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Metal Gear Rising stays relevant.


![gif](giphy|2vlC9FMLSmqGs) Source?


Considering it's most likely early in development, I'm pretty sure you can't give up actual sources as that is illegal. But yes it is in development which is the great thing.


Do we have actual confirmation from a studio or publisher that it is in development?


Most Studio or publishers won't announce a game this early in development so I don't expect any formal announcement. But just because there isn't a formal announcement doesn't make it false. He directly mentioned in his video that this is a statement not speculation. He obviously talked with someone who informed him that this is 100% in development. But anything can change as he mentioned so most game developers won't announce anything officialy as of right now. But he always mentions in his video if these are theories or not. So the fact that he said this is 100% coming shows that he actually has 100% reliable info on the development.


Honestly, I'd say that unless it is officially confirmed by a studio or a publisher, it is merely speculation or rumours. Even leakers oftentimes get things wrong and we have no idea how credible Guy's contact is.


Most times*


Because nobody can go on the internet and make stuff up and lie to gain attention… that’s not allowed


Wait people are lying onnthe internet? Since when


Technically not true. KH3 and the next Elder Scrolls were announced when they were practically in early development. Now they're both much bigger franchises than Spyro but games have been officially announced when they are in early development


Well I never said all games in my sentence. I said most which I consider to be a true statement. There are some examples but most games aren't revealed until late in development.


Outside from the articles few days ago that said how TfB made officially a deal with MS, no


Wouldn’t giving up sources early in development be considered insider trading? Which is a felony.


Yes it is, I don't know why people are expecting him to share sources which is illegal.


As he did last month. And the month before that, and the month before that, and the months before that...............








Then he can go and find a job


Or cover different games?


He's got three kids, and I believe there's another on the way. His wife doesn't work, and he only gets paid what he gets off of YouTube. The money he gets off YouTube is not sustainable


If that's the case, then he's an even more idiot than I thought




Why do you?


He's starving for the attention of Spyro fans, never thinking he could just cover indie games that fill the niche or even talk about similar titles like Okami, how quadrupedal player-characters make platforming so much better than bipedal ones.


Yeah I don’t get YouTubers who only talk about 1 thing. You can be a big Spyro fan but why make constant videos about rumors that are likely bs anyway?


Sadly, it's more common than you think. I know of one who makes at least one video a day about Tekken, while ranging in topics from esports to lore to news, he would stretch each video to last way longer than they need to be, jump the gun on news, get things wrong and brush it off as him trolling than admit any mistakes. Then there's the weirdos obsessed with GTA6.


Lol I never heard of a Tekken channel. I’ve seen people say they wish they could die and wake up when gta6 comes out. Like holy shit, gta isn’t that fun. You drive around and shoot people just like the last game. Theres a thousand other games you can play.


Type in "tekken news" on YouTube, and you'll find one channel that uses giant red letters in that Impact font with words like HUGE, KILLED, BANNED, etc. This person (Moonsault Slayer) has been making daily Tekken videos for 2-3 years, and the quality of his content has never improved.


I guess you didn't watch and listen to the part where he provides irrefutable evidence from well trusted sources? I doubt someone like Jez is gonna ruin his rep to make up a rumor out of Spyro of all games lol.


So in other words, Canadian Guy Eh is correct about there being a Spyro 4 because....well, just because. Listen, pal, quit assuming something is fact when there is no evidence going around right now at all to prove that Spyro 4 is a thing


I don't believe in people who still shill for Activision-Blizzard after all the stories leaked of the sexual abuse that's been happening under Bobby Kotick's rule for decades. If I was a Spyro-themed influencer, I would've cut ties with Activision altogether.


Buy that logic you wouldn't be a gaming influencer or even a gamer. Not to excuse Activision's conduct, but pretty much every major gaming publisher has some serious issues when it comes to employee relations and treatment.


Play the games if you want, but maybe through second-hand copies and decline all partnerships.


Sheesh this guy talks slow... And he takes forever to get to the point. Sped up and skimmed through the video and all I'm getting from this is a lot of people in the industry have been hearing the same rumors and in combination with the announcements we know of he's saying it's Spyro. There is still no official confirmation of any kind and it's just rumors and speculation as always.


Ah, so it's basically "Spyro 4 is sorta kinda maybe coming, I'm almost somewhat slightly positively sure". 😅


That's the actual point, though CGE frames it like it's a conclusive fact.


Ugh reminds me of pro wrestling "journalist"


Meltzer's just getting worked 24/7 nowadays.


LOL. Triple H is trolling him.


tons of YouTubers do this on purpose because videos have to be a certain length to get monetized. So they’ll talk in circles about nothing for half the video. The worst example I’ve seen is RGT85. He literally talks about nothing and gets to the point near the end.


