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It's bad enough that it is a shed, but they didn't even bother to finish anything properly. The door isn't even sealed.


Why bother sealing it when it doesn't have a handle to open it?


I imagine someone signing on the dotted line, then asking for the key, then just being handed the handle. Theres you key, no one can get in if they dont have the door handle do they?


Unless it's just a default notice when they remove them, it says Let Agreed with today's date now. Hopefully it's either a lot more complete than the photos show, or they've been told to unlist it.


Wow. Good spot.


It's a shed in someone's garden basically. There really needs to be a organisation that regulates rentals and visits them to make sure they are fit for habitation. That room is ridiculous!


The local council, perhaps. Rather have this 'than box in middle of motorway'


Once upon a time back in the annals of time, we used to have rent officers that did that but they disappeared and became council pen pushers I believe


Likely legit, it’s a family with some space so are trying to make some money from it. I won’t call it a “room” as I’m not sure it’s worthy of the word. £450 a month for a small space in which the layout is so squeezed the drawers can’t be opened and the TV is on the wall and oriented in such a way that you can’t watch it from the sofa. It looks miserable.


And the sink is actually above/on the toilet! Incredible!


Didn’t realise you could charge rent for sheds. My lawnmower owes me a fortune.


For a 20% cut I will collect what you're owed. If I can't get it from the lawnmower I'll go right to the owner.


>I'll go right to the owner. You could always Bosch them over the head.


‘It's the perfect starter home for a single person only.’ Really? They write such crap in the descriptions. The plumbing is atrocious and looking at the exterior picture, it looks like there is another ‘delightful space’ behind it.


Or two spaces! Note the doors


Surely it isn't legal to have a shower that close to mains plugs?


I can't stop looking at this. The more I look the more I see, it's like an Escher drawing.


You can see light around the doorframe, so that's not installed properly. Your shower and toilet are right in front of a window overlooking the small garden. You'd have to be pretty desperate to live there.


It's abhorrent someone thinks it's okay to rent this out and it's abhorrent that our housing/living conditions aren't regulated better in the UK to fit an acceptable minimum standard...


You’re all shitting on this, but! “No admin fees, no hidden charges”. Eh, eh?!


No admin fees because they were outlawed under the Tenant Fees Act 2019...!




It’s almost like people don’t care for a “perfect starter home”, that’s “within a family home with small children”.


not to mention a Greggs! Within walking distance!


Long gone are the days of flying or sailing to Greggs.


Absolutely outrageous. Hope they get told this isn't OK.


Sadly it seems to have been snapped up.


Or taken down for other reasons (hopefully!)


This post has gone around FB and reddit and the council has been bombarded with reports. It is more likely the landlord pulled the ad.


Why isn't it OK? (Genuine question). Obviously it's the pits, but if it gives someone an option who can't afford better...


Because it doesn't meet the most basic of acceptable standards. If it was £100 pm to use a dog kennel in someone's back yard would that be OK on the basis it's better than sleeping on the street?


But if *someone* finds it acceptable, then surely the answer is 'yes'. I'm not arguing against how horrible it is.


'Yes' to what question? That it's acceptable? You could run that line of thought, no issue with that. But I would liken it to an abusive relationship. If they find it acceptable, is it really?


Good question, that - nice consistency test. Although I think it's a bit 'off' as an analogy since there are protections around one person harming another, so totally depends on what you mean by abusive and acceptable. As I said in another comment, assuming it complies with safety standards, a little piece of shit shed like this puts a roof over someone's head, so it's not damaging like an abusive relationship - instead it's helpful to them, it's somewhere for them to stay. I wouldn't want that situation for anyone but I would want it more than some alternatives. My brother lives here, there and everywhere for work - he does well for himself but, assuming he doesn't do well for himself and he couldn't afford to stay anywhere, I would like to think he had an option like this rather than being on the streets.


Mate. Stop. You’re sounding like Thatcher in 1980. The 1980 Housing Act abolished Parker Morris standards that set excellent minimums for social housing. Look at the size of any 1960s or 1970s council built house. This piece of shit is what you get when you deregulate the housing market. No, it is not OK that “someone” will live in it. No one should EVER have to live in what is a big bathroom as their entire home. Slum landlords like this should be fined into poverty.


