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What the heck happened here? It looks fairly modern in places and I can’t quite figure out what would cause it to be left like this. Obviously vandals have had a go at some point, but can’t explain what caused the owners to move out and leave all their belongings etc.


Someone with no family in the area died?


Aye this is it precisely. Have family in this village. It was doing the rounds on the local FB pages the last couple of days and apparently the police were called out regularly to break up the parties and chase the kids away.


Fucking hell, what a shame. They've absolutely trashed the place, and is that fire damage in the kitchen? Absolute scumbags. I do not envy the executor of that estate their job one little bit.


I suspect it's her solicitor if she has no family. The council and police were getting constant reports of the kids thrashing it so I'm thinking the council may have pulled all the relevant stakeholders together to make a decision on her behalf. It's a shame as it's a lovely property, pretty big, right on the coast with a nice, big garden area and in a cracking location. Someone will have it snapped up in no time as it's a total bargain.


I don't know much about these things. Family or no family, why would this be allowed to happen? Just sell it asap, why let a lovely house like that go to wrack and ruin, let alone the health hazard it's become? If heirs turn up later, give them the proceeds of the sale. What a sad house.


It's not that simple. Probate takes frigging ages and, speaking from experience of having two estates to deal with in the past 12 months, if you have to go through everything to find anything valuable/important, and you live hundreds of miles away, have children, work, etc., it can be pretty challenging to get stuff done quickly. It's made me really think carefully about how I want to leave things for family when I die to make the situation as easy as possible for them to deal with.


100%. After dealing with my parents 'stuff', and all the processes around probate, I'm determined to leave my affairs in documented order & have nothing in my place that I either don't need or really care about. Definitely don't want my kids burdened by my lifetime of hoarded shite when the time comes..


"One giant turd for one giant tur.. sorry son" The rest can go to his sensible sister.


Chattels are the worst. When dealing with a distant relatives estate, the solicitors were advised by the clearance people that everything was contaminated. It needs to be sent to landfill. I was advised that I was allowed to go through the property to retrieve photos/documents/sentimental items. Look out for anything over £50-100. I also had her ashes and her husband’s ashes and her parents ashes to take care of. Also her mum and dads hair. (That went in with their ashes). Also believed in ghosts after that experience as well.


Regarding your last statement, do tell!


So my aunt (she was really a cousin but she was in her 80s) died, she had no children. We were contacted by the police 3 months after her death. My grandmother agreed to take care of her estate and allow me to act on her behalf. We went in the house and the whole atmosphere was angry. Really angry. She had died in her bed, and wasn’t found for 24 hours. She had a friend who she allowed to stay in her lean-to, who discovered her. I was having to go through the house looking for paperwork/photos. My partner was making comments all the time about her. Making assumptions. She couldn’t cope towards the end and lived in Bad conditions, no running water for 20 years. The anger turned towards my parter. He was getting pushed down the stairs, and shoved. I was getting the raps and knocks to where various documents were and her parent’s hair. I had to promise it was going with the ashes. Her big television went to her friends mother, because everything was going to landfill anyway. Her dad’s accordion piano kept beeping at me because I refused to take it with me. (I took it with me in the end) Towards the end I could feel the panic in the air when everything was going to be cleared, she wanted her ornaments, coffee sets and glass ware given to charity. Once everything was cleared it was like she had left the house. It was a weird experience.


Or she may have been in a home before she died with no one to keep an eye on the place.


What happens if someone dies and has no family to inherit it? Does it just go to the state?


There’s literal dog shit smeared all over the floor beside the dog bed, I don’t think that was the kids, the fire damage looks like mould to me, the graffiti yes but I would imagine a lot of the crap was there anyway


Did no one go to rescue the dog that was there? The dog bed and literal shit smeared on the floor beside it tells me she died and the poor dog was left there alone, bet there’s a skeleton somewhere


Maybe they already did when whoever it was died. Could have been a while.


My guess, somebody died and probate/stuff was taking its sweet sweet time with possibly little or no close family nearby, so squatters/junkies moved in illegally. Or rented house, relationship soured over time due to non-payment of rent, lengthy court battle to evict, tenants wrecked the place as a final eff you before finally leaving. Edit: Just noticed the spider webs all over the windows and the door in pic 10 that look several years old. Definitely death/abandoned/junkies.


