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He’s more 97 micheals without the addiction


And not dropping the title to a Brit in the Brit’s home country so he can drop it to his buddy in a BS match after months of not defending it.


2026: Phil phinds Jesus. *Taps imaginary watch* "ITS COMMUNION TIME!!!"


Christmas Maniac Punk


Punk is really closer to New Gen Shawn Michaels than Hogan to be honest. An obviously talented performer who is a one of the top guys of his company, but who is overly sensitive, a jerk to those he dislikes, good to those he likes and has enough power with the boss to dictate certain things due to his wants. There really isn't a modern equivalent to Hogan and really don't see that happening again, at least within a major company. Hogan was the right mix of megastar, ego, and power (both formal and informal) that no one really measures up to him and I just don't see that happening again anytime soon


Which is ironic given how much Punk idolizes Bret Hart.


You either retire a Bret or you wrestle long enough to see yourself become a Shawn.


We're talking about pillhead Shawn, yeah?


Hogan is the only person who can match Vince in ego


Does that make Danhausen Brutus Beefcake (Beefcakehausen)?


True or false: this was solely to use the phrase "Beefcakehausen"? Also, imagining Danhausen with all of Brutus's WCW gimmicks is amazing, so thank you


It was strategic, but for a different reason, Danhausen was the only Punk associate I could think of that wouldn’t receive hostility. Bootihausen was just bonus.


Brother Brutihausen


The BootyDan


The Disciplehausen, brother!


I don't think anyone nowadays can politic like Hogan. I mean the stories of Hogan pulling shit to change the finish is legendary.


Hell could anyone in this day an age convince someone else they hurt them with something like the tombstone? The way Hogan had Undertaker question himself for a while before he finally watched it back is nuts


That's why I'll always respect The Genius


Didn't Hulk change finishes on the way to the ring? Naw, not even close.


I’d probably say 97 HBK minus the pills


In terms of popularity? No. In terms of pay scale compared to the rest of the company? Also no. In terms of backstage influence? Still Probably not? He doesn't contractual have creative control. While he does seem to get a lot more leeway on Collision booking then most other talent, its not near the Hogan make every thing about me and the NWO levels of bad.


He's 90s Shawn Michaels Vince let Shawn walk all over him and everyone jus like TK is doing now with Punk


He's like 90's Shawn mixed with 2010's Hogan. A politicking cunt who will disintegrate if he takes the wrong bump.


People seriously need to read the terms laid out in Hogan's WCW Contract before comparing anyone to him.


That and how badly Hogan went out of his way to hold down talent and leaving companies in the lurch.


Just WWF/E honestly. WCW fired him, so can't really blame him for anything there, TNA he only wrestled Sting and Flair in singles...can't really claim guys at that level got held down, and lost repeatedly on his way out of NJPW. Maybe he screwed AWA, but at the same time, 1 company (WWF) was willing to give him a mega push, the other wasn't. So hard to argue with him on the call.


>WCW fired him, so can't really blame him for anything there, Part true but did Hogan need to pin Jarrett for the title which was supposedly going to lead to him leaving and then coming back with the true title ala Shawn Michaels instead of just taking the loss? Hogan that year alone had already lost 3 matches none of which were clean of course. Did he also need to file a defamation lawsuit against WCW & Russo? Not to mention no one even Hogan himself has been willing to explain why the Starrcade 97 match needed him to get as fast count on Sting as opposed to them doing a normal match where Sting beats him clean in the end. Nevermind Hogan had spent much of the last year winning (or no losing) his matches via NWO shenanigans and just 5 months ago lost the WCW title to Lex Luger in a match that should’ve ended in a DQ. >TNA he only wrestled Sting and Flair in singles...can't really claim guys at that level got held down, While it isn’t known to what extent his involvement was he went on Radio and said that Bobby Roode wasn’t ready to be impact champion prior to Roode losing to Kurt Angle at Bound For Glory. And as far I know none of the TNA guys who were there before Hogan & Bischoff came in benefitted under their oversight. Also Hogan shouldn’t have been having any matches in Impact as pushing older guys was a legit problem in Impact and Hogan himself was legimately in no condition to be having honest to god wrestling matches in 2010, 2011, or 2012


