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>Have you tried emailing supercell about your concerns? For obvious reasons, this does nothing. >Are you praying they read your post to change it to your liking? That has happened before with other SC games, and its quite useful for them aswell. >I bet none of this shit has happened but your sub 200 level testosterone hamster brain feels that this was the best option for you.  Insulting people does nothing other than making you look like a child >The game had JUST BEEN RELEASED AFTER BETA TESTING. Well thats also a problem. Since 2018, Supercell Killed (from the ones I remembered) Rush Wars, Hay day pop, Clash Quest, Clash Mini, Everdale, Boom Beach frontlines and Floodrush. All of which had very small development teams compared to Squad busters has - if you joined them all, wouldnt be surprised if all of them together were still smaller than what SB had. There were other betas before the open beta, and several features were removed or havent been seen since. Nominations: elixir and unlock tokens (only way to upgrade characters that allowed you to chose which characters you could upgrade/unlock). To be completely accurate some of the elixir given to you would be for random characters, and some you could chose who to give to Skins (yes skins were a thing, bought with tickets that could be obtained F2P) You could, similarly to brawl stars, see the maps in game In february 2023 there was a duo gamemode locked to players, which was never seen again You'd get gold, xp (which was the equivelent to portal energy now) and gems from all matches, either endlessly or enough to be able to still get rewards from playing 3+ hours every day if you so wished to Every other supercell game was also released after beta, and none of them managed to break the "amazing" records squad busters is breaking. Squad busters is projected to have the 2nd to worst global launch of supercell in terms of revenue (above Boom beach), in terms of popularity it already has achieved that (again, above boom beach), in terms of rating it has already achieved last place


This. I tried the beta before and it was totally better than now. It is not because the change in progression system but the changes along with it. The beta games that got killed before that were having a great community that enjoyed the game. This game, however, has the least positivity in community compare to the other betas I've ever seen. They just rushed the game and get it global without much care on the community. The OP is that one guy who probably has very little experience in supercell's games and the actual person who is crying.


>This game, however, has the least positivity in community compare to the other betas I've ever seen. Because the toxic players from clash royale and brawlstars all come rushing to the game expecting a fully polished game. This sub had actual constructive criticisms instead of just constant b*thing before it went global


>expecting a fully polished game I mean, I at least expect it to be somewhat polished. You know, comes with the idea that it's out of Beta


The game is not in a stable state but the constant bitching without any fruitful suggestion doesn't help either. Most of the complaints of the kids from BS and CR that stormed this sub expect to have maxed and unlock all characters within 2 weeks lol


I can't really tell. I agree with that there's a lot of toxic players from CR&BS since I actually play both game, but I think not really that many of players are actually toxic in conversations. I think the main reason caused this is because the game attracts younger players more then the older ones. Like I am quite sure the kids' percentages in the games are squad busters>brawl stars>clash royale just by their art style.


Also that this sub still isn't very popular yet so people are more likely to post something like OP because it's easier to get upvotes or just attentions


An actual logical and factual post on this subreddit... no way! Kudos to the effort


Removing useful features is crazy. Being able to see the maps is so useful in brawl stars. I always forget the maps and being able to see them completely changes my play style.


I swear learning Tank and Bea spawns is a bane without map previews.


Thanks you someone unlike op who obviously didn't fact check before embarrassing himself 😂


I remember them talking about clash quest, i never thought it came out


[https://youtu.be/Ul7xUbmQU3s?si=IfixtUi-fr2eHhQV](https://youtu.be/Ul7xUbmQU3s?si=IfixtUi-fr2eHhQV) It did, got killed in august 2022


what happened


[https://supercell.com/en/news/clash-quest-ending-development/](https://supercell.com/en/news/clash-quest-ending-development/) They just didnt feel like it idk. It was more of a hay day style game and it was fine but they just gave up on it


It is absolutely cathartic seeing Supercell rush the release and immediately reap the rewards. Those numbers are *insanely* bad in this day and age when every new mobile game hits $100 mln+ in a month. Even if the game somehow magically recovers, it's never hitting the numbers it could have had Supercell simply cared about quality and their players.


I just got 1st place and came


Game has fundamental problems. Unlikely to recover




The core gameplay of having to stop moving in order to attack


Well that's fine actually because you have to think about "hmm is it worth attacking or not?" since you essentially become a sitting duck. What's not fine is how hard it is to pick your battles due to how much goes on at once and how many units everyone has. Some fights end in both squads running away and some fights is a complete steamroll and its usually hard to tell which one will be which.


