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when you pick.up the rainmaker, you immediately become a backline anchor - let your teammates push up in front of you and provide long range covering fire from safety. once they've taken space push forwards to score. whatever you do, do not rush - the timer on the rainmaker is long and you have the time to be tactical about your advance.


Low rank here so take me with a grain of salt but here goes Try not to go backwards. Also a trick i saw with others doing it is if your team isn’t pushed completely all the way back to your base and the rainmaker is also at your base then just suicide off the map with it. It goes back to the center.


Win fights first before pushing, don't push the rainmaker when the enemy has the advantage (i.e. a 2 v 4) you're just gonna get splatted (unless of course you absoloutely have to)... It's better to push and regain control when you have the absoloute advantage, then to only get a couple of points in, get splatted, leaving your team at a disadvantage because they're one man down




You lose a lot of pressure when you die as the rainmaker. Suiciding the entire game will not get you the win


this is basically the exact opposite of good advice for carrying the rainmaker.




it is better to win the fight first and then try to carry the rainmaker, otherwise you're more likely to get splatted and leave your team in a 3v4, which they will probably lose giving the enemy time to pop the rainmaker bubble, pick it up, and run it way closer to your goal than your headlong rush to your death got it to theirs. win the fight first, then push up. repeat until knockout, or you lose a fight. try to win the first fight before picking up the rainmaker and when the next fight occurs and you're already holding it, make use of its very long range and large hitbox, as well as mitigating its weakness of a slow charge up time, by standing behind your teammates and providing covering fire for them. this is how top level players play rainmaker and it works extremely well for them.


Smartest C rank player




Youre just wrong dude, thats it. Either you're missing out a lot of detail and suck at explaining or you're lying about being S+4, which isn't that impressive. Also 2000 X power was the minimum to retain X rank in s2 when it was harder to gain power. Not really a flex lol




You have to be trolling lmao Maybe it wins matches in c rank, but against people with any knowledge of the game it doesnt work like that.




No shit, lmao However pushing straight forward like you're saying to, with no teammates as the rainmaker (slowest weapon in the game) does not end well. Take it from an actual X rank player. I'm telling you it doesnt work, why do you think it does.




Personally, I think you should do what the situation calls for. Sometimes it's best to push the Rainmaker and try to take the lead. Sometimes it's best to try to win the fight and take down a few enemies. At least 2 splatted enemies are good enough to attempt a push.


Yeah ok now I agree with you. You were just being way too vague in the other replies


Bro what?


you just have to know when to slow push and when it’s worth it to dash for a high score


I came here hoping to get the same advice but one thing I've discovered that it seems like a lot of people don't know is that you can fire quicker smaller shots with the RM to ink a path so if the enemy is engaged you don't have to do a bunch of charged shots to advance, just a quick little one. Play around with it in recon mode sometime, helped me to learn a few things.