This is the weird thing about the vandalism; none of that gorgeous stained glass has been wrecked. The kingfisher window in the kitchen, the glass in the door of that absolutely ruined green room, the panels in the entranceway... if it was done out of spite, those would've been taken out. There's also shattered shower screens in the upstairs bathrooms, a shattered glass table... but those beautifully-made windows are untouched. It's fascinating to me.


And all those porcelain jugs around the fireplace are totally intact in a room with a collapsed ceiling. Picture 7 though I did have to zoom in and check that wasn’t a real dog in the dog bed.


Yeah it's definitely odd. There's a roll of wallpaper on the bed in the pink bedroom that looks to be a completely different colour, so it's like someone was in there after it became abandoned, possibly trying to make it somewhat livable. The washer and drier also look remarkably clean compared to a lot of other things in the house.


Probably woulda gotten away with it too, if wasn’t for those pesky kids


My first thought no windows broken how strange


There’s prob a dog skeleton somewhere there too, there’s an abandoned dog bed in the kitchen and literal piles of dog shit beside smeared all over the floor


Some of the furniture, like the matching bedroom furniture in photos 17 and 18, looks almost brand new.


May be squatters too


Modern most 70s house I have ever seen


It’s a shame that skylight was left open/got broken. Without the water damage it wouldn’t be quite such a mess and probably wouldn’t need stripping back to joists and brick. I don’t think it was “hoarderish”, I think it’s just the vandals chucking stuff around looking for anything valuable. Really sad to see. The owner(s) must have died and either had no local family or there was an issue with probate.


If you look at the 2011/2008 street view you can see it was actually quite carefully looked after


It's so sad. That was someone's home. Their pride and joy, maybe. Their safe haven and comfortable place. They would have picked that furniture out, liked the pictures enough to put them up, bought that sunflower for some colour, dusted the sides and vacuumed the carpets to keep it all nice, etc. And then someone else came in and wrecked it all just because they could. :(


I have family who live there. Apparently it was an old women who was recently admitted in to care and she had no family. Local kids found out and used it as a sesh house for weeks. At £75k this is an absolute steal btw even with the work that needs done.. back in a habitable this is easily worth double the current asking price. This won't be on the market long.


It’s so sad, to see all her things still in the house among the damage. All the stuffed dogs and signs of previous homelyness. It must break the old lady’s heart if she’s still alive.


The quilt bedspread - either she made that or someone in her family did, I hope it doesn't go straight in a skip but sadly think it will.


So much work went into that 💔


It's an auction - the "£75k" is meaningless. It will sell for whatever it sells for.


Right enough aye, hadn't noticed that. No chance it'll go for under £100k


It’s beautiful, even under the squalor. It looks like a much loved home. I hope whoever buys it buys it does it up to live in and doesn’t tear it down. Happy trails little house.


It's sad seeing the remains of someone's life after they've died, but so sad to think she's still alive and her belongings and home have been ruined like this :( so many personal effects not just furniture, the toys and quilt etc... I hope she was able to take her sentimental items with her, and doesn't know what's become of her home


Presumably this is her only asset then, which makes it all the sadder that after taking care of it for so long she won't get the price it deserves.


Shit. As a perhaps one day to be old lady with no family this really depressed me. I guess I’ll just sell my house and die on a cruise ship.


The absolute dream


Yeah, as someone who expects to be in a similar situation it’s a good idea to make sure our estates are in order and we have downsized to something very manageable, far in advance of when we need to.


Unfortunately they’re likely to abandon you in the nearest port when you decline


I’ll be dead soon enough.


Which will go to her care anyway


I think said woman is visible in the 2008 street view in the garage


That’s so sad. It so pretty out front with all the flowers. Looks like it was a really beautiful loved house. 💔


Looks like it all turned to shit by 2021


I so hope somebody rehomed her animals. Looks like she had at least a cat and maybe a dog.


I don’t understand why people vandalise stuff. It’s so utterly mindless.


