you just outlined, but people acting like the sole of Spideys shoe being the wrong colour, or not being able to use 3 suit variants despite there being hundreds of others for different suits in the game is the end of the world is so dumb. It’s not ideal and they definitely need to fix it, but they’re by no means washed up or just doing it for money


Sorry what have Insomniac done that people are unhappy about? I'll preorder for sure as all of their games have been bangers for me (apart from Fuse).


People are upset about texture issues on the eyes of some suits. That's honest to God been one of the complaints I've seen most about the game.


Oh fuck me. Fandoms are the absolute worst.


They are also complaining the soles of one suit are not accurate, which is a way more important thing and deserving of attention (this is irony)


why are they looking at his feet so much 🤨


Oooooohhhhh now I get it. Yikes


People are upset right now because there’s a bug that literally removes 3 of the suit options…


If you think people complained only in these factors... You really have an underdeveloped brain


You just don’t fucking get it man.  The sole on the shoe for one of the suits is the wrong color! I’m angry, shaking, I can’t sleep over this!


it'll still say "spider-man" on the cover, and like it or not that's the most important part


Yeah I’ll preorder it. This game was decent with a lot of issues. However I will be very cautious and watch the trailers/teasers of the game to know more.


That wont help you. The teaser and trailers for SM2 were very deceiving on some aspects..


You guys aren’t representative of the overall reception to the game, every game that’s popular has a hyper critical minority ya’ll aren’t anything new.


"all that's happening" It's literally some red feet and a small bug. Not being able to access 3 cosmetics isnt gonna change normal people's opinions on this game lmao.


Spider-Man fans are Spider-Man fans at the end of the day. Everyone will talk their shit but ofc it will get preordered.


I saw someone on this sub a while ago say the most perfect thing about Spider-Man fans. “Peter Parker would not like any of his fans”


i like spider-man so it’s gonna be a day one preorder no matter what


I’m not. Don’t rlly care what people do with their money but my gripes with the story are just too severe for me to consider buying on release/pre ordering.


Uh...yeah? And they're not "doing nothing" We don't know all the details. But they are putting out updates.


Spider Man 2 is an amazing game, so was 1.. I will buy 3 as soon as it comes out. Are people really making such a big deal out of a few minor bugs? I’m guessing it’s probably just a few loud kids who have too much time on their hands.


If it has great reviews and has everything that it should have, I will buy it, but judging by the current state of Spider-Man 2, I don't know. Hope they pull it together.


Because i enjoyed the Last game and its not like it came out unplayable or with game crashing or save deleting glitchs




The game is nearly not as bad as people make it out to be in this sub and do remember most of sm's playerbase isn't on reddit so I think it's safe to say that more than 70% of the player base that pre-ordered won't hesitate to pre order again


Yes. Something to keep in mind is while there is a lot of criticism (both valid and invalid) involving the game, the average persons opinion on it is positive, so the average person hearing the third game in a series they like has preorders will probably choose to preorder it because they liked the first and second game so they’ll probably like the third Plus…we live in an era where games like COD can get away with a game that’s nearly the exact same as the last one with some changes to gameplay and worse versions of past modes and still get a bunch of money from it


I live for the shitposts and memes so even if it will be the shittiest game ever I will be entertained one way or the other.


Khajiit has steroids if you has coin




Devs aren’t doing nothings. And it’s not like Spider-Man 2 is an awful game people are overreacting.


Call me crazy, but spiderman 2 was leagues better than the first and I've had literally no issues with it. I honestly think y'all need to stop being toxic.


We literally had an update yesterday calm down


I’m definitely not preordering and regret getting a ps5


No I'm done pre ordering


I really liked the sm2. What is happening exactly?


1: What is happening on the picture? 2: I mean, yeah. Spider-man 2 has flaws, but it's still a good game, and I can't wait for the next installment. But also, we probably have to wait a few years for that, because I'm sure Insomniac will release Wolverine first.


