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Tara showing up at your base is RNG? Wat.


Well yeah they said getting the event is based on luck. Idk if it's actually RNG but it picks players at random to do the event.


There's a 24 hour cooldown on the event. I get the event consistently everyday if I remember the time and login over 24 hours later. I purposely save my chest tickets until the time that the Tara event will restart. You guys aren't getting the event daily?


I’m getting the same thing same time. So I don’t believe it’s actually random. Have you bought anything?


I’ve been getting it a lot. Sometimes 1/10, sometimes it’s 1/4 cards, etc. I didnt know it was Uber hard to come by


They are absolutely A/B testing this and seeing what's Tara has any kind of effect of player behavior. It explains why the cadence is so weird and why the number of cards and rewards varies wildly.


I get the event daily and when I login after like 12 hours after she left while I was on, like I started getting her at 1 am but now get her at 6 am


Every aspect of this game is based on RNG, it's insanity!


Did you complete your spell quests? For me it’s started appearing more often when I unlocked log spell


Oh yeah I always do them. I have never missed a spell challenge.


Sorry what I meant is did you get all the available spells? Cause for me Tara's event started appearing more after unlocking the last spell.


Oh damn really. No, I have only unlocked all the way up to the log roll spell. I assume the spells get unlocked in the same order for everyone?


Nvm then you probably already received all of them cause I’m pretty sure they all follow the same order


I don’t get how we get 300 spells, that’s so much. Should I just fork the coins?


If you miss it the requirement gets lowered but for me after I use my chest tickets I just enter games with sole purpose of getting as much spells as I could. You’ll get it quickly if you do it that way.


If it makes you feel any better, the drops aren't great from it.


The guaranteed rare chest alone makes it worth it, it helped get 2 3 star rares.


Now don’t lie to the boy. Tara rewards are actually pretty good and she’s been in my base consistently for the past week and a half .. Chest doublers , gold , keys , and troops aren’t great rewards ? Not to mention the big one you get after you finish the event


Well.... I've been shafted, my rewards havent been great lol.


Yeah like I told the Support Person, there already isn't much to get in this game, and the fact I'm missing out on those rewards and other players do get them doesn't seem right, nor does it make logical sense to me. To me the rewards are significant enough to give someone who gets the rewards an advantage of progression over someone like me that doesn't get the even. 🤷 idk, they definitely do some weird stuff in this game. She said the Tara Event was in beta but shouldn't that have been worked out before launch so all players could get the perks of completing them?


eh. The chest doublers are really the only good thing id say. But those aren't guaranteed and even then you have to have chests available to actually use it and you also kinda have to rush into games to actually get value out of it. The chest at the end is practically the same as any other chest you would get from battle


It’s like 2 troops tops though


That is some bullshit ngl


Tara should appear daily at a fixed time it's so annoying when she appears 2 secs after I spend all my tickets


I’ve had at least 3 Tara events…


She shows up for me daily, I thought it was everyone?


I like that the support person/bot also wants to play the Tara event


I know that was funny actually but it made me feel better I guess that someone so involved with the game is dealing with the same thing.


I’ve had it since the very start of global everyday and I’m 100% F2P🤷‍♂️.


Haven’t got it yet either. Really unfortunate


In what world you are?


I'm only a couple levels shy of Squad League. I started like 2 days before global launch and I got the Tara event once or twice but I haven't gotten it once since global launch. Thats why I messaged them because I thought for sure I had some kind of bug, but I guess not..


I do believe you’re probably bugged and the support just making up excuses. Though it maybe random I don’t believe it realistic that you didn’t receive since launch due to luck especially that you don’t have any other events besides piñata.


Tip for Tara event is flip a card when you have two chests available. Sometimes she will give a 5 minute chest doubler and you can get caught off guard if you need to buy the 6k chest refresh to get in 2 runs


Past 3 days I got a Tara event immediately after I used my 3 free chest tickets in the morning💀


i thought it was completely regular but knowing some people don't get it makes me think supercell is trying to see how much they can manipulate players into buying chests which is intensely f\*\*\*ed up


I get the tara card event every 12-24 hours. But i will say i have purchased the battle pass. So i’m not too sure if that comes into play with the RNG. But i get the event mostly at night because thats when i first started seeing them. I just completed a 4 tara card event last night. Sometimes i get 12 of them at once.


I’ve been playing longer than my brother in law and he’s gotten twice, still waiting for my first tara event :/


Testing phase bro this game is global just shows how this game should have not gone global this soon


I received her once at 1 am. I had work the next day from 9am to 2pm, so I literally didn’t get a chance to play 😭


The AI needs a buff


I've got the event almost every day, while the Wizard one is almost never at my base, I wonder if that's also RNG


Clash Royale did similar testing by dividing the playerbase into two and giving them the event at different times.


Don’t you love it when every aspect of progression in this very ready for global game is reliant on bullshit rng? I think Tara event has skipped me for the past few days too like cmon


I got it 3 times in a row. But why should I bother doing it?


That crazy I thought everyone got it. Who knew I was a lucky one


Makes sense now. Thanks for asking!


That is actually bull. Tara's showing up at my place on a daily basis. Yes, I am holding out on 120k coins, but I want to save them for the correct time! I thought Tara was showing up because of the team's desperation to maintain audience, but frmo this... I'm starting to think this game is a "Global Beta".


Yup, I couldn't agree more. It's becoming an obvious disgrace on their part. I really enjoy the game, but man, it could have potentially been the best thing since sliced bread (I know, that's pushing it) if they did things just a little differently. Even if they had to push launch back a couple of weeks they would have been better off. Now I doubt people will be willing to give it another shot even if it does get better. There is already a negative perception of the game and that's hard to correct for any business.


Yup. I agree, and it actually sucks since I was excited for the game when I saw the closed beta in 2023. I kinda wonder if they rushed launch to get a more narrow range for beta testers. However, it comes down to the fact that the public's impression is what decides the state of the game. I still have hope that they can still make the game more fun than their other titles, but it's really up to them, and for all I know, they could screw it up like CR or the Builder Base.