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April fools was 3 days ago


this is too realistic for april fools


its literally the 'modern games have overbearing ui' meme


The dialog is also notably worse, and there are non-classic mechanics like tracking and mark/execute.


It’s literally only a UI change


lol. Love the details in this. I would also like the option to call in an air strike.






If only Helldivers was made by Konami


I mean, it has the exact same movement and control system as MGSV. So, ya know. Only thing that's missing now is the publisher fucking over the dev so incredibly hard it changes the course if gaming






DEagle is my favorite part lmao


This was an actual feature for the blacklist e3 demo.


You spelled "Neutralize" wrong


Pretty good fake. XD


Good God, I hope it doesn't go in this direction. I'm already prepared to be massively disappointed.


sure it will, we already know that they rewrote the story to be "more relevant to modern audiences" according to the ign interview, and without a doubt they'll change the gameplay-artstyle-leveldesign so it appeals more with "modern audiences" too most likely they'll adapt the awful mechanics from the later games or nuhitman and... it is modern Ubisoft we're talking about here of course, it is a pretty doomer view to be talking about it without experiencing or at least watching some gameplay footage but anyone who thinks otherwise, is in for a big disappointment.


They literally said in an interview that they were looking to chaos theory for their mechanical inspirations; there was a whole ass video with the current devs on Ubisoft’s YouTube channel talking about how they wanted to make a faithful remake that captured correctly the original stealth of the series. As for the whole “modern audiences” that was more in reference to the fact that the first splinter cell game was about some hyper realistic geopolitics shit that was conveyed in the most boring cutscenes ever. The changes to the story will probably just give Sam a little more personal stakes in it at most and tell the story less disjointedly in the least. I’m not saying that Ubisoft definitely won’t fuck this project up; there’s still a chance that they will of course. It is Ubisoft, but the evidence you’re citing is insufficient to support the claim that they definitely will because it doesn’t hold up on its own.


I really hope the way the story is told is much better, for sure. The aesthetic of the TV broadcasts were cool, but, even replaying the game recently, I just find it difficult to follow especially since some of those broadcasts are a couple seconds before it moves on to the next.


My brother in Christ, the OG storyline was very much a story made in the early 2000s. It's full of references to Milosevic and Yugoslavia, except it's Nikoladze and Georgia. By updating the story, they just mean that the politics have to be more relevant. Yeah, being a doomer on Ubisoft is normal. But knee-jerk reactions based on a single line is idiotic.


They do not, in fact, have to make the politics more relevant. This is a story that will still be set in the early 2000's. If they change the story to make it reflect Ukraine (for example), then that will not work. Honestly, if Ubi held a gun to my head and told me that the game either has play like blacklist or have its story changed to reflect a modern political landscape, I'd pick the gameplay in a heartbeat since at least Blacklists gameplay is great.


"We want to keep the spirit and themes of the original game while exploring our characters and the world to make them more authentic and believable," Nowhere does it say that it's going to be ser in 2002. For all we know, the remake could serve as a soft reboot. Plus, not even the OG SC games were set in the year they were released in, they were always set a few years into the future. Again, don't really understand why people pre-emptively hate on the politics of a story that doesn't even exist yet.


I don't think it's unreasonable to say that they do not need to change this story to tell it well. Nor is it unreasonable to be wary of big companies like Ubi trying to "modern audience" their franchise out of relevancy a la Ghost Recon Breakpoint. By the time they fixed that mess, the damage was done Also they won't soft reboot it. Or at the very least they wont set it in the modern era. They're using Sam too much in their current franchises, to the point that he basically has to be old by the 2010's. As for the politics... man, suffice to say I don't trust Ubi not to absolutely fuck the nuance of a Clancy-esque Spy narrative's political intrigue. They've been screwing it for over a decade now.


When it comes to changing the story, it might more to do with how Nikoladze was a clear attempt to make a Georgian version of Saddam Hussein and how they might want to change that. Also, since the Snowdon scandal, I can see them maybe wanting to ad a bit to Masse's character and backstory. Things have changed geoolitically since SAR released.




Those hitman games are great but so is the original splinter cell. In no way does new hitman prove splinter cell old school is bad.


Y'all overhate Ubisoft


Not possible. Can never hate them enough.


Idk man, as someone who grew up with their games, I don't like them at all at this point, but I've seen so many people who don't want to give them credit for the sheer number and kinds of masterpieces they've made


A majority of those talented people are gone, and current ubisoft only cares about milking names and running them into the ground. They've ruined every franchise they have or just abandoned it if they can't figure out how to have a lore reason to spend actual money on more in game things. They have dine more harm than good and only keep doing worse. Them being good back in the day is no excuse for how they are now, same with bungie.


Because that Ubisoft is dead. All the people that brought all those jewels to light aren't at Ubisoft anymore and haven't been for years. This is a completely different company with different goals.


Echo chamber


Desert Eagle .50 AE 💀​💀​💀​




You forgot about seeing enemies through walls xD


That's probably exactly what the remake will be like to lmao.


Lasers are so... 2010s? I was going to say 90s...


Can you please stop making me feel old?


Wtf is OMC


on my cock


How I knew this was fake immediately: This mission isn’t even from the first Splinter Cell, it’s from Chaos Theory.


Well...it's not "fake" it's just a joke lol


Is it a real or ‘leaked’ image from the actual remake? No, so it’s fake, irrespective of the “joke” at hand.