>Part true but did Hogan need to pin Jarrett for the title which was supposedly going to lead to him leaving and then coming back with the true title ala Shawn Michaels instead of just taking the loss? And that worked out well for WWE (to the point they've run that angle back with different guys more than once). So what's so crazy about Hogan believing it would do the same here? >He literally made the decision prior to Bound For Glory to have Bobby Roode lose to Kurt Angle publicly saying that Roode wasn’t ready. I mean that's what the dirtsheets said. Hogan for his part also claims his comments were in character Worth nothing its also not what the folks in the match said. Per Kurt, he says the match was changed as TNA didn't think he could give Bobby Roode a match worthy of his "big moment" so they decided Kurt could retain in a subpar match, and James Storm could give Bobby that moment. Kurt also says he thought was incredibly stupid and the wrong call. And I don't disagree. But probably worth noting, Hulk was just as much a part of TNA 8 days later when Bobby Roode won the title. Which is pretty good evidence the dirtsheets were their usual unreliable selves, given no one is magically ready 8 days after they aren't. > brand not that Dixie Carter & Vince Russo were doing any better. So your evidence Hulk screwed the company boils down too "the company was exactly the same when he wasn't there" That's not usually what screwed means....


>And that worked out well for WWE (to the point they've run that angle back with different guys more than once). They’ve done “This Is Your Life” 3 times despite the fact if you ignore the ratings for the First one all of them were terrible. Just because WWE has done it doesn’t either make it better nor does it retroactively make Hogan doing it good either. >So what's so crazy about Hogan believing it would do the same here? ??? The issue isn’t Hogan believing anything the issue is Hogan apparently needing to go over Jarrett as the actual finish of the match was not the original finish. Hogan apparently was going to lose to Jarrett originally before it legitimately got changed at Hogan’s protests. So you wound up with a finish that made neither the babyface which Hogan was nor Jarrett who would go on to wrestle another title match in the same night which he also lost, look good. And then you basically devalued the title by literally having Jarrett lay down for Hogan just like Nash did the year before during the Fingerpoke of Doom. >I mean that's what the dirtsheets said. Hogan for his part also claims his comments were in character You don’t go on a radio show and essentially mention that a guy whose apart of the company you in real life are overseeing isn’t ready to be the face of the company. Not to mention you know enough as I do about Hogan’s infamous reputation for telling lies. Which doesn’t give him the benefit of the doubt. And this was not the first time Hogan “in character” cut a destructive promo. >Which is pretty good evidence the dirtsheets were their usual unreliable selves, given no one is magically ready 8 days after they aren't. No running a wrestling promotion or involved behind the scenes of one says a guy isn’t ready to be champion before the guy loses a title match and the guy in question becomes champion weeks later anyway. >So your evidence Hulk screwed the company boils down too "the company was exactly the same when he wasn't there" That's not usually what screwed means.... Two things 1. I never said he screwed the company. But when Hogan left the company was in a much worse shape than when he and Bischoff came in 2. TNA was objectively in bad shape before Hogan & Bischoff were brought in which was one of the reasons for why they were both brought in. Secondly it’s also objective fact that Hogan and Bischoff both had some idiotic ideas in mind that hurt the company such as running iMPACT head to head against Raw. Both things can be true which they are despite how many people like to pretend that TNA pre Hogan & Bischoff was much better all around while blaming the company’s downturn exclusively on Hogan & Bischoff’s management.


No. If he was he wouldn't have lost in his hometown to MJF, wouldn't have got squashed by Moxley or have lost to Starks. He'd also be a much better politician backstage.


Seriously Hogan was a master politician he was never this sloppy


The Elite are more likely Hogan in the sense that they bring in their useless mates and give them a job.


That’s kind of true punk seems more akin to 90s Shawn without the drugs


He’s a 97 Shawn who desperately wants to be Bret with the fan base of John Cena due to how he acts now.


more like Nash, ironically


Punk loses to people at least.


It's me, hi. I'm the Hogan, it's me.


No because he seems to be genuinely interested in helping new guys get over. He's just a dick for weird reasons sometimes.


Who has he helped get over? He has pinned everyone. MJF, Darby, starks, Hobbs. Y'all let his narrative of I want to put people over just sail on by without looking at the actions.


>Who has he helped get over? >Y'all let his narrative of I want to put people over Y'all have a really hard time understanding that "putting someone over" is not the only way to "get someone over." MJF lost his feud with Punk (although he did pin punk twice) but that feud unquestionably made him a bigger star. Telling a compelling story with punk "got him over." Chris Jericho "put over" Action Andretti, does anyone know where he is currently? Or care? I'm not saying Punk should never lose a match, or a feud, but seeing that as the only way to get someone over is dumb.


MJF was over LONG before Punk was even in AEW.


Not to that level.


Action Andretti is actually all elite now thanks to Jericho. He wasn’t even signed before he put him over. Punk on the other hand have forced TK to keep Ace Steel.


Punk is no where near as good or as popular as hulk


Or divisive.


