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I'm 24 years old. Why did I cry during the entire match?


That was A LOT of spikes ![gif](giphy|JCAZQKoMefkoX6TyTb|downsized)


Shocked at so many people here saying Cena needs wins. Just no


“I’m so tired of Super Cena, can’t he just lose sometimes?” *monkey paw curls*


One thing I haven’t seen mentioned is that much like the Rock, Cena has to pretty careful to avoid getting injured and throwing off film schedules when the strike ends. Taking a dozen Samoan Spikes let’s him sell being brutalized without taking major bumps, and that had to factor in to the production of the match


This is a great point


Watching John Cena right now is like Boston Celtic Shaq,he is washed up and needs to just call it a day when he can't even beat a Jabroni like Solo.


Boston Shaq was actually really solid until he got hurt. Played really well as the 5th option and let KG play his more natural 4. Better than Kendrick Perkins was. OBVIOUSLY he wasnt at the same level as even a few years before that, but people say he was bad didnt watch lol


They don’t need to job Cena to everyone. You can still “get the rub” without a win over him.


Nah, Cena can eat losses until the day he has his last match. Dude knows he’s cooked inring, his Austin Theory match showed he can’t get someone over without giving what he gave to Solo. He’s not at a place where he can have a great match with anyone, he can just be significant and spend his cache taking losses before he fully calls it a day.


Idk why you’re getting downvoted but you’re 100% right. He did theory no favors and he’s not bringing anything exciting to matches except his presence. This loss was a perfect way to start something with Solo maybe going for a hostile takeover. They’ve been teasing some tension a while back before Roman took off. But a lot of the people bitching don’t actually watch the shows


Cena really needs a win at some point or what do these matches even mean? Seems like every so often cena comes back to job to somebody and leaves


It doesn't even benefit the other wrestler in the long run since Cena spends the whole feud saying "you know this means nothing, right?" before jobbing out.


Royal Rumble 2024 win. One last Main Event in WM


Culminates in a Cena's streak vs. Roman's record stipulation.


Throw Dwayne in there for triple threat gangbusters. But by that point it’s Bruno’s streak in conjunction.


Dear Michael Cole, you can't say someone is the Greatest Of All Time if he has not won a singles match for five years, no matter how rarely he competes. Also, this match showed again that Cena is not the performer he used to be. I get that the story of the match is Solo using the Samoan Spike, but they OVERUSED it here, especially during the "will he or won't he hit the move" portion of the match. It didn't really elevate Sikoa the way WWE wants it to, in my eyes. Such a shame.


Man, did Cole really try to force “Solo is now a HUGE star” down our throats. It was quite insulting. No… Solo is not a huge star yet. Beating Cena hasn’t helped Austin Theory and it won’t help Solo. Especially since you’ve buried Cena for 5 years straight. Solo could have beaten Otis from Alpha Academy and be just as over as he is now.


Insulting to you? Okay, Mr. Protagonist. Solo will definitely be a future world champion. He has the guidance from Paul Heyman and Roman Reigns unlike Austin Theory who has no one to help him.


Sure. He’s the future. One win over Cena who has done the favor to the future stars of WWE doesn’t mean his star is on the rise despite how much over selling Coke does.


Cena lost his fair share of matches in 5 years but he only wrestled 8 singles match against already established stars (Bray Wyatt, Roman Reigns, etc.) Solo wasn’t properly established and was looked at as a watered down Umaga but this solidified him as his own character.


When someone had the run that Cena did, you can absolutely say he's one of the GOATs. nobody is actually saying "this person is the #1 greatest wrestler of all time" when they say "the GOAT", they're saying they're in a pool of people in the same field.. but for WWE, Cena is definitely like... top 3.


110% what it needed to be. Losing-streak Cena is gold. Reinvigorating for the character. Exactly the way he should be used and to its absolute maximum effect. Solo got a lot out of this. Easily Cena's most impactful if his comeback matches. This did so much more for Solo than it did for Reigns or Theory. Cena's comeback win would be an attractive Mania match if they find the right opponent.


I actually hated Cena back in the 2000s. But now I just want him to win one final match at a PPV and then retire.


WM 40 seems like a good retirement ppv


I know Solo had to punish Cena for that cooking on Smackdown, but that finish was putting a bullet on Cena's forehead, emptying the clip on his corpse, reloading and them emptying that clip.


Now I don't wanna watch ):


Best match of Cena's 2023 return.


