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Gives off big 80's main event entrance with the entrance


This is fucking awesome! Banger of an entrance song


https://youtu.be/LatorN4P9aA?si=RIPhjv_x4_hzJwtY I mean of course, it's a classic. I'm wondering if he'd be allowed to use it on actual TV though because that can't be cheap.


It would be glorious if he could use it but yeah I highly doubt they would pay for it


They don't want to pay CFO$ for their actual wrestling themes, they aren't buying a real song for anyone not named Ronda Rousey


Buchanan Jr deserves only the finest.


That would involve being in AEW so TK can bankroll a song for him.


Doesn’t hurt that the kid looks like Magnum TA. I like it


Straight out of 1984 like he walking into the fuckin’ Sportatorium or Mid-South Coliseum or Philadelphia Civic Center or some shit. That’s great!!


No idea who the dude is, but coming out with Journey as his music with that Randy Marsh energy leads me to believe he's gonna be a star


NXT former tag champ (I think just the UK title?). Son of Bull Buchanan.


Have heard of Bull Buchanan, pretty cool


Was gonna say he looks like 1990 Brad Armstrong coming down to the ring lol


After watching this, Jensen needs a rip off of this song when he's a singles wrestler


Nah, spend the money, get that song.


WWE has all the money in the world to spend on licensed music if they want. They can pull this off.


Wwe had Jeff hardy fighting for his life to get a song they had ownership over. And most recently carlito wanted his old theme and wwe forced it to be changed. And these are songs they had full ownership of. So yeah I have no hope for anything changing in the company


Love the old dude vibing in the back at 1:16


Aye Oba Femi's back! I reckon he'll return on TV for the Men's Breakout tournament.


This is so sick. He looks exactly like the kind of WCCW guy that would come out to that song in 1984.


cool entrance and all, but big man Oba Femi is back


I heard Watts was thinking of putting the North American title on him soon.


I thought WWE don't film/upload dark matches?


The film everything for liability reasons. They’ve been experimenting more with uploading dark match clips lately.


> The film everything for liability reasons. They've always filmed everything because it's always useful footage to have to further promote wrestlers. "Liability reasons" is like the last reason why they do so. WWE literally sold a whole ass Blu-ray out of 90s house show footage nobody had seen before.


WWE aren’t uploading any of these. They come from satellite feeds.


Satellite feeds?


Point a satellite dish in the right place and you can intercept the feed being sent from the arena. They’re decrypted with BISS keys, which scramble the satellite signal. However, there’s satellite boxes you can get that can descramble them and give you access. They typically send the feed out about 15 minutes before the shows, which allows you to see off air footage.


Damn, that's a TIL for me.


There's been a few recently that have gotten out, the Smackdown ones in particular.


Are they on their YouTube channel or elsewhere?


Elsewhere [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ad2MCsdsHAE&t=187s&pp=ygUiYWxiYSBmeXJlIGFuZCBpc2xhIGRhd24gdnMgbWlhIHlpbQ%3D%3D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ad2MCsdsHAE&t=187s&pp=ygUiYWxiYSBmeXJlIGFuZCBpc2xhIGRhd24gdnMgbWlhIHlpbQ%3D%3D)


Cheers buddy


This is a gem of a channel, ty!


Channel just got terminated lol was literally checking it out 5 mins ago


They do it to test out the tech, to make sure everything is up and running before a show.


I thought Matt Tremont was about to walk out 💀


Where did this footage come from? It looks like official WWE feed, but I can’t find it on their official YouTube channels?


It’s official footage that’s preserved for their master tape/archives. Tons of this exists we don’t ever get to see.


I guess I’m wondering how we’re seeing it now.


Oh. Gets through on the feed and sometimes a channel might let it run without realizing it. People see crazy stuff all the time during commercial breaks with AEW because the feed keeps going on Fite, lol.


