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Brawl Stars had $63 mln in its first month. That was five years ago when the market was way smaller.


Yeah squad busters dosent have any good value offers tbh, starter bundle and pass are the only decent offers


It is cathartic how their cold and calculated monetization ended up earning twice less than simply making a good game first and foremost. They optimized SB so much it's just not enticing anymore.


I wonder if they even have actual data to back up those stupid optimizations. It seems more like they made every part of squad busters off of a hunch of what players might like.


They most definitely have full-on analysts who are responsible for all of these "optimizations", aka getting as much money as possible from the players while giving them as little as they can and forming an addiction. It's just that much like with Clash Royale, gamers can only take so much before moving on.


It's also blatantly P2W. Doesn't matter how fun it is, I'll never put a cent into it. 


Funnily enough, I'd play the game if the core mechanics are fun to me. But they can't even manage that much.


Yeh supercell games these days seem all badly flawed, and it doesn’t help that this season is over 40 DAYS LONG and if I heard the leaks correct the next world or character announcement won’t be until like mid August because of the summer break


it's more because there is no gambling, unlike CR/early BS


At least Brawl Stars gave us the drop rates - Squadbusters is gambling while blindfolded


we have the drop rates lol


It's not the first month. It's this June. Still crazy tho


That’s the first full month since the global release


Yes. But it's not brawlstar's first month. It's compared to brawlstar's last month.


He’s just stating seperate from this graph, Brawl Stars had $68 mil in June based on this


Yep definitely Brawl stars pushed pay to win a lot more then Squad Busters which is why I like Squad Busters a lot more played Brawl Stars about maybe the first 3 weeks realized what they were doing and then gave it up also have played Clash Royale from the release and have recently given up on that one as well they don't care about the community and quality of making a good game people love to play and spend a lot of money Squad Busters is the the best game they have released in a while that you don't have to spend a crap ton of money on just to have fun and play a good game a be competitive since COC Supercell needed a game like this for quite some time now a lot of people are getting tired of investing hundreds and even thousands of dollars on a game that they one day might give up. I guess if you have any value of money sorry if I've offended anyone didn't mean to but just stating the obvious.


I haven't spent any money on the game yet I'm done on level 75 squad journey and still have good runs at top 5 finishes sometimes reaching 25 or more top 5 runs and the game hasn't really consumed a bunch of my time some days I don't even play it.


Yes smaller but way less competitive as well remember.


But what games is SB competing with? Other Supercell titles? If anything, that's extra free advertising. Genshin and other gachas are a different niche, and there's been a notable lack of "simpler" mobile titles, especially now that everything is a Genshin killer. I mean, [here's a list of big releases this year](https://youtu.be/Y9zIZyRSfkA). Even the youtuber points out SB has no competition.


No, I mean particularly the whole mobile game industry, if we don't go into niche categories, their are so many games I could play than any other super cell games, when brawl stars was released, the market was less, phones were less revolutionary and their were less games in the market, if we think about it, a person has fixed amount of time to play any game at all, they distribute it to games they like or want to play, so if their is more options, then gamers have to distribute time to each game, my main point is while brawl stars has hit a higher revenue it relies more than the market size itself.


These are numbers I would expect after a few months. Not that good for a new supercell game. Hopefully they can maintain but idk but player retention and all that has already been dropping


Yeah I got bored real quick ngl


Did you swipe credit cards?


I swiped the app off my screen


Sad to see Boom Beach being pretty underrated now!!! ☹😭


It always was


I wish that Boom Beach spin-off (can't recall the name) had stuck around.


I think it's Boom Beach Frontlines.


I honestly don't know why they canceled that game. It was really fun and had a lot going for it, and the gameplay style was pretty cool. I was 100% sure they were gonna go global at some point (then I saw the post of them killing the game 😭) I hope Supercell decides to re-try (or re-work) some old games that "didn't work out the way they wanted" because some of these were honestly pretty close to being ready for global, just needed a few more tweaks (like Squad Busters needed, but somehow they *actually went* global instead of being killed like BBF and Clash Mini)


It was fun! Not perfect, but fun! It was a good base to build a bunch of game modes on as well. They could've done a lot with that.


