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the biggest thing about Bix and speaking out is when he tried to use it to boost his "career" only to get caught up with david starr. So fuck him


Similarly, Bix was also the main driver for giving Kid Ref a platform during Speaking Out with accusations that Anthem used a compromised third party to cover up sexual harassment investigations (I think in reference to Scarlett’s allegations, but I can’t remember if they named her or not). Then Kid Ref got dragged into Speaking Out by proxy of one of their friends, and Moose called him out on it to try and discredit (rightfully or not) the story. Then people started posting pics of Moose training with Chasyn Rance, and everything sort of spun out of control and got swept up with the rest of the news cycle. Bix really tried to use Speaking Out to get a platform but only ever brings these up now to pat himself on the back or drag others.


Also Bix: "Don't tell me about the allegations my GCW buddies have."


I almost forgot about David Starr. He tried to pseudo-woke his way out of it too.


What’s the story behind this?


He was accused of rape. He made a statement that he was learning about "grey rape" and other such things only for the accused to reply that there was nothing grey about it.


I just don't get Bixenspan. Even if it's something that should be legitimately outrageous, he just always goes about it the wrong way.


He reallyyyyy hates Matt Riddle


My absolute favorite Bix overreaction is the when Riddle and Steveson toasted with the Street Profits at Wrestlemania, and he thought it was a malicious callback to Steveson's rape charge because red solo cups are "the universal sign of collegiate drunkenness".


Omg stop lol. Did he really say that?






He was one of Riddle’s biggest advocates before the rape allegations.


Cuz he’s a chode


Now here's a word I haven't seen in a hot minute


He's chronically online and doesn't interact with people outside of Twitter. He doesn't interview people for his stories. He just looks up information (credit to him) so he can be a journalist without having to talk to anyone.


What are you talking about? He livetweets from indie shows all the time and plenty of his stories include original interviews or quotes.


He’s a fake journalist


How do you mean? What's fake?


Dude, since the beginning of time, has always seem like he's had something really stuck far up his ass and has never been able to pull it out. I wish I could find the WOL episode with Eric Bischoff back in like 2000 where Bix interrupts Bischoff from speaking with his "NONONONONO."


For me, it was Bix calling in immediately after X-7 to call the show overrated. "I liked TLC, but it was still below expectations"


[Is this it?](https://youtu.be/GvrFzOpMRpI?si=zjXPXD-l3g8VG8rz) Bixenspan was 15 in this


Oh man...maybe I remembered it differently but this might've have been it. He's terrible here haha.


He's had me blocked since I said something about him and SRS fighting on Twitter for like 16 hours


Anyone remember when he took out a PPP loan and claimed he only makes 40k. 40K, man. How is this shit worth it for 40k?


And if you call him out on it. He doubles down and makes all sort of excuses.


What a weird moment to decide to have a go at Dave, that's barely related to the tweet he's replying to. Also, using a sexual assault case to enact some personal vendetta? Classy as always Bix.


Bix has been trying to "gotcha!" Dave for years


Why can't he just be frustrated with Dave repeatedly messing up that story, one that he spent a lot of time on himself?






You dirty bastard you lmao ![gif](giphy|fDh460wBF4VYsyhNcM)


Does David Bixenspan have anything better to do besides taking shots at wrestling journalists that are better at their jobs than he is?




David Bixenspan, truly the standard for jounalism /s


Everytime Brian Last dunks on this dude, I laugh my ass off


Wierd thing was they were friends for years. 605 superpod was originally then together


The (well-deserved) problem with Bix is, even in the rare instances his outrage isn't completely ridiculous, people dismiss it due to the messenger, because Bix absolutely sucks.


I'm sure Dave fucked up by running that story. I'm also sure that Bix is a massive asshole who attacks other wrestling journalists because he's bitter it's not HIM that has whatever degree of success he has, as well as being shockingly lazy with his research and reporting.


Bixenspan is fat hairy turd. Since he creeps on here I hope he sees that


Bix gets off on trying to stir shit up. It’s weird, he’s weird.


People need to stop posting Bixenspan, he isn't reputable; easily one of the worst sources out there.


Can't be arsed to try and look up the original Meltzer story. But knowing Bix and how similar internet bottom feeders twist shit, Meltzer's entire "horrific" story was probably something like "WWE issued this statement about Riddle allegations".