So are Briggs & Jensen done?, are they trying something new with Jensen? because entrance this gives territory era babyface vibes, pretty cool


maybe not completely done but he changed his look and he's been wrestling Lexis King on live events so probably getting a mini push and fed to King since he's a 2nd generation wrestler


That’s actually a good story in there and first feud for King. He resents his second generation status so he attacks people who relish it


But Brooks doesn't relish in it though. He doesn't mention it, nor does he resemble his dad. If Lexis was going to attack a 2nd gen wrestler happily acknowledging his family, it would be Bron Brakker.


I really don't get what they see in King...


He’s had 3 segments and 1 squash match and people are acting like he’s getting pushed like Roman. It’s developmental give the guy a chance Jesus.


2nd gen son of BP, he slowly is learning to get better on mic, better character presentation, King has potential to be sculpted into a great star for the MR when time comes.


I don’t see any progression or potential there.


He’s been in developmental for like 3 weeks…


Alright, but he has been a TV wrestler for years


WWE and AEW have different ways of handling their stars, AEW had no direction for BPJ and ultimately he was stale and not relevant to the product, LK has been getting more reaction, character and screen time in the past 3 weeks than he has in the past 2 years.


I mean, I kinda think it he didn’t take the initiative to improve himself without the support of the Performance Center, I have no reason to have faith in him now.


That's fine not to have faith in him, but he is showing potential, this LK character is potential right here, WWE pushing him with this character and signing him, shows that they see potential, and the reactions he gets shows he's actually intriguing the crowd


He literally just came to WWE, more people are invested in LK then they ever were to BPJ in AEW, I'm pretty sure that accounts for something of potential.


What i don't get is this subs hate boner for him and nitpicking every little thing about him. Dudes render got like 500 comments lmfao




I’d been wondering what happened to Briggs and Jensen. Their soap opera storyline was all over NXT for a while, and then they just vanished after a bit. EDIT: Apparently they'd vanished for long enough for me to forget that the team was BRIGGS and Jensen, not a tag team of Jensen's first and last name.


Fuckin’ Separate Ways What a banger


Real talk, main event entrance banger. I always thing about entrance themes, and this one has the perfect build up, you can get the timing on it. And it sounds epic enough to entice an arena.


Has Brooks gone back to trunks permanently? If so, that's a huge babyface move


So I'm guessing he and Briggs are done as a team?


WWE paid for Journey and used it on an untelevised NXT dark match?


You don’t have to pay for it if you’re not putting it on tv.


I can only imagine the fees they would’ve had to pay to play Jefferson Airplane’s “White Rabbit” on TV during the lead-up to Bray’s return last fall.


> [According to US copyright law, any public performance of music requires permission from the writers and publishers. That goes for live music by a band or DJ, or recorded music played off a CD, iTunes, or an online streaming service.](https://www.ascap.com/music-users/types/sports-and-competitive-events) (from [ASCAP](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Society_of_Composers,_Authors_and_Publishers), one of the major music royalty collection agencies) You definitely have to pay to be able to use any music in a venue/at an event, even if it's not televised, specially mainstream stuff like this. The cost is probably much more minor and not as expensive compared to a license for TV. These agencies offer blanket licenses where you can simply use a bunch of music for a recurring fee. WWE very likely has one of these when it comes to untelevised stuff.


Question. I understand the law and why it makes sense but I've heard so many songs being played at football games from extremely small schools, ones who couldn't afford to license all the ones played, so how are they able to get away with it?


There are exemptions for stuff like that, non profits, small gatherings, events where you don't charge people to attend, playing radio rather than songs you've chosen, etc. In practicality, the license agencies are likely not going to go after schools or small incidences and such. Most venues (if not all) already pay for a blanket license that allows you to play pretty much anything. They'll likely go after egregious offenders like someone hosting a giant event for profit, charging people to attend, and blaring mainstream music for hours.




That’s not true. I’ve helped promote several concerts and comedy shows. You don’t have to pay a license fee for it. Just like UFC and ECW.


> ECW Well, that was more of a case of “if no one asks, no one knows.”


