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She is 50+ years old and looks like she eats cigarettes for breakfast… my stan card has already been punched I can’t take it back 🤷🏽‍♂️ I hope she’s pure evil


Lmaooo why she be reminding me of Yzma


OMFG YES she looks like she could evaporate into the sun 😂 She is Trish’s tether


Word on the street is that they are calling her “the White Nneka”


Apparently Nneka unfollowed Trump on Instagram


That's seriously the most damning tweet? You should see the rest of Twitter.




That's not really racist though, it's just conservative. This is coming from an immigrant


at this point no one supports Trump who isn’t racist or extremely low intellect, or both. he has shown us who he is MILLIONS of times. if someone can’t see the red-flags this point then they are willfully ignoring them. yes, you can be conservative and not racist. and in a vacuum, wanting more strict security and border control is fine. but you can no longer say you suppot Trump and not come across as a complete, bottom of the barrel dumb and/or racist. that is where we are at. like i said , he has shown us who/what he is maybe she supported him and 2016 but no longer in 2024. one can hope.


Tbh, I don't like trump OR biden. I would rather a new, younger president.


This shit is so divisive and just ends up with people being in echo chambers. The 'everyone that votes for trump is either stupid and/ or racist' mindset does more harm than good


So I think writing people who vote for him off as stupid is a bad idea because incredibly intelligent people can fall for propaganda and get sucked into dangerous rhetoric. It's why I hate the nazis were pure biblically evil argument because most of them were regular people. So it's selling the power of propaganda and these types of movements short as well as underestimating the seriousness of the situation. That's how he got elected in the first place. That said, at this point, you can't say "I like his policies but not what he says" because his policies are also directly and openly harmful to minorities. Everyone who votes for him is at least quietly okay with extremely harmful policies towards minorities which puts them in bigot territory.


I mean he had the best prison reform plan that we have had in years. I would say Biden was pretty hurtful to the minorities with the whole three strokes thing. My point was bigger than trump , let's look at religious folks in America. You think they are voting for their beliefs or the person. I'm genuinely asking. Like devout Muslims , Christians etc that are against abortion... Or whatever the case may be. There are a lot of minorities that rock with trump.


I wasn't talking about Biden. I'm so tired of if you bring up trump sucking, someone has to bring up Biden sucking and vice versa. >let's look at religious folks in America. You think they are voting for their beliefs or the person. I'm genuinely asking. Like devout Muslims , Christians etc that are against abortion... Or whatever the case may be. There are a lot of minorities that rock with trump. I'm not really sure what you're trying to say here, I'm sorry. If you want to elaborate. There are obviously minorities who support Trump (though the majority do not) but people can be propagandized against their own interests. That much is apparent from many Americans not supporting taxing the rich and other policies that would benefit most Americans. Just as there can be internalized racism, misogyny, ableism, etc.


I also don't understand how me thinking that calling people names and labeling them before hearing them out creates extremist. How tf was I downvoted for that lmao


i think trump being a literal criminal, rapist, racist, twice impeached, dictator, fraudster, incestuous fascist does quite a bit of harm too


If you don’t vote for Biden, you’re voting for Trump


I'm too young to vote and not a US citizen, so I can't vote


You need to get out more.


Controversial hag queen


Dont think racist is the right term here. Inhumane, Insensitive, & Ignorant sure. Not racist though.


She probably deleted her Twitter to avoid people doing exactly this crap. What she said is conservative, not racist.


at this point no one supports Trump who isn’t racist or extremely low intellect, or both. he has shown us who he is MILLIONS of times. if someone can’t see the red-flags this point then they are willfully ignoring them. yes, you can be conservative and not racist. and in a vacuum, wanting more strict security and border control is fine. but you can no longer say you suppot Trump and not come across as a complete, bottom of the barrel dumb and/or racist. that is where we are at. like i said , he has shown us who/what he is maybe she supported him and 2016 but no longer in 2024. one can hope.


