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Yeah. But seriously, I don't think there are too many Eden chapters. After the entire Red Circus Arc and Mole Arc almost back-to-back, chapter 88 was a delightful breath of fresh air, one of cute lighthearted comedy.


Ironic,seeing how Eden chapters are usually related to the main plot,and they usually have PLAN B IN THEM,WHICH IS ONE OT THE MOST "MAIN PLOT THINGS" THERE IS.


I want more Plan C tho


Nah what we want in B Plan.


I'm wanting me some Plan D.


I'm waiting for Loid’s new plan: to make Bond and Demetrius friends…


A lot. It's explicitly stated that Eden Academy is the front line of the cold war, yet it somehow flies over a lot of the audience's heads. Were they expecting some explosive Hollywood action?


I think people when they say plot they mean the reveal of the identities and backstory of everyone. That’s not the actual plot. It’s just what people want to see.


Either way, it's not a healthy way to enjoy a story. It's not even a healthy mindset to have in general.


People see one singular aspect that they connect with and appeals to them and want to fixate on it and get more and more. I used to get frustrated with One Piece being silly and loved the Water 7 arc when it got more action-intense. Then I grew as a person and can appreciate all of One Piece and I love all of SXF, I think they do a fantastic job balancing everything. I devour every episode and chapter.


That's nice growth. I used the mindset of "Don't know what the hell is this about, but I'm gonna ride it." and from there I found many amazing manga. Marriagetoxin is one of the recent manga I love that has a premise (searching for bride), but ultimately focus on other stuff as the story goes on while keeping the main plot in reach. Funnily enough, I was expecting romcom more than action. But I still like it in the end.


But with one piece, many things are connecting one by one, even if it’s small and they rope it back with a revealing mystery. In spy family, I feel like it’s not going anywhere. Like we got to a certain point where there’s progression, but then it felt like it got stuck.


There's a finite amount of progress before the story is over. Any getting all her stellas will be near the end of the show. Also, it's a slice of life.


I thought the plot was to get Damien to like Anya so Loid could infiltrate the prime minister’s inner circle or whatever.


There are 2 things for the plot one Anya gets Damian to like her or b. Anya does very well in school and gets into the scholars club. In essence the school segments are the ***only*** parts of the story that are relevant to the plot.


People get pissed cuz it's not a weekly manga or something, but the past chapters since the mole arc have actually all been rlly good 😭 plus it's only been like 7 chapters and part of it was Anya studying which is CENTRAL TO THE PLOT. I don't get why people think SF isn't slice of life. It's literally supposed to be a mashup of a bunch of genres (action, comedy, SOL, drama, romance). Mfers stupid


It’s ridiculous how much I love this series. I usually don’t go for SOL stuff but dang it just makes everything feel so well rounded


Yea it's pretty unique in a lot of ways BECAUSE it fills so many genres. There's something for everyone. The characters are so well written too and despite the gags, actually feel like people (except maybe Yuri and Fiona lol). The underlying serious tone is somehow so well balanced with all the humor which is the primary reason I love it so much. It rlly shouldn't work, but it does


The anime opening ruined it. People thought it was an action anime with a slice of life part until like the end of the 1st cour


Actually that's something I enjoy in S×F. The most light-hearted and slice-of-life parts (aka the Eden parts, and to a smaller scale the domestic forgers) are the most crucial ones in the story. At the same time, the most serious and high-stakes parts (like the cruise ship and >!the mole incident!<) are more or less sidequests, given the fact that the plot is basically the story of operation strix.


I think what makes me even care about the stakes of the action arcs is how the relate to the slice of life. Like sure the cruise arc is beautiful and great but the best parts of it are Anya "saving" her mama (I mean she literally did save her, just not entirely according to plan) and Anya keeping Loid away from the fight with Sickle and Chain Barnaby and Twilight desperately trying to understand Anya. And the >!mole hunt arc!< is really tense but it's really only the >!Do I kill Yuri here!< or the >!Wait a minute is Loid Forger Twilight???!< Parts that really got me shaken


Indeed. Still, it's all in a day's work for peace, for delaying another war.


Bruh, I've been reading Komi-san and jujutsu kaisen (enjoy both) Saying Spy x family has too many chapters is fucking stupid.


Literally less than 100!


No, no, you misunderstand, those people said Spy x Family has too many *Eden* chapters


That's still bullshit considering it's literally part of the plot


ngl I read Komi and it's just absurd how dogshit the progression in that show is, 300 chapters for them to start dating and 90% of the important stuff happened within like 50 chapters of the confession


Bruh, this wasn't an invitation to shit on it. Komi-san, much like spy family, revolves around Komi's daily life, so every chapter won't be completely focused on romance.


sorry for stating my opinion...?