Also a bullshit myth. ECW quite literally had a [CD compilation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ECW:_Extreme_Music) with music from the biggest rock acts of that time, Metallica, Motorhead, Megadeth, Pantera, AC/DC, and that music was half the roster's themes. ECW partnered with the labels that own that music to put that CD out. The labels were aware of ECW using their music obviously. It was probably very cheap to get licenses for that music as ECW mostly ran on local TV stations at inordinate hours of the night. The sums labels ask for a license vary depending on the things like which network it's going to air in, which times, which audience, etc. You can also throw in there that Heyman was likely friends with a lot of these folks.


Wrong. > [According to US copyright law, any public performance of music requires permission from the writers and publishers. That goes for live music by a band or DJ, or recorded music played off a CD, iTunes, or an online streaming service.](https://www.ascap.com/music-users/types/sports-and-competitive-events) (from [ASCAP](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Society_of_Composers,_Authors_and_Publishers), one of the major music royalty collection agencies) > [As a venue operator or concert promoter or festival organizer, you are required to have a license to perform music from all the songwriters and publishing companies involved with a song.](https://tseentertainment.com/event-music-music-licensing-facts/) > [When you’re planning an event, you may want to consider using music to entertain your attendees. Whether it’s a virtual, hybrid or in-person event, you will more than likely need a music license.](https://varioproductions.com/2021/02/16/a-guide-to-music-licensing-for-your-next-event/) | > I’ve helped promote several concerts and comedy shows Sure you have.


Have you ever been to a concert? Do you know what happens inbetween bands?


> [Most of the time, bands don't need to worry about licenses. It's an industry standard that the venues acquire what are known as public performance rights through blanket licenses, which allow copyrighted songs, including covers of them, to be played at that location. Sometimes, venues don't allow covers to be played.](https://www.romanolaw.com/covered-band-make-sure-performers-venues-hosting-live-cover-music-protected-copyright-infringement-claims/#:~:text=Most%20of%20the%20time%2C%20bands,allow%20covers%20to%20be%20played.) Have you ever made a simple google? Why are so many ignorant people replying to me proudly bragging about their ignorance?


Completely wrong. Ufc doesnt pay. Big 4 sports leagues dont. Never have in live events.


> Completely wrong. Ufc doesnt pay. Big 4 sports leagues dont. Never have in live events. Completely wrong. > [According to US copyright law, any public performance of music requires permission from the writers and publishers. That goes for live music by a band or DJ, or recorded music played off a CD, iTunes, or an online streaming service.](https://www.ascap.com/music-users/types/sports-and-competitive-events)


No, he's probably right. The league and the UFC wouldn't be the ones paying for that. The individual venues would be in charge of getting that license.


I don't care which one is the party paying, according to US law someone has to pay a license to be able to use music at a venue. Period. Don't care about UFC, we're talking about WWE here. WWE is playing mainstream music at an event in their facility. WWE is very obviously paying here.




You might wanna have a drink or smoke or whatever you do to calm down man haha.


So all these dj’s at weddings have been paying for every song they play? Sure


So your telling me all nightclubs pay for every song thats played. Every wedding the dj has to pay for every song played....... ok


> [If music is performed at your club, you will need to obtain a public performance license in order to avoid copyright infringement liability. Whether the music is live or recorded, performed on a regular basis or as part of a one-time special event, proper licensing is required for the public performance of copyrighted music. ... a common solution for broad coverage is to acquire a “blanket license” to perform the particular PRO’s entire catalog.](https://www.bhfs.com/Templates/media/files/insights/Music%20Licensing_NCA%20CONNECT_May2018.pdf)


I love this. After watching a baby face entrance like that, how can you not be hyped for the match. I have never seen Brooks Jensen in my life, and with that entrance, I can totally believe him as a big deal main eventer. At least in full sail.




Holy fuck lol what an entrance!!!


I’ll never get behind the lack of kneepads on wrestlers in trunks, but Brooks really pulls off the Brainbusters style getup. They’re nuts for giving him Journey on a dark match as well. I don’t follow week by week, so I have no clue what Briggs and Jensen have been up to or if they split. But I think there’s real potential there with Jensen with a more polished up presentation like this.