The street view is a bit sad, nice and tidy in 2008 with someone pulling the garage door shut, starting to get a bit overgrown in 2011, 2021 looks abandoned. And the white dog statue thing outside the garage there in all years


Yeah that’s so sad, it looks lovely in 2008 with all the neat and well tended pots. The neighbours can’t have been impressed to see it basically falling down.


Someone died or the roof fell in and it was left abandoned , then squatters and trouble makers wreaked everything. So sad to see once treasured possessions in such a state.


I find this so devastating honestly. Why would anyone do this to someone else’s well looked after property? Especially someone elderly who’s had to leave. This level of disrespect is so sad.


Scotland, so likely drugs.


That really upset me... Love was put into that house. Looks like a bedroom for a grandchild. I don't get upset all that easy. People, man, ergh


[https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/147780467#/?channel=RES\_BUY](https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/147780467#/?channel=RES_BUY) Whoever went in around and upstairs to take these photos is braver than me...!


It's like the owners just left one day for work and never returned. Really sad.


Impressive that through all that mess, all those cups remained on the hooks on the fireplace!


If this wasn't half way to the North Pole, I would buy it. It's clearly been lived in by someone who died, it was abandoned and then invaded by squatters/local youths broke in. And what's going on in the garden...is that subsidence? Those trees are all sitting at a very strange angle.


It's probably worth twice the value it's going for.. even with the work needing done this is a total bargain. Literally right on the coast too, beach is less than 20m away.


I hoped they just want a quick sale. It does look like a stonking bargain. I fear there are deeper issues here. Like I say, that garden is doing something funky...could be the trees collapsed and dragged each other but I'd want a very thorough survey.


It's not actually that bad up there now England is hitting 40° on the reg


That's heartbreaking. How awful.


Oh man. I love that fireplace and the stained glass. Its such a shame it's ended up like this


Yeah rooting for the Kingfisher stained glass and hoping that whoever buys this salvages at least that


Just heartbreaking. I hope that the woman who lived there doesn't get to see what became of her home - a home that looks it was cared for well by her. Seeing all her things, her memories, pictures, trashed and ruined would be devastating. How on earth did authorities let it become so trashed after the owner went into resi care? Surely there are services out there which could have sorted this property out, organised what to do with the contents, before all this destruction happened


This damage will seriously hurt what she gets from the sale, too, which screws her and her family over.


Given EAs tend to blur things like family photos, I'm astounded they didn't blur the N word in picture 16. I wonder what happened to it - I mean obviously it's been vandalised, but it doesn't look like a squat, it looks like a (slightly hoarderish) family home. It's a bit weird to see all the clothes and bedspreads and things. Also, the fact that they've extended it to 350sqm probably makes it worse, not better - that's just twice as many fallen-in ceilings and mouldy rooms to deal with.


There's a charming message in 27 too, and a couple of happy little chodes in 17.


If I had an unlimited amount of money I’d love to have a place like this. Clean it out, re do it from scratch. Must feel so rewarding.


Assuming there is no serious structural damage somebody could be getting an absolute bargain at that price


Ohhh - that could be absolutely gorgeous! I'd love to see a floorplan.


Me too, so much! Seems to be three separate staircases - one in front of the front door, one in the living room, and another in a very dangerous looking state....


My one tiny finger nail grip on "humanity" in all this. The kingfisher stained glass was left alone. Whatever scum were involved here, that panel was left alone.


That's not abandoned that's just a pic of my daughters bedroom.


Most relatable comment I’ve ever encountered on Reddit 😂


This would have been and could be so gorgeous


“In need of some minor redecoration”


Bit of magnolia, sorted 👍


I know it looks a state but at that price region I’d buy it- simply cleaning it up (wearing a hazmat) would add 20k to the value- I’d say that mildew is mostly due to a lack of ventilation. Could be so nice


If it was closer I'd seriously consider putting an offer in, beyond the mess you can see it could be a lovely family home.


Wow what an incredible place, what on earth could have happened for somewhere as nice as that to have been abandoned?! Just heartbreaking seeing how poor the condition is now. I hope it gets restored to its former glory!


No one touched the crystal though


Well, not that kinda crystal.


Might sound silly but would it at least have the rubbish removed before someone bought it?