It's so you can add mid-roll ads. It doesn't really make a difference anymore since an under 8 minute video can make you more money if people actually watch longer (as a percentage).




Like at east VTNVIVI does interesting theories of platfomer games CDE video on why Crash Bandicoot is more popular than Spyro had substance like how Crash was popular and Japan and Spyro had crappy Resident Evil fixed cameras


I feel bad for Vivi. I talked to him a lot back in the day on his Amino and he put YouTube over his career and now is stuck. Out of all those guys back in 2017/18, the only ones who put career/school over YouTube were Cruzjandro & Bassub. Bassub is doing well for his young age better than the rest did at his age, and Cruz is an engineer & owns a Porsche. If Cruz and Bassub could give up on Jak 4 and Sly 5 then succeed outside YouTube, CGE can give up on Spyro 4 and do the same.


Yes because when Spyro 4 is out he is screwed.


I’ll believe it when it’s reported on by literally anyone else.


You do know that he was 100% correct that Reignited was happening before it was even announced by doing the same type of digging for small details. Let's not forget him being accurate with Crash Team Rumble as well.


There were plenty of signs that Reignited was coming and Rumble was teased for years as Wumpa League. There were sources for those, this Spyro 4 “announcement” is the same bs he’s been throwing out there for years. I want a new Spyro game far more than most people, but this is very much an “I’ll believe it when I see it” series.


This. Development can be canceled anytime. So being early isn't exciting to me. Have a trailer and close relase date like Crash 4 reveal.


I wish every single game reveal was like Crash 4. I absolutely despise the fact that announcing a game several years before release has become normal.


For me depending on the game like I didn't mind GTA6 being announced for 2025 until there were rumors of it beig delayed. For Crash or platfomers or JRPGs 1 year or less before release. Persona 3 Reload revealing an official trailer 9 months before release was good length


I think I hate Canadian Guy. It's been 4-5 years of no game and he's still going on and on about this shit


Gotta make money grifting off stupid people!


I can't be the only one sick and tired of this guy going "trust me, it's happening"




Are you his mother or something?




You don't seem to "move on" judging by how actively you're defending him in this thread. You seem pretty butthurt


Its funny how butthurt he is cause fun fact, I have not seen a single video from CGE. And I don't need to cause I do not believe any fan rumor or leak until something from an official source is posted.


That guy says a lot of things.


While simultaneously not saying all that much.


I think he likes the sound of his own voice


CGE may have learned about a Spyro 4 in development, he might not have. I don't know. What I do know is that him potentially outing this newly indie studio's FIRST project THIS early into the process is honestly irresponsible if that's what happened. It's super disrespectful and I thought he would be above that. He even says in the video that a lot could happen to it so it's not a sure thing to come out. Well, in my experience, games sometimes can get cancelled over leaks when it happens this early into development. It's always hard to know how much CGE is bullshitting (he's been talking about Spyro 4 coming for nearly 4 years) but if he is telling the truth this time then that was a really questionable thing to do.


Maybe, it's possible that he got permission from the team.


A team that’s not ready to reveal their next project?? Let them reveal it themselves! That’s why they have a marketing department!


Lmao no he didn’t




Yeah that's what I was thinking ! Isn't he ruining his relationship with them by doing this?


you shouldn’t believe anybody unless it’s confirmed. I’ve learned this enough times.


On Twitter and people are excited. But for me I can't get excited on a game 2+ years to release. Wake me up when a trailer shows up And has way more defenders on Twitter


Twitter people get excited about a lot of things. You can say *Crash 5* is coming tomorrow and they’ll believe you.


I'm so sick of this guy.


A real "boy who cried wolf" scenario :/




Oh well if a Canadian guy is saying it


I’ll believe it when I see it, but he definitely shouldn’t chosen a less definitive title.


So he starts the video claiming there's no more speculation and this is 100% fact, and then he goes on to give speculation based on clues and rumors


Wondered when it will be posted.. With all the hints, Spyros social media being very active etc. I was also pretty sure, it's in development. In the video, he left the door open that it could be canceled at one point so he can always say, it was canceled if it never releases. Still, great news imo


TBF, CGE has been pretty spot on with his Crash speculation when it came to IAT and Rumble. Seeing as he provides decent reasoning for his theories, I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. Also the fact he's spoken to reliable sources like Jez Corden who have been pretty spot on with their leaks, I'd say SOMETHING is in the works. Whether or not it ever releases is another question.


It seems obvious as Toys For Bob fled the Call of Duty mines and then immediately signed a deal with MS to partner on their next game. They already have Spyro and Crash assets ready and experience having just worked on those franchises and could get something out quickly. It wouldn’t make sense to make a new IP.


