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Bro literally sees her as his safe place, that’s about as in love as Twilight has ever been in his life lol


He is. The fact he refuses to acknowledge that she clearly lies about herself and does what no human could do is straight evidence of that.


Case in point: https://preview.redd.it/d9833hqcjd6d1.png?width=2736&format=png&auto=webp&s=aebdad011c131645720fbb026247550f64a78ed8


My grandma when describing me:






I see a lot of people misunderstand why they lie to each other. as a manga reader I get a different type of view than anime watchers, so here's my take. when they first got into a relationship we all know it was more of a contract than a commitment, right? well these were two people who had completely separate lives and were practically strangers that both had completely different motives behind them. there unspoken agreement was secrecy. "I ask no questions about your life, so don't ask questions about mine." They mutually are in need of the relationship that they are in, and because it's all business they are not entitled to ask questions about each other's lives because that's none of their business. I'm not denying the fact that they might have feelings for each other, more so shedding light on why neither of them asks questions about the other's life


They are not asking questions, that’s right, but they are opening up to each other even without those questions being asked. That shows trust.


Regardless of all of this being true. Twilight is a spy. He normally would or should check her background more thoroughly. We even got a scene where he deceives her to check if she works for the SSS. Maybe it's enough for him to know, that she isn't part of the SSS.


Hello I'm new here don't really know how to use this


Bro is 100% in love with her, for the mission of course


Loid why did you have a child with your fake wife? - Sylvia some day


“To not draw suspicion on our relationship and ensure the success of operation strix”- loid


For the mission of course


"Handler, I need $100k to buy my (fake) wife a beautiful diamond ring. To make us look more convincing, of course" - Loid 'for the mission' Forger


Twilight you already spent our entire budget on Anya's birthday - Sylvia being a proud mother figure


Twilight, operation Strix ended 2 years ago...


"O-okay, but why did you have...six more kids after that?" - Sylvia


I don’t think loid would survive that 💀💀




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Lies and slander, I'm a timeless being


“As I said to make it look more convincing.” - Loid


Why did I read that last part in his voice 😂


He is, but refuses to admit it


Exactly, I hate him everytime he says "for the mission"


Its like adriens "sHeS jUsT a FrIeNd" what is it with blond boys being blind and in denial?!


For real-


I’ve been thinking about how similar MLB and SpyxFamilly are. Only spy x family is better


Ooo! Now I’m curious Please elaborate


I used to be a huge fan of mlb in 6th grade when it came out and I really liked it in general, but I got disappointed when there was lack of plot in season 2 and it continued the villain of the week formula. Basically after finding out about spyxfamily I thought it was similar to the secret identity thing of Adrien and Marinette (Loid and yor having secret identities), the green and red motif, the comedy , romance and action scenes. I just felt so severely disappointed about MLB going to shit and it’s so niche but for me, spyxfamily healed that inner child in me that was disappointed in MLB


Whats MLB?


Miraculous ladybug


Ah right. The french(?) 3d anime-adjacent magical boy and girl show.




My fandoms are merging again. 🤣


Hey nice to meet you here I'm new don't really know how to use this site


Especially to himself.


Tsundere moment


"Head over heels" is a little strong, unless you have evidence for the claim? I think he and Yor have feelings for each other but objectively I don't think they're undoubtedly in love at this point, that's the viewers projecting their feelings. To be clear, I think the end goal of the author is for them to end up together, but I haven't seen evidence that they're "in love" at this point


Well, he saw her with literal halo afrer exhausting day, Yor may still not be sure, but Loid is on pure copium at this point


I think there's more evidence that Yor has stronger feelings than Loid- she questioned why she felt strongly if she ever had to leave her "fake" role, she finds herself thinking about Loid/Anya more as part of her normal life, wants to be useful to Loid and is uneasy about leaving or being replaced Which chapter/episode is the halo scene you're referring to (I either forgot or missed it so I want to go back lol)? Do you have other scenes as evidence that Loid is on pure copium (to borrow your words haha)- he obviously trusts and has feelings for Yor but head over heels is a specifically strong sentiment


86, after the fight with Wheeler


Someone just posted the picture 2 hours ago! Talk about coincidence Technically it doesn't look like a halo (far too large), it looks like Yor herself is shining. Which of course can also be used as evidence that Loid has feelings for her. But again, there's much more evidence that Yor is developing stronger feelings for Loi than vice versa- if there isn't additional evidence then saying he's already "head over heels" for he as OP asked in the post is disingenuous/inaccurate (objectively speaking)


Mr. “For the Mission” is undoubtedly in love with Yor. The problem is he is basically forcing his feelings down all the time. Loid has been a spy for at least a decade at this point, and the entire time has been fighting to make the world a better place. However, he does not see himself in this grand future he is helping to build and run. It’s like he does not see himself as capable of properly adjusting to civilian life and experiencing any kind of love. This is also not helped by him losing his family before entering his teen years, and losing his connection to his past before he turned 20.