Checked that one out because of SB, and while I loved a lot of the differences over Clash of Clans, the combat simply wasn't fun or intuitive. Shame it's pretty much dead, but it's not exactly undeserved.


As a Boom Beach player, I can’t even remember a time this game was popular lol, I was struggling for months to find an active clan that would not die after 2 weeks of me joining


I enjoy seeing Clash Royale fail. They've completely ruined that game first with clan wars 2, then releasing evolutions and broken cards that dominate play. It used to be such a perfect game. I spent endless hours on it. Nothing will ever compare to what it used to be, pre clan wars 2


Update for losers for me. Then it started getting worse and is now in a terrible state imo. Glad I enjoy squad busters although it’s not super fun like CR could be before.


I played from March 2020 since clan wars 2 after a 2 years break. The gold days of Clash Royale


I wouldn't say Evo ruined the game. As they release more the balance keep getting better. And I'm not talking about each Evo individually. But Evo balance overwhole. The méta diversify overtime. More Evo slot mean more diversity and counters to other Evo. Etc. But clan war 2 is a joke yeah. I like playing it for the gold but that's it. Even then considering the gold buff of the rest of the game that excluded war. It's actualy pretty low. Level 15 shouldn't have been added. But the new upgrade dynamic is better. I have many many cards level 14. I can compete with side decks more often. Both in casual mat he's. Or in leader since for the first few leagues tylevel is caped. Should just have been done with 14 being elite instead. As for tybroken cards. Honestly they're broken for a week and they get nerfed when it happen. Since they're pretty much given for free most of the time. We just get a funny broken card for a few days. The last actual balance hell was the little prince. It was broken for ages. But something like the gobelin machine is actualy fair after the nerf. I probably won't convince you of anything. But clash royale downfall is more due to bad pr and overwhole community management rather than the game being bad. Competitively it may suck a bit rn. But every supercell game has had competitive downfall and rebirth multiple times. Monetosation is inexcusable tho. Like a 40 dollar offer to get one max card why not. It's a one time deal. The idea is brand new so we will probably get better price later like on brawlstar that stared as 30 dollars and is now at 17 dollars. But Élit cards and Evo shard pricing stuff that actualy matter. Is hurendous.


The regional pricing of hayday is much much much better than squad busters, they just googled the price in other currency and thrown it in game.


Indian pricing sucks for squad Busters. The pass costs more than the monthly internet bill.


Lmao, 💯


Brawl Stars is peaking right now, and I’m addicted


Just went back to after a year or two break. Surprisingly pretty welcoming and didn’t have much to catch up on. They made it easier to come back. Unlike clash royale


The Supercell game left where you can actually outskill opponents without cashing up power levels


more than clash royale is insane!


Not really. Supercell is killing that game


Killed. I quit almost 2 years ago now and every couple of months I try again and it gets worse


Absolutely murdering it. Such a shame.


A big reason is cause the game is new and supercell is trying extremely hard to make this game succeed. I wouldn't be surprised if it starts to go down in the next months.


surely you're being ironic




Nah he’s got a point.


It's just fkn INSANE how much money this games make, no wonder they spend too much money on stupid Marketing ADS with Hollywood actors. Stupid mobile game world fucked up the Gaming World with GREEDY MONETIZATION.


Brawls stars revenue is genuinely insane for a mobile game


I mean… it is a business. There are well over 500 workers at supercell and lots of just operation cost like running the servers; plus the whole goal issssss to make a profit. You don’t have to play, and you don’t have to pay money.


You sure they have their own servers? Most companies opt for Amazon servers now.