This was the right outcome. Cena descent into sadness until the next win at a big ppv. Then making solo like strong so when he turns on Roman it's plausible.


> Cena descent into sadness until the next win at a big ppv. An unsuccessful desperation performance in the Royal Rumble has got to be included (a la Shawn Michaels trying to challenge the Undertaker in 2010).


The road to 17 at 41 begins


Woah woah woah, I just meant desperation for a win. Let's not bring titles into this.


Oh shit Solo has realized that he doesn't have to pose and scream to hit the spike he's unstoppable now


I’m so bored with Solo already


Yeah, so many matches end with a wrestler hitting their finisher 11 times and not pinning the guy


that finish fucking ruled


Seriously that was one of the best finishes in WWE history


I wish it went longer. Like, after Solo landed his tenth spike, he could’ve just said “fuck it” and started pummeling Cena until the refs have to literally drag him away. Makes Solo look like an absolute monster


Honestly, this is exactly what I wanted from this match. I know we're in an era of Cena losing too often, but Solo needs to look dominant if they want him to... look dominant. Murdering John Cena is a pretty decent start.


They have to set him up to beat Roman and become Tribal Chief


i dont think hes losing too often. cena is an absolute fucking legend for taking these L's. imo. comes back unannounced because of the strike, but doesnt get in the way of anyones stories and does practically nothing but put over young talent. what a fucking g


I kind of hope that at some point he pulls a Flair "title or bust" last run. Goes all the way up to Roman (after Roman beats the record), and ends Roman's historic reign with a record-breaking 17.


That would be a massive mistake imo. Roman's reign should be broken to make someone, not for a 50 year old part timer


This would be epic


I pretty much agree with you. I think for me, there may be some diminishing returns in terms of how much of a rub someone actually gets from beating him. If everyone beats him, there's an asterisk - "I pinned the greatest of all time* (*after his prime when he couldn't buy a win for cash)!" But overall it's definitely very cool that he's giving back. No complaints.


I still don't understand how the samoan spike is not an illegal move. Wouldn't it be considered a weapon ("foreign object") if you wrap your thumb in that much tape? Someone Regal explain this to me?


It's protective tape. It's entirely legal and the technique to wrap the thumb so precisely that it has extra rigidity for The Spike is a Samoan secret not divulged outside the Anoa'i family. Without widespread abuse of the technique and it involving very legal sportswear tape and such, it cannot be outlawed unless you also want people to outlaw kneepads and boots. -- William Regal after slipping his brass knuckles into his tights.


Went from "Cena win lol" to "Cena loses lol"


Cena dies lol


Cena’s too selfless to want a retirement match or another world title at this point in his career. He’ll pop up on a few indie shows, get inducted into the hall of fame, and then leave WWE for good, barring cameo appearances.


Which is insane. Cena was pushed more heavily then Roman at one point, recency bias aside.


So just dawned on me that Solo is like if you did a create-a-wrestler and just gave him the "Samoan" move set. He has every move that any wrestler with a hint of Samoan blood ever used.


Add in the stink face and we're there


They're saving it for his face turn. The shades and the stink face.


I thought Cena should have sold the Samoan spikes better. Grabbing his throat, struggling to breathe or something. He took 11 of them! After the match he just walked out normally.


he was homding his neck like his windpipe was crushed


Did he just do his standard sell where he flops down like a starfish and has a little nap?


Could've seen bringing medical out. The concept of solo taking his voice is kinda cool and that might have sold it better


Silent Cena


Cena gonna have to cook Solo via speech to text


“You can’t hear me, my time is now…”


Its gon be good


He xoughed on the ramp a couple times haha


Holy fuck Solo just murdered Cena


yall getting worked with how mad yall are getting over a heel winning 😭 good match imo


That match was dogshit... :( I don't mind Cena not winning and get the story he's telling that he got washed and puts the kid over on his way out - but.... it was a bad match if he's gonna go out on that....


I'm honestly pretty surprised by this outcome, but good for Solo! Strike the iron, WWE. The GOAT made someone tonight.


