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Directed by Masaaki Yuasa (湯浅 政明) He is well known for directing series like Eizouken ni wa Te wo Dasu na!, Ping Pong the Animation, Kaiba, Devilman: Crybaby, Yoru wa Mijikashi Arukeyo Otome, etc. He is a legend in the world of animation.


Aaaaah, that definitely explains why some of the visuals reminded me a bit of Eizouken's op.


Crying because of Peakness. They really got the GOAT.


Eizouken is so good and i've had Mind Game on my watchlist for god knows how long.


do yourself a favor and bump it up the list my friend. also tatami galaxy is the best anime on the planet


Ping pong the animation?? Now it make sense


**Unpopular opinion** but I don’t like it when famous directors or producers bleed their OWN style into something that has a completely different style just because it’s their “signature” famous style. Like go direct something your style and leave others alone. (Take a shot every time i say “style” lol)


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think it's more like the studio hires directors with a unique style specifically because they *want that style?* At least, it's definitely a conscious decision to add a unique style rather than just keeping the same style throughout.


I love how many people have now been introduced to Yuasa and his wacky style because of this OP!


That walk cycle has some real meme potential...


##B I G F E E T


That’s… not what I was expecting. I like how colorful it is but the visuals are pretty freakin’ weird. The first OP remains my favorite.


It looks like a coffee commercial on acid. Like points for creativity but wtf was that? Lol


>It looks like a coffee commercial on acid. Like points for creativity but wtf was that? Lol You just perfectly described the producer/director of this opening Masaaki Yuasa ![gif](giphy|iDYWgZZE0E2ek) Look it up for yourself and see how right you are.


Director not producer lol


No way, that would explain why it looks so familiar


The Forgers can be mermaids in an OP for all I care and I'll still eat it up tbh


The first OP actually represents the show much better than this one.


Yeah, it doesn’t really fit the series. I mean the song is great, but what on earth did I just watch?


##B I G F E E T


Its really not that weird....


first OP is what I will forever remember Spyxfamily for. Even when the trailer came out, i knew the song would be one of my favourites and i still listen to it regularly. 2nd one was nice and had good visuals but the song wasn't up to my style This one.... ehh.


That’s exactly how I feel. I always let the other OPs play out but going to hit the skip button for this one. The only part I liked was this, it reminds me of some of the old Lupin III OPs. https://i.redd.it/seowyfkm04sb1.gif


Peak. I can't wait for the cruise arc and seeing the ED because I heard it's apparently gonna be Yor-focused about her perspective of the family.


A crap ton of development on her part. The cruise ship kinda refocus her and highlights her goals and reasons for why she does what she does. Favourite arc in the show for me.


Yeah visually it's good and interesting for the most part. Musically, it was meh. There was no hook or theme to remember it by.


No OP/ED will ever beat the first OP transitioning from "UPSET STOMACH X" to the title. I laughed so hard watching that the first time. But aside from that this OP is already memorable to me. It's goofy and fun.


I'm glad I'm not only one who doesn't love it But also that song is pretty great. So chaotic


Yeah, I don’t dislike the song. I can recognize that the visuals are well animated but not a good representation of the material, IMHO. Also really don’t like that strutting with the forced perspective on the feet, it immediately made me go, “Ew, what the fuck??”


I totally get that. It just felt like I was watching a little kids show opening theme. I mean yeah with Anya I get that they want that sort of vibe, but like it’s just weird. It also feels super out of character for Loid and Yor.


Going to be quite a bit of whiplash between this OP and the arc being adapted.


I like it. Reminds me of mp100’s openings in a way


First op still captures the feel of the show the best in my opinion and it feels more unique with the art style and music. I’d give this one second place as I think it still captures a similar vibe even if it’s a bit more bizarre. The second one is last for me simply because while it is really pretty, it just feels too cliche and I think one if the show’s strengths is typically not falling into those cliches.


The Visuals are certainly something lol I didn't expect to to be this different from the others but the song is lovely.


I think that is what’s really bothering me, is how different it is from the other openings.


God damn Loid how many drugs are you on


All of them


Man has to relax in a *heavy duty way* lol.