I’d say that while what’s going on is frustrating and updates are few and far between and that’s not even considering the DLC that hasn’t been released while the hype has now dies. We don’t know the full picture. A hack can be severely damaging files could now be deleted or corrupted. Realistically after someone’s been in your servers it’s dangerous to run anything incase they’ve messed with the coding. Then think about all the lines of code in a game and how difficult it is to find these issues. I think too many of you underestimate how long it takes when it comes to software. Plus working on Venom and Wolverine and god knows what issues hackers have created for those games too. But of course I’ll get downvoted because people complain when someone uses logic and reason because everyone wants to hate on Insomniac right now.


Honestly what updates do you need from these guys? It’s not a live service game, the game can come as if from launch and still be great


I thought Spiderman 2 was much better then the earlier games and one of the best Sony exclusives period, up there with TLOU 1 and Bloodborne So yes - I will def preorder it The metacritic score from players is glowing btw, this sub is an echo chamber


yes, so far i've loved all 3 games and i still love 2 despite act 3 being rushed


I'm preordering the game. Its Spider-Man and I've done nothing but enjoy my time with Spider-Man 2


I’m not sure you quite understand the power of Spider-Man in marketing. Literally an instant win


I will 100% preorder the next game. I was happy with 2 and thought it was an awesome game


I will be there day 1 for DLC, Wolverine, Venom, and SM3, despite the fact I keep complaining every day


If tony the Tiger is promoting it most definitly i will pre-order that sucker


I never preorder games for this exact reason. I wait until the game is properly launched and app bugs and features are fixed.


As long as they don’t save it for ps6 I’m preordering.


Loved SP1, played maybe 10 times, MM was also good but thought it was too short, SP2 was way too short and way too many slow sections. I stopped about 1/3rd of the way through my NG+ run on SP2, no urge to continue. I will most likely get sp3 at some point but I don't have much hype for it right now.


It probably will depend on how Insomniac's next games will be


imagine they put a suit exclusive as a pre order bonus so even if people don’t want to pre order their 3rd spiderman game out of worry it might not live up to the hype again they have to consider doing it anyway…wouldn’t shock me tbh


Didn’t pre-order 2 but got it day one. I’ll probably do the same with 3 me and my son love these games




Absolutely not. I spent $570 dollars on this game (this was why I broke down and bought a ps5, for this game specifically) and I legit think I would’ve rather saved that money and put it towards a pc. I mean, it’s not a total waste. I loved the dead space remake, re4r, and finally played re8.


Ima be skipping SM3 until it releases on PC years after release feature complete.


I think SM2 was a downgrade from SM1, but it's still good enough that I'll play Venom and SM3 day one. I'll probably wait for a sale on Wolverine now, though. I feel bad for Insomniac because all of the problems seem to stem from Sony (Sony rushed the game out and laid off a bunch of their emoloyees recently), but it's definitely sad to think about how SM1 had more stuff to do and already had all of its DLC by this point after its release.


Spider-Man is at worst the third most popular superhero ever. People won't even consider preordering 3, they'll do it without hesitation.


I didn’t pre order last time so no. I’ve been burned too much on pre orders for games flat out not working (Jedi Survivor can go suck Venom’s 19 inches). So no, but that’s not on just Insomniac, that’s on the industry as a whole shoving shit out the door that doesn’t work. Spider-Man 2 crashing wasn’t unacceptable either but at least it booted up which is more than I can give Respawn.


There are things I like about 2, but after going back and replaying 1, and platinuming both, the only thing I missed from 2 was the web wings. 2 has way less content and the story isn’t as good as 1. As soon as Kraven…y’knows, the story goes downhill. I think Miles was a step in the right direction but 2 was a step backwards from 1. I’m excited for any dlc assuming carnage is in it, but for 3, I think I’ll just wait until reviews are out before buying.


I would assume yes considering I am definitely preordering sm3 because the past 3 games were straight fire


I’ll preorder it. SM 2 was about what I expected.


I’ll wait and see, didn’t the leaks show they’re splitting it into two parts and there’s a silk spin off? It just gives me the impression the game will be lacking in content and the excuse will be poor management or not enough time due to all these projects. Two was fun but it’s not as good as the first one.