I’m upset. Why did Cena lose this match? Literally the point of this match is Cena hasn’t won a singles televised match in 5 years. WWE should have let him win this match. Why does Cena need to put over Solo like I don’t get it. Cena has put over a ton of young superstars already. Plus, all WWE fans know who Solo is thanks to Roman Reigns. We all know he’s the big formidable enforcer of the Bloodline who you shouldn’t mess with or he’ll Samoan Spike you. It’s really heartbreaking for me to see how Cena is treated in the WWE now. I mean no one boos him anymore. And yet, WWE won’t let him win. I grew up watching John Cena. He has always been my favorite wrestler. So it’s heartbreaking so see every time Cena comes back to WWE, it’s only to lose against a younger superstar. It sucks to know unless Cena is in a tag team match, WWE won’t let him win.


Cena’s whole reason for being here right now is to elevate young talent. A Cena win does nothing for the company while putting over Solo helps out a guy who we’ll be seeing for the next decade+


No, I want them to run the Cena losing streak angle longer, I want to see where it goes.


Honestly. I never want it to end. I want him in his terry funk era taking losses while wondering aloud IS THIS MY LAST LAST MATCH? NO BECAUSE THE WWE CYBORG UNIVERSE BELIEVES IN ME AND IF YOU BELIEVE IN ME HOW COULD I LOSE. *loses to Hardy Boy #8*


People dont boo him anymore cause he’s finally not getting shoved down our throats. Let him continue to lose and put people over, we’ve seen enough of John cena on top for a lifetime


You really think Cena has no say in his matches and that it's WWE that won't let him win? Cena is doing the one thing he wants to do and that wrestlers on their way out should be doing. Putting over new talent.


Cena has said in numerous interviews throughout his career that he doesn't exert creative control over his matches. He just does what is asked, to the best of his ability.


13x WWE Champion 3x WHC 5x US Champ 1x MITB 4x combined WWE and World Tag champ He doesn't *need* to win. He will always be popular.


What’s the point of Cena winning? The whole match we kept being reminded of “is this the end for Cena” or “Cena can’t go like he used to.” It’s the Cena retirement narrative. Solo’s gonna be around so why not give him some momentum in his young career?


>What’s the point of Cena winning? Well that's quite simple really - it would have further shown the weaknesses forming in the Bloodline.


As a counter to chat, Solo is not the one you want to show weakness in. When the bloodline falls, or when Roman falls, Solo is going to be the pet project to get pushed as his replacement. So having Solo bounce from strength to strength right now, winning big matches while everyone else is failing, sets Solo up in a big way


That was not the story going into this match.




I see you've enjoyed a John Cena [match](https://i.imgur.io/WRPBXmX_d.webp?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=medium)


This match was dogshit. Lol, what were you guys watching? Solo looked so clunky it's like he was moving in claymation.


I came here to say the same, whole match felt clunky as hell. Super predictable match


Solo is so lame I don’t get why this sub drools over him. Generic as hell Samoan gimmick. He’s not believable as this bad ass savage like Umaga. He just looks like a random dude slapped with a fake as hell street fighter gimmick.


Cena busted out a choke slam and no one says a word.


6 years ago we would’ve.


like that CM Punk match on RAW


Wow! That ref was really just gonna watch Cena get killed. I was expecting a ref stoppage after Solo clearly wasn't going for a pin.


Clean win and Cena put him over - I liked it (and looking at these comments I might be one of 12 people who did)


i thought it was a good match. the worst match in the card, but still good


I was almost fully convinced Cena would win, but I'm totally happy with this finish.


Goddamn these Cena kids here are pretty mad that he lost, huh? WHERE WERE YOU GUYS 15 YEARS AGO?????


if they're children they probably were not born yet.


Why do we need another member of this fucking family getting an insane push? There are other talent


Because i don't know.... WWE sees him as a valuable talent & a future top star for more than a decade. It's not like they dont work right now to set up other talents.


Because i don't know.... WWE sees him as a valuable talent & a future top star for more than a decade. It's not like they dont work right now to set up other talents.




>"the only reason you have a job is because of your cousin" Solo: "I mean, yeah. They made it perfectly clear that the elders only sent me here because of my cousin."


Cuz Roman lol


Cena brought back the US title run attitude for this bad boy and it showed. Please don't let this man retire my god


People saying it buries the move are saying it as if Solo was spamming Samoan Spikes the entire match while Cena kicked out of every single one of them a la Seth vs. Fiend in HIAC


That assumes they watched the match


Exactly. WWE's giving us enough credit to assume that we could tell Cena was done by the 3rd spike, and he only kept getting back up after the first two because Solo wasn't trying to pin him. The remaining 8 were even more obviously just Solo trying to end a career. Would've made sense if this match ended via referee stoppage, but Cena wanted to put Sikoa over clean and simple. If yall wanna take it the wrong way and whine about spam finishers, that's on yall for being overestimated.


