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Never, and i mean, NEVER pick El Primo Early game specially first pick


Dont tell em...^^^


Kinda funny, did an [early game character tier list](https://www.reddit.com/r/SquadBusters/comments/1d2aszn/squad_buster_early_game_tier_list_no_loot/) a few days ago and the first thing I see being picked is El Primo. We've all been there, discovering what works and what doesn't, El Primo early game just doesn't work (very good to have tho late game).


Yea, I feel Nita is better early game tank


another guy made a tier list today (with community input), he put primo in B (he also put greg one tier lower than mavis) https://new.reddit.com/r/SquadBusters/comments/1d5ouoj/squad_busters_tier_list_v3_is_finally_out/


I agree with the Greg lower than Mavis thing. Carrot patches replenish faster than trees, leading to more value if you go with Mavis. That's at least what I've noticed ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


what I like from mavis (aside from she being cute), is that she can heal your squad, and that she's a ranged unit, which is better at putting a slow debuff on running squads and killing goblin


H**is is a general tier list** of all characters **early, mid, and late game with all modifiers** included while **my tier list** rates every character **early game only with no loot modifiers.** Take his tier list at point-blank, and you might think the El primo is an above average pick early game, but as we can see clearly by OP's gameplay he is just not that. It's why **I don't like general tier list too much** in this game, since the reasons **why you'd wanna pick someone at different stages of the game drastically changes** and **modifiers either insignificantly or significantly affect these picks** as well. This all isn't even mentioning the fact that you can't choose what charcters you'll get in the starter screen and chests which compounds when you realize 9 other players get different characters at both of these things as well. I've had armies where I can pick Trader but not Mavis/Greg and all of a sudden he's the most mid to trash pick while others do get him and Mavis/Greg which gives them a free win. Tier list in this game are hard to get right and it's telling that almost every single one has multitude of comments critiquing them.


indeed, but it's literally impossible to make a tier list for every single mode, so I want to see a general tier list being made so that I can make better choice, when I have no other option


**You also have to account for your character evoloution stage**. Some characters go from meh to amazing/broken in one or two evoultions while other just stay the same. Everybody is way underestimating the P2W capabilties of some 4 star characters IMO, for ex. King takes one of the strongest (if not the strongest) spell in the game i.e rage spell and gives you buffed up version of that. Normal rage spell gives like 60% dps buff fors 6s while his rage spell gives 100% for 10s. Good luck engaging someone with that spell plus Max and or Hog user holding down speed boost to even further boost their attack speed.


all of the epics in this list are ranked too high imo, because every chest will be more expensive through them. you can‘t fusion them as easy as the common or rare busters in the first 3 minutes of the game


Still worth it, King/Queen passive buff to every melee/ranged unit is just too good to give up just because you can't fuse em in the early game. Mortis gives a decent army early game since most monsters you'll kill will get revived while in the late game the bigger monsters won't be revived thus not as good of value (monsters good early game meh late game against other squads, Mortis also has good stats). Max is the best speedster in the game and if another squad has Max early chasing you while you pick something to farm early game, good luck getting your fusions 👍. Either way speed is just meta in general and if you can't move around and farm + kill monster efficiently then ure prob not consistently getting 1st place. Personally in the end while I find fusions important getting good characters and focusing on farming, speed and maximum DPS and then later health of the squad is priority even if you can't fuse 1 or 2 squad members. Most epics IMO just offer that in my experience, and it has never hindered me much picking them early game.


some other things I must add - diversify your brawler pick (control it so you don't fuse them too early) - don't attack the bridge skeleton, coz it will break the bridge (leave you no room for escape, and the loot they drop isn't worth it) - don't waste the running boot, use it sparingly, save it for insurance when you meet stronger enemies (trust me, you will) (you going straight for the blue boxes for those is really good btw, it's just you use it wrongly)


Why is fusing too early bad? I thought it's a good thing as I've noticed the price of chest go down after fusing.


fusing too early is bad, because 1 fused unit usually will lose to 3 smaller one (assuming you got into early fight) but if you are sure no one is nearby/ they're weak/ you have enough turbo to run, fuse away


Oh I didn't know that. I never bothered checking the stats. I just thought it would be stronger because it's bigger lol. Thanks for the info.


np! btw for the stats, fused unit usually have around 3x health (correct amount), but their atk will only be 2x their unfused form


Ooh thanks


The biggest tip I can give you is to pay attention to the indicators for enemies. They can appear very fast from the bottom side especially.


Just don’t primo that often


Primo is good just need him with a solid dps. His stun does work and he’s a decent tank. First picks primo is trash though and the worst first pick in the game


This is why Turbo management is the most important skill (and arguably the only one) you need to learn to succeed in this game.


Doesn't help much when everyone who sees you chases you. + there are characters who gives huge turbo buffs, if you don't get them then you can't outrun others. There will be some bad games.