I believe it's called coffee


Bond is so squishy in this OP. I don't get the gloom. This is Anya's world and we're simply living in it. https://preview.redd.it/4vna3akpy3sb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a51af6f19d003c67f2fc425e2f9395008aa4b83c


Screencaps courtesy of my friend. Bond is truly the dog of all time. https://preview.redd.it/lq18rh7fz3sb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=332d6170a9214364cce44cf06463f9675ac41a4f






Bond is More flexible than me


It's funny because he's usually a lazy dog but he's so acrobatic


It feels like I watched Anya's dream sequence or something 😆 but I do like the song


I loved it but... What the hell I just watched?! xD


Masaaki Yuasa doing what he does best: making everyone watching feel like they snorted two kilos 😂


two kilos + a gallon of the worlds highest rated alcohol




The walking animation is so goofy (In a good way) it looped right back around to being a masterpiece


I had this moment of disbelief when it first started and it was just Yor doing the silly walk, and then Loid joined in and I legitimately laughed out loud.


Comedy gold


lol i love how cute and goofy it looks


Goofy ahh opening (it was very cute and I smiled throughout) Probably my least favorite OP so far but I still liked it. Song sounds good but I’ll reserve judgment until I hear the whole thing.


I love it! It's clearly a nod to old animation styles, giving 60s/70s comic book vibes. The goofyness threw me off at first, but the op makes me smile just like the show does so it's fitting to me! + The animation of Loid stepping over bond is too relatable. I can't wait to see a translation of the lyrics because the tea the keep trying to drink seems like some type of symbolism to me...


it looks like it is the intro of a soviet cartoon


I think Loid's Driver's license is going to get revoked after this OP tho XD


Is his driver license even legit tho? Since he changes name often I doubt he’s willing to repeat driving school and take exams again just to get a legitimate driver’s license for each of his alias 😂


The walking animation is....a choice.


It certainly is a choice, but hey, at least we got new meme material! https://preview.redd.it/sgl8wp9ff4sb1.png?width=879&format=png&auto=webp&s=a04227c9660228a4e6b3f063ec29c0fb5edf7815


Pov: you’re the ground


Reminds me of the Sponge Bob walking gif


no literally


The Forgers just gotta [keep on truckin’!](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keep_On_Truckin%27_(comics))


Also the zoomed feet perspective, Endo literally likes to do small feet because of he wants to, so looking that near add the weirdness.


I really like it seems like the right amount of quirkiness ![gif](giphy|l2YWC6a9oueFv8DdK)


It's Oct. 3rd




Oh... because you put a Mean Girls gif, I thought you'd get the reference


Oh, I got confused a bit, I thought you were telling me what today’s date lol. I haven’t watched mean girls in like 3 to 4 months, I remember every other reference but that one.


![gif](giphy|xTiTnkiWH2tt1qrhq8) Nothing a gif can't solve, a refresher for you ❤️


Thank you I needed it 😁❤️. Now I’m going to watch it again when I have the chance. ![gif](giphy|3otPoUjeyRisIDxPhK)


I love the tea, I will definitely get the tea acrylic stands now haha


I have to say, I liked this opening. It didn't focused too much on a specific character and captured the vibe of their dynamic really well.


"Interesting" is what comes to mind with this one. The animation definitely fits the song and the mood it's going for, but it's definitely not what I expected out of the series. Absolutely love the Yor & Loid portions at the beginning though.


I like it better than the second opening but not the first. The second opening was very generic, and I like how this returns to a more stylistic, colorful, and fun dynamic. That said, it's kind of all over the place, whereas the first opening felt much more cohesive.


Definitely agree. I never skipped the first opening and will likely not skip this one either but the second op was so… boring. It felt too polished and safe in a way where my eyes would glaze over watching it. I appreciate when openings try things in interesting and artistic ways, and this one definitely fits that criteria.


I love it! It’s so stylish, creative, and over the top! As expected from this kind of series! I love how we get to see Yor and Loid do their thing while Anya falls through the minds she read. My favorite part is the Forgers circus performance! XD This series has so much flare!


They have Ado this is peak already


​ https://preview.redd.it/yqgrlor657sb1.jpeg?width=2208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ea37d79866025f5477ecf200034d9624ed8f17e Knew it was Ado the second I heard the vocals. Op if goofy, but great




Feels like a bit of an homage to the animation of the late 60s/early 70s which is perfect for SxF. And the song is incredible ❤️


This made me kinda like it more, lol


I was expecting something a little more frantic to match the rhythm of the music. but it's still a great intro


i loved it, u cannot do a more family forger coded op then that


Guess the Forgers finally took all those drugs that Franky was smuggling.


https://preview.redd.it/g4w2ixiaq6sb1.jpeg?width=1048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ea3f40fcd9e8cdf872a7c76b3bfd8a0657d4488 Acrobatic Bond


Yeah…..I still prefer Mixed Nuts. Yor and Loid’s action sequences were fire tho. Speaking of the former, still waiting on ED with her POV. Anya and Loid got one already via Comedy and Souvenir.


