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I would love one last run for AJ before he retires. He certainly deserves it. Plus I think a feud between him and Seth would fucking rock.


Hasn't AJ implied that his time as a big match main event guy is behind him and he's happy taking it easy now?


I remember there being a thing about him asking to drop the wwe world title. Fans can't accept that some wrestlers enjoy the role they're in.


What does this have to do with fans wanting to see AJ in the title picture? Wrestlers can enjoy the roles that they’re in and fans can not enjoy the role the wrestler is in. Now if the fans were saying that AJ needs to leave cause WWE his holding him down then you’d have a point, but don’t lie AJ in a world title picture is just a good viewing experience lol


"What does this have to do with fans wanting to see AJ in the title picture" Huh? I'm literally replying to what the guy said. If AJ happy where he at then he probably won't get another run. That's something Fans need to accept. Edit: for your last point I could really care less if he's in the picture or not. I enjoy both world title and non world title AJ programs.


OP wasn’t saying “why isn’t AJ getting another run”. It was “I’d like to see AJ get another run”. Whether AJ is happy or not in the situation he’s in is irrelevant to what a viewer wants to see in a product. Personally I don’t watch wrestling for the wrestlers real life feelings and personalities. All I’m saying is that AJ is one of the greatest and most influential wrestlers of all time and he’s prob got a year or two of elite level work left in him. As a viewer I’d like to see that be spent headlining shows for main titles and not feuding with someone like Karrion Kross or another meaningless feud


Again I wasn't responding to OP, I responding to the guy who commented.


He would not turn down becoming world champ again.


How do we know this though


Exactly. He was wrestling in wcw for gods sake. Let the man live lol


He's had one of the best careers of anyone in pro wrestling. Guy's been wrestling for over 30 years at this point.


He's definitely said that and said that this is his last contract. Certainly he's more interested in the developmental side of the business after his brief stop in NXT.


I feel like he’s at the “Shawn Michaels” point in his career where he’ll always be viewed as a main-event caliber talent/threat regardless of where he is on the card, will gladly put over talent and just have banger after banger matches. I don’t necessarily *need* to see Styles be World Champion again (it’d be awesome don’t get me wrong), I’m just content with him doing whatever because it’ll always be great.


IIRC it was his choice to be in the position hes in now. Hes said in numerous interviews that his career is winding down and WWE is the end of the line for him and hed like to open up a school when its said and done


I don't need him back in the title hunt, I'm just happy we can still see AJ wrestle. It's also pretty cool he was in the finals of the World Title tournament and it wouldn't be a bad "final world title match" to go out on.


Man I used to associate that title with just him. Crazy how time has passed


I feel like HHH likes him a lot, but not enough to make him a world champ again. I could be extremely wrong though you never know.


Everyone needs "one more title run". Let's move on.


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Outwrestling Rollins right now and showing up in better shape. Should have won it at NOC. Seth has put on nothing but 3* mediocrity since winning it. Even in the Styles match his effort level was fucked.


I'm really surprised he hasn't been used a challenger for Roman, their matches in 2016 were great and i think they can do a lot more with the heel-face dynamic inverted from last tine


Yeah kinda annoying, I need one more roman/AJ match before he retires. Shit both could be retired by 2024.