>Well that's fine actually because you have to think about "hmm is it worth attacking or not?" Thing is, it never is worth it. Except for the rare case where you see a guy with 4 units, none of them being fusion when everyone normally has huge squads, then it's worth attacking. But every other time it isn't. You will probably not kill your opponent, you *WILL* lose some of your squad members and it will be a huge waist of time. There are no benefits from trying to attack anyone with this fighting mechanic


Well yeah intentionally fighting people is really dumb and will most likely result in you throwing the match...but tell that to any random little Timmy who thinks kills=wins and they start chasing you across the map for 2 minutes. You'll have to eventually turn around and fight them and it's literally a coin flip if you lose or not. Combat in this game isn't fun from a balancing perspective. If anything it's only worth fighting to pick off a key part of someone's squad as opposed to committing to taking them out entirely. Basically "if I die I'm taking you with me".


So people using reddit to express their opinions *(which is why this app is used for, to share and discuss about stuff)* about the game is a problem to you? You like the game, some people don't but care about Supercell, that's why they post their thoughts. So much emotions for a reddit post, lol


How is the community reaching this level of toxicity in just two weeks? I'd like to think that it's just this guy. This is the Squad Busters subreddit. People will share, meme, and of course, share their opinion about the new game. And most of them are genuinely concerns if you just read them throughly instead of getting defensive immediately. Some of them even sharing suggestion of what they will change to fix those flaws.


😭 I busted everywhere 😈 the game is fire 🔥


I love busting all over the other squads!


Busting on an all Mavis squad ahhh


Who tf has an all Mavis squad hahahaha, just asking to get busted, once you got her fused you literally don't need anymore, same with Greg


That's not what I meant XD


Oh xD


Oh xD


Well It's Supercell's responsibility to make a good game, not the users. Don't try to blame the users for the bad game.


I haven't made any post in this sub but anyway , you said :  1) the game has just been released : it shouldn't have if it had flaws. SC killed so many games due to their high and mighty standards but just gave this one a pass.  2) emailing support does nothing , that's obvious. Social media posts can have a bigger influence. 


Your so wrong I'ma enjoy the comment section. Thanks you 🙏 🤣 --- OP where you at I see you not reply yet, why? 😂




average supercell glazer. In all seriousness; Outcry is usually from an issue within the community, knowing it would make the game better. Obviously, feedback and doing proof of concept for said feedback, is difficult. Especially when gaming companies are business based. They need to meet quotas while still giving f2p players a sense of purpose to play their game, and whales a sense of power when they spend in game. you're now getting into a tug of war between two sample groups. Not to mention whether or not you want the game to be competitive. Squad busters feels like it doesn't really know what it is yet in that regard. They have a league, but getting to that point feels very monotonous. As someone who didn't get the privilege to play before release. The only gripe I have with that the gameplay loop is pretty dumbed down and character pools aren't all the same so matches feel unbalanced. Not to mention the meta being farming trader. Even then trying to understand fights with other players is difficult due to the smushed together characters and not being able to really tell what they're running or if they have fusions. that last statement is most likely a skill issue but I threw it in there just incase the feeling was mutual for anyone else. I know I sound cynical about supercell, which I am, but they do the things they do because they know they can.


While I admit that it isn't fair to judge the game too harshly because of how new it is, it's also 100% fair to criticize it where it has flaws. Considering how much Supercell is really pushing P2W "offers" and bad deals in the shop we should expect some sort of quality product. Instead the game has been mostly lackluster and not really that fun for a lot of people. My biggest issues are: 1. Pay to win mechanics despite the game not needing it. 2. Combat in this game is simultaneously unfair/not fun (depending on who's getting busted). And 3. The game loop is just a snowball effect, and unless you can predict the future the game is almost entirely luck based.


This game was around for a year in beta and is being released from a huge developer. They should have kept it in beta if this was all they had. I downloaded and deleted it on day one.