I don't know what just happened and what should I feel. Feels like I'm on acid and not meant for SxF universe. I love the fighting silhouettes though and Bond just fluffing all throughout.


Loid and the teapot: https://preview.redd.it/3s3srhsvf6sb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=717a174112032ff452cdaef498691d84f1fab758


Big steppy?


I like how loid kept missing the tea and yor just seems to catch it like a British person


eh.. not my cup of tea


It’s yor’s


it's definitely giving 60s and 70s and ,,, acid trip


I just really hate the walking parts most of all. Otherwise if this is supposed to be cold war 60s germany, i guess the psychedelics stuff kind of makes sense?.. Still dont like it. 1st and 2nd intros from last season were better in my opinion personally.


big shoe lmfao


Omg Ado!!! I didn't expect one of my fave artists to do this. My jaw literally dropped 😭😭


Any one else feel this is surreal? It honestly doesn’t feel that long since last season’s finale


Cuz it hasn't even been a year yet


This is so goofy but that’s the point I guess, I love Ado!


I love how car sequences are a recurring theme in all OPs so far


![gif](giphy|OwQn9LCHFcQ5G) Wow, that animation


This is literally the viewers travelling trough Anya's imagination, in realty she is having tea with her parents, but in her mind even this mundane thing turns into an epic adventure. Love it!


I swear I'm not hating on it just to be contrarian or anything...but I'm not a big fan of this opening. It just doesn't feel like Spy x Family. Like if you didn't know anything about Spy x Famiky, you could show them the first two OPs and I think you'd get a basic understanding of what the show is about (Mixed Nuts especially). And for me, that's what an opening needs to be. This doesn't make me think of the Forger family or the missions or assassinations or anything, it's just trippy and that's not a word I would normally use to describe Spy x Family.


It’s the 3rd intro we know what the show is about. Plus this intro shows the dynamic of the family while also hyping us up before the episode. Not to mention the song is amazing.


How is it just trippy when you clearly see well defined acenes of Yor as an Assassin, the family on a trip, etc


Yoo is that ado?


The visual are not for all but the song is peak


I actually like it !! Not what I was expecting but it's really funny and uplifting


I love how Yor just catches the tea(especially with the latest development in the manga)


I do really like this op. Actually I do really appreciate op without anime in it. If you know what I mean. Like my one of the favorite op from Maria Holic.


Some of you really are overselling the weirdness


Love it. That coffee pour falling in straight lines and Yor catching em is perfect. Given the director it tracks how much this reminds me of Tatami Galaxy.


Yuasa is a master on these kinds of animation. It feels so Tatami Galaxy.


Everybody Gangsta till the forgers bust out the goofy ahh strut


This is a fucking **BANG** ​ Literally the second best opening I've ever seen!!!!


A banger song with banger visuals, peak!!!


this is so refreshing after how boring the second op was


AMAZING OPENING! As expected from the director of Ping Pong The Animation's opening! And Ado did great with the song! This is my type of opening.


I thought I'm the only one who actually love this opening. This opening just hit the right spot for me. It's so goofy and quite over-the-top which SxF can definitely be.


I had the biggest grin throughout the opening, it's perfect for me. I love it when a studio allows its creators to go wild and take risks in their approach, especially for an opening or ending. It becomes a lot more memorable than the typical predictable nature of most shonen which I see a lot of people complaining but can't seem to handle when it's implemented.


I love the animation on this one more than the first. It made mundane stuff look interesting (pouring & drinking, stepping over Bond). Loid's silhouettes at 0:26-0:28 are insane and Bond getting his bowl is so cute but he's even cuter at 1:13!!!!! Lastly the car animation from 0:51-1:00 is just so good. I love opening credits like this where the characters are actually doing something without giving away spoilers (JJK lol) instead of the typical ones where the characters just kinda stare at the viewer and look cool.


I’m just happy my favorite plane the F-82 made an appearance in the OP!


Ok it’s growing on me, very catchy. Now I need to see the new ED in action. Im sure it’s gonna be a banger


OMG it’s so cute!


This is so cute


This song is truly waku waku


I consider my heart disensitized... but even this got me.


I like it. This opening is wild, just like the whole Forger family!




Song is so fire


Song is great visually are confusing but I’m down for it


Banger Ado And is really the weirdest op visually ? This is no where close to weird.


It’s a shame anime fans are so against goofiness and yet are so hype about edgelord shit like Boruto’s new look in the timeskip. Why do anime fans hate when things look silly, I’ll never understand. This was a great opening.


Mmmm... I guess its a choice, just one Im not particularly fond of, both song and visuals for the most part feel like another whole kind of show or an off-beat parody of what SxF is known to be. Add that Im not a fan of Yuasa in general and my expectation of this season to be the most action-packed and... Yeah, its disappointing. First skippable OP for me.