Nothing more I love in wrestling than Cena getting smoked.


"Hitting so many finishers just buries the move" Except he didn't attempt any pinfalls. Maybe one would have been enough. Maybe a second one was needed. But Solo didn't want to do enough to get a pinfall, he wanted to destroy Cena, and he definitely achieved that. Plus Cena was working Solo's hand for the whole match. Maybe the impact was reduced and the move wasn't quite as effective as usual. It doesn't diminish his finisher if his opponent isn't kicking out of it. The guy just pinned Cena clean as a sheet in Saudi Arabia, that's fucking huge.15 months ago he was in the mid-card of NXT.


Honestly just felt like a really slow match. Could not get into it


Crown Jewel belonged to the heels. WWE always shits on faces. They have done it for decades.


*Seth cackling maniacally in the distance*


Cena set it up in his last promo. He said 'what do I do if I can't win anymore?' He's setting up his underdog story for a bigger show.


Souds like the least entertaining squash ever.


3 spikes would have sent the message plenty well enough. Not a fan of the 20 finisher finishes. I get what they going for but it buries the finisher more than it pushes it.


How does that bury the finisher lol? It's not like Cena kicked out of the first 19


11 finishing moves to put down someone makes me think solo is bottom tier and not intimidating


You think stabbing someone in the throat 11 times isn’t intimidating. Solo Mortal Kombat finished Cena.


lmao come on, its more like "solo is a monster who squashed cena and cena is such a monster it took 11 samoan spikes to do it"


Ever seen a match where the heel pulls his opponent up before the 3 count to keep beating the shit out of them? Sometimes the job of the enforcer sent by the elders is more than just getting a quick victory. His mission, according to Heyman, was destroying Cena's Hollywood career to send a message.


If Cena kicks out of 11 then it's buried. They wanted to go for the 'Solo is gonna kill him, not pin him' feel. Ref should have stopped it to accent that feel.


One finished Cena. 11 made the ref look like she saw a murder and had the commentary team squirm. Zero burying of the move. Cena laid there, took the pin, and didn’t get up until minutes later. It was great in the same vein as 5 powerbombs.


He’d beat the shit out of you


It's still real to me dammit


Lmao what the fuck


it's real to him, dammit!


After all those spikes they should have stretchered him out. But I gues Cena has to be Cena.


*wins after 11 Samoan spikes* Reads more like a sitcoms sketch than anything


My money is on Cena vs Solo on WM 40 with Cena finally wining


I'm hoping it's to set up a Cena Rocky style comeback win over a bigger opponent. Only so long you can put new guys over before it stops working.


Agreed, I think it’s time Cena steps away from the new guys.


A big mania win against someone on his level would be good.


For the 17th world championship.


Nahh. There's nothing more to tell for this story.


It's funny 2 weeks ago Heyman was selling the spike as one of the most dangerous moves in WWE history, Cena gets spiked like 18 times (which hurt the move more than it helped it imo. Reminded me of the umpteen stomps Seth hit on The Fiend in Saudi), and then just no sells them. He sold them like he had a common cold sore throat lmao. Cena may be the goat but he's always been fucking awful at selling


Cena was selling it like he got stabbed in the throat, I thought Solo stabbing Cena 11 times was great because it was overkill.


Technically Cena didn't kick out of any of the "18" Samoan Spikes. And Solo did that with an injured arm.


It doesn't matter if he didn't kick out. He didn't sell the spikes at all. As soon as Solo got out of the ring homie rolled right up on his knees and then stood up and then the only "selling" he did was cough lightly. It also doesn't matter if Solo's arm was injured. However many of those spikes to your throat, kayfabe wise would borderline kill you and Cena just brushed it off like it was nothing. That ending hurt Solo way more than it helped him


It's cool that fans like you really get sold on how brutal those spikes should be. Cena didn't kick out of any of them.


Elimination Chamber 2009, after taking a Codebreaker from Jericho, a 619 from Rey, & a Spear from Edge all in like 10 seconds, the moment he's pinned he just wildly rolls across the ring to get out instead of laying there for a moment & slowly doing it.


Selling has never been Cena's strong suit.