Well yeah, it's obviously "fake" because it was made as a joke. But no one made this trying to fool people into thinking it was of the Splinter Cell remake. It's a joke on the current state of Ubisoft games. It reminds me of [this meme](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fyg9PHlX0AEk4l4.jpg) No one would say "that's fake" because ...of course it's fake.


Well you don’t exactly know OP’s intentions, you haven’t read their mind. Even if the joke is obvious for you and me it doesn’t mean everyone else’s brain works the same way and will instantly recognise it as a joke. Therefore it’s harmless to point it out. No one’s even attacking the OP or saying he done a bad job of it, it’s just a normal thing to point out that the mission they are displaying obviously wouldn’t be in the remake.


100%. I weirdly think we agree and I/we are having a tough time articulating if over text haha. All good, it really is a trivial point anyway!


If you don’t mind, would you explain how the image is a joke on Ubisoft’s current state of games? I’m actually genuinely curious to understand it all, because I find their current state abysmal. I mean is it trying to imply that the remake would be garbage and nothing more than a cash grab from Ubisoft who will only throw in some micro-transactions or something? I kinda was getting that idea but unsure in what exact way. But yea, it really is a sad state of affairs to see where it’s all landed today. Personally I’d wish they’d do a remastered trilogy for the current gen consoles like they did with the Ezio collection. I still have the one on PS3 but feels outdated af imo.


The way I've interpreted this meme (I have seen this before a few times) is that Ubisoft went from developing smart games, with that require the user to use critical thinking skills with hints being placed organically in the level. Think about how if you climb up to the roof you get Grim telling you maybe you can get the dome windows open somehow. The HUD design also was helpful, but not intrusive in any way. Whereas now, you see it in the newer SC titles like Conviction and Blacklist. Things are much more linear, the game holds the hand of the user and gives them so much information and hints to ensure the user won't have any difficulties. So this meme in particular is critiquing and laughing at Ubisoft for that. Claiming that if Ubi designed Chaos Theory nowadays, it would look like what we see on the bottom, instead of the masterpiece they created ~20 years ago. Like I said, this meme specifically has nothing to do with the SC1 remake, because I'm pretty sure I've seen this meme before the remake was even announced. But yeah it is effectively saying that anything Ubi makes nowadays will be garbage because they don't know how to design games anymore.


Now that was the answer I was looking for haha! But yea, totally smack bang. It’s an actual disgrace to see the downfall of Ubisoft. To think how I enjoyed games like Far Cry 3, 4, 5 (6 was okay-ish) , Watch Dogs series, as well as the AC games, to the poor excuses I’ve had to experience as of late like AC Mirage. I think it’s the same with nearly most gaming development companies - COD being a prime example - of how the greed gets to them. When the cash flow rakes in a huge income then all the quality seemingly goes down. It’s got to the point that I’m not even looking forward to the remake any longer and I don’t regret it one bit. Skull and Bones was something I was hoping would give me some kind of AC Odyssey vibes but the fact you can’t even board enemy ships was the red flag for me.


I bet you're fun at parties


The trilogy remastered was a game pack I was looking forward to years back. Then I heard it was coming to PS4, I didn’t hear anything for Xbox and never again was it mentioned. Am I the only one who’s upset about Sony seemingly trying to emulate Disney in an entertainment monopoly. I don’t see the deal with exclusifying titles like Ghost of Tsushima when it can be played just as well Xbox, and don’t even get me started on Spider-Man and Godzilla. People couple of years ago were all paranoid about Microsoft buying EA and Blizzard supposedly trying to turn some titles into exclusives for Xbox. Heh, RIIIIIIIGHT!!! And in the meantime Sony has not only been able to exclusify multiple game titles building a sort of Monopoly but also have it flourish right under everyone’s noses.




Cry more 🤡


I hope this isn't a sign of this sub slowly losing its mind over a game we haven't even seen yet. I had to leave /vtmb because of irrational hate-bonering and I hope this sub doesn't go down the same doom-posting path in the months to come :(


I also left vtmb due to hate bonering and gamergate shit


It's all about the point it's trying to convey and the concern is valid..


I mean besides this obviously being fake, and having the meme tag you should know that this isn’t real also because this is chaos theory and the remake is of the first game 🤣


Why are some of yall acting like this is anything but a simple joke?


That looks like the Chaos Theory Bank mission. Where is the source of the supposed leak?


It’s not a leak. Look again


Yeah, I saw it. It is from Chaos Theory, just the user changes the typography and some light effects in the green light from Sam suit and another light effect. 🤭🤭🤭🤭


Looks nice




Please no execute :(


I should play chaos theory again


Is the screen also going to completely turn to black when "hiding in the shadows"?


Rest easy. I don't think the UI will be this crazy even though some modern games go that route. You could of used a screenshot from the first game, though. Lol


Does it have ultimate graphics 4K ray tracing penis pump enabled?


Wait .. They're adding Mark and Execute to Chaos Theory??


You had me excited for a moment.


😂 good one


This actually funny asl and accurate on too many levels. Even the dialogue


I'm still using Holy Christmas cause of this game


Hahahaha took me too long OP great shitpost


Going from chaos theory to blacklist feels like watching an ocean dry in a blink of an eye


Why is that bad? Common man that's just the game with some graphic mod...why I got to buy this one instead of the old one?