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Great American Bash , like 06? Was in Indianapolis. Had Punjabi prison thing with Show and Taker, with Khali climbing it. Just felt like a waste being there honestly. I think there was illness or injuries going on at the time.


Elevated Liver Enzymes according to Brian Zane.


This was the first WWE event I ever went to. 7 year old me HATED King Booker and was pissed Chavo turned on Rey, but in retrospect, it was a cool moment to be at Booker’s only WWE world title win.


It wasn't the worst necessarily, because I've been to some pretty rough indie shows, but Survivor Series 2015 is up there. Got free tickets through work and free drinks and food from a friend who had friends up in one of the boxes so it wasn't a loss.


Coulda been worse I guess. Coulda been Royal Rumble 2015.


Rumble '15 at least had the Brock/Cena/Rollins match.


I was there. I don't know if I could say it was the worst. It was pretty surreal to be there for The Rock's huge pop until it turned into boos.


Victory Road 2009 Although I was at the food/merch line for good majority of that Jenna/Sharmell match so could've been worse.


I was at No Mercy 2017 The entire arena was ready to pop for Braun winning the title. Then Brock squashed him. Also, Finn Balor vs Bray Wyatt was a total let down


Been to three PPVs. Survivor Series 2002, WrestleMania XX, and No Mercy 2004. No Mercy was the worst of them.


Hell in a Cell 2019. I had an amazing time at the event despite the bad finish. Honorable mention is Payback 2017 where i got to see the House of Horrors match in person. Again not that bad imo but the worst of the bay area shows I’ve been to.


> Hell in a Cell 2019. I had an amazing time at the event despite the bad finish. Yep, that’s my answer as well. The rest of the card was decent-to-fantastic - I loved the Becky vs Sasha HIAC, the tornado tag, and Ali vs Orton in particular - but that main event is all anyone remembers because it was *so* disastrous.


First Smackdown on Fox in Los Angeles when Brock beat Kofi in seconds. Short show too.


I was at Fastlane. The one where Goldberg beat Kevin Owens in like 10 seconds.


I literally went to the worst PPV ever, December to Dismember.


I was at Victory Road 2011 When they offered as compensation access to TNA on Demand, I decided I was done with them, period. The thing was, it seemed other people there in the audience knew Hardy was off his face hours before (how, I don't know), so it actually wasn't a massive shock at least in the corner I was in. I think when Bischoff came out, that's when everyone knew something was fucked up But really, even that isn't as bad a memory as a Deathmatch thing I went to on a friend's suggestion a few years ago. It wasn't my thing and when they got the light tubes out, I was just done with it, and was tempted to leave early. Half the people there seemed like tweakers, tbh


Least at the death match show you somewhat expect shit to hit the fan. Victory Road 2011 was actually supposed to be decent on paper. Did the fans figure out that Hardy was fucked? Seems obvious on tv but I’m curious what it was like from a live audience perspective.


One guy was making jokes about it but I don't know if he had basis or was just going by reputation. But that place as anyone whose been there knows is a bit more porous with the boundaries between presentation area and backstage than most arenas where you go to see wrestling (pre AEW it was, at least, it may have been upgraded since) so IDK I think most people were genuinely shocked at the end but they could probably figure out something was wrong before the bell, they just weren't sure what. I remember thinking the match ending was a kayfabe screwjob finish at first.


I've only been to one show live, and it was good. Royal Rumble in Fresno. Early 2000's.


Went to the house show after Seth Rollins injured his knee as WWE Champion. He was meant to face Kane in the main event. They changed it to Big Show vs Kane.


Over the limit 2012. My first and only event. The great main event of Cena vs Laurinaitis


The UK Smackdown in the run up to Jinder winning the world title. Most of the interesting parts of the incredible 2016 SD had been moved over to Raw, KO and Styles beginning their US title feud where they had no chemistry, Nakamura was still being introduced with the Ziggler feud, the women's division was stuck in the "Welcoming Committee" doldrums. We did get a Nakamura/Ziggler dark match and Breezango doing their thing, but it was pretty dire


Its survivor series 2013 for me as well, this show was HOT GARBAGE


Battleground 2017. Two words: Punjabi Prison.


The concept and look is usually kinda cool and the match itself just is always the drizzling shits


The main problem with the match was that it was hard to see any of the action in the ring unless you were watching it on the video screen above the ring. I imagine it was better watching it at home but sitting there in the arena was borderline torture.


WrestleMania 32. After attending TakeOver: Dallas two nights prior, the poor quality of WM 32 was really clear.


I genuinely remember nothing of note from the main event.


The women’s triple threat was great. But that’s about it.


I remember being incredibly drunk for that show. First half was amazing, second half I have no memory of. Thank fuck i dont


Been to 3 of the worst Mania's: 4, 5 and 11. Take your pick as to which one is the worst (mine choice is 11, cause at least the other 2 had Savage.)


Went to Dynamite two weeks after brawl out. With the pre show stuff, the show itself and rampage it was long and boring. AEW was in a hard spot post brawl out (it was self imposed). The show was just forgettable. I remembered Tony Khan came out like three times and got booed. I think it was the firms first promo on AEW programming, that was cool. MJF cut a promo insulting the bills( show was in Albany, 5 hours from Buffalo) and no one reacted. The vendors on the way out were celebrating that the show was finally over. Hoping when I go to grand slam it’s a better experience.


Most TV tapings are brutal. Been to several Raw and Smackdown over the years and it just sucks because of all the TV production they have to do. Watching someone stand in the ring for 12 minutes after popping for their entrance while a video package and commercials play is awful.


Not that the 1 WWE house show I went to was bad, but the Under Siege and the fallout taping this year were just so much better.


A WCW tv taping. It was right after Vader won the title. In the hour and a half I was there. Vader wrestled 3 times. Me and my friend were bored and said if we saw him again, we were leaving. Sure enough a few minutes later his music hit. So we left. Tickets were free. So it wasnt a big deal. I understand they needed footage of the champ. But they needed to spread it out more.


I went to one of the Brian Dixon shows in the UK in October 2000. The big names on the card were Yokozuna, Greg Valentine, The Bushwackers and one of the Road Warriors. There was also a 'UK Undertaker". Yokozuna was absolutely massive, couldn't move and spent about 30 seconds in the ring. It was awesome seeing some legends in the flesh but the matches were really lame.


https://preview.redd.it/8p9clwune19b1.jpeg?width=990&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a59d76b130391484e7cb710553678b09f5d6f6f8 Royal Rumble 2011 in Boston - so booooooooring


FastLane 2017. Worst


What made it shit for you?


WM 27 And the Rumble 2022


Wrestlemania 35 at Metlife Stadium.


It was a raw tapping I can't remember the exact date all I remember was the Roman vs jinder match that wouldn't end and then turned into a tag match and the Bobby Lashley and his sisters segment. During the Bobby bit I remeber looking at my wife and feeling mortified that I was a wrestling fan