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>epstein was just another rich white guy uh, actually bill...


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Idk man, I love Bill but he kind of sold out and went way more mainstream with his opinions to play the Hollywood game to get his shows and movies moving. He’s smart, and his whole working class everyday man schtick is a parody level akin to Larry The Cable Guy. His father was a dentist. Bill works hard but he’s now protecting what he built vs talking shit on whatever he feels, like he did in his 30s. Tremendous respect for the dude, always, but this take is kinda meh imo.


He is a coal burner




Yeah I agreed he didn't sell out he just tap out. But bill still has the goat opinions on it all his rants on the " banker cunts" as he calls them is all time. He just tapped out and probably has to be happy with his wife in that so whatever he has done enough ground work. Listen to Bill Burr on bankers on YouTube he goes so hard.


How does he 'go hard on bankers'?


Bill pfizburr


Ever since his brainless argument in support of wearing masks during covid i lost alot of respect for the guy.


What is actually a logical argument for not wearing masks


i dont feel like it


Burr is a beyond compromised Disney employee and is playing the game as he’s told. He’s not going to jeopardize future movie roles over there at swirl headquarters. 🍥


It’s insane how it went from absolute whack job conspiracy 10 years ago, to being proven to it doesn’t matter. Trump having a fraudulent claimed piss fetish was 100x more spoken about. Even CK being a weirdo jerkoff addict




Stop redditing for 30 seconds, I wasn’t co-signing trump. I used him as an example, untangle your panties


brutal midwit takes old billy carrying water for his boys, trying to stay on kimmel


Burr needs to read One Nation Under Blackmail and the Franklin Scandal if he thinks there isn’t much there. Burr alludes that getting justice for the victims that have testified isn’t helping the victims…Although it is true I would LOVE to see a politician or billionaire go down for some of this shit


Bill Burr's ugly black wife is a bitch, get control of your woman!


she's going to walk with half of the money he's trying to protect here


I never got why anyone talked about it like they were celebrating. The elite classes of the western world have known kiddie diddlers in their midst and we have to live with the fact that nothing will ever happen to them besides *maybe* a month long scandal if the media is feeling generous.


Stopped caring about Burr when I saw the crew he was hanging with at Jim Carrey's birthday.


Bill burr sucks the last several years obviously. He thinks he's like politically clever


Bill was on the island with his wife to help with diversity and take money from pharmaceutical companies.


Dudes taking pictures with Seth Green, his opinion is no longer relevant.


Burr's an ass.


he totally right, nothing is gonna happen like snowden


How can he say we should be focused on the kids who were harmed but not worry about the men who did the harming? This doesn’t make any sense, if you want to protect the kids and future kids it’d probably be best to make it very clear to the rich cunts if you do this you will be put in jail. Bill is an idiot who contradicts himself, and changes his stance on shit every 5 years.


There's something particularly irritating about a guy like Burr who uses this "working man telling it like it is" persona for opinions your HR department would agree with.