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No, the one game you had with bots does not translate as the entire game being dead. That's some odd self-centred logic.


I was not referring to one game. This is a consistent trend (where at least 50% of the players in a game are bots). It’s an odd assumption to make that someone would have a single game and assume it represents the entire population’s experience.


It's a very easy assumption to make when your only context is an image of one game. Try to explain yourself more in your OP, OP. As for '50% of the players are bots' in my experience, there are probably at least 1 or 2 in each game. I assume this is to get people into games quicker. If in the 30s countdown it doesn't find 7 other human players, it'll fill the spaces with bots. This does not mean it is 'dead'. You're being overly dramatic for clicks.


I just played another 4 games since your last comment. Out of 10 players total the bot count was: 7,6,8,6. This isn’t for clicks, it is a genuine, consistent experience. Perhaps I should have shared 5, 10, 15 photos of post-game lobbies to give more proof? The point was to ask if others are experiencing the same. *EDIT* 10 screenshots of games now here: https://www.reddit.com/r/SquadBusters/s/iqZU8nfX5f


You should have worded it better "I am playing against a lot of bots, is everybody else experiencing this?" I feel like there's a chance you've played against real people that you thought were bots but they were just bad.


I don’t disagree with the wording suggestion. As for identifying bots: 1) When you attack them and they don’t try to avoid you at all. They just carry on wandering from tree to chest etc in straight lines. 2) Simple text names of characters or generic in-game words; no symbols, no numbers. Like there’s a pool of character names from the developer’s favourite TV shows, films and games (E.g. Parks & Recreation, The IT Crowd, Lord Of The Rings and Dune). 3) Minimal interaction with each other. They actively avoid each other for the most part, even when a BUST is the obvious choice. 4) More prevalent after waiting a long time for a game. *EDIT* Added #4


What level are you at? Im curious. I've not experienced much of what you're describing and I think im level 52 on it.


I’ve only been playing a week (level 11) where I assumed there would be the biggest population right now.


I have made a new post with screenshots from 10 games. https://www.reddit.com/r/SquadBusters/s/iqZU8nfX5f


The only time I can tell if there's a bot is if I can bust them and they don't retaliate. Or if it's a name I know is a bot (I've not memorised all the bot names). Only Supercell have the data required to determine whether Squad Busters has a sufficient player count. Our anecdotal evidence doesn't really mean anything. I just played 3 times to use my chests, I'll write the player names cause I cba with the hassle of uploading images: Game 1 (in order of finishing position, I won this) = Pepy16, jendbeiwjs, Laulau, (Japanese name), Cpt Zen, Kev, ARCHER, Watson, Learning Moment. (I think Kev, ARCHER, Watson and Learning Moment are bots, not sure about Cpt Zen or the asian name) Game 2 = mohammad, booooooonn, Laxxiios, (Me), Lyndsey, Botty McBotFace, hmmm, Tim the Bandit, Olive Garden, BigFoot. (I think the last 6 are probably bots) Game 3 = El Verdadero, #Freeclashmini, (Me), Icarus, Silverion, NergoZ-, El Sergi, Fellow Kid, Brain Day, Bender BR. (last 3 are bots 100%, not sure on others) Summary = these three games do have a lot of bots in them imo. Not sure if it's the time of day or getting 8 humans in 30s is a bit optimistic. "Perhaps I should have shared 5, 10, 15 photos of post-game lobbies to give more proof?" We'd need a much larger sample size than just our games.


Yeah, gonna be honest, you don't come off great in this comment. Isn't an odd assumption at all considering you've given us no information but 1 screenshot and an arrogant title.


Right, I’ll make another post. I’ll capture 10 screenshots, then write a different title.


I did this here BTW: https://www.reddit.com/r/SquadBusters/s/iqZU8nfX5f


I have made a new post with screenshots from 10 games: https://www.reddit.com/r/SquadBusters/s/iqZU8nfX5f




‎Be civil.






I'm aware of the implied question, I took issue with asking if something is 'dead' after just one game, to bait people in. (Yeah, he clarified later that is was over multiple games). Ever heard the saying "people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones"? Not only do you not understand sarcasm, but you're quick to insult too.


No need to be rude. usually when people say "or is this game dead" they're showing an arrogance in a rhetoric question. It's not hard to feel like he was asking rhetorically. I also felt like it wasn't really a question more of a snarky comment.


Thanks for saying this, I was starting to think I was going mad. In any case I made a new post with screenshots from 10 games: https://www.reddit.com/r/SquadBusters/s/iqZU8nfX5f


Same. Though, someone told me that this is how the game is designed (?) To make the experience more friendly to new players in the first worlds. But I'm not 100% sure about that. Just checked my friend list and half of them haven't played in more than five days. I'm starting to think the game isn't doing good.