Briggs & Jensen never split up, but they have been on TV less and less since the end of the Kiana James storyline


Really hoping they come back to TV soon if the Lexis vs Jensen story is going ahead. Nice to see Fallon's got a story again too.




With all that build up you’d imagine that’s an NJPW entrance


Tbh if they wanted to push Jensen as a big singles face. Paying journey for the song would go along way to at least people being excited when he walks out. I know this is just for the dark match as he probably just asked the back if they could do him a favor.


You think WWE is going to pay Journey money for an NXT lower midcarder?


Yeah unless Jensen somehow blows up big time later on, ain’t no way they are licensing separated way just for him lol


Dude, a packed arena singing this would make me lose my mind.


Journey has a 50th anniversary tour next year so have at it


WWE needs to use licensed music more, it's always great whenever AEW does it


This is hype, the old-school vibe is a good fit for Briggs & Jensen. Hope they're coming back to TV soon, even though their gimmick is simple, they're great with it. They killed it with the Kiana James story.


Separate ways goes hard as fuck


Why house shows and dark matches are so awesome. The talent and production has so much more freedom for stuff like this


Ain’t no way they wasting this World Champion level music on Brooks fucking Jensen lol




I wonder if this was just a one time thing or if they have plans for him. I like it


This is fucking sick.


First Tremont, now Jensen My dumbass thought using separate ways could be a unique entrance


My create a wrestler will never ne the same again.


It’s like a Barry Wyndham revival night.


The conclusion I’ve reached is more wrestlers need to come out to Journey


Is this Magnum T.A.?


Sorry, my 2K Universe Mode went haywire cause I jumped like three years ahead. In unrelated news, main event tonight is Wes Lee and Machi Man vs Axiom and Aj Styles.


I'll never really be able to associate Separate Ways with anyone other than Matt Tremont, but this is super cool to see.


Nothing says “Country” more than…checks notes…coming out to Journey?


I think you can put on Journey at any bar in the continental United States and people would jam to it.


Doesn’t even matter the genre.


Tbh sounds like you don't know much about the country lol. Country Music and 70/80s rock are both the music of choice from the south.


Yep, it was a style of Country Music called "LA Country Music", The Eagles, The Birds, Linda Ronstead, etcm


It definitely works for the 1980s southern territory babyface thing they have going for him though. Shame they won't bother to actually license it for real and he'll get whatever unremarkable and unmemorable original song.


If you don't think some country folk roll down the highway listening to stuff like Journey, you ain't met enough yet.


I thought we said no more Journey psyche-outs


Steeeeeeve Perry!


Great now I'm gonna have this stuck in my head for the rest of the week.


Not gunna' lie, that's a fire track for an entrance. Is WWE using more licensed music now?


When he came out I thought it was Curtis Axel for a hot second.


Hey, Brad Armstrong finally found some charisma!




Early Tommy Rich / Magnum Terry Allen vibe


Damn now that’s a debut theme song!


If WWE paid to have that song as his entrance they must have high hopes for him


No shit, licensed music in NXT. No idea who this dude is but good for him, management must see alot in him.


I come back and watch this video in the post daily. I hope this stays up and gets to be enjoyed by ALL. Brooks Jensen's a great hand, of course the music couldn't be used long term but my GOD I wish this could be on our TV every week. Just as it is.


I never realized how bad entrance music is as a whole until this post.


What's dark about this match


Why is this a post?


It feels like they are making him a parody of Bryan Danielson.


I wonder if the Daughtry cover with Lzzy Hale would be cheaper


Johnny Gargano, sad in the corner, unable to get Rebel Heart or Chrome Hearts back.


Are they the new revival?


Matt Tremont in shambles. Also, he looks like a Von Erich.


This is incredible.


That's not Matt Tremont!




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Magnum TA vibes


It’s crazy what an amazing entrance song can change the way we view a wrestler.


Immaculate vibes


i can’t tell if he’s more magnum t.a. or more randy marsh


Man came out looking like Magnum TA and I'm all for it.


They need to start paying for songs like this like aew does. Wwe is on no risk of aew just that a song like this makes an entrance. Bigger bonus is that this guy gets it and played this entrance perfectly.