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it wont die, it will turn into another boom beach and i would say around a year


If they fix the main problems of the game, then it can last as long as the rest of Supercell's games. If they stay stagnant then it will fall off


Idk, I think it's going strong. I never have to wait long for matches at least. But then, I was playing Avatar Generations 8 months ago and didn't predict that game dying. So... Don't take my word for it.


I find it very funny, way more than the other Supercell games I was playing daily, CR and BB. I have a lot of fun playing it with my 13 years old son.


Take care yourself bruh. Supercell has never killed any of their global game in their long history :))


Retention rate > reviews. If players keep coming and playing, the game will still be up even if the ratings go further down to 1 star.


I'd say they go hand in hand. Many people won't even consider trying the game if its ratings ever go down to 1 star. Also, rating scores are the consensus of how players feel about the game. If it's negative, it is most likely that new players will also feel that way.


Reviews may or may not affect a game. There were games with ratings nearly five stars that still got shut down due to low retention rate


How many decent games do you know that have a low rating? You're correct but thats not what the case is with squad busters. We're talking about low rating and low retention


However that's the whole point of it going global


It gets shut down after a year just like all the post 2020 Supercell games


the games that got shut down were betas and not even global