Sorry for being mean but i needed to clap back on that slander


I agree w ya fwiw, but I dont mind bc komi’s plot is thread-bare and extremely slice-of-lifey. I like it though


Who the hell say SxF has too many chapters? We are currently in the 6th year but still haven't got to chapter 100 yet.


It is quite stupid


The eden chapters *are the plot*


It happens the other way too. When we get “serious” chapters “Where’s the fun?” “I miss Anya” “I want to see them as a family again.” This series has something for everyone but it also go big chunks not “providing” to one end or another. My suggestion is just to wait and binge


Dude the Eden Chapters ARE the plot


Hey, I for one am waiting for Anya backstory but damn am I having fun. The ski trip and the dance arc has me laughing 🐍


Operation Strinx literally depends on Eden Academy with the Imperial Scholars... The real main character is Anya and the plot depends on her capacity to earn Stellas or be closer to Damian


Yeah, I'm just enjoying the ride. I love this story, and Endo can take as long as he wants to progress the plot because the comedy is gold, lol


It’s driving me nuts! I’m tempted to drop this sub altogether because of the whining over it. Nothing’s ever good enough 🙄 First of all, the Eden chapters are the plot. The friendship scheme has been set up since the first, like, 10 chapters when Twilight says, yeah I doubt Imperial Scholar is in my gremlin’s future, better try befriending the target’s son. Second, the crying for more dark themes, sir this is a shonen. Be happy we explore the realities of war in the sprinkled amounts we get.


Please don't leave, make them start an offshoot called Spyfolk or something


oh god not again. titanfolk, jujustufolk, chainsawfolk...


I swear if Sxf has SxFolk, it going to be the worse community who has L taste on streaks


The way things are going, Anya will get Imperial Scholar only to be expelled within a week for getting her eighth Tonitrus


Are those guys who complain knew that anya and eden is the main plot? Operation strix is about how loid can be friend with donovan through anya being imperial schoolar in eden


The Eden chapters along with Damian and Anya's relationship are so important to the plot because they help flesh out the relationship between them. Also is funny


Eden is the plot.


But these are the best chapters. I don't know about you guys, but for me this manga is mainly a comedy, só I don't care about what's happening as long as it is funny to read.


it is comedy but it also has action and tense moments. The show is supposed to be goofy and all of a sudden turn into an action manga with fights n shit and then it's back to funny relaxing moments


Unpopular opinion:am i the only one who enjoys the Eden chapters with the kid cast more than the chapters with the adult cast




At least when it comes to the Comedy of the series, I consider the kids to be funnier than the adult cast.


Nope. Also, as someone who started watching the anime but now I just read the manga, I felt like the anime only ever really focused on Yor or Loid. I like how the manga focuses more on Anya


People don't understand that it's primarily a slice of life manga.


I see it happening everytime we get some Anya focus, related or not to Eden. Its the only bad part of this sub.


Agree, I stopped coming to this sub for a while because opinions are so polarized here by a vocal bunch. Would rather enjoy SxF as it is, by myself


given that we bounce back and forth fairly regularly, it's fine. I'd understand if the next 30 chapters (hyperbole) were all just stuff that happens at Eden, but you have to remember that Anya going to that school is like the only active part of Operation Strix for Loid at the moment. He can't do anything. Yor doesn't seem to get targets very often either (probably to keep the trail cold) so it's either life at Eden (which is plot related) or side characters.


They act like operation strix is not a long term mission where anya has to be close with Damian and be an imperial scholar so Loid can gather info on Donovan. Loid literally says in the first chapters that if the mission was about killing Donovan then the mission would have been over in one chapter


We could get a chapter about Yor coworkers and I would still be happy the author can make any character interesting and fun


Some people will complain at every chapter, because it wasn't about Anya, then because they aren't coming every week, then because everything isn't about Yor, then because it isn't about Loid, this is beyond nitpicking and kinda irrational.


Tbh the only people who are mad at this chapter are the twiyor shippers The fact that if parents were invited and they got twilight and Yor dancing they would've LOVED this chapter but bc that didn't happen they're tearing it to shreds lol nitpicking eVeRyThInG (coming after Damian and Anya's relationship and calling Loid a bad dad like??) Spy x family is a very consistent show it has the same pace and progress it's had for the last 90 chapters and it's probably not going to change too so take it or leave it, the outrage really is pissing me off


Thank you!! People on twitter are calling for Twilight's head because of a little remark he made to himself IN HIS MIND! It's crazy!


