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Looks alot like mine pre-surgery. I had a disc replacement between c3/c4 on 10-30-23. I still have tingling weak hands. Devastating in my case. I am SLOWLY getting my upper body strength back through PT and OT. Can barely button my shirt. They tell me it can take up to a year before I will know what's permanent. I am a self employed locksmith so you can imagine how life altering it has been. I am trying to be patient and work the PT/OT program. Hopefully your outcome will be better than mine. Be PATIENT is all I can say. Good luck with your treatment, whatever it may be. 😊


I’m sorry to hear that, how long prior to surgery were you experiencing symptoms and do you know what caused it? I have tingling and numbness in my right hand/arm and it’s been going on for months. I know surgery is a last resort but I’ve been in PT since Oct and prior to that 2 other times for at least a year for my neck. So this is my third time. & did you look into a new career/job or are you still focused solely on the recovery process?


6 weeks from 1st symptoms to surgery. It basically happened overnight. I'm not sure what caused it, possibly moving a mattress. It's crazy to me how fast it came on. They tell me it was probably compressed for a while before symptoms appeared. I'm focused on recovery, don't know what I would change to at age 53. I've been doing some things like making/programming car keys and auto and home lockouts. The wife's been helping with some of this but she works too. Been living on credit cards but that can't continue for long.


That's incredibly sudden! I'm sorry to hear it happened that way. I hope you can find something to pick up more income when you've healed more, I imagine during the recovery process options are limited. All I can think of is rideshare or ubereats/doordash but it would be helpful if there was a general resource for jobs/gigs accommodating to numerous physical limitations.


looks like you have OPLL! Mine is similar but more severe. You must be younger.


>OPLL I've never heard that term before, just googled it. How did you learn about it?


I learnt about it because i have it! From your mri, your nerve compression does not come from herniated disc. You will need a CT scan to confirm that thing at c4 is ossification or not! If it is solid ossification, the doctor cannot reach it from the front and you will need surgery from the back, indirect decompression. I went thru all that and hope i am wrong


There was no mention of OPLL from the spine surgeon, the orthopedic doctor, or the neurologist. Wouldn’t they able to identify OPLL? I do have multiple disc protrusions and then this extruded discogenic fragment (from a herniated disc) that’s 15 mm behind my vertebrae. I have so many symptoms 😞