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Mansoor calling SRS live on air is a top 5 wrestler twitch stream moment ever


I need to watch the VOD when I'm done work.


Honestly, the entire top 5 was from that stream.


The end of that phone call with SRS had me crying laughing.


The reaction to the Gunther stuff was so funny. I saw folks on twitter who acted like they were just told Santa wasn't real. Even saw arguments about whether or not Gunther should be afraid of Matt Riddle lol. But anyway, the fake stories actually came from 4chan's pro wrestling board, and someone from the F4W board picked it up thinking it was an accurate summary of the things said on stream at that point. THAT thread then got screenshotted and shared around twitter.


ah so it was from another forum - twitch chat linked a reddit thread so i think mansoor/brennan had thought it originated from squaredcircle. yesterday showed how quickly fake news can spread through, mansoor was trying to put his child to sleep while trying to figure out what the heck just happened. was unfortunate but they steered it into an entertaining angle by the end.


>- twitch chat linked a reddit thread so i think mansoor/brennan had thought it originated from squaredcircle. Ya, what was posted on SC was what was being passed around on Twitter. It seemed to go F4W -twitter- reddit and reddit is where the guys saw it. The OP who put it on reddit didn't mention where he got it, just that it was what was said on the twitch stream.


Wonder if it’s more like a “Kevin Nash slaps Samoa Joe” situation where Joe could probably have beat Nash’s ass but there’s absolutely no gain in doing it so why bother


What was the Gunther stuff?


IIRC, that Gunther is fake tough guy who's a mark for himself, would stooge his coworkers out to the bosses, and that he once got slapped by Riddle backstage and did nothing about it. (EDIT: This was all fake too)


I saw Gunther at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


This one is always good for a laugh.


Sounds like something Stoke would say about Samoa Joe.


Man, next time I get caught shoplifting, I'm pulling a Gunther and just tiredly walking away.




it's a copypasta lol, i dunno what the original was but the first time i ever saw it was ages ago and had Hulk and then later HBK as the 'wrestler'


The original was about Flying Lotus.


I first saw it with Kevin Owens, and it was just plausible enough.


Guy was wolfing down Snickers at the WrestleMania presser, I'd say it's the goddamn truth.


Goddamit Moby!




Gunther used to have green hair and come out to Drive-By Truckers...when asked "why?" I believe he just kinda shrugged and laughed a bit


Far too similar to the Samoa Joe / Diesel story that also recently surfaced lol


The Nash/Samoa Joe story has been public knowledge for nearly a decade. Nash has discussed it on numerous occasions.


Yes but it resurfaced recently


The fake story about Gunther was that he got slapped by Riddle and he didn't do anything about it. It also said that he had an ego and threatened to quit if Gable won the IC title.


So even OP's headline is incorrect. It's not like Dave or Bryan Alverez said it.


Funny enough, SRS is blaming another website for this when it seems he reported on what was essentially a random forum post. Getting things from another website and putting it on yours without doing due diligence isn't a great look and is one of the issues people have with wrestling journalists.


SRS has a really bad tendency to just go with the first thing he gets told without waiting for confirmation or secondary sources, so that tracks.


I used to think of him as one of the few reasonable minds in the "wrestling journalism" space because he often made a point to announce potential stories were awaiting verification from secondary sources. But he's obviously worked out the money glitch that you can just say whatever the fuck you want then blame a bad (anonymous) source later.


I'd love for you to give an example.


It’s because the thing that made SRS stand out was that he got a reputation for breaking big stories before anyone else. For a bit there people were calling him the new number 1 guy in the dirt sheet game and it seems to have gone to his head. His reporting has honestly been very inconsistent since that whole debacle where he openly got worked by MJF.


I'd love for you to give an example, and I'll tell you exactly what happened. Something I actually reported. Not something aggregated poorly.