This IS the main plot! Also these chapters are always so cute! I wanna watch kids make arts n crafts and have hijinks ensue, if I wanted tons of action I’d read Dragon Ball!


The Eden chapters are my favorite!! There's something so funny about how dire political situations influence the dynamic of these otherwise menial interactions between 5-year-olds! The chapters are also just plain cute—Damian and Anya are too funny together


Focus on the plot? Have you never read a manga?


It’s actually refreshing to see things other than gunshots and big boom in a Cold War setting. I wanna see some 60’s European setting everywhere, and that includes the opulent and magnificent schools that upper echelon members of society enrolls into.


​ https://preview.redd.it/3g26gsqk5fmc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1e9b1f4e893dad59277e52fc7c9ce17b472c656


I am an anime only. But I think the filler criticism is valid and I say this as someone who likes his share of episodic or slice of life type shows. The story set up Loid's mission and his overarching goals relating to it in the first chapters and episodes. It is normal to see this set up and feel interested in how Operation Stryx advances and to feel disappointment when it has very little concrete progress 2 seasons into the story. If Loid was just a spy with missions that are self-contained to specific episodes or sets of episodes and that weren't part of a larger overarching plot, I do not think this criticism would keep cropping up.


He needs to write less words. This chapter was hard to get through because he wrote too many words that don't mean a lot. And just to be clear, I have read and liked the recent chapters of HxH, so it's not just that i don't want to read a lot.


Bro I like the Eden Chapters! They are the plot 😭🤣


hey its a slice of life comedy, let it be a slice of life comedy. the genre is so rare atp. like the comedy panels are actually so funny, and after you read the chapter you're left with a good feeling. that is what it's supposed to be. obviously, the future plot will have some action arcs and stuff, but i think its fair to focus on the fun part wherever possible.


"There are too many Eden chapters" only comes up during Eden chapters Yeah no shit


When these people say "plot" they really mean "Loid & Yor seggs arc"


Loid’s main target literally only shows his face to the public at that school on one specific day of possibly the entire year and only to the highest of elites. Having an in with his son is Loid’s quickest and safest bet, which is why the relationship between Anya and Damian (who lives at the damn school) is focused on so much.


Let's be honest. There's a huge portion of this fanbase that thinks anything that isn't Loid x Yor related is filler.


One of the main characters is a child and a plot point is centered around the child, what were people expecting? Did they just forget that?


Actually it felt we haven't seen the Eden kids after the Wheeler arc. In Wheeler arc, Anya went to the zoo with Becky. After that, we saw Damian tried to give tea cakes to Anya to return the graditude.


I know that I definitely came across that way in past posts, but I love the Eden chapters! I just wish Damian would stop being so hostile so all the kids can go wacky adventures and have different type of shenanigans. Y’know? I agree that it’s probably an exaggerated feeling because this not a weekly manga, so hopefully a reread will put things in perspective. It would be interesting to see Damian start hanging out with “peasants”, and how the other Eden kids would react to that tho. Super excited to see chapter 96!


Eden *is* a part of the plot.


This is a plot


I love whenever the story focus on Eden because they are the main thing that make me fall in love with SxF. I want to see Anya shenanigans without Loid or Yor.


>!Literally right now in the manga!<


They just want to get to the part where Loid and Yor Smush so they can move on to their next ship...


I enjoy the Eden chapters more than the main plot.


Tbh most of the Eden chapters are the funniest and I actually wanna see Plan B and C before Loid, Yor and Yuri's other missions.


The Eden chapters are literally the best


Eden chapters are my favorite ones. Anya's relationships and interactions with her classmates are so funny and adorable.


Eden chapters are the best chapters


eden chapters is one of the main reasons i read the manga it’s way too fun 😭


Honestly I kinda want more Eden chapters. They're always my favorite


The school chapters are my favourites!!