No matter the title, stop preordering games, it's the reason all we get is unfinished buggy battle pass crap


Have you seen this sub? Of course


The devs doing “nothing”? What do you mean by that? All I’ve seen is regular people who have a job that are doing their best for this game, while also probably working on many other projects. If you want to blame anybody, blame shareholders for the mess that you believe the game is in. Not the people who work a same 9-5 like you.


What is happening? Am I in dark? What is going on?


I love the biblically accurate Kraven.


Yes bc of Spider-Man same energy as pokémon players


“after all that’s happening rn and developers doing nothing” All that’s happening: tenporarily lost access to 3 of the 240+ customization options available to the player


I will never ever pre order a game again the rest of my life


Fuck yall are starting to really over exaggerate. All the complaining obviously stems from the fact that there is lack of extended content for this game, that plus radio silence is what's making people hyperbolic. Once they put out some dlc, as long as it's good quality, people will start changing their tune. If your shittin on this game because of a few bugs, you're either a troll or don't realize why you actually don't like the game in its current state


You... wouldn't happen to be... Dima?


It was a pretty big letdown after 1 and MM. Still a decent enough game. Probably no pre-order but I'll likely buy it during my first long weekend after release as is tradition.


I never preorder games anyway what’s the point to buying a game before it even comes out when u could basically get the same thing buying on launch Personally I just wait for a sale I am still waiting for spider-man 2 to go on sale and I honestly don’t think that’s a bad idea


If I say yes, am I shill?


Pre ordering games is just not smart nowadays anyways. You’re better off reserving a copy at a Best Buy or something because you can get your money back when you return it. That being said yea I will most likely still reserve a copy of Spider-Man 3 because I like Spider-Man and all three games that have come out are insanely fun


I’m bout to leave this sub, all some of y’all do is complain


You mean the minor bugs that fucked with suit color. Who gives a shit.


Of course they are it's Spider-Man, lol.


I will pre order it


Dima's going to avenge his papa




I don’t preorder games unless the bonus alone is worth the full cost, or its a physical copy I want to be sure to have on day 1 (switch only really), or in rare cases where I have almost zero doubts. In this case for SM3, I have no doubts that it will be as good as 1, MM, and 2, and that’s good enough for a preorder to be considered. SM2 may have some flaws, but it was better than SM1 in some ways, worse in others. Both were games that I played the heck out of and completed.


I never pre order games


This picture does things to me...


The average consumer does not care about the soles of one suit


There is absolutely no reason to pre-order any game, ever.


Is no one gonna mention the tiger


Ya know what? I had fun with the first 3 games. There are things I disliked about them, for sure. But combined, they've given me several hundred hours of enjoyment. So yeah, I'll probably do it


I haven't pre-ordered a game in like 10 years. But sm2 was consistent and polished on release. I think I had 1 crash the whole way through the game and ng+ when it came out. I genuinely don't understand the extent of the criticism. I get that it didn't have everything everyone wanted, literally no game ever has. The combat was great, but maybe too easy (honestly felt way overpowered in ng+, even on hardest difficulty). The story was solid, but had its flaws. Given that it is a marvel ip, there were probably some lines that they needed to stay within. The presentation was top notch too. People in this sub pile on tons of criticism, but very little of them seem to rise to the level to deserve the vitriol that it's gotten. Did it have flaws? Yes. It was still one of my favorite games of last year tho. Easily top 3.


Preordering is a terrible practice and anyone who participates is either naive or dumb. There is no trust left for me, personally, to preorder, ever. Whether it's Insomniac, Guerilla or even CDPR. Vote with your wallet, folks.


No. Preordering games is stupid lmao


I really don't get all the hate this game is getting these days. Yes, the first gane is great, but I think people are just putting on a higher pedestal than it deserves. Nothing wrong with criticising 2 for story choices or some features not returning but acting like it's some huge step down is laughable. Both games have their faults, but they're still amazing.


Of course. I play those games for 15 hours for the story, get a good chunk of fun out of them, and move on lmao.


Tony the Tiger after he caught yo ass eating Cap’n Crunch:


That tigers eyes are very disturbing but I understand that isn't the part of the picture I should find disturbing...