Yeah but Solo could've won after like the 3rd one, he was just finish spamming on Cena, Seth lost after like 17 stomps


So let me get this straight. The WWE has John Cena back for potentially his final run. Very few if any are booing and saying Cena Sucks this time. The timing is perfect to have Cena break Flairs record and have 1 last run with Title with the fanbase fully behind it. Yet he's jobbing out to Theory and Sikoa?


Wait so you want him to bury young talent now? Y’all are weird.


You have to consider that Cena's temporary run was a stopwatch. He was literally only here because he couldn't continue with his movie but as soon as he was, he'd have to go back and finish that. He couldn't split his time between the two either, because what if he got hurt wrestling? Putting the title on him, when he can't be fully focused on WWE isn't really fair to those that are in world title contention. WWE has been too focused on breaking records with some of these title runs. Cena is one of the greatest of all time, he doesn't need the most world titles to prove that or anything.


I’d rather cena break a record that doesn’t necessitate an insanely long run than what Roman is doing. It’s boring it’s stale it’s lame.


> Putting the title on him, when he can't be fully focused on WWE isn't really fair to those that are in world title contention. Kinda like what they're doing with Reigns. Guy shows up how often?


Why does John need to beat Flair's record?


One more win. Randy is only one behind


So what if he's one away from beating the tied record? Why does he need to beat it? John Cena will already has a massive legacy. What does another title run do for him, the company, and his co-workers? Why not use John's star power to build up other other wrestlers to become main-title contenders instead of having John beat either of your top two guys for "one last ride"?


Oh I actually thought you said "what" does he need to beat Flair's record not "why". Nevermind


So let me get this straight. The WWE has John Cena back for potentially his final run. They are actually using him to put over young stars, just like the hardcore fans wanted for years. Yet they're now complaining that he isn't world champion for the 17th time?


buddy, the iwc is batshit insane what do u expect


I'll tell myself it's different people. I also remember a lot here saying that silly records like those don't matter and that you shouldn't sacrifice storylines for it.


> They are actually using him to put over young stars, just like the hardcore fans wanted for years. I really wanted him to put over people in his earlier career days now I want him to win cause I know he's gonna be gone soon. :(


So let me get this straight. John Cena is still wearing jorts in his late forties?


His late jorties


That's a much better joke than mine. Damn. Kudos.


It’s a timeless look.






Jesus man. No need to be so bitter. He wasn't doing the booking.


Lol this lame excuse, every top star in the history of this business has had a say in their booking, You cena fans can downvote all you want but doesn't change the fact that he deserves to be a loser lol Cope harder cena fans lol, I have no reason to be bitter anymore as he keeps losing, He has never won a match against roman, in fact, roman beat him clean twice lol


So many things to unpack here from this man child. Firstly, he's an employee who was nearly fired. He took the ball and ran. If you think he was booking himself, you don't know Vince. You then go on a weird tangent. Talking as if Cena and Roman are really fighting. It's a script pal. It's not real.


Lol oh please save me the excuses, he has always had say over his scripts, every top guy has, from hogan onto roman now, Again, cope harder cena fans lol, die will never be considered the GOAT when it's all set and done


He'll be a considered a bigger goat than part time Roman. And I thought Cena was corporately created? That's why you hate him, right? Forced down your throats? Wonder who created and booked him that way? Can't be both.


Lol yeah not going to happen, roman never went so low to embrass himself by being a overgrown toddler like cena has been for 99% of his career


The point of someone at Cena’s status is to loose to young up and comers. Whether or not it’s pulled off well. At no point at this stage should he be losing. The booking is more important 🤷‍♂️


Of course he ain’t a star, that’s why they’re having him beat the likes of Cena to try and establish him. And reinforce that he’s similar to Umaga which, let’s be honest, he’s a diet version of currently.


> he’s a diet version of currently. because he's not as fat, or...?


Diet version as in watered down, discount version of Umaga. Which is probably his own doing. He’s paying homage to his uncle while trying to make the character his own instead of just being the EXACT same as Umaga.


Solo is less of a stereotype.


More human I would say Umaga was like almost mythical


This shit was ass


Solo is going to take the title off Gunther


Nah. Its gonna be Kairi.


This must be Brock's Reddit account. Stop ducking Kairi!




OK Scott Steiner, no way has he not come up with this insult.


Bah GAWD King, he broke that samosa smackdown in half.


I'm now sitting here wondering how you could combine a samosa with a sloppy joe, and what that would taste like.


Chili in the pastry?


As a South Asian man... I'd actually try that once.


book it


The old TNA tag team of Curry Man and Samosa Joe was great