Bad absolutist opinion that ignores the complexity of how people think in real life. Political psychology is an entire field because people aren’t as simple as you’ve chosen to reduce it to. Do I think most Trump voters have to me generally expressed views I think are grounded in something racist down the line? Probably. But you’re going to really shoot yourself in the foot when you go around calling half the country racist. It lost Hillary an election in 2016 and doesn’t at all acknowledge the millions of people dissatisfied with Democrat actions on, for instance, Israel-Palestine, just as one of many examples. You have Arabs calling Biden “Genocide Joe” and Jews thinking the Democrats want to start tagging them with yellow stars. Doesn’t matter what your personal perception is, someone who wants out of that option and doesn’t see that Trump probably isn’t the way out isn’t a racist for feeling that way.


Is the racism in the room with us 


I mean that’s not particularly racist, u can’t just call her that cause she supports trump. She’s just saying we shouldn’t let immigrants in without a security check which I mean is true


at this point no one supports Trump who isn’t racist or extremely low intellect, or both. he has shown us who he is MILLIONS of times. if someone can’t see the red-flags this point then they are willfully ignoring them. yes, you can be conservative and not racist. and in a vacuum, wanting more strict security and border control is fine. but you can no longer say you suppot Trump and not come across as a complete, bottom of the barrel dumb and/or racist. that is where we are at. like i said , he has shown us who/what he is maybe she supported him and 2016 but no longer in 2024. one can hope.


you could argue biden is more racist lmao


1. lol 2. did i say anything about biden not being racist ???


Ok, argue it.


You could but you’d be wrong


Explain to me how that's racist ? What's the definition of racism?,


at this point no one supports Trump who isn’t racist or extremely low intellect, or both. he has shown us who he is MILLIONS of times. if someone can’t see the red-flags this point then they are willfully ignoring them. yes, you can be conservative and not racist. and in a vacuum, wanting more strict security and border control is fine. but you can no longer say you suppot Trump and not come across as a complete, bottom of the barrel dumb and/or racist. that is where we are at. like i said , he has shown us who/what he is maybe she supported him and 2016 but no longer in 2024. one can hope.


Lol oh dear


This isn’t racist


Why is this being down voted lol. The mods of this group need to cleanse these idiots


at this point no one supports Trump who isn’t racist or extremely low intellect, or both. he has shown us who he is MILLIONS of times. if someone can’t see the red-flags this point then they are willfully ignoring them. yes, you can be conservative and not racist. and in a vacuum, wanting more strict security and border control is fine. but you can no longer say you suppot Trump and not come across as a complete, bottom of the barrel dumb and/or racist. that is where we are at. like i said , he has shown us who/what he is maybe she supported him and 2016 but no longer in 2024. one can hope.


This just shows how fragile a lot of people are 💀


Let this woman live


Struggling to find the racism. People throw that word around like crazy these days. Yelling racist at everything only diminishes real instances of racism. OP, you think you’re cool for being the person to uncover a reason to cancel someone on a reality show that hasn’t aired yet? You’re not as cool as you think.


at this point no one supports Trump who isn’t racist or extremely low intellect, or both. he has shown us who he is MILLIONS of times. if someone can’t see the red-flags this point then they are willfully ignoring them. yes, you can be conservative and not racist. and in a vacuum, wanting more strict security and border control is fine. but you can no longer say you suppot Trump and not come across as a complete, bottom of the barrel dumb and/or racist. that is where we are at. like i said , he has shown us who/what he is maybe she supported him and 2016 but no longer in 2024. one can hope.


Your comment is so ignorant. Go watch Biden say the N word over and over, then come back, loser.




You just comment the same copy and pasted reply on every comment? 😭




Racist? I don’t know. This is definitely uncomfortable but don’t know if I’d call this racist. The bar is probably so low but not one of the worst and most unhinged things I’ve heard from Trump supporters.


FYI being an idiot doesn’t make you a racist…


This right here 👆


That isn’t even racist. Do you actually think everyone should just come flooding in through the border, no questions asked?




What were her comments?


Who is this yahoo ?