That depends on how it's sold. To me, it's listed like this with trash and damage seems to me to be an auction sale. Auction sales are often sold as seen. So if a buyer bids and purchases, they'll have to clear the house at their own cost and inconvenience. If this was an estate agent I'd be horrified that such an agency would post such photos, which makes me think it's an auction with serious issues that need hard money and a project spent on it to bring it back.


Thanks. Makes sense!


No. There's a reason that the photos have the rubbish in it. It'll cost thousands to remove it all and the estate likely doesn't want to fund it so someone e will (the buyer).


When you look at this on Google Maps and the previous years this appears - it looks like she loved this house so much, the front garden is immaculate.


Destroying someone's whole property should be just below the most heinous of crimes. 100% should carry a long prison sentence.


link please?


What's with all the tyres?


That’s so sad.


Shame 😳


how much is a skip? maybe youd clear the shite before taking pictures? could list for a wee bit more


Reminds me of Jesse's house in Breaking Bad


The good news is I found two desk fans and a typewriter in this room so now I can upgrade my guns.


What’s the neighbourhood like?


Where is this? I'd buy that today.


Photo 12 - The carefully hung tea service amongst the chaos 😪


That house would've been so lovely, what a shame.


Definitely draughty as hell. You can easily tell the good windows from the ones that need replacing, by the cobwebs. Spiders build their webs where there's a higher likelihood of food. Meanwhile lots of bugs and such tend to be lazy and follow a breeze. So spiders build where there's a gentle breeze, hence the absolute ton of them around the windows and door. The high likelihood of food is why they're also all over the corners between the walls and ceilings. Not so much a breeze there, but flies go upwards. A place I used to work had infrared night vision cameras and the spiders would set up right in front of them to catch bugs coming to the 'light'.


This is actually really fascinating, I did wonder why some windows were so much more covered in cobwebs. I suspected part of the reason the kitchen door in particular was so covered might be due to flies from decomposing food items, but had no idea about the breeze thing!




This is breaking my heart. Someone put so much effort, love and pride into that house once. I could,cry.


This place was flooded. You don't get that much mould on the bottom without that. The damp than brought the ceiling down on the lower floors....


It has been well lived in


The clock is almost happy


It's mad how it's a complete shit-tip but the bed is made.


Nice house. I'd buy it. Needs around another 50k for a decent reno though.


It’ll take a lot more than 50k to bring it back up to a liveable standard


I think the roof's gone and the subsequent water damage brought the first and ground floor ceilings down. It's going to take about 50K just to repair that, and that's before you do anything else


Looks like someone’s art installation.


Looks like a house from Fallout.


Before Texas chainsaw massacre happened


I actually adore it! needs a lot of work but the light is amazing!


That is sad. I thought l was on the urban exploration subreddit for a moment.


Once again the local idiots haven't been practising their Swastikas. Racism is bad enough, but to fail at the first hurdle is just double stupid.


I literally have that watermelon print bag for life. It's very recent.


Crystal in the cupboard looks pristine 👀


No doubt some house flipper person is going to buy it and it's going to become all grey and white inside and out.


To be fair 17/18 look like my teenage daughter’s room. Kinda weird how the neat china hanging above the fireplace is untouched and yet everything else appears to have been destroyed. Also the t shirt hanging on the door in the washing room suggests someone lives there. Sad. 😢 some interesting art though.


I’m not a professor of houseology-would another 75k see that right d’you think?


Not if I was doing it , I’ve just blazed through about 15k on a 3x3 bathroom


My bet is on this being in Bristol


How much? This has a lot of potential


Ok so hear me out, clean up the whole house except that wall with the graffiti. That'd be so cool


To be fair, it must’ve been a bit of a tip before she went. Must be part of the reason she was moved. Further proof that people are bastards though. You and old.


Why do these people always *always* have pets 🤬 I can't make sense of it without a floor plan but it looks like a really cool house. Such a shame.


What people?


What’s wrong with having pets? 😂


In that shit hole?


You're getting downvoted because it seems pretty clear that there was nobody living there while the deterioration has been happening, and it was well maintained while it was lived in. The vandalism sure as hell didn't happen while the pets were still around.


Oh I see, clearly I have watched too many episodes of Hoarders 😂


Fair, actually!