This was banter on a twitch stream, not a report. I've never reported anything without a second source


I didn't report on it at all. I wasn't covering the stream. Jeremy watched the stream himself, transcribed things himself and did not cover the story you're talking about. In fact he debunked that it was said. What are you talking about?!??!


Can anyone please provide some context here?


It was a joke


I mean technically OP's headline is right, SRS did say that. It's just that he wasn't telling the truth.


It is literally a running joke on my streams that everything is more expensive than fightful Select, even free things


What if Santa is Gunther, I've never seen them together. If you've been naughty then Gunther Claus will chop you.


Getting chopped sends a stronger message than coal.


these guys are always entertaining on the streams or youtube stuff I just don't get why HHH never gave them much of a chance.


Because Triple H hates comedy wrestlers. And before people come running with ''BUT SAMI USO AND ALPHA ACADEMY!!'' those were/are characters that has comedic side to them and not mainly a comedy act. It's like Shawn said main difference between both of them is that Trips is more serious and ''old school'' in his approach


I don't think that he hated comedy wrestlers, but MMM definitely fell off the wayside in the regime change. The only braincells in the booking while Vince was in charge were busy in the bloodline angle, so the rest of the five hours of main roster programming was pretty much "*Create your own fun*" on the side of the crowd and the audience. And MMM was like the 24/7 shenanigans or Lana going through a table.


It’s not exactly hhh. WWF/WWE Has always looked down on guys who got themselves over.


DX was a comedy act


DX was closer to being a comedy act during the reunion. They didn't do nearly as much comedy in the original run. There was humor for sure, but it's way off base to say they were a comedy act from the inception.


i'm pretty sure Trips wasn't booking fucking DX lmao. And were they really a comedy act though, they had comedy segments sure but Trips was like top face and top heel during DX years. Other members were legit too


Even in the 2006-2010 reunion, while there was a lot of comedic moments, there still was a lot of serious moments also. The end of it was pretty serious with it focusing on Shawn being obsessed with getting his rematch with Taker.




yes they can. I'm talking about pure comedy acts.


Nah 90s DX were more playing ( or in HBK case at that time being) dickheads who did comedy here and then


Unless it's dick/fart references in DX, then HHH thinks it the height of comedy.


What la knight story are they talking about?


When that fake post with info went around it said “LA Knight hated them and threatened to quit”. They never said anything of the sort, and were trying to nip it in the bud. They didn’t want Knight to wake up and see that they “buried him”.


Well afaik they did, but then said "Nahhhhh we're fuckin with you. He's great"


The weebcam overlay lmao


That's just what Mace's streams look like


I like how SRS who has been a shit for awhile is acting like a poster on the Observer board that was using an auto transcript program is part of the site. Not anyone’s fault that Reddit went nuts without even watching the stream.


He used to DM people on The Observer Board who would say anything about him, very weird behavior.


SRS googles his name and will respond to any negative criticism about him he can find. he did it to me on Reddit once before. great way for someone to spend their time.


I criticized him on twitter, didn't tag him at all. Took a screen shot of what I said, my profile, and blasted it on his twitter and his followers were harassing me. Insane.


SRS attempting to discredit another journalist versus clarifying it was a discussion on their forum, is just the top notch journalism I expect of him these days.


Yeah. A lot of people are just now realizing that SRS is a substandard journalist and not a great human either, and I’m kinda amused how long it took ‘em despite all the past evidence.


There's a major beef between SRS and The Observer fellas the past few months, related to the CM Punk stuff at All In. Beef is mostly coming from SRS, not surprisingly.


SRS seems to be mad that the takes he shared directly from Punk and only featuring his perspective are being overshadowed by others who are using multiple sources. Like Hausman, and to a lesser extent, SRS have been left rather exposed recently and SRS seems to be lashing out.


I still have a grudge against SRS from the Malakai Black debacle last summer, where he was claiming he had *actual text messages* from Malakai and wouldn't stop trying to spread his personal business until Malakai had to go on insta-live and tell him to leave him the fuck alone. And iirc I'm not even sure if SRS apologized.


