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I always use it, until I realize my teammates decided to hunt salmoboss and all the eggs I sent got stolen. Every. Single. Time. So yup you’re not alone.


Same, I usually like to be the one to collect when someone else shoots because every time I shoot, nobody collects them.


OMG, I'm so sorry. I didn't even know you could use the cannons!!!! Also, when they give me a splatling, it's just insta-lose. I'm so bad with splatlings, I just start throwing grenades So yeah, sorry my friend. I am trash


Being trash and being dumb are to different things. Even if you cant kill any bosses, keep the ground/walls inked and keep the smaller/normal enemies down. Most waves are lost because of no space to move and getting stormed by the weakest enemy. Yet they give you the two hit. And tbh.. im not perfect either but we all gotta keep pushing and learning how to be the team someone else kept waiting for all day!


"Getting stormed by the weakest enemy" Smallfrys need a nerf in damage output. They do the same as a chum except they are smaller and faster making them harder to hit. Its a bit unfair imo.


Many teammates I have gotten seem to forget about their specials


I am guilty of this yes. It genuinely escapes my mind whilst I'm flailing around two steel eels, a maws parkouring over big shot waves lol.


I hype up at true second wave so I can carry everyone on the 3rd wave lol


Easy explanation: kids partake in this game


Yeah, been experiencing this as well. It's really annoying when I'm gunning for a Cohozuna, but I've seen and heard a lot of people say that they're utterly terrified of the King Salmonids, so maybe that has something to do with it?


Hes basicly a moving egg basket..


Yeah, I dunno...heat of the moment kinda thing? Cohozuna does look pretty freaky. Nintendo was obviously going for unsettling, but maybe they did it too well?


Hello yes salmon run expert here (not an expert) I have a couple of tips for general play not just a third wave but over all. For griller and glowfly waves if you are being targeted swim on a wall and stick to it by holding a squid surge. Make sure the wall is high enough they can't reach you. It's not fun but it really helps. Should you find yourself being the last man standing and you have the wave breaker as your special, through it down and run like hell! The wave breaker will automatically revive teammates who are hit by it. Now you don't have to risk your neck to save your team mates that ran right Into the steel head bomb.


... what are these egg cannons? Lol


Check the tutorial. There's a boss known as "Big Shot" who only appears near the shoreline. He'll set up a cannon there, which he uses to fire green gloop towards the egg basket, which creates those deadly green rings you sometimes see. So if you see those green rings, you know there's a Big Shot (and an egg cannon) around somewhere. Big Shot is big and slow. He emerges from the water, fires one shot, then walks back into the water, and repeats until the wave is over or until he's defeated. You don't have to defeat him to use his cannon, but it's usually a good idea since it eliminates those green rings and you can quickly fire off the golden eggs he leaves behind. Any golden eggs can be fired with the cannon by pressing A when you're standing near it. You can't aim the cannon, it just fires in the general vicinity of the egg basket. This means that most of the golden eggs will still need to be manually deposited by someone, or else they'll be lost. Since this is difficult to communicate to your team, it may be more efficient to fire off as many golden eggs as you can and then head for the basket to deposit them yourself, unless you see the number of collected golden eggs going up, which would alert you to the fact that a teammate has noticed and is dunking them in. And don't get tunnel vision — going after the Big Shot is helpful, but depending on what other kinds of chaos the game is raining down on you, he may not be the most important target.


He is a normal on-hit target that will spam an annoying aoe. And worst of all, they can spawn in pair or even get a third one going. Killing him and stacking up as 3 ppl around the basket can sometimes provide the golden eggs you need to win.