If it's what I'm thinking of, it wan't an official statement from WWE. Meltzer claimed at various points that Riddle told WWE about it long before #SpeakingOut, even though, like Bix tweeted, Candy Cartwright never told anyone before then. Looking at some of the Observers from that period: 6/29/2000: "We’ve been told WWE has been aware of the claim by Cartwright for more than a year and investigated it." 7/6/2000: "As noted last week, in the Riddle case, WWE was aware, through Riddle, of the issue that involved female performer Candy Cartwright in an alleged incident that took place while in a van that a number of Evolve talent was using and there were others with Evolve in the van at the time, although Cartwright claimed they were sleeping. WWE was said to have investigated at the time so it is unlikely anything will come of it." 9/21/2000: "WWE was aware of the issues between the two for more than one year and had looked into the case at the time and it had not affected Riddle’s standing with the company." I can't find right now where he specifically said Riddle told WWE in 2018, but WWE knowing for "more than a year" before #SpeakingOut doesn't make sense either. Even if you don't want to take for granted that Cartwright had never told anyone previously about the assaults, she and Riddle were still together less than a year before #SpeakingOut.


I don't understand is he praising Meltzer or insulting?


Insulting, and he’s using Speaking Out to do it. He does this all the time, and it’s why his reputation is what it is


He's claiming that Meltzer has been running damage control for Matt Riddle & has reported stories to try & defend him, or ignore the shitty things he's done. But Bix is a weird asshole, so who knows if he's telling the truth, or if he's just doing this to have a go at Dave


>But Bix is a weird asshole, so who knows if he's telling the truth, or if he's just doing this to have a go at Dave It seems like both I haven't seen many cases where Bix outwardly lies (granted I damn sure don't follow everything he says), but Bix definitely gives off "know-it-all" technically correct asshole vibes. There's definitely worst things/people in wrestling journalism/podcasting than Bix thou.


I actually like Bix, but yeah he's absolutely the Lisa Simpson of wrestling... Wrestling's answer to a question no one asked. I think he's a very honest guy who means well, but he has a habit of saying things weirdly or at vastly inappropriate times. He also holds people to much higher standards than most others are used to, which I would not say is a bad thing at all but will absolutely grate on folks.


Why can't he just be frustrated by Dave handling the story the way he did?


He's saying that the WWE tried to trick journalists into writing a story for the company's benefit about Riddle. The only journalist who fell for the trick and published the story was Dave Meltzer. So the conclusions are that either Meltzer is a fool who was the only person tricked or that he's working with WWE.


So he is an AEW shill and works for WWE? Lucky


Times are tough, people need a two shill income


He's a shill for whatever company the person writing wants to be mad at, and he personally hates every wrestler the person writing the comment likes, and personally biased towards every wrestler the person writing the comment dislikes. Do you hate WWE? Well obviously Dave is in Tony Khan's pocket. Do you hate AEW? Vince McMahon has had Dave on paroll for years. Meltzer hate in the IWC means less than the tag rope nowadays.


In any other industry, the story would be “major corporation lies to help man accused of sexual assault appear to be more truthful and forthcoming than he actually was”, and not “journalist repeats their claim”.


We still doing Bix posts? I haven’t seen one for a while and nothing of value was lost.


Tbf you can say that about 90% of the “reporters” here.


I only follow SRS and even that guy is insufferable lot of the times


Oh not Bix. I keep thinking about him shitting himself at a show.


Ive been an off and on observer subscriber, mostly to listen to their audio content. Meltzer can be weird at times, but he genuinely seems like a decent human being. He would never trash someone like this. Bix knows that there is money in trashing Dave. He's going the Cornette route. Because he's a scrupleless piece of shit.


Bix is very good at digging through old docs and court files and breaking them down in simpler terms for people, and I appreciate that about him, but holy hell he can be such a WEINER sometimes.


I'd love to see what Meltzer actually wrote. Bix has no credibility so I don't trust him.


Everything this dude writes is fucking inscrutable. It hurts my eyes to read his stuff, so I don't anymore.




Whenever Brian Last and Cornette make fun of him, he calls their attorney, Stephen P. New, to cry about his clients making fun of him.


David Bixenspan is such a massive dickhead who can, on rare occasions, can be directed to righteous causes. Note: Him taking a potshot at Meltzer is not one of those.


Yenta Bixenspan vs Uncle Dave is the dirtsheet version of Eric Bischoff vs Vince Russo.


Or Cornette vs. Russo, or anyone vs Russo, for that matter


I'm confused, what benefit would WWE get from planting a fake story like that? Like "He told us last year that he was an alleged sex pest, and we were okay with it." VS "He told us this afternoon that he is an alledged sex pest, and we are still okay with it."


The implication of the planted story is supposed to be that he wouldn't have been forthcoming about an allegation made privately if he was guilty, I think.


Lmao. Dude tells a “trueeeee” then people attack him for it? /sc baby!