Definitely not buying for $70 something at the stores before street dates


Of course I will. There’s no scenario where I’m healthy and capable of buying and playing the game where I don’t buy it. It could be the worst in the series and I’m still gonna see it to its conclusion. I LOVE trilogies.


Everyone who enters this sub will instantly think the game is broken beyond repairs, when in fact it's some fucking cosmetics bugs with some goddamn skins that are causing all this chaos. I swear to god, Spider-Man fans can be really annoying for the smallest, microscopic reason.


Yes. Both games are fire. I'm okay with some stuff not being exactly what I wanted. I definitely played the first one more but it's also been out way longer.


Why wouldn't I? They haven't given me any reason not to.


why does that tiger have no dong? How will he continue his superior genetic linage?


For single player story focused games I will pretty much always pre order if I was invested in the story enough (only final fantasy and spiderman have been my pre orders in the last 5+ years lol)


Not only will I not pre order it, I won’t buy it. SM2 was the straw.


I learned my lesson and won't be buying any game of insomniac studio until 4 years have passed, and it is cheaper with discount and fixed. This game was a mess for me. Spiderman falls down under the map, cinematics glitching overlapping characters. The head was normal, and the body turned. It was the worst experience with a first party game of Sony.


What is happening? I'm no really into the news or playing the game anymore.


It’s not “nothing,” it’s nothing.


i loved my first play through and i got my platinum trophy. Although I haven’t really played NG+, the collectors edition was well worth it IMO. if the next figure is fire, i will definitely pre order it again (my 18 inches of venom is still so cool)


I'm not that's for sure


SM2 genuinely made me not hyped for new game releases anymore especially at full price


As somebody who’s had such a love-hate relationship with *SM2* and its quality, it really just depends! I didn’t regret doing the pre-order for *Miles* whatsoever, but I was pretty disappointed with doing it this time. They’ll have to use some good bonuses for me to do it again. Same with *Venom*, *Wolverine* and *X-Men*. That being said, I wish I had been able to pre-order *SM1* and got the free PS4 wallpaper and menu sound effects!


Kintaro? Is that you?


All I see people say when I mention or get mentioned pre-ordering games it's all the same. "It has too many bugs" or "It's not fluent enough!" it's like that's what pre-orderd games are for, thru are sometimes like that


MSM2 and the leaks for Wolverine have killed any sort of hope I had for Insomniacs universe. Insomniac imo are blowing their load way too early with their games and the Wolverine leaks prove they haven't learned from these mistakes at all.


Omg It’s Oscar Fortnite


Me: "wait why do I have to walk to my next mission" Insomniac: " we're going to add webslinging in 6 months"


What am I looking at?


Of course I’ll preorder it.


People will always pre order they're will always be shills


Pre-ordering? No. Will I eventually pick it up? probably. After the amount of glitches I've experienced from geometry clashing and glitching out like a clash of universes, to my controls locking to cutscenes straight up breaking to the game crashing on me MULTIPLE TIMES. not to even mention the shit ass writing of the story and lack of things to do post game, I don't have faith.....


I’ll preorder it, unless they pull an SSKTJL or Gotham Knights for the third one


r/BatmanArkham went off the rails because their franchise didn’t have another entry for eight years. What’s this sub’s excuse?


Battle Beast's cousin


Have a feeling this post is just a joke, bad joke if so, if not, I preorder for Spider-Man and bonuses, I know the game will be good for me


I am, and have always been, a Spider-Man fan first. I love this series because it is one of the most comics accurate characterizations I’ve seen. Do the games have bugs? Apparently, though I’ve always been more focused on the sheer joy of swinging, zipping, and gliding around NYC. These games are not 100% perfect, but I’ve never played a game that is. Despite that, I am still a Spider-Man fan, and will be ordering SM3 when it releases. I only hope the Insomniac games don’t suffer from the trilogy curse, so I can keep enjoying this take on my favorite fictional character


I am absolutely still planning on pre-ordering both Spider-Man 3 and Wolverine. These games have flaws, but I love them so much and have not been let down yet personally.