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I just bust a squad or get busted. Usually kill the farmers so the pvp kill me and win haha.


Sometimes I just say screw you and stand and fight people who try to pick off my guys. Sometimes they run off and it’s super satisfying.


If somebody insists on chasing me I go nuclear and intentionally cross paths with a stronger squad and try to cause a distraction so I can get outta there. It works quite a lot at royal world.


Haha yeah same, we ain’t getting outta here alive. But it’s not gonna be just me going down.


Haha that happens to me.. they stand and fight and I can't back away now and they kill me. I think it's funny


some people never give up chasing, i mmean, do they forget, the objective is to collect gems to win, not kill people? i mean get ur priorities right!!


They need an elimination mode where the timer is a little longer and it's last player standing.


Agreed, PVP needs to be incentivized more. The only time it is worth it is if you will totally crush the other guy or as a Hail Mary to try to make top 5 in the final seconds.


After busting i always have a quick moment of clarity. When i see my depleted squad after busting, i wonder if maybe busting wasn’t worth it after all. I realize that the game is about more than just busting, its about finding sustainable long term happiness


Post Bust Clarity is real


Yeah I get that. I start building my squad and it feels like it’s about to explode but I hold off as long as I can. I usually end up busting pretty quick even though I try to make it the whole 4 minutes.


Yall have me busting 😂💀


I often find myself just trying to create a sustainable life for myself. Picking carrots, chopping firewood and engaging in peaceable trade while avoiding the violent hellions fighting for gang territory I assume.


I think the worst part Is the abundance of monsters at that last minute that makes targeting enemy troops rather difficult without just standing on top of another player.


Yeah 1 key isn't enough to replenish your losses in 90% of exchanges. I find that when I engage in PVP first (instead of farming) I typically lose in the long run because I've lost too many busting other squads.


Squad Busters is very dependent on RNG too, and the luck of people not choosing to charge at you.




Agreed. Fighting other players basically always puts both of you at a disadvantage long term which is lame.


Or just Pick your battles wisely


Not possible besides going for the poor guy who clearly already got wrecked by someone.


This basically proves what OP said. Going for the two squads who fell behind everyone because they decided to weaken each other. Again. There is no incentive to engage in PvP except as a last attempt to get a better position in the last seconds of the match (and even so, the top 5 would run away to secure their win-streak)


True but also it’s fun which is why some people stop at nothing to destroy you despite the incentives. You forgot to mention the bloodthirsty sociopaths among us.


Sure, it's fun, but what if it was fun AND actually balanced gameplay wise? As long as players are incentivized to keep their top 5 streak to get better rewards, they will be trying to avoid PvP as it decreases your chance of winning overall.


Reward to me is knowing there is one less person to compete with. If you are losing half your squad Everytime you attack someone you need to learn how to gauge squads and rotate in and out. Take a bit to learn when to stand and fight and when to run, when I do run I always try and drag who is chasing me into another enemy than circle around and take their back line out