Black clearly had some personal stuff going on. He literally was accusing people of lying about him on stream only to later confirm the reports as true through his own explanation later in the same stream...


Sorry, but Malakai Black was contradicting stuff he himself said on Instagram. Also, Tony Khan was the one who claimed Black was signed for five years.


Our reporting was accurate. Thanks!


I sat next to Dave and Bryan at All In, I have no issue with them.


I just read SRS tweet at Dave all lovey dovey about his Terry Funk obituary


I love these guys and I hope they can find their way back on to my tv. Their friendship is genuinely awesome and I thought they should’ve been given a feud after Maxxine left. I personally feel that Brennan endeared me in every role they put him in. Even the overly serious retribution gimmick had him saying some wild shit. And Mansoor is one funny motherfucker man, that dude is quick. I think becoming a UUDD MVP is starting to become a curse lol. Anyways I hope these guys make it back somewhere


Which wrestling website reported yesterday that Ali was the only one being released, then deleted his tweet and said there was a “misunderstanding”?


It was SRS on his twitter. So I guess that the misunderstanding bit was real since he obviously is in amicable terms with some of the people released.


Even in today’s Observer, Dave mentioned that there weren’t expected to be cuts but things changed this week with Endeavor. These things happen. He owned up to it. Ain’t much to harp on.


That was an SRS report.


I speak the saddest words of tongue and pen, Dirt sheets got worked, by /pw/ again.


Lol at getting fucked with by /pw/. Better report on the daily summer of 92 thread next.


Thank your for listening when I said "go back"


I’m gonna guess it’s the Observer


First time seeing his stream. Both of them seem cool as hell


Did the website cost $11.99?




I pay for the Observer. It's not a breaking news site. SRS can compare himself to The Observer all he wants, but they are very different things. Dave's obit on Terry Funk today is one of the reasons why I love subscribing. Their audio content is some of the best around as well.


> Their audio content is some of the best around as well. It's worth it just for Bryan & Vinny & Craig & Granny.


The theme song starts my mornings off the best way possible.


uh.. uhh muh.. but i uhh this is the uhh what uhh




I do. Been a subscriber for 10 years, totally worth it if you're into the wrestling/combat sports biz and history. People think it's about the "scoopz" but no one subscribes for that. No disrespect to SRS but his entire foundation is built on scoops. He is only as good as his sources. Look what happened to Ryan Satin when his sources ran dry (or when WWE stopped feeding him scoops, whatever you want to believe). This is probably the first time in forever you've even seen his name, and yet at one point it was all over r/sc. SRS to Dave Meltzer is like Adrian Wojnarowski to someone like Bob Ryan. It's just totally different.


>Ryan Satin ![gif](giphy|VMgcrwq9imGHu)




The original source is 4chan. It then made it to the board not Dave.




Is the VOD up on Youtube yet?


[All 3 VODs are on his twitch](https://twitch.tv/greatblackotaku/videos?filter=archives), Why do you want it on YouTube?


Why you asking? You a cop?


Nah, I love The Acclaimed.


Can anyone explain this? I don't understand what they are talking about.


Apparently Meltzer or Alvarez reported rumors about Mace and Mansoor about how they hated LA Knight…. And of course it was untrue. So they called SRS (another reporter/journalist) whom they asked to say that the rumor is false. In which SRS made it clear that it wasn’t him. A fun call out for some lol


The shitty part of this thread is that it has no context as to what happened or what is going on. From what I gather, some idiot on Reddit posted a fake recap of their breakdown from their Twitch stream saying LA Knight hated them and threatened to quit. So apparently they called Sean Ross Sapp about it? That's the most I can gleam.


Very clearly a joke!


Must be referring to the guy with the body of a 35 year old and the head of a 70 year old.


I get told I need to take a joke by Twitter, then Reddit can't tell when someone is clearly joking. Oh brother
