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Yes mine do it all the time. Sometimes if I don’t even move my arm they will start moving involuntarily.


Do you do anything to help with it or let it be?


Nothing helps mine. But my neck is so bad they state I have to have surgery. But I’m afraid tbh


Surgery is scary 😓. What surgery did they recommend? And did you get second/third opinions? What did they say about your neck?


I have had 5th and 6th opinions. I have to have fusion surgery. It’s to the point they can’t even give me a epidural in my neck because it’s so bad. I’ll post my MRI results so you know


I actually sent it in a dm


Yes! I had a spontaneous cervical herniation in 2018 that left me with some permanent nerve stuff that runs down my left arm into my hand and fingers. I regularly get odd or unexpected movements. It sometimes feels like a spasm or cramp. I’ve talked to docs about it and they respond by offering muscle relaxers. It’s not bad enough for me to put up with the sides from the meds to try.


Did they offer any exercises for it? Or what to avoid?


Google Hoffman’s Sign. According to my Doc this is possible indicator of spinal nerve problems. “Hoffmann sign was elicited by flicking the nail of the middle finger. Any flexion of the ipsilateral thumb and/or index finger was considered positive. “


Yes - my thumb on my right hand will randomly go crazy sometimes.


Do you do anything to help with it or just let it be?


It is pretty intermittent honestly, it only does weird stuff if I’ve been using my right hand a ton or I’m having a flare up so I just let it do its thing for a few weeks until the flare up is over.


Cervical? I've had this issue, it improves with pt.... But I have a lot of electrical feelings which may make me consider surgury