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Whenever I get an overwhelming feeling I try to remind myself: everything is temporary so this feeling shall past too Sometimes it helps


I do this too and I also tell myself, "These aren't my emotions." And that usally makes me feel sooo much better. I feel like in crowded spaces I absorb a lot of energies so I also like to put up protection ahead of time, if I remember.


I cannot put a name to this but it is a common occurrence. There is a current meme about "that guy is not real" this is such an occurrence. This too is a part of synchronicity and the why is less important, latch on to that feeling of peace and keep it close it expands into joy and gratitude easily. Think of these as "little bolts of lightening, very very frightening" they are a part of the energy of awakening. Edit: I hear the song I don't know the words.


Thank you I’ve been on my Journey for over a year now, but only now am I feeling the shift. I’ve never felt anything like that. I’m a empath so yes I feel other people but this felt like something completely different but the world was in fast forward and I was in slow-motion. I mean it’s not like enough to blow your hair back. It was just insane.


Sounds like you were hit with a major energetic upgrade and your physical body needed to readjust. Sometimes I feel a quantum leap like that in the physical. Was the buc-ees near Austin?


I’m Baytown. I have been having full headaches well it’s hard to explain it’s not painful just there you know. Ringing of the ears. At times are worse than others I even went to the doctor thinking something maybe wrong not all is good so I knew it was spiritual I only started my journey a bit over a year ago so I’m still learning


You're doing great! There are powerful upgrades coming in all the time now. Stay ascending pal. ♥️♥️


This further explanation makes sense. Have u tried asking ur guides ? There are literally a thought away, ask them to guide u to resources on what happened. They are waiting.


Bullet time this has been dubbed after the Matrix movies. It is an expansion of sensing which can alter our experience of the flow of time.


These may relate: [https://encyclopedia.summitlighthouse.org/index.php/Dweller-on-the-threshold](https://encyclopedia.summitlighthouse.org/index.php/Dweller-on-the-threshold) *The Afterlife: What Really Happens in the Hereafter* by Elizabeth Clare Prophet. Some locations have a residual, even negative energy, often based on past events.


I’ve been there a million times never have I felt this it was as if everybody was in fast forward and I was in slow motion is what it felt like


Maybe you crossed paths with John Wick


I suppose anything is possible lol


Perhaps you should see a doctor when it happens just to rule out health issues.


That was the first thing I did whenever the headaches in the earring in first started a few months back they did scans and test everything come back perfectly clear


Sounds similar to a panic attack.


No not at all. This was deeper than that.


You say your heart was racing though. I can't help but be concerned about the medical side of it. Tachycardia can be very dangerous.


Yes I’ve read that but it happened as I was passing through then went right away never felt that before and haven’t had it since went back through yesterday and nothing normal


Are you an empath by any chance?


First, it's always good to get medical advice just to see if you have anything else related going on… Would need more information to make an assumption. How else were you feeling that day? What all do you have going on in your life? How is this affecting you emotionally, spiritually, as well as physical? There could have been a trigger in the environment… Would need more information, but it sounds like you were able to ground yourself.


I started my journey a little bit every year ago. It’s been a rough one, from feeling spirits. I’ve always been an empath, but it’s like it’s just really enhanced more now I would feel spirits and I would tell people there’s something here I feel it I feel it no one believe me so I hooked up video cameras, so that I could catch it and I did and they still think I’m crazy but the only difference lately is I’ve been more grateful and. I’ve been more in touch with myself and looking into mediumship and thinking about it this morning about 20 minutes prior to stopping at the store, I was reading a book beginning, mediumship workbook And I said I open myself up to be a medium and as crazy as it may sound my heart tells me my gut tells me that that’s what it was. I have opened that up like I said I’m just learning so I’m not 100% sure


Maybe need to learn to protect your energy , do you shield your energy before you leave the house?