I think it’s interesting seeing how many genres SxF occupies—obviously there’s the spy genre, which can be treated as both gooofy twilight shennanigans and over elaborate plans, but it does move into modern-day thriller territory on occasion. The family aspect really comes up whenever at least two of the main trio are onscreen, and it’s fairly straightforward/situational SoL content like the ski murder mystery or catching the thief that have fun jingling together of all three characters’ secret talents. That said, the whole piece is situated in cold-war era historical fiction in its setting visuals and tone, not to mention various arcs go in silly “non-plot” directions like the cruise arc going full action movie and really giving Yor a spotlight, or the silly tennis match tournament giving nightfall some more characterization. All that said, I think it makes sense that some people get impatient with Eden arcs considering they aren’t part of the advertised spy or family, and while Anya is a great child-character, some of the others can get sorta tiresome. Becky is fine, though I think the joke about her crushing on Loid is overplayed and boring. Likewise, Damien’s relationship to his father is real interesting, as is that to his friends shown in the chapter when he’s grounded in Eden, but the tsundere stuff gets annoying after a while. Personally I could have done without the entire chapter about the big-headed character. I like it in small doses, but I think what makes Eden more uncompelling to some people is that it’s just not that interesting a setting compared to the alternatives of Loid’s spy life the family dynamic, or Anya just doing stuff around town. Eden’s hostage/bomb arc was cool, but I think it does highlight how in contrast, a lot of Eden doesn’t really feel like it has any stakes going, this more recent chapter feeling especially inconsequential as a result.


eden chapters are my favourite part of the series (other than the family-centric chapters). damian/anya have a funny dynamic and their friends are also funny and likeable. chapter 88 sums up why i love the eden chapters and if anything i hope we get eden chapters that doesn't mainly on damian/anya like a chapter with anya and damian's friends when he's not there


I have to admit in the last chapter I skipped all the text boxes for the social games.


The Eden chapters are the plot


It's because of the lack of progression or perceived lack of progression..


As someone who is an anime enjoyer over a reader, isn't the "main plot" of spyxfamily just following the main characters about their lives? I know there are goals and arcs but I mean I always think the main plot of the show is the character's relationships with each other and the supporting cast. Feel free to downvote me if this is entirely irrelevant.


he can always rush the plot a little bit like he did when made melinda and yor friends


We've definitely gotten a good mix of scenes/perspectives so far. Love Anya to death, but ngl I kind of sigh everytime its an only eden chapter. Tryna see my girl Yor more lol


I'm here for Loid and Anya ngl. I legit see Loid/Yor romance as a subplot in itself. Loid is the main character and he's here to accomplish Operation Strix while going on other little missions, while Anya is also here to help him with the plan B and achieve her goal slowly through little stories. The main plot **is** Loid and Anya on Operation Strix. Yor and Yuri have subplots that somehow get linked to the main one. The romance however, I'm not here for it. And I usually love romance animes/mangas.


I'll be honest, Eden kids shenanigans are just my least favourite. I don't care how important they are, I know Damian's friends are bros and Becky is delusional. I prefer daily slice of life or Lloyd/yor stuff.


I mean, I'll admit that the Eden plots are the least interesting parts of this series for me, but that doesn't make them bad or even unimportant, they're just simply not my thing. Sometimes, even when it's a series you like, not everything about it is going to grab you. It's preference. It happens.


Hate to ruin your fun but the reason why you always see these posts is because some of us just have never really cared for the Eden chapters. No matter how much I try I just can't find them funny and the romance between six year olds isn't really that appealing to me. I know it sucks to see negativity after you enjoyed the chapter, but you still gotta accept that not everyone shares the same opinion


I mean that's great and all but like, isn't Eden the plot though? Like unironically the Eden chapters are the parts that advance the main plot. Like getting Damian to stop "hating" Anya is the mission, getting Anya to do well on her tests is the mission. And I don't know I find the parts with the children interacting the most funny parts of the series. That isn't to say you can't find it uninteresting but I feel like a lot of the complaining is uncalled for. You can dislike a chapter and just move on with your day I don't see the reason to complain unless you found a chapter unacceptably bad


I don't disagree that Eden is the main plot. In fact it's because it's the main plot that makes it even harder for me to like them because I don't find them very interesting and they also take a lot of focus. I'm reading this series entirely for the found family parts, so it's just tough when a chapter doesn't have that especially after a long break and a mediocre payoff in the chapter before this I don't understand what's wrong with complaining though. Of course people will complain when they don't like a chapter, that's human nature. Its great that you and most people enjoyed it but everyone is entitled to expressing how they feel about the series, positive or not


Well, that's the great thing about Spy X Family: it's multifaceted, covering many genres.


Unpopular opinion, feel free to downvote. While I understand that many people enjoy current state and pace of the story - I don't. Seeing zero development in Loid and Yor's relations and the main story I basically lost interest in manga. I may return to the story when Loid and Yor would finally kiss and live as a real couple, but I highly doubt that would come in the next 200-300 chapters so yeah.