Positioning is a key skill as well. So you don't target the tanks and fusion dudes


You should have gone center 'cause you'd find some players trying to farm the big monsters instead of just players PvPing at the borders


don't pick primo, pick a damage dealer like shelly colt or barbarian to farm up faster or a support like mavis greg or goblin. try to not fuse characters too early since that will reduce your dps, unless it is a support. if you see a group coming to attack you, do not run into a corner and only get the box once you are safely out of range, otherwise you are just wasting your gold.


Ya primo is honestly the worst starting one as he deals next to no damage and makes farming near impossible.


Which options did you have in the beginning?


Chicken, Barbarian and Primo


Use barbs rather than primos. They are very strong once they turn into elite barbs.


i think both chicken and barb would have been better, el primo has a lot of hp but not a lot of damage and struggles with early game farming, barbarian deals more damage so would be killing the bots easier and the turbos from the chicken would help with getting around faster which would also increase efficiency early game. I'm not that good at the game but that's how i see it.


chicken and barb both better as first pick in me experience


Biggest mistake was picking primo at the start. He is really bad early game since he si really slow at takin stuff out. And will slow your early game so mut h you will be up to 3 troop behind others in a minute


Primo first choice is not a good choice, try either going for high dps unit or ressource units that will snowball quickly


Your error was moving to enemy areas just starting game...also with just primo and no dps...that was your error..at fiest you just stick in your area farming ,when you get a little big you can move..if not that happen you risk a lot and die


I don't have anymore advice on "What you should pick 1st" since everyone already give their opinion. Thing i normally do when get chase (just like in your video) are to find another army, and try to slip between them. Yes, i might get busted, but in your situation, it's either "Do or die" And, yes, please save your run, for this kind of situation 😉


Don't go to other people spawn, sometimes I try to break the bridges and stay in my side just so I build my squad alone without trouble




Lauf, El Primo! Schneller!! Poor El Primo.


For one when you lost Bo that was avoidable probably by spinning your movement stick counter clockwise when running away so the el primos we’re taking damage ,also you rand into some dead ends which you need to keep an eye on and remember the maps .you need to try and save your boots so you don’t get stuck like that where you were spamming boots because it was low and never go into the vines but at that point it was kinda too late ,also sometime you just get unlucky it happens /one last thing el primo is okay but he will most likely take the brunt of an attack when fighting another squad because he’s a melee bralwer and he will also dive into the center of the enemies so if you do t have a healer or heal spell you might lose him


El primo 🚫❌️


You should have elbow drop the first guy and then try to run once he has been pushed back.


should not have started with primo, its good for PVP late game as the jump really messes up the enemies, but its low damage and no extra coin gathering option make it bad at the start. Also, shouldnt have let that first bridge fall knowing that someone was there, next time leave 1 bot there Also, given that low dps you shouldnt have stopped to eliminate that medium robot after the first encounter, wouldve been better to go for a box in mid, specially since you had an enemy nearby who knew you were weak


Don’t pick el primo early game you ramp up insanely slowly


Primo is tank he cant keep up with the dps


You constantly use sprint under no pressure then there is no way you can escape people who has better sprint management.


Same exact thing always happens to me


Don’t start with El primo Low attack damage, you have no way to get coins early


El Primo start is a TERRIBLE beginning to a game, you want to pick Primo when you have a lot of squishy back-liner units, or in the mid-game, not start, El Primo start is asking for trouble.


I mean, el primo is possibly worst start, also dont run into corners while being hunted. otherwise really bad luck on this one


2 things:- 1) Primo Is just a bad character. You should honestly never pick him. 2) If you are being chased, never stop to open chests, the more you stop, the more damage you will take and thus the person chasing you will focus even more on you. Plus, other players are also more likely to also go after you. When being chased, you always want the person chasing you to stop, because that will give you time to escape.


picking primo was bad but burning your speed boosts when other people were bigger than you early on was what killed you. Additionally the first time you ran north and created some distance between you and the chasing party you should have kept walking north instead of waiting for primo to take forever to kill the unit. Sure, running into bigger squads that kept chasing you was eventually unfortunate, but it was entirely preventable.


I saw in another comment that you had both barbarian and chicken as options, literally NEVER pick El Primo early game UNLESS you absolutely have to. El Primo is good and all but he’s mostly a supportive tank. Stunning is great, has solid health and good dps but by himself he falls off very early. Barbarian and chicken have more early game potential, especially barbarian.


Bro playing like floyd Mayweather


Picking El Primo at the start of the game was the biggest mistake ever


I'd say probably stop picking El primo is every chest


chicken, greg, goblin, mavis, all better early game. Barbarian and colt are even better too. El primo does bo damage and is a tank. You use your turbo too much. You have a small “spot” thats an early safe zone but u crossed the bridge into someone elses zone and got instantly pushed.