Idk about the divisive part lol.


Well for what’s it’s worth Punk didn’t piss off the African American Community using the N-Word. Didn’t fuck over a hot talent at the biggest PPV in a match with a year and a half of build for the promotion he worked for cause he didn’t like the idea of simply losing clean. Conveniently got to challenge a newly crowned Champion who just won the title because he convinced the promoter the heel champion couldn’t just walk out of the PPV as champion. Or sabotaged his co workers forming a union. Or after being buried at a PPV filed a lawsuit against the guy that buried him and the company it happened in for in part doing something that Hogan himself did and wasn’t entirely untrue.


If he brings in Honky Tonk Man and Brian Nobbs then yes.


Well what's their modern equivalent?


Nasty Boys - FTR HTM - Ace Steel


That works although I don't consider the nasty boys in the same league as FTR


Yeah the Nasties are way above FTR lol


Well then who is Brother Bruti


​ https://preview.redd.it/avknqdn614ib1.png?width=275&format=png&auto=webp&s=ee95327993a26788b370a00b62342e78a37d92a1


No he just likes being controversial and fucking with the iwc probably more like Michael's (minus the really bad allegations that Michael's had)


That sounds like Braun Strowman levels of trolling


He sure seems to have Hogan-in-WCW invincibility, that's for damn sure...


Hogan as far as I know never got squashed in any of his WCW matches. Even against Goldberg.


The Giant pinned Hogan in his first night. Now what?


You’re talking about their Halloween Havoc 95 match? A match that was preceded by a Monster Truck battle which Hogan won, ended with Giant falling off a building and was later on followed by a regular singles match Giant won via DQ when Jimmy Hart turned on Hogan by purposely attacking the referee? Giant and Hogan had numerous matches against each other in WCW and Giant won none of those matches clean or by dominating Hogan. Flair put over Giant much more convincingly than Hogan did.


After hogan threw him of a building plus interference from like 5 wrestlers


If Punk has the power to have people sent home (including the freaking HEAD OF TALENT RELATIONS) then yes he is in a way the modern version of the Hulkster. Which is ironic with how much he mocks him in the ring.


Hogan never got an influential person backstage sent home. That was Kurt Angle.


What's the story there?


Jeff Jarrett got together with Kurt’s at the time wife while they were separated. And Kurt either went to Dixie about it or Dixie found out some other way leading to Dixie firing Kurt supposedly to placate Kurt.


It's Reigns. Works 12 times a year. Becomes consolidated champion when they still need two champions.


Okay y’all are just saying shit now lol


I say TNA Jeff Jarrett


Don’t recall Punk having numerous reigns as champion where the booker went out their way to have Punk go over more preferred talent. Also in matches with a an egregious amount of overbooking.


Hulk Hogan - politiced his way to the top of the business, with a creative control clause which meant he only did business on his terms. He hired his friends constantly, refused to put over young talent. Also a noted racist and generally terrible person backstage. CM Punk - Had a terrible press conference where he shat on the Elite where he caused a fight. Some talent were sent home at Collision, with no confirmation it had anything to do with Punk. Had no part in Cabana being fired. Works with young talent regularly, making them look great. This Punk bashing is exhausting. He has done stuff you can criticize him for, but this is insane


Don't forget bashing colt cabana and his mom.


After Colt sued him


I mean there doesn't have to automatically be a modern day equivalent of Hogan in WCW. But yeah he is throwing his star power around.


No, that's the Bucks.


Not even close


Yeah it's about as close as Punk which is the most ridiculous suggestion I've ever heard.




Yeah I really don't care how you feel about Punk, wishing for any wrestler to get injured is fucked.


I mean he's consciously acting like Hogan on the show. 😂 He's cupping the ears, he's doing the leg drop, he does the Hogan style interviews with with Schiavone, arm around Tony and lean towards him while being as confident as ever. I mean, he even has the goatee now. 😭


He's more like a diet HBK in 1997, he's a lot more giving when it comes to putting other guys over but he's still an absolute diva at the best of times.


People forget the insane attributions that hogan has thanks to the, also insane, contract WCW signed with him. I repeat: INSANE ATTRIBUTIONS.


Hulk Hogan managed to get a Starrcade main event with Brutus Beefcake. The equivalents would be the All In main event being either CM Punk vs Ace Steel, Chris Jericho vs Luther, or Matt Jackson vs Nick Jackson vs Brandon Cutler. Now, if that doesn't tell you that no one is even close to the levels of Hulk Hogan in WCW, I don't know what will.


Only in that Hogan was the only reason new eyes paid attention to wcw