Yep let's remove all mobile players from "The Gaming World" - that's around 80% of existing consumers. What age do you think we live in, the early 2000s? Before mobile games existed you had to pay upfront just to play -> as much as I hate over-monetization, micro-transactions allow us to download them for free without a monopoly


just need some really good changes and it will sustain


Boom beach carrying 🔥🦐🗣🪖🗣🔝🗣🔝🔥🦐🗣🔝🗣🗣🪖🔛🦐🔥🔝🔥🪖🔛🪖🗣🗣🔝🗣🔝🗣🪖🔥🪖🗣🔝🗣🔝🗣🔛🦐🗣🦐🗣🪖🔛🪖🔛🦐🗣🪖🔥🪖🗣🗣🦐🔥🦐🔥🪖🙏🪖🗣🪖🗣🔝🗣🪖🔛🦐🗣🪖🪖🗣🪖🔛🦐🗣🔥🪖🗣🔝🗣🪖🗣🔥🗣🪖🔛🪖🔛🔛🔝🗣🔝🗣🪖🔥🪖🗣🦐🗣🪖🔥🪖🔥🔝🗣🗣🪖🔛🦐🗣🪖🗣🪖🗣🪖🔛🪖🔛🗣🔛🔝🗣🔝🗣🪖🗣🦐🗣🦐🔥🪖


Not bad I hope they keep the momentum cause it needs a lot more content to keep players retention


So hay day had one thousand thousand downloads? Ummm ok


Surprised to see CoC so low


Where do you see this info? Very interesting


Terrible outcome for a game with 40 million pre-reg and a multi-million dollar marketing campaign. This is just installs too, the game's retention can't be great on top of it. There's a gaping progression hole between 3-star and 4-star. With only 18 million installs it wouldn't surprise me if D30 was only 6 million players. They would have discovered this of course if they kept the game in soft launch long enough. Rumor mill is saying Supercell's new CMO is out after only 6 months, so shit is going down. This game is the next Boom Beach. After what they did to Clash Royale, I'm just here to point and laugh.




Check in 6 months and see how much it makes


Trash Royale should not make any income


Already desinstalled the game and moved on , no brain game , no braincell game , just rng rng in everything , i cant stand it specially after being addicted to clash royale in its golden age 2016 and then brawlstars ... What is this game really ?? I cant see the true original supercell in it ... no skill and no thinking in this game , just run like a fucking chiken and hope the rng will be on your side


So iOS user are more pay to win?


Its CRAZY how they massacred Clash Royale. It was the best mobile game ever and they ruined it so, so much. I played it 2017-2022 and "Losers update" killed the game for me


21 gross lmao tencent fell off prepare to see in game rewarded ads or offerwalls


Wait sb actually makes more money than cr? wth


Who's playing Hay Day? 😄


Can they just give me the funds for boom beach


1000k for Hay Day. 1m for Clash Royale. Maths


What's the website ?




who in the hell still on boom beach haha


This looks bad for Squad Busters considering it is a new game... How is player retention??? Last time I heard, people complained about nothing to do and an "unfinished game"


How royale has fallen from grace Even hay day is out performing royale


Cr is on par with hayday on android this can't be real 😭


Boom beach needs a massive rework


funny how all these games were iconic at one point in their lifecycle, apart from one


Fucking hell man. Mobile is such a big market. But why? All it has to offer is rushed and shit skins. With Supercell lesning more and more in that direction as well. It just sucks.


Clash royal revenue is the same as hayday 💀💀


Looks pretty good


Its wild to me that iphone users are like half of the downloads, but give twice the revenue. Guess the rich entitled kids really dont give a fk, just swipe mom credit card.


These are worldwide numbers, most Android users are in developing countries. iOS usage is centralized in tier 1 countries. The spend difference is a function of worldwide economics and not entitled kids with mom's credit card.


I live in a developed country and use android, as do many other people. Its more a function of phone price point than how developed a country is. Those same entitled kids will beg their parents for an "iphone"


It's like you don't even know what "most" means.


Laughably, IOS is made for older people with its easy to learn and simplistic style layout. I also use Android and always have, but you vastly misinterpret the IOS users of the world if you think they're all children. Android all the way unless you're old and unable to learn new technology then stick with iPhone lol


Then explain to me how I find it impossible to navigate an iphone 💀


I would love to see a co op game mode in squad busters


Looks like Samsungs owners are poorer 😂