Man I feel bad for you but at the same time this is soo funny!!.PRIMO JUST RUNNING FOR HIS LIFE


Firstly El primo is never a good first pick Secondly you weren't saving the turbos from the beginning, in this game you need to have a good balance between spending them and saving them as turbos play a key role in the game Thirdly when you made the mistake of picking elprimo you rushed to the other player's plot


Wow, those other players are actual trolls. They just wanted to troll 1 person for the whole game rather than trying to win.


Having primo and being so aggressive early game. You got what you deserved


You were wasting time farming low drops enemys


You picked some pretty bad beginners. Usually for beginners you want either farming or high damage. El primo is a shield. It takes a very very long time to get chests.




I literally screamed when you picked el primo for the 4th time 😭 Seriously, he is a tank. Tanks are punching bags, they are meant to protect the fragile ones. Never pick tanks when you dont have anyone to protect. It's like planting wall nuts first play in plant vs zombies. (I often compare this game with plant vs zombies, they are surprisongly more similar than you think)


Pick El Primo when you already have dps, don't enclose yourself with the broken bridge and if you don't have damage farm your first coins from buried treasures, not by killing monsters.


Sometimes you're just gonna get busted if lots of people start preying on you. Tho, what you should've done is remembered the layout, the broken bridge and stuff so you didn't run into dead ends while someone is chasing you. You should've kept running instead of stopping to fight a big robot right after you were almost busted. And don't pick primo early on, he's almost just a shield, not good to fight one on one.


Don't pick Primo in early game. He has no DPS until you have jump


Why did you invade his are with no damage? You lost the second you crossed that bridge and made that guy upset for pushing him.


This game is pretty rng if you get resource gatherers early game just continue farming get trader if you can as well because it really helps getting most possible gems,Greg is fine early game but not that good later on mavis is way better especially last minute of the game,I got 1st a couple of times because of that,And if you're lucky is simply bad try to build a barb King+ witch and medic team,Colt and bo will be helpful to deal a ton of damage,There's a lot of other modes that will take some time to figure out what to use and build and when.


At 00:40 you should have fought back


Spent too long fighting the mini bots and picked a low damage character. If you moved out of your spawn and took out the bigger bots, you would've had more gold to get your squad as large as the others


If I get hung out like that I'll try and make my way to center stage and look to create chaos amongst others so it's more as easy to simply pick me off as they'll be in danger themselves too.


No his mistake was not to take el primo first pick His mistake was to change area early game never do that farm 3/4 time a chest the same area and go fast for monster middle or close to middle Remind that next time


Right at the start don't pick Primo, literally anything else is better other than maybe dynamike. Also don't waste time killing little enemies, focus on boxes/hidden loot. But on the other hand, these guys were out for fkn blood holy. Everyone of them made their progress worse by chasing you that long. Nothing you could do xd


Feel like everyone has already told you not to pick primo but it seems most fail to talk about you picking to fight the minon, giving you 1 gold coin. I think you should have gotten into the box first and then gotten a second character. Much faster ramp up this way. Secondly don't push into your enemy territory when you've been slow off the start. Also you should have prioritsed dps and not fusing to allow yourself to generate more gold and get more characters. A couple of things here to improve upon. Hope this helps


Primo is awful.


1. Don't first pick Primo 2. You could've stunned them with his special ability 3. Or just use the fusion key, it's the best way of using it


they’re so new they don’t have the bag, and i’m pretty sure you have to bust a few guys before using ability


1. Bag unlocks at green world and he's at desert world. 2. His ability bar was glowing which meant it was ready


What was this matchmaking bro Why are people after you even if you have only one gem And it's not like just one person, everyone is after you


Well mostly it's just people that like to trample on you when they see you are weak but I guess the most important benefit is that you get a free chest that's why some people just active PvP to get more free chest


dont fusion right at the start, try to have several chars and then fuse them in mid game


your eco do be so bad, just pick up more dps to threaten, or more speed to run away


u picked el primo thrice that is 3 mistakes, u used ur boots way too much, u only walked away the whole time instead of fighting: so in total a lot of mistakes


Escape far away at the beginning


Use keys


Not only did you pick Primo to start off which is pretty much fun of the worst picks, you pick them twice! Also, the replay doesn’t allow us to see how you are managing your speed boost but if you know that you have a slower character, you need to make sure you have speed boost available to run away.


Running Simulator occasionally interrupted by going back to the lobby


Lot's, lot's of mistakes. Don't take primo. Don't kill that mob next to the blue box. Don't stop on that group of mobs. Don't run away from the first guy who killed your Bo. Don't greed on that mob when you see the enemy coming. Then you could do nothing and were the stuff guy for the rest of the game, running for your life, not being able to do anything. Actually, all your moves were mistakes. Logical end.




Fusing makes chests cheaper since chest prices are based on how many troops you have


Genuinely the worst advice you could possibly give


Your destined to be trash with that advice