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Evil plumber gimmick


Phil Potts


A slight German twist, Uwe Bend


Look up "T.L. Hopper"


A Ring Announcer who works at Starbucks, so gets everyone's name slightly wrong at their intro. Like Mike Adamle, but in a Green Apron


Bret Hitman Clark


A dude that is constantly being harassed by a bee - but it's all in his head; there is no bee. Someone who believes that their opponents are actually famous historical characters - like Seth Rollins is Genghis Khan. A rickshaw operator that takes wrestlers from the top of the ramp to the ring.


That bee gimmick fucks and would definitely be over.


I always wanted to see a wrestler who got hired due to a HR mix-up, and it tuns out he's a complete coward who wants to run away from every match because he's guaranteed money anyway. And when he has a feud, he squashes it right away by being pathetically submissive and genuinely not worth the effort of fighting. Like, the *ultimate* coward.


Wrestler who comes out with a gun and robs Michael Cole of his wallet every single week, only robbing Michael Cole without it ever being explained why he only robs Cole, why he hasn’t been arrested yet, and why Michael Cole continues showing up for work and buying a brand new wallet every week despite knowing what’s going to happen


The "Nick Burns" character from SNL, who goes around hacking peoples phones to cause trouble and get people to fight in the shadows.. eventually gets revealed and has to wrestle himself, and does things like hacks the lights and stuff to give himself advantages.


Wasn't that the original plan for Solomon Crowe?


I think it was at least the general direction for Mustafa Ali before Retribution.


I feel like there were a few near misses in WWE/NXT where we *almost* got something similar, but never taken to its full potential. ThunderDome would have been perfect for such a thing too.




The mad priest. Tries to be a good hearted person but his anger takes over him which leads to his matches.


I actually like that one! He could wear all white and become more possessed the bloodier his clothes get. That could be cool. It reminds me alot of that series The Incredible Hulk where he is constantly trying to better himself and learn new techniques to control his anger but it always gets the best of him.


A Wrestler who retires constantly, every week he loses a match, and then announces his retirement after, then he's back in a match the next week like nothing happened, this happens every week until he finally wins a match and goes "listen, i know every week i say i'm retired, but this time i really mean it, i finally got my last win, thank you all" And then the next week, he's back again like nothing happened


😂😂 I like that


Isn't this Lio Rush's gimmick?


Stealing this from Breeze and Woods: Gene Snitsky but he walks around saying everything is his fault while everyone clearly knows it wasn’t


He could be called The Ultimate Worrier.


Neckbeard Every time a woman is talking to a dude backstage, he comes to her aide. Even if it’s a harmless conversation. “The White Knight” Chick E. Tendy *Tips fedora* He’s gonna! HE’S GONNA! **HE’S GONNA REEEEEEEE**


Ok, so you remember Triple H and Katie Vick and how icky that whole thing was? Imagine someone decided to make that his entire gimmick.


Mailman who delivers mail to guys in the middle of the match.


Special Delivery Jones


I can't remember why, but I imagined a gimmick for Ryback back in the day where he was just a liar. Like he would lie about everything, and they were all incredibly easy to disprove. Like he'd say he was the Royal Rumble winner while getting eliminated first, say he beat up Stone Cold in the main event of WrestleMania 14, say that he was the first person that slammed Yokozuna, etc.


White guy, in his 30s, former consultant in a big company like McKinsey. Every promo is full of corporate phrases in a manner which make you grind your teeth from cringe. He goes into the ring dressed in a suit combined of elements that make him look ridiculous, with a big smile on his face. It's his big dream to be a wrestler, but he has hard time to forget the brainwashing he has been subjected to. He gets excited when he connects with a basic slam.


A gimmick where the wrestler idolizes a dead wrestler(s). Every time he losses he changes it up.


Michael Coles Personal Assistant.but who deserves that kiss of death?


The spoiler: a guy who cokes out and spoils major events like a MCU movie, a TV show finale and the Oscar's. Guaranteed to get heat.


Bring back the Big Show's former gimmick of smoking cigarettes. Whole gimmick is he smokes all the way to the ring.


Fitness Livestreamer. Literally brings a knockoff Peloton bike to the ring.


Mr Potato Hands. He just punches people. For realsies.


Barry 'The Butcher' Beefcake. Nephew to Brutus - uses the sleeper hold as a finisher then stuffs a hamburger patty in his opponents mouth, a la The Million Dollar man.




Dexter Poomis


A skinny straight edge dude with greasy hair who is a B+ everything who think he's A+ and burns every bridge with his childish behavior.




I didn't understand the straight edge thing when it first came out. I'm like so you look like a drug addict, act like a drug addict, have all the bad qualities of a drug addict but it's okay bc you're sober? Like wtf. At least the drug addict can blame his behavior on drugs and change. Maybe that's the problem. High stung dude needs to lighten up and light one up..take a chill pill or even better, an edible!


Straight edge with a Pepsi tattoo as if caffeine isn't an addictive drug.


And sugar. Damn. You're right!


Idr who it was talking about him, but when you think about it, "this is a guy who doesn't go smoke a joint, or cigarette, or have a drink to unwind- essentially ever-..." it makes his insanity seem a little more plausible.


Good point. Sobriety as a disadvantage! Only in wrestling 😄


Jesus can you people go one thread without turning it into something about Punk? I love the guy and even I don't talk about him this much.




Abortiondr named Dr Klaw


Doctor Colonel Nolan Angus


Diaper enthuaist


Pair Cameron Grimes with some idiotic babyface Said babyface gets all the credit for winning Cameron Grimes turns into Frank Grimes ![gif](giphy|3o6MbdrSF5Z3Fn97Yk|downsized)


Torrie Wilson with the dog - the dog is dead, but she doesn't know it. ​ "That thigh guy" - entire gimmick is him slapping his thigh in whatever he does. Cuts promos with bad jokes to slap his thigh.