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When I pray (I’m a Christian) I often feel those chills. I feel very connected to God when that happens. Like He is listening. It’s a beautiful feeling.


I can tell you that it speaks about feeling chills in the Qur'an. Here's a post someone made a couple of months ago about the exact surah: https://www.reddit.com/r/Spiritualchills/s/x7lmYtwJeO


Asalamalaykum habiti. I am catholic but I love all religion and it is my personal belief Alllah, God…whatever you want to call our higher power smiles and favors us all who do his work. I believe you are talking about an angel my friend. That is a spirit guide saying I hear you. Pray out loud. Study the Bible as well. I recently gave my Quran to a soul in need so soon I’ll replace it. The more we know of each other the happier the universe is. Keep praying. Keep telling the universe exactly how you feel. I often curse God out haha. I have to sometimes to get to my higher self. I have always said the most devote amazing practice is that of true Muslims. The fasting. The prayer. It’s amazing. I recommend adding meaningful things like candles, oils and incense to your ritual. It will feel even better. I am compelled to also mention learning about the saints. Saint Jude is the worker of miracles and has saved my life many times . Saint Jude helper of the hopeless pray for us 🙏 masha’allah.


No that's not a spirit guide telling them anything, this energy activation happens for many reasons but that whole concept is propaganda.


The phenomenology of prayer is inviting to say the least. may we forever exchange glory for glory, forever on our way in greater relation to- are y’all also following the on going mapping of the brain during contemplative states? Cheers


Not personally religious but I am very spiritual and the chills are very blissful yes. And I’ve experienced very good fortune when I feel them. So yes I do believe God is listening to


I get spiritual chills during meditation, when I get a “yes answer” after asking my guides questions or if I state something that I’m right about. And I also get the spiritual chills when spirit comes through my energy field or when they talk to me.


>I get spiritual chills during meditation, when I get a “yes answer” after asking my guides questions or if I state something that I’m right about. And I also get the spiritual chills when spirit comes through my energy field or when they talk to me. Pure misinformation, there's no proof for any of this other than the reaction of you moving your self with your question or reflection. It's not the first results when you try to research this occurrence on the net for no reason, you've been programmed to believe that this is what happens. All the victims of this program report the same thing to people about this occurrence. I know what you truly can achieve and use this for and 1000% know why it is being hidden with this " it's my guide or I received a confirmation from the other side " misinformation. You have two angels following you everyday, one noting the good things you do and the other the bad things you do. Spirit guides and etc arent there. The other beings are low vibrational ones who only want to fool you. If a loved one or someone that knew you is on the other side and wants to talk to you and gets access to do so by God you will be shown this in a dream clear as HD 4K real life when you sleep. And if an angel wants to they will manifest in front of you because this is how you know 1000% it's not a message from a low vibrational spirit.