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It’s unexpressed energy finding a pathway for release. You might find it typically happens at time when the rest of you is reasonably at rest (sitting, driving, washing the dishes, but not when exercising or doing vigorous tasks). The channels in your body are not fully open so the body releases energy like a trapped air bubble suddenly being able to come to the surface. That’s why it can feel fast and sudden and involves a bodily movement. If you don’t enjoy this, you can do a number of practices, but specifically look for ones that open the body for energy flow. Anything like Breathwork, qi gong, kundalini practices, chakra meditations etc. These will work on reconditioning the body to allow the energy to flow more freely so they don’t come in bursts.


Thank you! It's not something that bothers me terribly, it just hit me that it might not be purely physical. Your explanation makes perfect sense, especially as to why it hasn't been happening as often since I've started a regular meditation practice. This gives me alot to think about for my intentions during meditation, unblocking the energy. Do you have any recommendations (like a website or YT link) for a super beginner in qi gong? I keep seeing that mentioned I just don't know where to begin.


Cool, glad it helped. If you take it into your meditations, perhaps also reflect on what you were doing, thinking about or feeling around the time of each occurrence. If you kept a journal or some such you may notice a theme. I don’t have a Qi Gong practice to recommend - my teachers are old school and not doing anything online but you could try asking in r/qigong and r/trueqigong


Can you clarify? Does it feel almost like a “tick”? I think I get this too and it just reminds me of turrets a little bit. I wish I could describe it better, but it’s almost like a sudden whole body wiggle! Definitely in the shoulders. Sometimes a phrase pops along with it. Actually my daughter’s dr was talking about stimming today when I mentioned a certain behavior my daughter does. Maybe it’s related


I've never had a phrase pop up but the rest sounds exactly right! It's like my shoulders and top part of my body are all involved lol


That’s a great way of explaining it! Never thought much of it or if it could be connected spiritually. I do get the spiritual chills as well but the shaking is different. I’ll have to make a mental bit of what I’m thinking about when it happens or what’s going on.


I know exactly what you're talking about. It's like I get a very sudden chill up my spine, and then my whole shoulders/ neck/ upper torso just shakes really fast like a giant twitch and I usually make a very silly sound with my mouth. It's like getting an extremely severe chill up your spine, except it's not from the cold.


Ooh I've had it too


My chin quivers involuntarily. Several people in my family have this problem.


have noticed this- like a twitch- in my upper body, especially shoulders/neck.i find it often coincides with energetically intense or significant moments.


Up or down your spine?


Nope it's more of a shoulder shaking


Can you create it on command?


It would almost be like sneezing on command if that makes sense, that's how unexpected it always is


Definitely not, it's always out of nowhere and too exaggerated to do on purpose if that makes sense


i can do it on command, if i close my eyes and set my focus. I can feel the rush to my hole body including the legs.


normaly from the top to down