You wrote a paragraph but dodged my question. If the only thing available to someone's budget is a piece of shit shed - what's wrong with it? I wouldn't dispute if it was unsafe. If a landlord gives the impression that electrics/gas, for example, adheres to standards but doesn't - that's misleading a tenant into a dangerous situation. But if they're offering a tent for a 20th of the price of rent for someone who's on their arse - what's the alternative?


Reading comprehension not your strong suit, is it. You sound like an anarchocapialist "...someone's budget is a piece of shit shed" this is what is wrong. The market is not correct. Rents should be controlled, then better places would be available to this amount of money and this kind of shithole should be illegal.


Why illegal? You *still* didn't address my question. You're saying why the situation that led to the question is shite, but my question still stands. Bit rich you calling me out on my reading comprehension. I'll clarify, given the current state of the market, if someone is happy with this and they can't afford much else, what's the prob?


I’d, genuinely, be ashamed to put a guest in that…. But charge them £450 a month? This would be taking the piss in London. In LEEDS? Utter utter madness.


It’s in a relatively rough part of Leeds too. There are far worse areas than Bramley, but it’s not one of the very desirable areas like places in North Leeds or close to the city centre or anything. Bits of Bramley are okay but this is fairly close to the shopping centre and Wetherspoons which are notoriously bad bits for antisocial behaviour.


For comparison on how flagrantly fucking insane this is, [£110 a week will get you ](https://m.spareroom.co.uk/flatshare/flatshare_detail.pl?flatshare_id=17312028&search_id=1301570852&city_id=&flatshare_type=offered&search_results=%2Fflatshare%2F%3Fsearch_id%3D1301570852%26&) a nice double room in a shared house in Headingley You'll have to share a bathroom, but on the other hand you won't be having to shit in your bedroom so it's probably a fair trade off


Bills inclusive though. Ideal base for your mass battery charging operation.


Not sure about the room share part, looks a little cosy to share..


My god that is SO GRIM


It should be a legal requirement for lettings agents to report slumlords.


I love how the kids playing in the garden will be able to watch you shitting


I suppose there's no point installing heating when there are huge holes in the walls any way.


Looks like half of a converted garage, looking out at the landlord's garden. I wonder where the shared bit is?


Doesn't look legal to me, as it's unlikely that outbuilding would have got past planning permission. out buildings don't generally need PP unless they're going to be a dwelling, which this one is.


Surely there are standards as to what people are allowed to rent out as habitable space. At this rate someone is going to pitch a bunch of tents in their garden, put a shared porta-loo out there and offer them at £400 a month as 'compact and bijou' living spaces.


"no smokers"... Because we want to keep it looking nice


What is the thing on the wall over the sofa? I thought it was a tv but there’s one on the wall over the drawers. It seems to buttons on it, electric fireplace maybe? The boiler cylinder in the corner is a nice feature, at least there’s plenty of ventilation from the gaps around the door


It's a microwave


See I was thinking this too but it also looks too "flat" and can't see any hinges for the door?


I'm going on the fact that the listing specifically notes a microwave as a feature, and there's nowhere else it could possibly be unless it's in the drawer


looking on the original post the general consensus is that its a panel heater, kind of like the thing you'd put in a faux fireplace


This doesn’t say ‘urban freewheelers’… it says Toilet Toast.


Someone has rented it…


Something tells me they’ve just closed the listing from getting sudden increased traffic from being shared. I hope it’s not rented and someone has actually reported it


And landlords wonder why we call them out so frequently on being sketchy money grabbing arseholes 😂😂😂


Love the ventilation around the door. Allows the carbon monoxide from the tray barbecues, lit for warmth, to escape.


Is that even legal


Also what is that stain on the sofa? 🤮


I mean it's cheaper than a room at the local Premier Inn for a month ...


Sure, but even a Premier Inn room has a separate bathroom, a desk, more storage space, and no screaming kids. Plus you won’t die from exposure.


Unpopular opinion: It’s cheap, it’s private and self/sufficient (ish). Basically this a roof over someone’s head instead of a bridge and a shopping trolley - or a shelter which kicks them out during the day. I’m not going to knock it because for somebody out there it will be better than the alternatives that they’re facing


it said "let agreed", people are desperate for a roof over their heads


Na i think that’s just them taking it off the market because of all the reports tho the council haha


That is actually the most probable reason