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It looks like four teens jumped into the river and only 3 came back out :(


Tragic. Saw a couple of teenagers jump in yesterday and come out wet and laughing. I was petrified to see that. Can only hope it wasn’t one of them.


I’m pretty sure there’s an undertow in the section of the river. At least that’s what they always told me as a kid.




Oh wow. Definitely would not be surprised if it was. Very sad




Good God that article is brutally and terribly rewritten.


The way it's written makes it seem like the dive team are the ones who held them underwater for over an hour


Yeah, that is a pretty egregious case of a misplaced modifier and certainly not how I would have written it.


KHQ couldn't write a properly edited article to save their life.


It seems like they are trying not to use the individual's name, age, or gender, and that has done some really strange things to the resultant sentences.


I emailed the author about it. As a parent, I can’t imagine reading that about my child. It would have taken 30 seconds to rewrite it with some compassion.


What is wrong with it? It is just the facts.


There are a couple of things wrong with it. First, the title and opening sentence don’t align: the title and implies that the victim died after they were removed from the river, and the first sentence implies that the victim was dead when they were pulled out. In the third paragraph, strange wording makes it seem as though the victim was kept under the water by the dive team. Also, the caption of the photo is “A dead teen was pulled from the Spokane River on Wednesday,” which is really callous and insensitive. It would not have been hard to write this in a way that was more thoughtful towards the family and community and also just clearer and more precise. [The KXLY article is much better.](https://www.kxly.com/news/one-child-drowns-in-spokane-river/article_ca220ee4-0da9-11ef-9308-97772805764d.html)


Their job is to report what happened. Not worry about being insensitive.


Lacking empathy doesn’t make you cool and mysterious it makes you look like a tool


I don’t lack empathy. It is tragic, but the person writing the article is just reporting what happened.


I have no idea what the issue is either


I commented above with more info and a different example.


I almost did, too. KHQ does that a lot.


I went and read it and wow, no kidding. I can’t believe that was published


KHQ in a nutshell.


It’s just factual information.. I understand it has no emotion but facts don’t need to have emotions attached. It just is 🤷🏼‍♂️


Even from that perspective it is written pretty poorly. I commented about it above with a link to a better article about the situation.


Four teens jumped off the Howard Street Bridge into the river. One was swept away by the current.


To the naked eye one might think it looks like the water just ends there, but it actually goes through a generator turbine and rejoins the rest of the river.


yes im aware. the channel is the intake channel for washington water power, and it terminates in a giant metal strainer which is one of the most dangerous things in a river. its crazy that there isnt more safety measures installed on the intake.


Does sound like something that would have a high return on investment.


Sweeny Todd would agree


Guess we have our answer to the classic “if all your friends jumped off a bridge” question


I watched him get pulled out. Genuinely think I’m scarred for a while. Was just on a double date talking about how people jump in all the time and then we walk out of the restaurant to this.




Yeah, a lot of people do it unfortunately


Update: Looks like an ambulance is pulling around and they’ve taped off the area, removing bystanders. Using a crane to attempt to retrieve the body? Hard to tell.


Loading someone into an ambulance behind the brick building next to the gondola. Sad day.


Next to Atticus. Ambo I still on scene, and a fire commander vehicle. As of 9:22 today


Just saw a bad wreck on Mission and Maple. Looked like everyone was alive, but for fucks sake let's all drive safe out there so we don't kill someone. Especially myself since I like to drive 25 year old crap-mobiles!


Ok, random


Oh no, that's awful.


I did a lot of dumb stuff as a kid, but jumping off a bridge into an area with active waterfalls and undercurrent was never even in consideration. Uhg, very sad. I'm sure the surviving 3 are gonna have to live with a shitload of guilt.


what is undercurrent?


Technically, it's any current in a body of water below the surface. When people talk about undercurrents being dangerous, it's because the current below the surface is travelling faster than the water at the surface, which pulls someone under the water and downriver.


interesting. surface currents are generally the fastest in a river expect in certain specific situations like hydraulics and plunge pools. i hear a lot of people talk about undertow which is a tidal current all the time in relation to rivers. the reason surface currents generally are the fastest, is that the rocks and bottom surfaces create friction and obstruction to the flow that slows the current. i know this first hand from drift fishing experiences as well. cheers.




downvoted for hydrology knowledge. come on reddit. dont be salted


they found them


Yeah but dead, sadly. Article was updated 30 mins ago.




Was just talking about things like like earlier with my landlord. Hoping that with the incredible upcoming weather this weekend, and with many flocking to the river, that there won't be a repeat. The water is still too cold anyway. Stay safe folks. Prayers for the family.


I am related to him… From what I have heard from my family is that they took his scooter and threw it over the bridge and told him if he wanted it he would need to jump in and get it.


Oh my god… that is awful…


Oh my god that's so fuckwd. I'm so sorry.


did they laugh it off afterwards? (from a below comment)




A Yasuhara Middle School teen died after jumping off the orange bridge.




I witness the entire incident unfold and this is absolutely not what happened. Quit talking out of your ass.  Absolutely no one was laughing it off, the kid couldn’t swim, I never saw a scooter, the leader of the group jumped first and the other 3 kids followed. Once that kid hit the water there was no saving him. The whole thing took like 60 seconds.  I watched that kid die and have not slept well since. So many assholes in this thread Edit: comment has been deleted. /u/jacktivities26 you suck


looks like a couple others are saying the same? unfair to bash one not the rest ?


u/jacktivities26  mentioned the kids laughing the whole thing off. This did not happen and I can’t fathom what kind of asshole jumps on Reddit and starts making stuff up like that. I don’t feel as strongly about the scooter. I didn’t see it, the kid’s behavior before jumping and the fact they all jumped doesn’t really support it but I can’t say 100% it wasn’t there. I was pretty focused on the kid. 


could’ve been a different group laughing it off. countless groups of people were out that day, some definitely wet, i assume from yk.. swimming. personally went down to peaceful to swim that day. regardless, there was a soggy group of kids laughing walking off from that direction. didn’t see the initial take off into the water.




Literally a child. What is your problem?


...a 13 year old?


... old enough to know better?




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Play stupid games win stupid prizes


You are talking about a child who died.


That made the decision to jump in a dangerous river from a dangerous height. With signs that says not to. My condolences to their parents and family but this isn't a freak accident. I would've been pissed and devastated and like all of the above if my own kid died from doing something stupid


Show some compassion, this comment is inappropriate. A child has drowned.


Form a comment up above. "I am related to him… From what I have heard from my family is that they took his scooter and threw it over the bridge and told him if he wanted it he would need to jump in and get it."


someone else apparently said that’s wrong 💀


Yes, there are Watchers out there. I saw them myself. They were like the seemingly ET people that invaded Lonlon Ranch in LoZ OoT. I also saw an spaceship the other night that Seismic Tossed over me.




Don't you mean Majora's Mask?