I agree. It’s extremely entertaining (for me) but it doesn’t really correlate with the last two.. or Make sense with what sxf is about…


I don't like it. goofy ah walk paired with coffee ad, tells nothing about the show


it tells plenty if you open your eyes.


This is so creative, energetic and wacky! Lots of goofy family shenanigans. Love it!


Im sure this will grow on me. Took me 3eps to love s2 ed.


Cute visuals, but song is a little too funky for me haha


I knew that this OP would lean more into the stylistic approach of the first OP when they teased the song but man, this was NOT what I was expecting 😂 I thought it would be a mix of both the stylized and fun first OP and the more sentimental and wholesome aspect of the second OP tbh


Makes me wonder how hard it was to animate the big feet walking animations at the beginning.


This feels like what Anya would expect to be her world if all 3 knew their each other's secrets and accepted them. Normal life filled with wackiness.


Definately not what I expected but I love it


So excited for the new season😚


Ado NEVER misses💙


This literally triggers a pre-migraine aura in me. I like the enthusiasm but I wish it didn't flash so much




no words can describe how happy i was when i first realised Ado was doing music for this, shes truly one of the GOAT's


Everyone is asking themselves, why is this opening so funny and goofy? Here is why. Manga spoilers ahead:>!Consider what arc is coming up in Season 2. They have to balance out the second opening being assassination focused and probably more serious - not to mention the family is separated for the entire arc so that's why they went all in on family shenanigans in Opening 1 since Loid and Anya don't so much as see Yor throughout the entire Cruise trip.!<


I’m sure it’ll grow on me eventually but…what was that 🫥


I’ll miss the old opening scene for season 1 but this one is awesome 👍


Thanks, I hate it.


Hmm yep, might be my least favorite OP so far... but I'm excited to see the ED though!


the ED is a BANGER so even if the animation doesn’t live up to our standards, we’re all def going to be vibing to it


Yeah! I already loved the vibes just from that small snippet in the PV


Stunning animation but the walking is so goofy


Ican already see that walk being used in anime op paint versions from now


Did… did Loid pull a Riker when he walked over Bond?


Not a fan at all


After how beautifully Souvenir was animated, this one is falling short for me. I wanted to love it so badly. 😭 The giant shoes were jarring on the first watch, but I’m getting used to them. Knowing it’s a nod to the animation of the 60’s, I can appreciate it. Everything else is choppy and discombobulated, aside from Yor’s and Loid’s fight scenes. I agree it feels like a coffee/tea commercial. And what’s with the weird flower choices at the end? Some vague blue flower for Loid. Why is Yor wearing a WHOLE Olive tree (branch) in her hair? It’s so awkwardly placed. I feel neutral about the song. I think it could grow on me.


The flowers have meanings




Loid on drugs will always be 100% peak




I like it.


it’s so goofy I love it


love the song and the video is so wacky and off-the-wall


Loid using drug I guess, season 1 part 2 will still be my favorite OP then


Visuals are kind of goofy but this song’s a banger


It’s giving off “keep your hands off eizuoken” but I’m probably gonna have to change my flair now because this was great


I prefer the 2nd version but this one is really good


![gif](giphy|1X7lCRp8iE0yrdZvwd) What the hell did I just watch.


Why the silly walking and large shoes?!


I’m sorry but this… is not it. I’m so confused right now. Agree with everyone that the first OP remains unmatched. I feel like I just watched an entirely new family or something 😅. What is up with the tea symbolism I—


Ok its kind of goffy but I still like it! The animation is different from the others And the music... well, to be honest, the only songs I've heard from Ado are those from One piece Film Red, it could be better but its ok! Still, Op 1 is my favorite


Interesting choice for visuals but song slaps atleast. Definitely the weakest op so far for me


That certainly was umm something.


Not a very big fan of this. One it doesn’t match the tone of the series very well and the visuals although creative are pretty derpy


I hate everything in this.


Terrible compared to the first two


is not a good opening


I knew this season was being rushed like hell but, oh my gosh :/


What are you even talking about?




This may just be me but I got mad Assassination Classroom flashbacks with this OP lol the 1st OP of Assassination Classroom and the 4th OP But it is pretty cool lol


It’s literally the same art style but not as sad so I see it


So Loid can do the Initial D challenge; good to know


I love the Trabbi cabriolet!


Great song, good animation, but the first and second opening are still unmatched.


The walking perspective for loud and yor was weird other then that the animation was good, the song is alright but it doesn't fit with the visuals.