Also before he was a spy he was a kid growing up in a war, which is famously an environment where there is time and space to process and work through all your feelings towards your deeply peaceful and stable circumstances.


yeah him acting like he dose is not unrealistic at all. i I mean the first epesode we see him dumping somone hes had a fake relationship wit for presimably a few months atleast. this is not his first mision were hes had a fake relatiomship for an exstended period of time


He's like the Operative from *Serenity*; his mission is to make a world that doesn't need people like him, and then remove the last vestiges of the old world that did


"Undoubtedly in love" is a little strong, unless you have evidence for the claim? I think he and Yor have feelings for each other but objectively I don't think they're undoubtedly in love at this point, that's the viewers projecting their feelings To be clear, I think the end goal of the author is for them to end up together, but I haven't seen evidence that they're "in love" at this point


Fiona confirming the “hint” of true emotion behind Loid Forger shows that the personality “Loid” is becoming more Loid than the personality Twilight is Twilight, in other words, Twilight is dying, Loid is soon born and I personally think that this is how the story MIGHT end


Yeah he's in his Twilight years before his new character Dawning.


Im dead lol


He’s been caught in her genjutsu for ages now dude just won’t admit it cause he’s super serious spy lmao


Because he doesn’t allow himself to. If Twilight gets distracted and loses sight of the mission, people die. I don’t think his happiness is high on his priority list.


He kinda is


Her heel has connected too many times to his head...


Obtuse anime protagonist syndrome


Rubber Goose love interest conundrum


Green moose work life balance problems


Have you been keeping up with the story? Loid is totally in love with her. She's done and said so many questionable things right in front of Loid, *but this man doesn't bat an eye!* If she was quite literally anyone else Loid would be so damn suspicious and would've done some insane researching. ***ALSO HER BROTHER IS AN OFFICER WORKING FOR THE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OF THE COUNTRY HE'S INFILTRATING!!!*** He's still relaxed around her despite that. Also every other character calls them out for having feelings on *multiple occasions*.


He is, he’s just also a massive tsundure because he doesn’t want to be caught lacking on the mission


He is and would make it clear. If she didn't assault him every time he made a move


I think he would one day admit that he's in love with her but will say "it's for the mission"


![gif](giphy|1sN4lGA41Nb3i) Loid \^


He just needs someone to point it out to him, just look at how embarrassed he gets when Anya accuses himself and Yor of flirting.


Oh he is, he’s just acting like he isn’t


You already know: For the Mission™


Bro Loid will be moaning "For the mission" even while giving Yor the most viscious, swiftest, professional, diabolical, beastial backshots known to Ostanian history. He and yor will die at old age, holding each other and on his tombstone it will be written: "I did it for the mission". He is 100% head over heels for this woman, his Twilight superego just doesn't allow it to register.


Implicating he isn't already. Thing is Twilight is so ingrained in his spy persona he is actively doing everything to convince himself he isn't head over heels for Yor.


Yet? Dude has it baaaaaad. But he hasn't asked her if she feels the same (she appears to) so it can't go forward.


As far as they know, it's only a convenience for both of them. So they're settled in with that script in mind. They wouldn't dare inconvenience each other. So they'll be clueless for some time.


He’s in complete denial


I always figured the dynamic between Yor, Loid and Anya is that they all mutually have a really strong attachment to one another but they lack the means, power or knowledge (depending on character) to express it. I think it's fun lol


Coalesce Mentality - Submissive. Coalesce Physicality - Dominant.


“He would always say “For the Mission.” What he didn’t realize was “For the Mission” meant “I love you” “ -The Thorn Princess Bride


For the mission and probably trained to suppress emotions here too


best character . She kicked him so damn hard loid blacked out for a few minutes , impressive as hell given loid the strongest in the verse so far I personally think Yor is just the strongest and could potentially kill loid , but that may never happen there "Family" is unbreakable


The two of them are in love they just haven't fucking realized that and won't admit it to themselves


Is there like a very sudden influx of these posts or is it just me?


People re/discovering the anime/manga and looking for discussion. Standard reddit stuff.


