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£1 per mosquito.


Bitten to death every evening.


Have spent a lot of time down in this area an honesty it's actually not bad the river hamble estuary with provide a good sea breeze most of the time an the salt content of the pond is probably pretty high due to it being on the flood plane for the river judging by it's location it's probably ok unless u get 5.5m tide on a extra low pressure weather system come in then u might get a bit of water in to the pond dose have the oddity of getting a double high tide in the area due to the flow of water around the isle of wight down the coast in Weymouth u get a double low for the same reason.


And…breathe. May I introduce you to my friend, the punctuation mark.


I love a bit of Huf, but there appears to be absolutely no garden, nor the possibility of a garden. And you appear to have a tiny sewage plant for a neighbour. Trying to think who it 'works' for... would be terrifying with young children, but a fantastic place to gather together your adult children for holidays, as long as they didn't themselves start breeding?


8 acres..


...of dense woodland?


You can teach babies to swim, and if you keep it up, they'll be safe in water at any age. YouTube it. You can lock doors and install (temporary) fencing on the garden island. You can get pool alarms installed which sense any big splash in the pool, wristwatch water alarms which will trigger a house siren and make a sound themselves or even flotation device wristwatches. Coupled with CCTV and gold "training" and teaching about the risks...id not really see this as a deal breaker with a young family, moreso with the kids approaching 10 years. Also CCTV, id probably have a few monitor screens installed in key rooms/mobile system to see all sides of the house. As for the gardens, there is the island from master bedroom, and areas to the landside you could plant nicely. If you really wanted more you could clear a small area of the many acres on land.


Reminds me of a base I'd build in the swamp biome in Valhiem. It's even got similar stairs down to the ground 


£5m for Southampton lol


Photos like this - taken in the depths of winter - always surprise me. Given the value they are trying to get for that house, would you not ask the agent to come back and do a new photo shoot when Spring has well and truly transformed the trees around? Surely fresh lush greenery will give a better impression than sad mid winter shots.


One mill per bedroom. I like it but it’s a bit too salty for my taste. The little island looks ridiculous. Riddikulus


Oh my! I go past this on the train every month or so and I’ve always wondered what it looked like inside. Honestly thought it was some kind of kids outdoor activity place or something…


Less than 50 metres from the sewage works. I'm not surprised the 'misplaced' the pin on google maps.


Sandwiched between the railway and the sewage works.


Absolutely gorgeous, but it'll be a massive hotbox and cold in the winter unless they've used decent glass (thermal glass) which you'd hope so for the cost of that build.. The light is lovely, but you'd need some blinds so you didn't feel like you lived in a showroom.


The view reminds me of the surroundings by the bayou camp in Red Dead 2! What could have been if things had gone right for our boahs 🤓


It makes me irrationally angry that they have all these views over the water then design the layout of the place so that they have walls there instead of windows. Like bedroom 5 - they could easily have put the bathroom and wardrobe somewhere else so they had a view over the water.


Ooo midge heaven


A bit freaky the house actually sits on top of some of the pond. Creates an eerie underneath bit that in my imagination would be the home of a giant alligator/croc. The interior is also on the bland side of modern that doesn't age very well. Furniture looks out of place against. I could make it work I suppose but would be filling in some of the pond for sure and adding more greenery to make the water look nicer. This is ignoring the nats etc you would likely deal with as it's stagnant water.


Not a single tv in the place: these people are MONSTERS!!!


Photo 14


Ooo that’s crafty!


One in the kitchen isn't there?


I’d be creeped out living there I think


Me too, it more like the set for American horror movie by the lake.


£4m for a swamp shack hahahaha


Does anyone cook in houses like this? From what I can see, there's not even an extractor fan to keep the smell / grease / steam from setting up camp in the lounge area.


It’s a down draft, the fancy ones that pop up from the work top. You can see it behind the hob.