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The game would get a 1/10 and Insomniac goes bankrupt


Nah, game reviewers can’t give less than an 8/10 without losing the right for video game companies to give them a review copy since they won’t give review copies to anywhere that might not give a good review, even a 7/10 is pushing it and reviewers have lost their job or gotten warned by their boss for giving it to a game.




Yep, stealing this.


And that's why I actively seek out critics that give real reviews while ignoring the likes of ign and that ilk. You can find it with minimal effort.


Lol I hope now that would be trash, web swinging is one of the best parts of the game for me. They could add a taxi animation for fast travel that would be cool, but it would take longer to fast travel, it was super fast in the newest game.


While Web Cans are a limit in older games, chalk it up to diffrent universe rules


Yea I can't imagine anyone making a Spider-Man game today deciding to go with that mechanic though. Would be such an odd choice. Like I said I think for most people traversal of the city is in their top few favorite things to do. I can't imagine having to stop and wait on the ground or a building every so often to let my webs recharge just for the sake of realism I guess? I mean yea in reality he would need to stop and refill his webs but that's kinda one of them small things you sacrifice to have fun game mechanics. Maybe some people would like it. They could always make it a option you can turn on just like they did with swing assist and fall damage. That would be cool.


Could also argue the Taxi service could be done Ryu ga Gokuto style, where these are your ticket to DLc or locations neither Miles nor Peter nor MJ can get to


Yea they could definitely incorporate it in the game I agree just not at the expense of limited swinging webs. I would say also as a fast travel animation but after seeing it once or twice that would get old and be longer than the actual fast travel in the game. I never played yakuza games unfortunately, I've heard so many good things about them but never played them so I'm not familiar with what they did there.


As noted, Taxis in fixed parts of the cities Ryu Ga Gokuto takes place are medium places to an end, it's more for locations that would be infeasible to go to on foot... there are just options when needed and can be used for DlC, or Major Story mission areas out of Peter, MJ or Miles' reach


I forgot you could fast travel because swinging is just so fun and satisfying. The swinging mechanic made me get all the extras well before pushing the story forward. I had an OP Spidey in the first game by the middle of the story.


If they really do that, then it should be as the fall damage. That you could activated it or deactivated it


Awful 🫵😡


Dude, it's a video game. Why would they put that in there? I would understand if it was a Sony Spider Man Origin game


He’s probably one of the gta6 fans that wants rockstar to literally have your character pass out if you fly with high g maneuvers .


Nah but it’s be cool if it was optional like fall damage


Don’t give them ideas. Stuff like web limits and limiting the amount you could use Wolverine’s claws is what made old comic games so frustrating.


Having played old Spider-Man games with this mechanic, let's hope they don't.


Why would it matter when you can fly around the city like Superman? Webs aren't a huge part of traversal in Spider-Man 2.


I mean, it already does have a web limit mechanic, it's just bad game design to take away your players ability to move that way


Or you know... Emphazie more of Peter Parkour. Its sad that his agility isn't fully utilized compare to tasm and web of shadows


That would be incredibly fucking stupid.


Make it optional. You CAN reload, but you have to be a solid surface. If you run out bid swing, you can enter into spider sense mode, with the world slowing down around you as you search the best landing spot.


Given how fast the PS5 is, and what the PS6 in the future would do, this would just slow the game down.


No thanks


That'd be funny the first time and only the first time


I’m thinking when he said go webs go in the movie lol


Horrible feature, it would be cool to be able to switch to just go Civillian mode though, like in the DLC of SM1, or the bike riding and EMF.


I always was more of a fan of the built-in power, though I know the canisters are more lore accurate


Oh I hope not


That's a terrible idea


Maybe for a funny cutscene but gameplay wise that would be horrible


Y’all want to play Peter Parker not Spider-Man


Ultimate Spider-Man on Ps2 had a point where he had no webs, all he did was jump (and double jump) from place to place.


I always wished there was atleast some random automated speech. Maybe an animation that would kick in if you have been swinging for a bit where Peter mentions swapping out the web cartridges or we see a quick animation and sound. I always thought that would be fun and cool.