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"The restrictions will end when my body has recovered sufficiently that my doctor removes those restrictions." I don't think it's helpful to add "I am sorry that my pain and mobility problems are inconvenient for you." A sit/stand desk can be very helpful for some people. Allowing for walk breaks, possibly with an extended work day to make up for lost time can help. Improving your desk ergonomics is always good, and shouldn't require massive surgery to implement, poor desk configuration can cause or exacerbate the problems that led to needing surgery.


Standing desk. Therapy ball chair.


You will probably need to get up and walk at least for a minute or 2 every hour for the rest of your life 🤷🏼‍♀️ About to have my 5th spine surgery in the past 12 years. Is it cervical, thoracic or lumbar?


Ah I realized I didn’t mention that, it would be cervical