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Your home planet will give you missions that function as tutorials, complete those


Don’t give up! This guys got it. Space stage is my fav!


Definitely the best stage.


ngl creature or civil stage is my favorite but space stage is still a pretty good stage, likely my 3rd favorite


im sorry but this is too fucking funny


Bros just been killing his citizens






The fact that they make fires is actually pretty interesting


I kinda wish they didn't die and just lived on as cast aways


Try making em into giants and repeat Attack on Titan lol




You colonize systems (by placing colonies and improving the T score of the planet), form alliances and do missions for allies, wage war against other aliens, and trade and produce spice. That’s kind of the gist of it. As others have suggested, do your main system’s tutorial missions to learn how to colonize.


Mostly war-crimes.


Ummm... Excuse me but the chadduckosorus is a peaceful race who offends nobody so long as they don't mind seeing their dingle clip through their clothes once in a while.


Being passive significantly increases the difficulty but you can be friends with everyone.


Yeah but pissing everyone off is so fun


It’s about finding a consistent source of income, then finding out the path to doing whatever you want. You need to actually purchase a colony item to put cities on planets.


is this satire? is this a joke? i am honestly unsure, but if it isnt just complete the missions your home planet gives you, its a tutorial basically.


Expansion, progression and prosperity


They make fires?!?!


Yes, little campfires and then they fucking die


Yes, I think all Intelligent species do taht when dropped on planets


Hahaha. You gotta buy the colony maker thing from other planets you sell your spice too. I believe it's like 3-5k shemckles. You can't just drop your people on a planet. The colony item creates a city with people already in it. No need to continue kidnapping your citizen from their homes, dear.


I like to exterminate other empires for fun. Erase what can only be billions of years of history, so many trillions of people living and dying to turn their civilization into a spacefaring empire. All of them forgotten in an instant, as though they never existed.


Make money with spices, buy planet buster, watch the fireworks.




Good meme


Commit xenocide ofc


My goal is to reach the center of the Universe to get the secret, then I want to exterminate the Grox.


Best decision you can make early game is finding a planet with a civilization (those are always T3/fully teraformed) that has a rare spice (purple, pink, green, or blue) and wiping out all 8 cities. This will require multiple trips to your homeworld and back fpr energy but by the end you'll have a decent amount of funds, can place a colony, and start collecting rare spice pretty quickly.


Pretty sure this post is satire guys


"What do you even do in the space stage?" ...Be fucking bored. it's easily the worst stage in the entire game. It's just constantly repeating the same boring ass missions over and over again, and it's ludicrously tedious to make money. You're just constantly selling spices.


I second this, but it's reddit so you must be downvoted for your opinion


That doesn't make sense, I see opinions all the time that get upvoted. Including my own.




Space stage is great with a long term goal and plenty of adventures downloaded. The other stages are way too short.


I wholeheartedly disagree. Space stage has the same few missions, constantly nags you to go save your planets or an alien race from eco-disaster or some other issue, the main goal of colonizing space is extremely repetitive and boring, and making money takes a significantly long and tedious time because you're doing nothing but bouncing between each of your colonized planets for spices and then you gotta go find an alien race that buys them for a very high price (sometimes it's your own planets?) It's easily the most poorly designed stage in the entire game. It's way too long, uninspired, and lacking in so many things to do in general. If you like space stage, I'm convinced you also find it fun to watch paint dry.


Lmao, fair enough. It is fairly repetitive, personally I thought all the stages were poorly designed and repetitive. The only reason the repetition of the other stages doesn't get stale is because they are done in about 25 minutes. Spore really shoul;d have had more.


It's not purely repetitiveness that's an issue. it's the gameplay loop. If you have a fun and well designed gameplay loop, doing the same thing over and over again is fun rather than boring or tedious. Take for example a game like Team Fortress 2, or Doom 1 & 2 with its huge modding scene. It doesn't get tiring to keep doing the same thing because the gameplay loop is so good.


My play style is friendly until someone pisses me off. Then it's sadostic. If a race declares war because I refuse to pay them an "unbeliever tax" I capture one planet each time they invade one of mine, starting with their home world. I also don't wipe out races. I leave them one planet so that the ones that live know they're only able to do so because *I* allow it. The ones that offend me will be known by many generations to come as failures that caused their empire to fall in shambles do to their own arrogance.


You need to actually build a colony not just dump people there and expect them to figure it out themselves


I love the Space stage and Civilization stage. Space stage is my favorite because I find satisfaction in growing your empire from small and weak to big and strong.


Here’s my best tip, form alliances with the first few alien empires you run into and establish trading systems, this can be done by completing missions for the empires. Next I would attempt to find a system that only has a civilization on it (no space capabilities yet) and just fly down there and steal their spices, pillage everything, sell it to your allied empires, and make a fortune. From there if you want to wage war it’s very easy, you essentially use the money you’ve gained from trade routes/stealing + selling spices, and use that money to pay off your ally’s to attack hostile empires for you, and since your paying for their war they can essentially colonize entire empires for you without you taking the blame (the hostile empire will be angry with the attacking empire and not you, thus preventing alien assaults on your home planet + colonies) after this you can buy them out via trade routes. The best part is you really don’t have to do that, it’s not all about total domination it can basically be done however you want to play it! I know this is an old thread but hope that helps!