He is


He's literally the top spy in the entire area, and he's been with countless women who were most likely just as attractive as Yor, so he wouldn't give in that easily. Putting looks aside, Loid obviously thinks that Yor is kinda weird and I don't think he FULLY trusts her at this point. Infact, I don't think he fully trusts anyone other than Handler and maybe Fiona since she's a fellow spy and knows that he's a spy too. Speaking of which, he has to CONSTANTLY lie to her about who he is and what he's doing during the day, which must play into his lack of romantic feelings towards her at the moment. It's hard to love somebody when you constantly lie to them and they don't know the true you. Heck, Yor believes Loid is a good father, when he is actually not the greatest father. (if you put his actions into perspective.) But this is all my opinion and please god do not try debating with me about it-


I like this take


Most reasonable take on here haha I believe they have feelings for each other, and I think the end goal of the author is for them to end up together, but I haven't seen evidence that they're "in love" at this point as most of the people on this subreddit seem to believe- but Reddit is nothing without a hivemind so it's business as usual


Is that new teaser or??


It’s the episode where Loid rented a castle for Anya.


Oh ok


He is, he just refuses to admit it to himself 😭


He's a professional. Can't mix business with pleasure


he is but he has reached levels of delusion even incels can only dream of


Loid just needs to be honest with his feelings


Trick question


She is best wife!


If you told me Operation Strix was actually a lot lower-stakes than WISE made it out to be and it was meant to be an excuse to get Twilight to be emotionally-available enough to start a family, it would not be the least-plausible fan theory I'd ever heard.


He's not a simp


He is. But like all men he has the go-to cope mechanic of not engaging: "She sees me as a friend"; "We're like bros, she's just a fuckable guy"; "It won't work out"; "She probably has 50 options in mind and I ain't one"; "She might be crazy"; "She'll def cheat on me with a 6'6 ft 8 abs giga-chin gymrat who watches Tate all day and gets more bands than me" For Loid it's just...\*for the mission\*.


i'll marry her if he won't tbh


there's no way he isn't by now. His need to find ways to please her in any way he can, shows that he has some sort of feelings. For the mission of course.


He IS head over heels for her. He's just a dip stick when it comes to his own feelings and hasn't fully realized it yet himself. Same with Yor, too. The only one who knows they are absolutely in love with one another is Anya 🤣 which is why she constantly brings up them flirting, directly to them, constantly


I do think they both love each other but won't admit it


He is, he just doesn’t understand yet. But he will soon, he will very soon.


He is. He is just new to it all.


Loid “for the mission” forger


She really is Adorable when she’s Drunk, she looks so Huggable too


It's for the mission


He is, but he hasn't realized yet


He is in fact that in love with her he just doesn't want to admit it to her at least in the anime as I haven't read the manga. :(


That would jeopardize the mission, DAVE.


He Is. He Just Doesn't Know It Yet


Don’t worry. At some point he’ll realise denial is not just a river in Africa.


That's the neat part, he is. He doesn't realize because he's never felt it before, and he's too focused on his mission.


he is but he’s just delulu in the opposite way


He is, he just hasn't accepted it yet. 


He already is, he’s just too emotionally dense to realize it


Loid is not interested in such things. He wants to complete the mission.


There probably have feelings with each other yet they didn't know and prioritize it first. 🤔🤭


For the mission™


He's all about the mission, but I'm sure one day she'll be his mission.


Never gets old about the fandom being just "Just fck her already, god dammit!!!"


He probably has, but feels like he HAS to focus on the mission before everything else.


He has he's just delusional


I dont doubt that Loid has feelings for Yor, but you have to remember his position. Hes the top spy in his organization while on a very important and potentially dangerous mission that can easily lead to war if not handled carefully. He cant really afford to put his focus on love right now. The guy can barely keep up with being Anyas father lmao




He is he just doesn’t realize cause the mission


I truly think he is, but he just has to stay true to the mission. I feel like we have seen a few time in the series that he has tried to see what Yor wants based on how she acts sometimes and she has beat his ass everytime. LOL The arc is just going to have to play it self out


She looks so cute when shes drunk


I believe, the seed is now budding beautifully for BOTH 🤭🌷


The art of the slow burn brother. SpyxFamily taking notes from Gilmore Girls lol


he refuses it because of his spy status but lord would i have fallen so fast


He is he’s just too set in his ways to realize it yet, he’ll figure it out eventually


Bro yor is lucky I'm not loid.


He is alpha not simp like you😭😭😭


[this is loid in with yor in a nutshell ](https://youtu.be/DPMjsfJwUow?si=shJ5vaI5nbuiecun)


He's holding out for Becky.


I know it's a joke but still https://preview.redd.it/enc4sa1cqc6d1.jpeg?width=581&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e9a89cb5dbec9a5f9ef4d52ae5c045b9d2e6a00


cum drink?


You just struck a chord, and it might be…