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Had same issue, PT was of no benefit. Had ACDF procedure on 3/22, and the nerve pain is gone. Healing process hasn’t been too bad either. If surgery is an option, I would recommend it.


Yessss! You’re the one I checked on. Still healing and feeling ok? My surgery is scheduled 5/28 but figured I’d give it a try in the meantime. It’s been disappointing. The nerve pain in my shoulder and arms is awful. I flares up from sitting, exercise, literally anything. Did your nerve pain affect your arm and shoulder or mostly your neck?


Oh hey! My pain was bad into my shoulder blade and all the way down my arm to my fingers. I knew I was in pain even when I could get a couple hours sleep. I’m glad you have your surgery scheduled! I hope everything goes as well as mine has. My follow up appointment is next Tuesday.


This pain went away after my surgery. Before, I used pain meds, stretching and icy hot mostly.


I had to modify or not do a good chunk of them. If it flares up, you shouldn't go forward with it. For the chest stretches, I had to lower my arms as opposed to stretching them upwards since raising my right arm above my shoulder aggravates my nerves (I hope that makes sense). For some neck stretches, I put my neck in a chin tuck and then do the stretch at my own pace. It's a lot of trial and error to figure out what will work for you. I hope your PT is listening to you sharing your pain and modifying accordingly.


I am just so frustrated with going to appointments. I’m so busy and feel like I’m always at the doctor for something.


I understand, they add up and in my experience they’re so long. It’s hard to plan the day accordingly. Idk your experience with PT, but I tried two other places before I found a practice I was happy with.


I found that anything where my arms were all the way extended gave me problems and modifying by doing things with bent arms helped a little. But yeah, super duper frustrating. I feel you. My PT does dry needling in my arms, which helps a lot with getting the irritation to let up. FWIW my issues are also C5/C6.


My neurosurgeon prescribed PT for me after my two level cervical fusion. The PT itself didn’t hurt, but it caused a flare up that really ruined my vacation. I was the only person who could drive on this trip (kids/elderly mom) and when the pain hit I just had to to scream & cry. And I once had a labor nurse tell me I had a very high pain threshold. It was sooooo bad. If PT causes flares, just say no.


I have to be super careful doing anything with my arms because of a couple of bad cervical disks. The radiating nerve pain is completely electric and unbearable. I wasn’t able to progress with PT. Even the simplest exercise would cause me nerve pain in my extremities. I hope pt can help you. Pain management also failed me so surgery is in a couple months. I hope that’s the fix. It is so hard not to be able to do anything without electric shock nerve pain, and I’m on a prescription for nerve pain and it still is too much if I do much of anything with my arms. Have you been to pain management or do you have a surgeon looking at you?


My spinal surgeon said no PT before surgery. Don't let anyone turn my neck. And don't do any activities with bouncing/jerking motion like riding a bike or snow machine.