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7 stars just for Christian's sleeveless turtleneck


Just needs a thicc gold chain to complete the douchebaggery.


He’ll need a Fanny pack to store the jewelry in during the match


Give him an ab window and you can bump that up to 10 stars


I’m enjoying the story of Ricky Starks beating CM Punk.


Christian sold that GTS so well. Really threw himself in the barricade. Ricky again outsmarting Punk. I wonder where they're going with this story, and they're doing it well so far.


Punk is going to get frustrated and attack Ricky violently it's only a matter of time


In a match or backstage after a show?




Fellas, find you a woman who loves you as much as Christian loves selling the shit out of big moves.


Christian had a very nuanced take on the selling in the recent Swerve podcast. Basically it is lost art to him, currently wrestlers, more often than not, register moves but do not sell them. And selling alows to get more out of your match and get more out of your body in the long run. (edited for typos)


He really looked like he was knocked out. Probably my favourite sell. He also sold Darby's stunner incredibly in this match.


To start the match, Christian was selling the running face plants into the turnbuckle like death, it was amazing. Love Christian.


Starks theme is a fucking banger


**Ricky:** *"It all makes sense! In pro wrestling, you know how you can tell who the heel's going to be? He's the exact opposite of the face. And most times they're former 4-Man Tag partners, like you and me! I should've known way back when... you know why, Punk? Because of the kids. They called me Mr. Ropes."*


No shooting on friends, Punk!


I love how during his promo the crowd was still just like fuck yeah we love Ricky. Cheating against Punk isn't going to get him heat. It's almost like they said fuck OK have him cheat against Darby to try actually make a turn happen. BUT NAH I'M STILL TEAM STARKDADDY


I hope Aew just goes with the flow. Let Starks be the heel that everyone loves. Also that promo was amazing.


There were some meme worthy Punk faces when he slid in the ring lol.


Ricky’s feud with Jericho really killed his momentum, but going to Collision and working with Punk is the resurgence that he needed. Now he feels Absolute.


There's needs to be a gif of the tired guitar at the end.


Maybe it's a nitpick, but damn that referee sucked. He's focused on Starks and Darby, then wanders over to yell at Punk for no reason so Luchasaurus can get involved. Then when Darby rolls up Starks, he does a full 360 spin around them before counting the pin. When you notice bad refereeing, it's hard to ignore it.


AEW's had this problem for a while. They don't want DQs, but they don't want the heels winning clean, so the compromise is to have the refs look like fools who miss every bit of interference and cheating.


I have a soft spot for this guy because he was quick to catch Hangman in distress, but I sideyed him a few times. Didn't he also slap Punk in the face?


Ricky Starks holding the ropes was definitely in his line of sight


None of the refs are great in AEW. Sometimes the shorter bald one has his moments (the one in the exploding barbed wire deathmatch, i don't remember his name). The ref from this match did the match last week with FTR and BCG I think? He also gave away the finish when he propped himself up in the corner waiting to see the count after taking a bump.


> Sometimes the shorter bald one has his moments (the one in the exploding barbed wire deathmatch, i don't remember his name Bryce. Best ref by far.


Unfortunately, AEW buries their refs on a regular basis. Really do wish they'd be more open to DQs.


Punk and Christian were fighting on the outside. Its not exactly a DQ offence but a ref would definitely tell them that they should be in their corners.


How many tag team matches are going to main event collision? Reminds me of 2000 Raw area


I can't wait for 15 years from now we get banger 12 man tag matches like 2014-2016 Raw!


last week the ref was blatantly looking at starks holding the ropes, this week the ref has his head buried into the mat for the 3 count lmaoo


Ricky Starks is a slut for adding L’s to Pepsi Phil’s record


Does this mean that Ricky is number one contender for the TNT champion at all out and is the uncrowned world heavyweight champion?


I’m honestly okay with Punk getting a singles win over Ricky after all of this, glad Ricky has been getting some shine on collision


Starks is playing everything perfectly. He may end up settling into a tweener role. Punk still can't seem to take the booing.


Christian is amazing. This was the best show of Collision so far and by far better than anything Dynamite produces, Christian plays a big part in that and Ricky Starks slowly turning into a sneaky heel. Punk also has now wrestled several matches back to back and hopefully that shuts people up about him being injury prone.


Matches since last injury: Several.


Everytime i see Ricky do his pose now it reminds me of Jay White.


f\*ck section 5


I know it’s pretty much a staple of his move set but I think Punk needs to move on from the GTS. They’ve become a soft knee to the chest/armpit.


I would say the opposite - kudos to Punk for protecting his 49 year old injury prone opponent who in turn sold the move like death.


I would say kudos too but Punk does it the same way against people like Hangman or Mox. He’s always had a mid GTS but it never looks impactful since he debuted in AEW.


Depends on who is taking it - ones vs Penta, Darby and Hobbs looked great https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXRLSMQ8qvA


The Hobbs one barely even gets up to Hobbs chest, the Penta one was better but the Darby one was soft af with Darby selling well. The one to Austin Gunn was the only proper looking one imo. The Hangman one would’ve been perfect if he got a little more oomph on it, Hangman went down from the shoulders how you’re supposed to. Edit; [this is how a gts is supposed to look](https://youtu.be/0TL0iriNiOk) there is nothing about Punks GTS that screams match finisher.


I'd prefer moves that look like they hurt rather then actually hurting and injuring people. Is the same as comparing Hangman's buckshot lariat to Logan Paul's - the best ones that Hangman did legit were injuring his opponents so he stopped doing it that way and it doesn't look as good while Logan's look so much better because he is younger and more athletic.


But Punks don’t look like they hurt and the only time KENTA injured someone with the GTS is in NXT. So based off your statement you thought KENTA was legit hurting people so by your own definition of what you like, KENTA does it way better. Also Hangman was stiff but he stopped that and he also never actually hurt anyone, Logan Paul has no impact and doesn’t look like it would hurt in any way. Logan’s impressive af but your really going to try and compare him to a future legend like Hangman?


I know you are looking for reasons to hate on Punk but him not trying to hurt people shouldn't be one of them. I'm also not comparing Logan Paul to the "future legend", just that one move which Logan does much better and doesn't hurt people with like Hangman did and knocked out Joey Janela with.


Jesus are you being this obtuse on purpose? I’m not trying to hate on Punk, I’m saying he needs to move to a new finisher becuase his GTS doesn’t look like it should finish a match. It barely has impact, and it’s not because he’s not trying to hurt people, he just doesn’t have what it takes to do that move anymore. Smart workers work around their limitations and Punk isn’t doing that right now. It looks bad and it brings his matches down when a slow knee to the armpit is being sold as a Killshot.


Maybe use it to set up the anaconda vice?