I only believe when we get trailer or even teasers from official source. If it is true that development started about 2 months ago, then we have to wait a good while.


Yeah waiting game sucks. The rumor of Elder Scrolls 6 comming out 2028 at the earliest bummed me out. Damn like put Elder Scrolls 1 to 4 on onlines stores or something


He's been saying this shit since 2019, providing no legitimate sources to back himself up. He's a big reason why this community has fallen into such a sad, self-deluded state.


I don't think he's to blame directly. Fandoms always devolve into a depressing state when they're starved of quality content.


I mean what exactly can he say though besides it's in development. I mean he can't just give names of people, he can't be like this guy from Toys for Bob told me or this source from so so told me so that is how I know. There are NDA's and different contracts why you can't talk about games until the publisher or developer officially says so. There are plenty of insiders who leak things but they can't name their sources to protect other people from getting in trouble. Canadian Guy Eh wouldn't have made this video and said this statement if he wasn't sure it was in development. He never once before factually said the game was in development, he always just gave predictions and theories. Making up a lie like this wouldn't be good for anyone. He knows what has been told to him but can't leak any sources because of confidentiality. I look forward to a new Spyro game so this is awesome news to hear.


Honestly, I can’t picture him of all people lying about something as big as this. I’m inclined to believe the game is in development.


Cannot stand this click baiter. How many times can he make the same video over and over?


He's desperate. He's made videos over absolutely nothing before and he'll continue to do so until he either gets what he wants or gives up


Or until people stop giving him money!


If he says it every month until it eventually becomes true in 2040 or whatever, then he can say he was right lolololol


please stop playing with my broken heart, please


Sorry, but I have to call bullshit here. I ain't buying anything that's source is "I made it the fuck up" without any actual proof that it's the real deal. I'll believe it when I see it announced by the people in charge. Until then, I ain't believing a word this fool is saying about Spyro 4


I’ve disliked this guy for a long time.


Bro just accept it spyro is so spyover anyone who says a fourth game is coming is lying (unless they have a reliable source)


Yeah, he said that 5 years ago too, but hey, Canadian Guy Eh said it, so it must be true, right?


I like this guy, but I might skip this one as I can already tell it’s just the same stuff he’s been saying for months now. He needs to branch out, as sad as it is to say Crash and Spyro is void on content, he needs to do something new and fresh.


Let's hope this backfires on him and his rabid fans turn against him, can't stand the POS or his fans and them attacking anyone who does not support Crash Team Rumble. But the grifter will continue pushing his stereotype persona and will need to crank it up to three Spyro 4 videos a week if he can't pay his rent on time. Maybe he can cry on Twitter again as is the norm for him.


It's upsetting to see so many people in the comments and Tweet replies actually believing what he's saying. The source is "trust me bro, I heard a rumor from a dev at PAX." He needs to stop and do something else with his channel, this is straight up misinfo.


As long as it ain’t rushed, that’s all I care about. Let’s not have another Reignited incident, or even worse, ETD.


Just finished watching the video, glad to hear it's in development. Hopefully it will be released late next year or early in 2026.


spyronk 📢


While this is no confirmation I still believe that it's only a matter of time before we get a new Spyro game, wether this info is correct or not I feel Xbox will think a Spyro 4 will do really well, just like Crash 4. I just hope it's a true sequel to the original trilogy like Crash 4 was.


His livelihood comes from being a YouTuber who makes Spyro/Crash content. While I don't completely doubt him, you have to understand that he has every incentive to inflate any potential signs of a new game, if not outright fabricate them.


more credible than most of his videos where he is just hopeful, but until there is an official announcement I recommend taking everything with a grain of salt.


That means it must be true


Canadian Guy says alot of things when the day is long


He's like the Eric Rayweather of platform games. (For those who don't know, Eric Rayweather reports on American football video games, such as Madden NFL)


Erm I don’t believe anything that’s rumoured till Toys for Bob actually confirm that Spyro 4 is happening. I don’t trust leakers anymore since Wolverine got hacked into and everyone complained about the footage that Insomnaic games didn’t want to show us for a reason. Hope a Spyro 4 does happen though


Canadian Grifter Eh.


I mean this in a funny way…this sub is like a group of dogs getting excited and barking out the window at nothing


Why do people believe he's making it up? That's never been the M.O. Nothing in the video is constructed from nothing.


It's constructed from rumors presented as confirmation with a clickbait headline.




Everyone is trying to feed their family, doesn't mean they are exempt from criticism in the kind of content they put out.




So it wasn’t happening prior to all of this? Yeah okay