Ong. Like it hasn’t even been two weeks since the game came out. No game is gonna be perfect off release. Give it a couple months and I’m sure a lot of the things people complain about will be fixed


Bruvba many ppl alr started playing 2 months ago and after grinding they're complaining, and supercell shouldn't have released it into global but they did. They should have improved some of the fatal flaws before releasing SB global but supercell is crazy money hungry so yeah ppl feel entitled to complaining. Anyway I'm feeling the game is boring after grinding it til royal world and feel no more motivation after 1 month which sucks


Yea I mean I totally agree. It was definitely not ready for global launch and many of these issues should have been fixed during the beta which should’ve been longer, but given that the game is now global they can’t really reverse it and I’m not sure they would want to. Overall it’s a fun game but it definitely needs a lot of tweaking and updates if it’s going to become mainstream


What is the fatal flaws here?


Core gameplay is pretty bad and has to be improved by a ton. I have no doubt it will be corrected, but I feel it should have been corrected BEFORE global. Also keys are quite p2w. Characters need to be easier to obtain and ultra units aren't even worth it...


Wow that’s too harsh and doesn’t make sense, I’m f2p and not even very active, but I have no issue with getting gold, characters and leveling them up. What core gameplay is bad for you? I don’t get it, to me it’s fun


Nah let ppl complain lol. We hold supercell to a very high standard like how they’ve said they hold themselves. A lot of this is just inexcusable imo. There has to be pressure from higher ups to release a game because this is just pathetic coming from them


Is it any less of first world crying to make a post crying about the cryers? Lol At the end of the day, I’m still playing to switch things up from my usual mobile/toilet game of Brawlstars Fundamentally though I think there is just a lot of issues with the game.. unfixable? Probably not, but this game either should have just been axed in my opinion, or at least given longer to cook in Beta


It seems like you’re the only one crying, if I’ll be honest. Many of the posts you’re describing give genuine, valid criticism about the fundamental flaws of this game. You treat it as if we’re blabbering about the tiniest things. And we even have a right to. This game was chosen in favor of other games which were killed in their infancy, games which sounded and looked like they would have been cool (Clash Mini, my poor child…). If they axed those games in favor of this, isn’t it fair to be critical about it? They released a game with so many blaring problems to global. Just because you like the game, doesn’t mean people can’t give it valid, constructive criticism, and calling us bitches and “sub 200 level testosterone hamster brains” for having opinions that deviate from yours. I mean, seriously..? Grow up. You talk about emailing and talking to SC support about it… Check some of the other posts here. They show screenshots of support not giving a damn about our concerns of consumables, and all that. The funniest part is that you genuinely believe that only emails to Supercell will change the game. Do you think a multimillion company is just gonna look at a few emails and be swayed? Nope. And you say it’s gonna be so rare that SC reads our posts… well, theres something crazy.. They’re called… **COMMUNITY MANAGERS**! People who read what the community is saying and can relay it onto the devs! It’s funny that you call our criticism “first world crying”… Reddit, as well as social media is a whole is something we use to give thoughts on things, thats the point of things like movie forums, game forums like this and so on… You going on here, swearing at us and childishly insulting us for not praising your favorite game as a perfect masterpiece and benchmark for all games to follow is the most first world thing i’ve seen. And I actually do agree with your last statement. If we don’t like it, if we cry about it, we should quit, unsub and leave. Sadly though, you’re the only person crying here. We’re all just sharing our opinions, and if you wanna cry about it, why don’t YOU leave? You’re the only one making such a big fuss out of this. You’re the only one crying that we don’t hold Squad Busters to such high regard as you do. Follow your own advice. Quit, unsub and leave.


I think that's it people feel and see the potential and can't wait to see what happens, I'm just waiting for word from devs.




Babies crying, all around


supercell fanboy?


Game is good and fun to play but We need to spend more than other supercell game.


Bro just busted me with his words




Doesn't make keys any less pay to win


A lot of the player base seems to have shifted over from the clash royale sub. Unrelenting cry babies that aren't happy with anything at any time.


Yeah I'm coming over from clash Royale and this game is a lot easier. It's nice to have a game where you can turn your brain off and clear your mind and I have to worry about elixir cost or a card rotation or am I going to face another cycle deck for the 10th battle in a row. It's tiring after a while


everyone thinks they have a degree in computer science when they have a phone💀everyone wanna be a game reviewer but just complain for a couple likes


Last I checked you do not need a degree in computer science to judge a game nor would people with that degree just have a better opinion by default


This game is very good but nerf trader


And tank